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【论文总结】Towards Open World Object Detection(附翻译)

towards open world object detection

Towards Open World Object Detection 开放世界的目标检测


代码地址:GitHub - JosephKJ/OWOD: (CVPR 2021 Oral) Open World Object Detection




  1. 取二阶段目标检测网络某个中间层的特征向量作为隐空间变量,对于每个类别都有一个聚类中心,通过一个loss函数来希望每个图片的这个特征离自己类别的聚类中心近一点,离其它类别的远一点
  2. 通过最小化loss函数,来获得一种效果:在这个隐空间中,相同类别的ROI,其隐变量分布在较近的距离,而不同类别的较远。因此当一个ROI的隐变量离所有已知类别的聚类都很远时,说明这个ROIunknown类,也即未标注类别









Humans have a natural instinct to identify unknown object instances in their environments. The intrinsic curiosity about these unknown instances aids in learning about them, when the corresponding knowledge is eventually available. This motivates us to propose a novel computer vision problem called: ‘Open World Object Detection’, where a model is tasked to: 1) identify objects that have not been introduced to it as ‘unknown’, without explicit supervision to do so, and 2) incrementally learn these identified unknown categories without forgetting previously learned classes, when the corresponding labels are progressively received. We formulate the problem, introduce a strong evaluation protocol and provide a novel solution, which we call ORE: Open World Object Detector, based on contrastive clustering and energy based unknown identification. Our experimental evaluation and ablation studies analyse the efficacy of ORE in achieving Open World objectives. As an interesting by-product, we find that identifying and characterizing unknown instances helps to reduce confusion in an incremental object detection setting, where we achieve state-of the-art performance, with no extra methodological effort. We hope that our work will attract further research into this newly identified, yet crucial research direction.


I  介绍

Deep learning has accelerated progress in Object Detection research [13, 53, 18, 30, 51], where a model is tasked to identify and localise objects in an image. All existing approaches work under a strong assumption that all the classes that are to be detected would be available at training phase. Two challenging scenarios arises when we relax this assumption: 1) A test image might contain objects from unknown classes, which should be classified as unknown. 2) As and when information (labels) about such identified unknowns become available, the model should be able to incrementally learn the new class. Research in developmental psychology [40, 35] finds out that the ability to identify what one doesn’t know, is key in captivating curiosity. Such a curiosity fuels the desire to learn new things [8, 15]. This motivates us to propose a new problem where a model should be able to identify instances of unknown objects as unknown and subsequently learns to recognise them when training data progressively arrives, in a unified way. We call this problem setting as Open World Object Detection.

深度学习加速了目标检测研究的进展[1353183051],模型的任务是识别和定位图像中的目标。所有现有的方法都是在一个重要假设下工作的,即所有要检测的类在训练阶段都是可用的。当我们放宽这一假设时,出现了两个具有挑战性的场景:1)测试图像可能包含来自未知类的目标,这些目标应该被分类为未知。2) 当有关这些已识别未知项的信息(标签)可用时,模型应该能够增量地学习新类。发展心理学的研究[40,35]发现,辨别自己不知道的东西的能力是吸引好奇心的关键。这种好奇心激发了人们学习新事物的欲望[8,15]。这促使我们提出一个新的问题,即模型应该能够将未知的实例识别为未知目标,然后在训练数据以统一的方式逐渐到达时学习识别它们。我们把这个问题称为开放世界目标检测。

The number of classes that are annotated in standard vision datasets like Pascal VOC [9] and MS-COCO [31] are very low (20 and 80 respectively) when compared to the infinite number of classes that are present in the open world. Recognising an unknown as an unknown requires strong generalization. Scheirer et al. [56] formalises this as Open Set classification problem. Henceforth, various methodologies (using 1-vs-rest SVMs and deep learning models) has been formulated to address this challenging setting. Bendale et al. [2] extends Open Set to an Open World classification setting by additionally updating the image classifier to recognise the identified new unknown classes. Interestingly, as seen in Fig. 1, Open World object detection is unexplored, owing to the difficulty of the problem setting.

与开放世界中存在的无限数量的类相比,标准视觉数据集(如Pascal VOC[9]MS-COCO[31])中注释的类的数量非常少(分别为2080)。将未知目标识别为未知需要很强的泛化能力。Scheirer等人[56]将其形式化为开集分类问题。从今以后,各种方法(使用1-vs-rest支持向量机和深度学习模型)都被用来解决这一具有挑战性的问题。Bendale等人[2]通过额外更新图像分类器来识别新未知类别,将开放集扩展到开放世界分类设置。有趣的是,如图1所示,由于问题的困难,开放世界目标检测还未被探索。

Figure 1: Open World Object Detection is a novel problem that has not been formally defined and addressed so far. Though related to the Open Set and Open World classification, Open World Object Detection offers its own unique challenges, which when addressed, improves the practicality of object detectors. 1:开放世界目标检测(※)是一个到目前为止还没有正式定义和解决的新问题。虽然与开放集和开放世界分类相关,但开放世界目标检测有其独特的挑战性,当解决这些问题时,提高了目标检测器的实用性。

The advances in Open Set and Open World image classification cannot be trivially adapted to Open Set and Open World object detection, because of a fundamental difference in the problem setting: The object detector is trained to detect unknown objects as background. Instances of many unknown classes would have been already introduced to the object detector along with known objects. As they are not labelled, these unknown instances would be explicitly learned as background, while training the detection model. Dhamija et al. [7] finds that even with this extra training signal, the state-of-the-art object detectors results in false positive detections, where the unknown objects end up being classified as one of the known classes, often with very high probability. Miller et al. [42] proposes to use dropout sampling to get an estimate of the uncertainty of the object detection prediction. This is the only peer-reviewed research work in the open set object detection literature. Our proposed Open World Object Detection goes a step further to incrementally learn the new classes, once they are detected as unknown and an oracle provides labels for the objects of interest among all the unknowns. To the best of our knowledge this has not been tried in the literature. Fig. 1 shows a taxonomy of existing research work in this space


The Open World Object Detection setting is much more natural than the existing closed-world, static-learning setting. The world is diverse and dynamic in the number, type and configurations of novel classes. It would be naive to assume that all the classes to expect at inference are seen during training. Practical deployments of detection systems in robotics, self-driving cars, plant phenotyping, healthcare and surveillance cannot afford to have complete knowledge on what classes to expect at inference time, while being trained in-house. The most natural and realistic behavior that one can expect from an object detection algorithm deployed in such settings would be to confidently predict an unknown object as unknown, and known objects into the corresponding classes. As and when more information about the identified unknown classes becomes available, the system should be able to incorporate them into its existing knowledge base. This would define a smart object detection system, and ours is an effort towards achieving this goal.


