create external table if not exists sp_trans(
cust_no string comment '客户号',
shop_no string comment '商铺号',
trans_amt double comment '交易额',
trans_date string comment '交易日期',
etl_ts timestamp comment 'etl时间戳')
partitioned by (dt string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
/* 将数据插入到某一个确定的日起分区中去 */
insert into sp_trans partition (dt='2016-01-13')
select * from transaction where trans_date='2016-01-13';
create external table if not exists sp_trans2(
cust_no string comment '客户号',
shop_no string comment '商铺号',
trans_amt double comment '交易额',
trans_date string comment '交易日期',
etl_ts timestamp comment 'etl时间戳')
partitioned by (dt string,shop string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
insert into sp_trans2 partition (dt='2016-01-13',shop='9502')
select * from transaction where trans_date='2016-01-13' and shop_no='9502';
insert into sp_trans2 partition (dt='2016-01-13',shop='9507')
select * from transaction where trans_date='2016-01-13' and shop_no='9507';
insert into sp_trans2 partition (dt='2016-01-14',shop='9502')
select * from transaction where trans_date='2016-01-14' and shop_no='9502';
create external table if not exists sp_shop_daily(
shop_no string,
trans_sum double comment '交易额统计',
etl_ts timestamp)
partitioned by (shop string,dt string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
insert into sp_shop_daily partition (shop='9502',dt='2016-01-13')
select shop_no,sum(trans_amt),current_timestamp() from transaction where shop_no='9502' and trans_date='2016-01-13' group by shop_no;
create external table if not exists dp_trans(
cust_no string comment '客户号',
shop_no string comment '商铺号',
trans_amt double comment '交易额',
trans_date string comment '交易日期',
etl_ts timestamp comment 'etl时间戳')
partitioned by (dt string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
insert into dp_trans partition (dt)
select *,trans_date from transaction;
create external table if not exists dp_trans2(
cust_no string comment '客户号',
shop_no string comment '商铺号',
trans_amt double comment '交易额',
trans_date string comment '交易日期',
etl_ts timestamp comment 'etl时间戳')
partitioned by (dt string,shop string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
insert into dp_trans2 partition (shop,dt)
select *,shop_no,trans_date from transaction;
create external table if not exists dp_shop_daily(
shop_no string,
trans_sum double comment '交易额统计',
etl_ts timestamp)
partitioned by (shop string,dt string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
insert into dp_shop_daily partition(shop,dt)
select shop_no,sum(trans_amt),current_timestamp(),shop_no,trans_date from transaction group by shop_no,trans_date;
alter table dp_trans2 add partition (dt='2016-01-13',shop='001');
alter table sp_trans2 partition (dt='2016-01-13',shop='001') rename to partition (dt='2016-01-13',shop='000');
alter table sp_trans2 exchange partition (dt='2016-01-13',shop='9510') with table dp_trans2;
hive> msck repair table sp_trans2;
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask
在Hive v2.1.1修复了此问题,可下载最新版本使用
alter table sp_trans2 drop partition(dt='2016-01-13',shop='9510');
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