name = stockInfo.find_all(attrs={'class':'bets-name'})[0]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all'
- import requests
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- import re
- import traceback
- def getHTMLText(url,code='utf-8'):
- try:
- r = requests.get(url)
- r.raise_for_status()
- r.encoding = code
- return r.text
- except:
- return ""
- def getStockList(lst,stockURL):
- html = getHTMLText(stockURL,'GB2312')
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser')
- a = soup.find_all('a')
- for i in a:
- try:
- href = i.attrs['href']
- lst.append(re.findall(r"[s][hz]\d{6}",href)[0])
- except:
- continue
- def getStockInfo(lst,stockURL,fpath):
- count = 0
- for stock in lst:
- url = stockURL + stock + ".html"
- html = getHTMLText(url)
- try:
- if html == "":
- continue
- infoDict = {}
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser')
- stockInfo = soup.find('div',attrs={'class':'stock-bets'})
- name = stockInfo.find_all(attrs={'class':'bets-name'})[0]
- infoDict.update({'股票名称': name.text.split()[0]})
- keyList = stockInfo.find_all('dt')
- valueList = stockInfo.find_all('dd')
- for i in range(len(keyList)):
- key = keyList[i].text
- val = valueList[i].text
- infoDict[key] = val
- with open(fpath,'a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
- f.write(str(infoDict) + '\n')
- count = count + 1
- print("\r当前进度:{:.2f}%".format(count * 100 / len(lst)),end="")
- except:
- count = count + 1
- print("\r当前进度:{:.2f}%".format(count * 100 / len(lst)), end="")
- traceback.print_exc()
- continue
- def main():
- stock_list_url = 'http://quote.eastmoney.com/stocklist.html'
- stock_info_url = 'https://gupiao.baidu.com/stock/'
- output_file = 'D://BaiduStockInfo.txt'
- slist = []
- getStockList(slist,stock_list_url)
- getStockInfo(slist,stock_info_url,output_file)
- main()
错误提示分析:属性错误,'NoneType' 对象没有属性 'find_all' 。这种类型的错误在以前的博客中已经和大家介绍过两个,同样现在这个错误提示依然和以前一样。
错误提示出现的原因:因为上一行代码:stockInfo = soup.find('div', attrs={'class' : 'stock-bets'}) 中获取的数据类型中有空类型'NoneType’ ,通过 print(type(stockInfo)) 可以输出变量stockInfo的类型,发现输出了<class 'bs4.element.Tag'>和<class 'NoneType'>这两种类型。所以出现错误提示的原因是<class 'NoneType'>
我的办法是过滤掉<class 'NoneType'>这种类型,因为这个空类型是错误的根本。
在stockInfo = soup.find('div', attrs={'class' : 'stock-bets'})代码下面增加一个if 判断, 用isinstance()函数将空类型过滤掉。
if isinstance(stockInfo,bs4.element.Tag):
然后缩进后续相关的代码,注意在使用isinstance()时,参数2:bs4.element.Tag是参数1:stockInfo要匹配的类型。在使用参数2时要在开头引入bs4模块,即import bs4
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re import traceback import bs4 #注意点1:引入模块 def getHTMLText(url,code='utf-8'): try: r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding = code return r.text except: return "" def getStockList(lst,stockURL): html = getHTMLText(stockURL,'GB2312') soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser') a = soup.find_all('a') for i in a: try: href = i.attrs['href'] lst.append(re.findall(r"[s][hz]\d{6}",href)[0]) except: continue def getStockInfo(lst,stockURL,fpath): count = 0 for stock in lst: url = stockURL + stock + ".html" html = getHTMLText(url) try: if html == "": continue infoDict = {} soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser') stockInfo = soup.find('div',attrs={'class':'stock-bets'}) if isinstance(stockInfo,bs4.element.Tag): # 注意点2:增加一个if判断语句以及后续代码的缩进 name = stockInfo.find_all(attrs={'class':'bets-name'})[0] infoDict.update({'股票名称': name.text.split()[0]}) keyList = stockInfo.find_all('dt') valueList = stockInfo.find_all('dd') for i in range(len(keyList)): key = keyList[i].text val = valueList[i].text infoDict[key] = val with open(fpath,'a',encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str(infoDict) + '\n') count = count + 1 print("\r当前进度:{:.2f}%".format(count * 100 / len(lst)),end="") except: count = count + 1 print("\r当前进度:{:.2f}%".format(count * 100 / len(lst)), end="") traceback.print_exc() continue def main(): stock_list_url = 'http://quote.eastmoney.com/stocklist.html' stock_info_url = 'https://gupiao.baidu.com/stock/' output_file = 'D://BaiduStockInfo.txt' slist = [] getStockList(slist,stock_list_url) getStockInfo(slist,stock_info_url,output_file) main()
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