The key contributions of our work are:
• We introduce a novel problem setting, Open World Object Detection, which models the real-world more closely.
• We develop a novel methodology, called ORE, based on contrastive clustering, an unknown-aware proposal network and energy based unknown identification to address the challenges of open world detection.
• We introduce a comprehensive experimental setting, which helps to measure the open world characteristics of an object detector, and benchmark ORE on it against competitive baseline methods.
• As an interesting by-product, the proposed methodology achieves state-of-the-art performance on Incremental Object Detection, even though not primarily designed for it

  • 我们引入了一种新的问题设置,即开放世界目标检测,它可以更紧密地模拟现实世界。
  • 我们开发了一种新的方法,称为ORE,基于对比聚类、未知感知建议网络和基于能量的未知识别来应对开放世界检测的挑战。
  • 我们引入了一个全面的实验环境,有助于测量目标探测器的开放世界特性,并将ORE与竞争性基线方法进行比较。
  • 作为一个有趣的副产品,所提出的方法在增量目标检测方面实现了最先进的性能,尽管主要不是为其设计的

II  相关工作

Open Set Classification: The open set setting considers knowledge acquired through training set to be incomplete, thus new unknown classes can be encountered during testing. Scheirer et al. [57] developed open set classifiers in a one-vs-rest setting to balance the performance and the risk of labeling a sample far from the known training examples (termed as open space risk). Follow up works [22, 58] extended the open set framework to multi-class classifier setting with probabilistic models to account for the fading away classifier confidences in case of unknown classes.


Bendale and Boult [3] identified unknowns in the feature space of deep networks and used a Weibull distribution to estimate the set risk (called OpenMax classifier). A generative version of OpenMax was proposed in [12] by synthesizing novel class images. Liu et al. [34] considered a long-tailed recognition setting where majority, minority and unknown classes coexist. They developed a metric learning framework identify unseen classes as unknown. In similar spirit, several dedicated approaches target on detecting the out of distribution samples [29] or novelties [47]. Recently, self-supervised learning [45] and unsupervised learning with reconstruction [64] have been explored for open set recognition. However, while these works can recognize unknown instances, they cannot dynamically update themselves in an incremental fashion over multiple training episodes. Further, our energy based unknown detection approach has not been explored before.


Open World Classification: [2] first proposed the open world setting for image recognition. Instead of a static classifier trained on a fixed set of classes, they proposed a more flexible setting where knowns and unknowns both coexist. The model can recognize both types of objects and adaptively improve itself when new labels for unknown are provided. Their approach extends Nearest Class Mean classifier to operate in an open world setting by re-calibrating the class probabilities to balance open space risk. [46] studies open world face identity learning while [63] proposed to use an exemplar set of seen classes to match them against a new sample, and rejects it in case of a low match with all previously known classes. However, they don’t test on image classification benchmarks and study product classification in e-commerce applications.


Open Set Detection: Dhamija et al. [7] formally studied the impact of open set setting on popular object detectors. They noticed that the state of the art object detectors often classify unknown classes with high confidence to seen classes. This is despite the fact that the detectors are explicitly trained with a background class [54, 13, 32] and/or apply one-vs-rest classifiers to model each class [14, 30]. A dedicated body of work [42, 41, 16] focuses on developing measures of (spatial and semantic) uncertainty in object detectors to reject unknown classes. E.g., [42, 41] uses Monte Carlo Dropout [11] sampling in a SSD detector to obtain uncertainty estimates. These methods, however, cannot incrementally adapt their knowledge in a dynamic world.


III  开放世界目标检测

Let us formalise the definition of Open World Object Detection in this section. At any time t, we consider the set of known object classes as Kt = {1; 2; ...; C} N+ where N+ denotes the set of positive integers. In order to realistically model the dynamics of real world, we also assume that their exists a set of unknown classes U = {C + 1; ...}, which may be encountered during inference. The known object classes Kt are assumed to be labeled in the dataset Dt = {Xt; Yt} where X and Y denote the input images and labels respectively. The input image set comprises of M training images, Xt = {I1; ... ; IM} and associated object labels for each image forms the label set Yt ={Y1; ... ; YM}. Each Yi = {y1; y2; ...; yK} encodes a set of K object instances with their class labels and locations i.e., yk = [lk; xk; yk; wk; hk], where lk Kt and xk; yk; wk; hk denote the bounding box center coordinates, width and height respectively.

在本节中正式定义开放世界目标检测。在任意时刻t,我们将已知的目标类集记为Kt={1;2;..;C}⊂N+,其中N+表示正整数集。为了真实地模拟现实世界的动态,我们还假设它们存在一组未知的类U={C+1;…},这在推理过程中可能会遇到。假设已知目标类Kt在数据集Dt={Xt;Yt}中被标记,其中X和Y分别表示输入图像和标签输入图像集由M个训练图像组成Xt={I1;...;IM}和每个图像的相关目标标签组成标签集Yt={Y1;...;YM}。每个Yi={y1y2;...;yK}编码一组K目标实例及其类标签和位置,即yK=[lk;xk;yK;wk;hk],其中lk Ktxk;yK;wk;hk分别表示边界框的中心坐标、宽度和高度

The Open World Object Detection setting considers an object detection model MC that is trained to detect all the previously encountered C object classes. Importantly, the model MC is able to identify a test instance belonging to any of the known C classes, and can also recognize a new or unseen class instance by classifying it as an unknown, denoted by a label zero (0). The unknown set of instances Ut can then be forwarded to a human user who can identify n new classes of interest (among a potentially large number of unknowns) and provide their training examples. The learner incrementally adds n new classes and updates itself to produce an updated model MC+n without retraining from scratch on the whole dataset. The known class set is also updated Kt+1 = Kt + {C + 1; ...; C + n}. This cycle continues over the life of the object detector, where it adaptively updates itself with new knowledge. The problem setting is illustrated in the top row of Fig. 2.


