萌新毕设的一个功能 大佬勿喷
一、 数据库表
二、 后端接口
三、 前端实现
一、 表
comment 评论表
content: 评论内容
art_id: 文章ID 表示属于哪篇文章的评论
u_id: 评论人ID 用来查询评论人信息的
reply 回复表
r_id: 回复ID
content: 回复内容
u_id: 回复人的ID
comment_id: 评论ID 属于对应评论的回复
to_r_id: 默认为null 如果不为null 则表明这是一条回复的回复 为null 则为回复
二、 后端接口 ( 这里没做分页,实现分页也非常简单 )
// 根据文章ID查询评论
List<FindCommentsVo> findCommentsVos = commentMapper.findCommentsByArtId(artId);
// 根据评论ID 查询回复的数量
for (FindCommentsVo findCommentsVo: findCommentsVos){
int replyCount = replyService.findReplyCountByCommentId(findCommentsVo.getCId());
// 根据文章ID查询评论
@Select("SELECT username,u_pic,c.id as c_id,content,c.created_time FROM comment as c inner join user on user.id = c.u_id WHERE art_id = #{artId}")
List<FindCommentsVo> findCommentsByArtId(int artId);
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
// 第一次查询回复 第二次查询回复的回复
List<FindReplysVo> findReplysVos = replyMapper.findAllReplyByCommentId(commentId);
for (FindReplysVo findReplysVo: findReplysVos){
// 查询回复的回复
List<FindReplytoReplyByCommentId> replyToReplys = replyMapper.findAllReplytoRepleByCommentId(commentId);
for (FindReplytoReplyByCommentId replyToReply: replyToReplys){
上述代码有一个Bug 回复的回复始终会显示在回复的下方
@Select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reply where comment_id = #{commentId}")
int findCountByCommentId(int commentId);
@Select(("SELECT username,u_pic,r_id,content,u_id,comment_id,to_r_id,reply.created_time " +
"FROM reply inner join user on user.id = reply.u_id where comment_id = #{commentId} AND to_r_id IS NULL "))
List<FindReplysVo> findAllReplyByCommentId(int commentId);
@Select("SELECT u1.username AS replyUsername,u1.u_pic AS replyUpic,\n" +
" r1.r_id AS replyReplyId,r1.content AS replyContent,r1.created_time,\n" +
" r2.content AS ByreplyContent,u2.username AS ByreplyUsername,u2.u_pic AS ByreplyUpic\n" +
" FROM reply AS r1,user AS u1,reply AS r2,user AS u2\n" +
" WHERE r1.u_id = u1.id AND r1.to_r_id = r2.r_id AND r2.u_id = u2.id\n" +
" AND r1.comment_id = #{commentId} ")
List<FindReplytoReplyByCommentId> findAllReplytoRepleByCommentId(int commentId);
三、 前端实现
<view class="content"> <view class="comment animated bounceIn" v-for="(res, index) in commentList" :key="res.cid" > <view class="left"> <image :src="res.upic" mode="aspectFill"></image> </view> <view class="right"> <view class="top"> {{res.username}} </view> <view class="content">{{ res.content }}</view> <view class="reply-box"> <view class="all-reply" @tap="toAllReply(res)" v-if="res.replyCount != 0 "> 共{{ res.replyCount }}条回复 <u-icon class="more" name="arrow-right" :size="26"></u-icon> </view> </view> <view class="bottom"> {{ res.createdTime }} <view class="reply" @tap="toAllReply(res)">回复</view> </view> </view> </view> </view>
<!-- 被回复的评论 --> <view class="comment"> <view class="top"> <view class="left"> <view class="heart-photo"> <image :src="comment.upic" mode=""></image> </view> <view class="user-info"> <view class="name">{{ comment.username }}</view> <view class="date">{{ comment.createdTime }}</view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="content">{{ comment.content }}</view> </view> <!-- 全部的回复 --> <view class="all-reply"> <view class="all-reply-top">全部回复({{ comment.replyCount }})</view> <view @click="replyToreply(item.username,item.rid,item.replyReplyId)" class="item animated bounceIn" hover-class="itemHover" hover-stay-time="1000" v-for="(item, index) in replyList" :key="index"> <view class="comment"> <view class="top"> <view class="left"> <view class="heart-photo"> <image v-if="item.toRId == 0 " :src="item.upic" mode=""></image> <image v-if="item.toRId != 0 " :src="item.replyUpic" mode=""></image> </view> <view class="user-info"> <view class="name">{{ item.toRId == 0 ? item.username: item.replyUsername }}</view> <view class="date">{{ item.createdTime }}</view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="reply" v-if="item.toRId != 0 "> <view class="username">{{ item.byreplyUsername }}</view> <view class="text">{{ item.byreplyContent }}</view> </view> <view class="content">{{ item.toRId == 0 ? item.content: item.replyContent }}</view> </view> </view> </view> <!-- 发表评论组件 --> <publishComment ref="publishComment" v-on:shuaxin="getReply()" :to_r_id="to_r_id" :comment_type="type" :art_id="art_id" :comment_id="c_id" ></publishComment>
var compare = function (prop){ return function (obj1, obj2) { var v1; var v2; if(prop === "createdTime"){ v1 = new Date(obj1[prop]).getTime() v2 = new Date(obj2[prop]).getTime() }else{ v1 = new Date(obj1[prop]) v2 = new Date(obj2[prop]) } if (v1 > v2) { return -1; } else if (v1 < v2) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } export default compare
prop: 是你要进行排序的属性名
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