- Queries longer than 256 characters are not supported
- You can't construct a query using more than five
, orNOT
限定符 | 示例 | 说明 |
in | jquery in:name jquery in:name,description jquery in:readme | 搜索名字中包含关键字的信息 所搜名字或描述中包含关键字的信息 搜索readme中包含关键字的信息 |
user | user: USERNAME | 根据用户名进行搜索 |
org | org: ORGNAME | org:github matches repositories from GitHub. |
size | size: n | size:1000 matches repositories that are 1 MB exactly. size:>=30000 matches repositories that are at least 30 MB. size:<50 matches repositories that are smaller than 50 KB. size:50..120 matches repositories that are between 50 KB and 120 KB. |
forks | forks: n | forks:5 matches repositories with only five forks. forks:>=205 matches repositories with at least 205 forks. forks:<90 matches repositories with fewer than 90 forks. forks:10..20 matches repositories with 10 to 20 forks. |
stars | stars: n | stars:500 matches repositories with exactly 500 stars. stars:10..20 matches repositories 10 to 20 stars, that are smaller than 1000 KB. stars:>=500 fork:true language:php matches repositories with the at least 500 stars, including forked ones, that are written in PHP. |
created | created: YYYY-MM-DD | webos created:<2011-01-01 matches repositories with the word "webos" that were created before 2011. |
pushed | pushed: YYYY-MM-DD | css pushed:>2013-02-01 matches repositories with the word "css" that were pushed to after January 2013. case pushed:>=2013-03-06 fork:only matches repositories with the word "case" that were pushed to on or after March 6th, 2013, and that are forks. |
language | language: LANGUAGE | rails language:javascript matches repositories with the word "rails" that are written in JavaScript. |
topic |
| topic:jekyll matches repositories that have been classified with the topic "jekyll." topics:5 matches repositories that have five topics. topics:>3 matches repositories that have more than three topics. |
license | license: LICENSE_KEYWORD | license:apache-2.0 matches repositories that are licensed under Apache License 2.0. |
is |
| is:public org:github matches repositories owned by GitHub that are public. is:private pages matches private repositories you have access to and that contain the word "pages." |
mirror |
| mirror:true GNOME matches repositories that are mirrors and contain the word "GNOME." mirror:false GNOME matches repositories that are not mirrors and contain the word "GNOME." |
achieved |
| archived:true GNOME matches repositories that are archived and contain the word "GNOME." archived:false GNOME matches repositories that are not archived and contain the word "GNOME." |
good-first-issues | good-first-issues:>n | good-first-issues:>2 javascript matches repositories with more than two issues labeled
help-wanted-issues | help-wanted-issues:>n | help-wanted-issues:>4 react matches repositories with more than four issues labeled help-wanted and that contain the word "React." |
Qualifier | Example |
in:file | octocat in:file matches code where "octocat" appears in the file contents. |
in:path | octocat in:path matches code where "octocat" appears in the file path. |
octocat in:file,path matches code where "octocat" appears in the file contents or the file path. | |
user: USERNAME | user:defunkt extension:rb matches code from @defunkt that ends in .rb . |
org: ORGNAME | org:github extension:js matches code from GitHub that ends in .js . |
repo: USERNAME/REPOSITORY | repo:mozilla/shumway extension:as matches code from @mozilla's shumway project that ends in .as . |
path:/ | octocat filename:readme path:/ matches readme files with the word "octocat" that are located at the root level of a repository. |
path: DIRECTORY | form path:cgi-bin language:perl matches Perl files with the word "form" in a cgi-bin directory, or in any of its subdirectories. |
path: PATH/TO/DIRECTORY | console path:app/public language:javascript matches JavaScript files with the word "console" in an app/public directory, or in any of its subdirectories (even if they reside in app/public/js/form-validators ). |
language: LANGUAGE | element language:xml size:100 matches code with the word "element" that's marked as being XML and has exactly 100 bytes. |
display language:scss matches code with the word "display," that's marked as being SCSS. | |
org:mozilla language:markdown matches code from all @mozilla's repositories that's marked as Markdown. | |
size: n | function size:>10000 language:python matches code with the word "function," written in Python, in files that are larger than 10 KB. |
filename: FILENAME | filename:linguist matches files named "linguist." |
filename:.vimrc commands matches .vimrc files with the word "commands." | |
filename:test_helper path:test language:ruby matches Ruby files named test_helper within the test directory. | |
extension: EXTENSION | form path:cgi-bin extension:pm matches code with the word "form," under cgi-bin , with the .pm file extension. |
icon size:>200000 extension:css matches files larger than 200 KB that end in .css and have the word "icon." |
Qualifier | Example |
type:user | mike in:name created:<2011-01-01 type:user matches personal accounts named "mike" that were created before 2011. |
type:org | data in:email type:org matches organizations with the word "data" in their email. |
in:login | kenya in:login matches users with the word "kenya" in their username. |
in:fullname | bolton in:fullname matches users whose real name contains the word "bolton." |
in:email | data in:email matches users with the word "data" in their email. |
repos: n | repos:>9000 matches users whose repository count is over 9,000. |
bert repos:10..30 matches users with the word "bert" in their username or real name who own 10 to 30 repositories. | |
location: LOCATION | repos:1 location:iceland matches users with exactly one repository that live in Iceland. |
language: LANGUAGE | language:javascript location:russia matches users in Russia with a majority of their repositories written in JavaScript. |
jenny language:javascript in:fullname matches users with JavaScript repositories whose full name contains the word "jenny." | |
created: YYYY-MM-DD | created:<2011-01-01 matches users that joined before 2011. |
created:>=2013-05-11 matches users that joined at or after May 11th, 2013. | |
created:2013-03-06 location:london matches users that joined on March 6th, 2013, who list their location as London. | |
created:2010-01-01..2011-01-01 john in:login matches users that joined between 2010 and 2011 with the word "john" in their username. | |
followers: n | followers:>=1000 matches users with 1,000 or more followers. |
sparkle followers:1..10 matches users with between 1 and 10 followers, with the word "sparkle" in their name. |
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