Figure 2: Approach Overview: Top row: At each incremental learning step, the model identifies unknown objects (denoted by ‘?’), which are progressively labelled (as blue circles) and added to the existing knowledge base (green circles). Bottom row: Our open world object detection model identifies potential unknown objects using an energy-based classification head and the unknown-aware RPN. Further, we perform contrastive learning in the feature space to learn discriminative clusters and can flexibly add new classes in a continual manner without forgetting the previous classes.  2:方法概述:顶行:在每个增量学习步骤中,模型识别未知目标(用''),逐步标记(蓝色圆圈)并添加到现有知识库(绿色圆圈)。底层:我们的开放世界目标检测模型使用基于能量的分类头和未知感知的RPN来识别潜在的未知目标。此外,我们在特征空间中进行对比学习来判别类,并且可以灵活地连续添加新的类而不会忘记以前的类。

IV  ORE: Open World Object Detector 开放世界目标检测器

A successful approach for Open World Object Detection should be able to identify unknown instances without explicit supervision and defy forgetting of earlier instances when labels of these identified novel instances are presented to the model for knowledge upgradation (without retraining from scratch). We propose a solution, ORE which addresses both these challenges in a unified manner.

Neural networks are universal function approximators [21], which learn a mapping between an input and the output through a series of hidden layers. The latent representation learned in these hidden layers directly controls how each function is realised. We hypothesise that learning clear discrimination between classes in the latent space of object detectors could have two fold effect. First, it helps the model to identify how the feature representation of an unknown instance is different from the other known instances, which helps identify an unknown instance as a novelty. Second, it facilitates learning feature representations for the new class instances without overlapping with the previous classes in the latent space, which helps towards incrementally learning without forgetting. The key component that helps us realise this is our proposed contrastive clustering in the latent space, which we elaborate in Sec. 4.1.


To optimally cluster the unknowns using contrastive clustering, we need to have supervision on what an unknown instance is. It is infeasible to manually annotate even a small subset of the potentially infinite set of unknown classes. To counter this, we propose an auto-labelling mechanism based on the Region Proposal Network [53] to pseudo-label unknown instances, as explained in Sec. 4.2. The inherent separation of auto-labelled unknown instances in the latent space helps our energy based classification head to differentiate between the known and unknown instances. As elucidated in Sec. 4.3, we find that Helmholtz free energy is higher for unknown instances.

为了使用对比聚类法对未知数据进行最佳聚类,我们需要对未知实例进行监督。手动注释无限集合中未知类的一小部分是不可行的。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种基于区域建议网络[53]的自动标记机制来伪标记未知实例,如第4.2节所述。 潜在空间中自动标记的未知实例的固有分离有助于我们基于能量的分类头区分已知和未知实例。如第4.3节,我们发现在未知情况下,亥姆霍兹自由能较高。

Fig. 2 shows the high-level architectural overview of ORE. We choose Faster R-CNN [53] as the base detector as Dhamija et al. [7] has found that it has better open set performance when compared against one-stage RetinaNet detector [30] and objectness based YOLO detector [51]. Faster R-CNN [53] is a two stage object detector. In the first stage, a class-agnostic Region Proposal Network (RPN) proposes potential regions which might have an object from the feature maps coming from a shared backbone network. The second stage classifies and adjusts the bounding box coordinates of each of the proposed region. The features that are generated by the residual block in the Region of Interest (RoI) head are contrastively clustered. The RPN and the classification head is adapted to auto-label and identify unknowns respectively. We explain each of these coherent constituent components, in the following subsections:

2显示了ORE的高级架构概述。我们选择Faster R-CNN[53]作为基本检测器,因为Dhamija等人[7]发现,与单级RetinaNet检测器[30]和基于对象的YOLO检测器[51]相比,它具有更好的开集性能。Faster R-CNN[53]是一个两级目标探测器。在第一阶段中,类无关区域建议网络(RPN)提出可能具有来自共享主干网络的特征映射的目标的潜在区域。第二阶段对每个区域的边界框坐标进行分类和调整。对感兴趣区域(RoI)模块其他部分生成的特征进行对比聚类。RPN和分类头分别用于自动标注和识别未知量。我们将在以下小节中解释这些连贯的组成部分:

4.1. Contrastive Clustering对比聚类

Class separation in the latent space would be an ideal characteristic for an Open World methodology to identify unknowns. A natural way to enforce this would be to model it as a contrastive clustering problem, where instances of same class would be forced to remain close-by, while instances of dissimilar class would be pushed far apart.


For each known class iKt, we maintain a prototype vector pi. Let fcRd be a feature vector that is generated by an intermediate layer of the object detector, for an object of class c. We define the contrastive loss as follows:

对于每个已知类iKt,我们有一个原型向量pi fcRd为特征检测器的中间层为c类物体生成的特征向量。 我们将对比损失定义如下:

where D is any distance function and defines how close a similar and dissimilar item can be. Minimizing this loss would ensure the desired class separation in the latent space.

