// 创建List
val list = listOf(1, 2, 3) // 不可读写的ArrayList
val arrayList = arrayListOf(1, 2, 3) //ArrayList
val mutableList = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3) // ArrayList
// 创建Set
val set = setOf(1, 2, 3) // 去重不可读写的LinkedHashSet
val hashSet = hashSetOf(1, 2, 3) // 去重的HashSet
val mutableSet = mutableSetOf(1, 2, 3) // // 去重可读写的LinkedHashSet
// 创建Map
val map = mapOf("a" to 1, "b" to 2) // 去重不可读写的LinkedHashMap
val hashMap = hashMapOf("a" to 1, "b" to 2)// 去重的HashMap
val mutableMap = mutableMapOf("a" to 1, "b" to 2) // 去重可读写的LinkedHashMap
// 增加 var arrayList = arrayListOf(1, 2, 3) arrayList.add(4) // List末尾增加 arrayList.add(0, 5) // List指定索引位置增加 arrayList.addFirst(6) // List开头增加 arrayList.addLast(7) // List末尾增加 arrayList.addAll(arrayListOf(8)) // List末尾添加集合 println(arrayList) // 打印结果: [6, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8] // 删除 var arrayList = arrayListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) arrayList.remove(3) // 删除3这个值 arrayList.removeAt(0) // 删除指定索引的值 arrayList.removeFirst() // 删除第一个元素失败,会抛出异常 arrayList.removeFirstOrNull() // 删除失败,会null arrayList.removeLast() // 删除最后一个元素失败,会抛出异常 arrayList.removeLastOrNull() arrayList.removeAll(arrayListOf(2, 3)) println(arrayList) arrayList.clear() // 清空集合 // 打印结果: [5, 6, 7] // 查找 arrayList[0] // 索引查找 arrayList.indexOf(1) // 查找元素第一次出现的索引, 如果没有则返回-1 arrayList.lastIndexOf(1) // 查找元素最后一次出现的索引, 如果没有则返回-1 arrayList.indexOfFirst { true } // 查找第一个符合条件的元素索引 arrayList.indexOfLast { true } // 查找最后一个符合条件的元素索引 arrayList.firstNotNullOf { } // 查找第一个非空元素,如果没有则抛出异常 arrayList.firstNotNullOfOrNull { } // 查找第一个非空元素,如果没有则返回null // 修改 arrayList[0] = 1 // 修改指定索引的值 // count、maxOrNull、minOrNull、average、sum val numbers = listOf(6, 42, 10, 4) println("Count: ${numbers.count()}") println("Max: ${numbers.maxOrNull()}") println("Min: ${numbers.minOrNull()}") println("Average: ${numbers.average()}") println("Sum: ${numbers.sum()}") // 打印结果: Count: 4 Max: 42 Min: 4 Average: 15.5 Sum: 62
// List过滤 val fruits = listOf("banana", "avocado", "apple", "kiwifruit") fruits.filter { it.startsWith("a") } .sortedBy { it } .map { it.toUpperCase() } .forEach { println(it) } // 打印结果: APPLE AVOCADO // Map过滤 val numbersMap = mapOf("key1" to 1, "key2" to 2, "key3" to 3, "key11" to 11) val filteredKeysMap = numbersMap.filterKeys { it.endsWith("1") } val filteredValuesMap = numbersMap.filterValues { it < 10 } println(filteredKeysMap) println(filteredValuesMap) // 打印结果: {key1=1, key11=11} {key1=1, key2=2, key3=3} // 过滤实例 val numbers = listOf(null, 1, "two", 3.0, "four") println("All String elements in upper case:") numbers.filterIsInstance<String>().forEach { println(it.toUpperCase()) } // 打印结果: All String elements in upper case: TWO FOUR
// List拉伸:flatten、joinToString、joinTo val numberSets = listOf(setOf(1, 2, 3), setOf(4, 5, 6), setOf(1, 2)) println(numberSets.flatten()) // 打印结果: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2] val numbers = listOf("one", "two", "three", "four") val listString = StringBuffer("The list of numbers: ") numbers.joinTo(listString) println(listString) println(numbers.joinToString(separator = " | ", prefix = "start: ", postfix = ": end")) // 打印结果: [one, two, three, four] one, two, three, four The list of numbers: one, two, three, four start: one | two | three | four: end // List切片:slice、chunked、groupBy、partition、associateBy // slice val numbers = listOf("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six") println(numbers.slice(1..3)) println(numbers.slice(0..4 step 2)) println(numbers.slice(setOf(3, 5, 0))) // 打印结果: [two, three, four] [one, three, five] [four, six, one] // chunked val numbers = (0..13).toList() println(numbers.chunked(3) { it.sum() }) // it 为原始集合的一个块 // 打印结果: [3, 12, 21, 30, 25] // groupBy val numbers = listOf("one", "two", "three", "four", "five") println(numbers.groupBy { it.first().toUpperCase() }) println(numbers.groupBy(keySelector = { it.first() }, valueTransform = { it.toUpperCase() })) /// 打印结果: {O=[one], T=[two, three], F=[four, five]} {o=[ONE], t=[TWO, THREE], f=[FOUR, FIVE]} // partition val numbers = listOf("one", "two", "three", "four") val (match, rest) = numbers.partition { it.length > 3 } println(match) println(rest) // 打印结果: [three, four] [one, two] // associateBy val numbers = listOf("one", "two", "three", "four") println(numbers.associateBy { it.first().toUpperCase() }) println(numbers.associateBy(keySelector = { it.first().toUpperCase() }, valueTransform = { it.length })) // 打印结果: {O=one, T=three, F=four} {O=3, T=5, F=4} // List映射:zip // zip val colors = listOf("red", "brown", "grey") val animals = listOf("fox", "bear", "wolf") val twoAnimals = listOf("fox", "bear") println(colors zip animals) println(colors.zip(twoAnimals)) // 打印结果: [(red, fox), (brown, bear), (grey, wolf)] [(red, fox), (brown, bear)] // List检验:any、none、all val numbers = listOf("one", "two", "three", "four") //any:至少有一个元素匹配给定谓词 println(numbers.any { it.endsWith("e") }) //none:没有元素与给定谓词匹配 println(numbers.none { it.endsWith("a") }) //all:所有元素都匹配给定谓词 println(numbers.all { it.endsWith("e") }) // 打印结果: true true false // 集合去重 // union:A元素 + B元素,A.addAll(B)的效果,但去重了 // intersect(取交集)与 retainAll 功能相同:取A中和B相同的元素,即相同的输出 // subtract:A中去掉和B相同的元素,即不相同的输出 val numbers = setOf("one", "two", "three", "four") println(numbers union setOf("four", "five"))// A元素 + B元素,A.addAll(B)的效果,但去重了 println(setOf("four", "five") union numbers) println(numbers intersect setOf("two", "one"))// 取A中和B相同的元素,即相同的输出 println(numbers subtract setOf("three", "four"))// A中去掉和B相同的元素,不相同的输出 println(numbers subtract setOf("four", "three")) // 打印结果: [one, two, three, four, five] [four, five, one, two, three] [one, two] [one, two] [one, two]
// 固定排序:sort、sortDescending val numbers = mutableListOf("one", "two", "three", "four") numbers.sort() println("Sort into ascending: $numbers") numbers.sortDescending() println("Sort into descending: $numbers") // 打印结果: Sort into ascending: [four, one, three, two] Sort into descending: [two, three, one, four] // 自定义排序:sortBy、sortByDescending、sortedWith // sortBy、sortByDescending numbers.sortBy { it.length } println("Sort into ascending by length: $numbers") numbers.sortByDescending { it.last() } println("Sort into descending by the last letter: $numbers") // 打印结果 Sort into ascending by length: [two, one, four, three] Sort into descending by the last letter: [four, two, one, three] // sortedWith // Comparator {}lambda表达式中有三种返回值: // 1. >0, 表示升序排列 // 2. <0, 表示降序排列 // 3. =0, 不排序 val lengthComparator = Comparator { str1: String, str2: String -> str1.length - str2.length } println(listOf("aaa", "bb", "c").sortedWith(lengthComparator)) // 打印结果: [c, bb, aaa]
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