Mean of feature vectors corresponding to each class is used to create the set of class prototypes: P = fp0 · · · pCg. Maintaining each prototype vector is a crucial component of ORE. As the whole network is trained end-to-end, the class prototypes should also gradually evolve, as the constituent features change gradually (as stochastic gradient descent updates weights by a small step in each iteration). We maintain a fixed-length queue qi, per class for storing the corresponding features. A feature store Fstore = fq0 · · · qCg, stores the class specific features in the corresponding queues. This is a scalable approach for keeping track of how the feature vectors evolve with training, as the number of feature vectors that are stored is bounded by C × Q, where Q is the maximum size of the queue.

Algorithm 1 provides an overview on how class prototypes are managed while computing the clustering loss. We start computing the loss only after a certain number of burnin iterations (Ib) are completed. This allows the initial feature embeddings to mature themselves to encode class information. Since then, we compute the clustering loss using Eqn. 1. After every Ip iterations, a set of new class prototypes Pnew is computed (line 8). Then the existing prototypes P are updated by weighing P and Pnew with a momentum parameter η. This allows the class prototypes to evolve gradually keeping track of previous context. The computed clustering loss is added to the standard detection loss and back-propagated to learn the network end-to-end.


4.2. Auto-labelling Unknowns with RPN使用RPN自动标记未知

While computing the clustering loss with Eqn. 1, we contrast the input feature vector fc against prototype vectors, which include a prototype for unknown objects too (c 2 f0; 1; ::; Cg where 0 refers to the unknown class). This would require unknown object instances to be labelled with unknown ground truth class, which is not practically feasible owing to the arduous task of re-annotating all instances of each image in already annotated large-scale datasets.


As a surrogate, we propose to automatically label some of the objects in the image as a potential unknown object. For this, we rely on the fact that Region Proposal Network (RPN) is class agnostic. Given an input image, the RPN generates a set of bounding box predictions for foreground and background instances, along with the corresponding objectness scores. We label those proposals that have high objectness score, but do not overlap with a ground-truth object as a potential unknown object. Simply put, we select the top-k background region proposals, sorted by its objectness scores, as unknown objects. This seemingly simple heuristic achieves good performance as demonstrated in Sec. 5.

作为代理,我们建议自动将图像中的一些目标标记为潜在的未知目标。为此,我们使用区域建议网络(RPN)因为它与类无关。给定一个输入图像,RPN为前景和背景实例生成一组边界框预测,以及相应的目标得分。我们将那些具有高目标性得分,但不与ground truth重叠的区域标记为潜在未知目标。简单地说,我们选择top-k背景区域方案,按其目标得分排序,作为未知对象。就如第五部分所讲,这个看似简单的启发式方法可以获得很好的性能

4.3. Energy Based Unknown Identifier 基于能量的未知目标识别

Given the features (f F) in the latent space F and their corresponding labels l L, we seek to learn an energy function E(F; L). Our formulation is based on the Energy based models (EBMs) [26] that learn a function E(·) to estimates the compatibility between observed variables F and possible set of output variables L using a single output scalar i.e., E(f) : Rd R. The intrinsic capability of EBMs to assign low energy values to in-distribution data and vice-versa motivates us to use an energy measure to characterize whether a sample is from an unknown class.

Specifically, we use the Helmholtz free energy formulation where energies for all values in L are combined


where T is the temperature parameter. There exists a simple relation between the network outputs after the softmax layer and the Gibbs distribution of class specific energy values [33]. This can be formulated as


where p(l|f) is the probability density for a label l, gl(f) is the lth classification logit of the classification head g(:). Using this correspondence, we define free energy of our classification models in terms of their logits as follows:


The above equation provides us a natural way to transform the classification head of the standard Faster R-CNN [53] to an energy function. Due to the clear separation that we enforce in the latent space with the contrastive clustering, we see a clear separation in the energy level of the known class data-points and unknown data-points as illustrated in Fig. 3. In light of this trend, we model the energy distribution of the known and unknown energy values ξkn(f) and ξunk(f), with a set of shifted Weibull distributions. These distributions were found to fit the energy data of a held out validation set very well, when compared to Gamma, Exponential and Normal distributions. The learned distributions can be used to label a prediction as unknown if ξkn(f) < ξunk(f).

上面的公式为我们提供了一种自然的方法,将Faster R-CNN[53]的分类头转换为能量函数。由于我们使用对比聚类在潜在空间中实施的清晰分离,我们看到如图3所示的已知类数据点和未知数据点的能级中的清晰分离。根据这一趋势,我们用一组移位的Weibull分布来模拟已知和未知能量值ξkn(f)和ξ∗(f)的能量分布。与伽马分布、指数分布和正态分布相比,这些分布与验证集的能量数据非常吻合。如果ξkn(f)<ξunk(f),则学习的分布可用于将预测标记为未知

Figure 3: The energy values of the known and unknown datapoints exhibit clear separation as seen above. We fit a Weibull distribution on each of them and use these for identifying unseen known and unknown samples, as explained in Sec. 4.3.     3:如上图所示,已知和未知数据点的能量值显示出明显的分离。我们在每个样本上拟合一个威布尔分布,并用这些来识别未知样本和未知样本,如第4.3节所述

4.4. Alleviating Forgetting 减缓遗忘

After the identification of unknowns, an important requisite for an open world detector is to be able to learn new classes, when the labeled examples of some of the unknown classes of interest are provided. Importantly, the training data for the previous tasks will not be present at this stage since retraining from scratch is not a feasible solution. Training with only the new class instances will lead to catastrophic forgetting [39, 10] of the previous classes. We note that a number of involved approaches have been developed to alleviate such forgetting, including methods based on parameter regularization [1, 23, 28, 65], exemplar replay [5, 50, 36, 4], dynamically expanding networks [38, 59, 55] and meta-learning [49, 24].


We build on the recent insights from [48, 25, 61] which compare the importance of example replay against other more complex solutions. Specifically, Prabhu et al. [48] retrospects the progress made by the complex continual learning methodologies and show that a greedy exemplar selection strategy for replay in incremental learning consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Knoblauch et al. [25] develops a theoretical justification for the unwarranted power of replay methods. They prove that an optimal continual learner solves an NP-hard problem and requires infinite memory. The effectiveness of storing few examples and replaying has been found effective in the related few-shot object detection setting by Wang et al. [61]. These motivates us to use a relatively simple methodology for ORE to mitigate forgetting i.e., we store a balanced set of exemplars and finetune the model after each incremental step on these. At each point, we ensure that a minimum of Nex instances for each class are present in the exemplar set.


V 实验与结果

We propose a comprehensive evaluation protocol to study the performance of an open world detector to identify unknowns, detect known classes and progressively learn new classes when labels are provided for some unknowns.


5.1. Open World Evaluation Protocol 开放世界评估协议

Data split: We group classes into a set of tasks T = {T1; · · · Tt; · · ·}. All the classes of a specific task will be introduced to the system at a point of time t. While learning Tt, all the classes of {: τ<t} will be treated as known and {: τ>t} would be treated as unknown. For a concrete instantiation of this protocol, we consider classes from Pascal VOC [9] and MS-COCO [31]. We group all VOC classes and data as the first task T1. The remaining 60 classes of MS-COCO [31] are grouped into three successive tasks with semantic drifts (see Tab. 1). All images which correspond to the above split from Pascal VOC and MS-COCO train-sets form the training data. For evaluation, we use the Pascal VOC test split and MS-COCO val split. 1k images from training data of each task is kept aside for validation. Data splits and codes can be found at GitHub - JosephKJ/OWOD: (CVPR 2021 Oral) Open World Object Detection.

数据分割:我们把类分成一组任务T={T1···Tt······}。一个特定任务的所有类将在时间点t被引入系统。学习Tt时,{tττ<t}的所有类将被视为已知,{tττ>t}将被视为未知。对于这个协议的一个具体实例,我们考虑来自Pascal VOC[9]和MS-COCO[31]的类。我们将所有VOC类和数据分组为第一个任务T1。剩下的60MS-COCO[31]被分为三个连续的任务,其中有语义漂移(见表1)。 Pascal VOCMS-COCO训练集分割的与上述图像对应的所有图像构成训练数据。对于评估,我们使用Pascal VOC测试分割和MS-COCO val分割。从每个任务的训练数据中提取1k图像,留作验证。数据分割和代码在GitHub - JosephKJ/OWOD: (CVPR 2021 Oral) Open World Object Detection

Table 1: The table shows task composition in the proposed Open World evaluation protocol. The semantics of each task and the number of images and instances (objects) across splits are shown.    表1:该表说明了提出的开放世界评估协议中的任务组成。 显示了每个任务的语义以及跨拆分的图像和实例(对象)的数量。

Evaluation metrics: Since an unknown object easily gets confused as a known object, we use the Wilderness Impact (WI) metric [7] to explicitly characterises this behavior

评估指标:由于未知目标很容易与已知目标混淆,因此我们使用Wilderness Impact (WI)指标[7]来明确描述这种行为

where PK refers to the precision of the model when evaluated on known classes and PK∪U is the precision when evaluated on known and unknown classes, measured at a recall level R (0.8 in all experiments). Ideally, WI should be less as the precision must not drop when unknown objects are added to the test set. Besides WI, we also use Absolute Open-Set Error (A-OSE) [42] to report the number count of unknown objects that get wrongly classified as any of the known class. Both WI and A-OSE implicitly measure how effective the model is in handling unknown objects.


In order to quantify incremental learning capability of the model in the presence of new labeled classes, we measure the mean Average Precision (mAP) at IoU threshold of 0.5 (consistent with the existing literature [60, 44]).


5.2. Implementation Details   实施细节

ORE re-purposes the standard Faster R-CNN [53] object detector with a ResNet-50 [19] backbone. To handle variable number of classes in the classification head, following incremental classification methods [49, 24, 5, 36], we assume a bound on the maximum number of classes to expect, and modify the loss to take into account only the classes of interest. This is done by setting the classification logits of the unseen classes to a large negative value (v), thus making their contribution to softmax negligible (e-v 0).

ORE使用Faster R-CNN[53]目标检测器和ResNet-50[19]主干。为了处理分类头中可变数量的类,遵循增量分类方法[4924536],我们假设预期的最大类数有界,并修改损失函数以仅考虑感兴趣的类。这是通过将不可见类的分类logit设置为较大的负值(v)来实现的,从而使它们对softmax的贡献可以忽略不计(e-v→0)。

The 2048-dim feature vector which comes from the last residual block in the RoI Head is used for contrastive clustering. The contrastive loss (defined in Eqn. 1) is added to the standard Faster R-CNN classification and localization losses and jointly optimised for. While learning a task Ti, only the classes that are part of Ti will be labelled. While testing Ti, all the classes that were previously introduced are labelled along with classes in Ti, and all classes of future tasks will be labelled ‘unknown’. For the exemplar replay, we empirically choose Nex = 50. We do a sensitivity analysis on the size of the exemplar memory in Sec. 6. Further implementation details are provided in supplementary.

利用RoI头部最后一个残差块的2048维特征向量进行对比聚类。对比损失(定义见等式1 被添加到Faster R-CNN分类和本地化损失中,并针对这些损失进行了联合优化。在学习任务Ti时,只有属于Ti的类才会被标记。在测试Ti时,前面引入的所有类都将与Ti中的类一起标记,并且未来任务的所有类都将标记为未知。对于示例回放,我们根据经验选择Nex=50。我们对以秒为单位的样本内存大小进行了敏感性分析。第6部分补充文件提供了进一步的实施细节。

5.3. Open World Object Detection Results开放世界目标检测结果

Table 2 shows how ORE compares against Faster RCNN on the proposed open world evaluation protocol. An ‘Oracle’ detector has access to all known and unknown labels at any point, and serves as a reference. After learning each task, WI and A-OSE metrics are used to quantify how unknown instances are confused with any of the known classes. We see that ORE has significantly lower WI and AOSE scores, owing to an explicit modeling of the unknown. When unknown classes are progressively labelled in Task 2, we see that the performance of the baseline detector on the known set of classes (quantified via mAP) significantly deteriorates from 56.16% to 4.076%. The proposed balanced finetuning is able to restore the previous class performance to a respectable level (51.09%) at the cost of increased WI and A-OSE, whereas ORE is able to achieve both goals: detect known classes and reduce the effect of unknown comprehensively. Similar trend is seen when Task 3 classes are added. WI and A-OSE scores cannot be measured for Task 4 because of the absence of any unknown ground-truths. We report qualitative results in Fig. 4 and supplementary section, along with failure case analysis. We conduct extensive sensitivity analysis in Sec. 6 and supplementary section.

2显示了在开放世界评估协议上,ORE与Faster RCNN的比较。“Oracle”检测器可以随时访问所有已知和未知的标签,并作为参考。在学习每个任务之后,WIA-OSE度量用于量化未知实例与任何已知类的混淆程度。我们发现ORE的WIA-OSE分数明显较低,这是由于对未知目标的显式建模。当在任务2中逐步标记未知类时,我们发现基线检测器在已知类集合(通过mAP量化)上的性能从56.16%显著下降到4.076%。提出的平衡微调方法能够以增加WIa-OSE为代价,将前一类的性能恢复到一个可观的水平(51.09%),而ORE能够同时实现两个目标:检测已知类和降低未知类的影响。类似的趋势也出现在任务3类中。由于缺乏任何未知的基本数据,因此无法测量任务4WIA-OSE分数。我们在图4和补充部分中报告了定性结果,以及失效案例分析。我们在第6节和补充部分进行了广泛的敏感性分析。

5.4. Incremental Object Detection Results   增量目标检测结果

We find an interesting consequence of the ability of ORE to distinctly model unknown objects: it performs favorably well on the incremental object detection (iOD) task against the state-of-the-art (Tab. 3). This is because, ORE reduces the confusion of an unknown object being classified as a known object, which lets the detector incrementally learn the true foreground objects. We use the standard protocol [60, 44] used in the iOD domain to evaluate ORE, where group of classes (10, 5 and the last class) from Pascal VOC 2007 [9] are incrementally learned by a detector trained on the remaining set of classes. Remarkably, ORE is used as it is, without any change to the methodology introduced in Sec. 4. We ablate contrastive clustering (CC) and energy based unknown identification (EBUI) to find that it results in reduced performance than standard ORE.

我们发现ORE对未知物体进行清晰建模的能力产生了一个有趣的结果:它在增量目标检测(iOD)任务中表现良好,但它不是最先进的(Tab.3)。这是因为,ORE减少了未知目标被分类为已知目标的混淆,这使得检测器可以增量地学习真实的前景目标。我们使用iOD域中使用的标准协议[6044]来评估ORE,其中Pascal VOC 2007[9]中的一组类(105和最后一个类)由在剩余的一组类上训练的检测器递增地学习。值得注意的是,ORE是按原样使用的,对第4节中介绍的方法没有任何改变。我们将对比聚类(CC)和基于能量的未知识别(EBUI)相结合,发现其性能比标准ORE有所下降。

VI  讨论与分析

6.1 Ablating ORE Components: To study the contribution of each of the components in ORE, we design careful ablation experiments (Tab. 4). We consider the setting where Task 1 is introduced to the model. The auto-labelling methodology (referred to as ALU), combined with energy based unknown identification (EBUI) performs better together (row 5) than using either of them separately (row 3 and 4). Adding contrastive clustering (CC) to this configuration, gives the best performance in handling unknown (row 7), measured in terms of WI and A-OSE. There is no severe performance drop in known classes detection (mAP metric) as a side effect of unknown identification. In row 6, we see that EBUI is a critical component whose absence increases WI and A-OSE scores. Thus, each component in ORE has a critical role to play for unknown identification.

6.1 消融研究:为了研究ORE中各组分的贡献,我们设计了消融研究(表4),我们考虑将任务1引入模型的设置。自动标记方法(称为ALU)与基于能量的未知识别(EBUI)相结合(第5行)比单独使用其中任何一种方法(第3行和第4行)效果更好。将对比聚类(CC)添加到这个配置中,可以在处理未知数据(第7行)时提供最佳的性能,以WIA-OSE来衡量。在已知类检测(mAP-metric)中没有严重的性能下降,这是未知识别的副作用。在第6行中,我们看到EBUI是一个关键组件,它的缺失会增加WIa-OSE得分。因此,ORE的每一部分都对未知的鉴定起着至关重要的作用。

6.2 Sensitivity Analysis on Exemplar Memory Size: Our balanced finetuning strategy requires storing exemplar images with at least Nex instances per class. We vary Nex while learning Task 2 and report the results in Table 5. We find that balanced finetuning is very effective in improving the accuracy of previously known class, even with just having minimum 10 instances per class. However, we find that increasing Nex to large values does-not help and at the same time adversely affect how unknowns are handled (evident from WI and A-OSE scores). Hence, by validation, we set Nex to 50 in all our experiments, which is a sweet spot that balances performance on known and unknown classes.

6.2 对示例内存大小的敏感性分析:我们的平衡微调策略要求存储每个类至少有Nex实例的示例图像。我们在学习任务2时改变Nex,并在表5中报告结果。我们发现平衡微调在提高以前已知类的准确性方面非常有效,即使每个类只有至少10个实例。然而,我们发现,将Nex增加到大值并不会有帮助,同时也会对处理未知事件的方式产生不利影响(从WIA-OSE得分中可以看出)。因此,通过验证,我们在所有的实验中将Nex设置为50,这是平衡已知和未知类性能的一个好方法。

6.3 Comparison with an Open Set Detector: The mAP values of the detector when it is evaluated on closed set data (trained and tested on Pascal VOC 2007) and open set data (test set contains equal number of unknown images from MS-COCO) helps to measure how the detector handles unknown instances. Ideally, there should not be a performance drop. We compare ORE against the recent open set detector proposed by Miller et al. [42]. We find from Tab. 6 that drop in performance of ORE is much lower than [42] owing to the effective modelling of the unknown instances.

6.3  与开放集检测器的比较:在封闭集数据(在Pascal VOC 2007上训练和测试)和开放集数据(测试集包含来自MS-COCO的相同数量的未知图像)上评估检测器时,检测器的mAP值有助于测量检测器如何处理未知实例。理想情况下,不应出现性能下降。我们将OREMiller等人[42]最近提出的开集检测器进行了比较。由表6可知,由于对未知实例的有效建模,ORE性能的下降远低于[42]

6.4 Time and Storage Expense: The training and inference of ORE takes an additional 0:1349 sec/iter and 0:009 sec/iter than standard Faster R-CNN. The storage expense for maintaining FStore is negligible, and the exemplar memory (for Nex = 50) takes approximately 34 MB.

6.4  时间和存储费用:ORE的训练和推断比Faster R-CNN多花费0:1349/iter0:009/iter。维护FStore的存储开销可以忽略不计,示例内存(对于Nex=50)大约需要34mb

6.5 Clustering loss and t-SNE [37] visualization: We visualise the quality of clusters that are formed while training with the contrastive clustering loss (Eqn. 1) for Task 1. We see nicely formed clusters in Fig. 5 (a). Each number in the legend correspond to the 20 classes introduced in Task 1. Label 20 denotes unknown class. Importantly, we see that the unknown instances also gets clustered, which reinforces the quality of the auto-labelled unknowns used in contrastive clustering. In Fig. 5 (b), we plot the contrastive clustering loss against training iterations, where we see a gradual decrease, indicative of good convergence.

6.5  聚类损失和t-SNE可视化[37]:我们在任务1的对比聚类损失(等式1)训练时,观察了形成的聚类的质量。我们在图5(a)中看到了聚类良好的聚类。 图例中的每个数字对应于任务1中引入的20个类别。标签20表示未知类别。 重要的是,我们看到未知实例也被聚类了,这增强了对比聚类中使用的自动标记的未知数的质量。 在图5(b)中,我们绘制了针对训练迭代的对比聚类损失,其中我们看到了逐渐减小的趋势,这表明收敛性良好。

VII  结论

The vibrant object detection community has pushed the performance benchmarks on standard datasets by a large margin. The closed-set nature of these datasets and evaluation protocols, hampers further progress. We introduce Open World Object Detection, where the object detector is able to label an unknown object as unknown and gradually learn the unknown as the model gets exposed to new labels. Our key novelties include an energy-based classifier for unknown detection and a contrastive clustering approach for open world learning. We hope that our work will kindle further research along this important and open direction.



A.Varying the Queue Size of FStore  A.改变FStore的队列大小

In Sec. 4.1, we explain how class specific queues qi are used to store the feature vectors, which are used to compute the class prototypes. A hyper-parameter Q controls the size of each qi. Here we vary Q, while learning Task 1, and report the results in Tab. 7. We observe relatively similar performance, across experiments with different Q values. This can be attributed to the fact that after a prototype is defined, it gets periodically updated with newly observed features, thus effectively evolving itself. Hence, the actual number of features used to compute those prototypes (P and Pnew) is not very significant. We use Q = 20 for all the experiments


B. Sensitivity Analysis on η   η敏感性分析

The momentum parameter η controls how rapidly the class prototypes are updated, as elaborated in Algorithm 1. Larger values of η imply smaller effect of the newly computed prototypes on the current class prototypes. We find from Tab. 8 that performance improves when prototypes are updated slowly (larger values of η). This result is intuitive, as slowly changing the cluster centers helps stabilize contrastive learning


C.Varying the Margin () in Lcont    Lcont中改变边距(

The margin parameter ∆ in the contrastive clustering mloss Lcont (Eqn. 1) defines the minimum distance that an input feature vector should keep from dissimilar class prototypes in the latent space. As we see in Tab. 9, increasing the margin while learning the first task, increases the performance on the known classes and how unknown classes are handled. This would imply that larger separation in the latent space is beneficial for ORE.

对比聚类损失Lcont(等式1)中的边距参数定义了输入特征向量与潜在空间中不同类原型之间应保持的最小距离。 如图9所示,在学习第一个任务的同时增加余量,可以提高已知类的性能以及未知类的处理方式。 这意味着潜在空间中的较大分隔对于ORE是有利的。

D. Varying the Temperature (T) in Eqn. 4  公式4改变温度

We fixed the temperature parameter (T) in Eqn. 4 to 1 in all the experiments. Softening the energies a bit more to T = 2, gives slight improvement in unknown detection, however increasing it further hurts as evident from Tab. 10.

我们在等式4中固定了温度参数(T)为1。将能量稍微增加到T = 2,可以使未知检测略有改善,但是从表10可以明显看出,进一步增加了伤害。

E. More Details on Contrastive Clustering   对比聚类的更多详细信息

The motivation for using contrastive clustering to ensure separation in the latent space is two-fold: 1) it enables the model to cluster unknowns separately from known instances, thus boosting unknown identification; 2) it ensures instances of each class are well-separated from other classes, alleviating the forgetting issue.

使用对比聚类以确保在潜在空间中分离的动机有两个:1)它使模型能够将未知类与已知实例分开进行聚类,从而增强了未知性的识别; 2)确保每个类的实例与其他类完全分开,从而减轻了遗忘问题。

The 2048-dim feature vector that comes out from residual blocks of RoI head (Fig 6) is contrastively clustered. The contrastive loss is added to the Faster R-CNN loss and the entire network is trained end-to-end. Thus all parts of the network before and including the residual block in the RoI head in the Faster R-CNN pipeline will get updated with the gradients from the contrastive clustering loss.

从RoI 头的残差块(图6)中得出的2048像素特征向量被对比地聚类。对比损失被添加到Faster R-CNN损失中,整个网络被端到端训练。因此,Faster R-CNN管道中RoI头中的残差块之前(包括残差块在内)的网络所有部分都将使用来自对比聚类损失的梯度进行更新。

F. Further Implementation Details 更多实施细节

We complete the discussion related to the implementation details, that we had in Sec. 5.2 here. We ran our experiments on a server with 8 Nvidia V100 GPUs with an effective batch size of 8. We use SGD with a learning rate of 0.01. Each task is learned for 8 epochs (∼ 50k iterations). The queue size of the feature store is set to 20. We initiate clustering after 1k iterations and update the cluster prototypes after each 3k iterations with a momentum parameter of 0.99. Euclidean distance is used as the distance function D in Eqn. 1. The margin (∆) is set as 10. For auto-labelling the unknowns in the RPN, we pick the top-1 background proposal, sorted by its objectness score. The temperature parameter in the energy based classification head is set to 1. The code is implemented in PyTorch [43] using Detectron 2 [62]. Reliability library [52] was used for modelling the energy distributions. We release all our codes publicly for foster reproducible research: GitHub - JosephKJ/OWOD: (CVPR 2021 Oral) Open World Object Detection.

5.2节完成了与第二节中有关实现细节的讨论。我们在装有8个Nvidia V100 GPU的服务器上进行了实验,有效批处理大小为8。我们使用SGD,学习率为0.01。每个任务学习8个时期(约5万次迭代)。要素存储的队列大小设置为20。我们在1k次迭代后启动聚类,并在每3k次迭代后更新动量参数为0.99的聚类原型。欧几里得距离用作方程式1中的距离函数D。边距(∆)设置为10。对于自动标记RPN中的未知数,我们选择top-1背景建议框,并按其客观性得分进行排序。基于能量的分类头中的温度参数设置为1。该代码在PyTorch [43]中使用Detectron 2 [62]实现。可靠性库[52]用于对能量分布进行建模。我们公开发布了所有代码以促进可重复的研究:https://github.com/JosephKJ/OWOD。

G. Related Work on Incremental Object Detection 增量物体检测的相关工作

The class-incremental object detection (iOD) setting considers classes to be observed incrementally over time and that the learner must adapt without retraining on old classes from scratch. The prevalent approaches [60, 27, 17, 6] use knowledge distillation [20] as a regularization measure to avoid forgetting old class information while training on new classes. Specifically, Shmelkov et al. [60] repurpose Fast R-CNN for incremental learning by distilling classification and regression outputs from a previous stage model. Beside distilling model outputs, Chen et al. [6] and Li et al. [27] also distilled the intermediate network features. Hao et al. [17] builds on Faster R-CNN and uses a student-teacher framework for RPN adaptation. Recently, Peng et al. [44] introduces an adaptive distillation technique into Faster R-CNN. Their methodology is the current state-of-the-art in iOD. These methods cannot however work in an Open World environment, which is the focus of this work, and are unable to identify unknown objects.

类增量目标检测(iOD)设置认为类将随着时间的推移而逐步递增,并且学习者必须进行调整,而不必从头开始对旧类进行重新训练。普遍的方法[60,27,17,6]使用知识提炼[20]作为一种正则化措施,以避免在训练新类时忘记旧类信息。具体来说,Shmelkov等[60]通过提炼前阶段模型的分类和回归输出,将Fast R-CNN重新用于增量学习。除了提炼模型输出,Chen等人 [6]和李等[27]也提炼了中间网络的特征。郝等[17]建立在Faster R-CNN之上,并使用学生-教师框架来适应RPN。最近,Peng等[44]将自适应蒸馏技术引入Faster R-CNN。他们的方法是当前iOD的最新技术。但是,这些方法无法在开放世界环境(这是本文的重点)中工作,并且无法识别未知目标。

H. Using Softmax based Unknown Identifier使用基于Softmax的未知标识符

We modified the unknown identification criteria to max(softmax(logits)) < t. For t = {0.3, 0.5, 0.7}: A-OSE, WI and mAP (mean and std-dev) are 11815 ± 352.13, 0.0436 ± 0.009 and 55.22 ± 0.02. This is inferior to ORE.

我们将未知识别标准修改为max(softmax(logits))<t。 对于t = {0.3,0.5,0.7}:A-OSE,WI和mAP(平均值和标准差)分别为11815±352.13、0.0436±0.009和55.22±0.02。 这不如ORE。

I. Qualitative Results  定性结果

We show qualitative results of ORE in Fig. 8 through Fig. 13. We see that ORE is able to identify a variety of unknown instances and incrementally learn them, using the proposed contrastive clustering and energy-based unknown identification methodology. Sub-figure (a) in all these images shows the identified unknown instances along with the the other instances known to the detector. The corresponding sub-figure (b), shows the detections from the same detector after the new classes are incrementally added.

我们在图8到图13中显示了ORE的定性结果。我们看到ORE使用所提出的对比聚类和基于能量的未知识别方法,能够识别各种未知实例并逐步学习它们。 所有这些图像中的子图(a)显示了已识别的未知实例以及检测器已知的其他实例。 相应的子图(b)显示了在逐渐增加新类别后来自同一检测器的检测结果。

J. Discussion Regarding Failure Cases关于失败案例的讨论

Occlusions and crowding of objects are cases where our method tends to get confused (external-storage, Walkman and bag not detected as unknown in Figs. 11, 13). Difficult viewpoints (such as backside) also lead to some misclassifications (giraffe→orse in Figs. 4, 12). We have also noticed that detecting small unknown objects co-occurring with larger known objects is hard. As ORE is the first effort in this direction, we hope these identified shortcomings would be basis of further research.

目标的遮挡和拥挤是我们的方法容易混淆的情况(在图11、13中未检测到外部存储,随身听和书包未知)。 困难的视角(例如背面)也会导致一些错误的分类(图4、12中的长颈鹿)。我们还注意到,很难检测到与较大的已知目标同时发生的小型未知目标。 由于ORE是朝这个方向迈出的第一步,因此我们希望这些已发现的缺点将成为进一步研究的基础。

