Erlang Resources里面关于Elixir的资料越来越多,加上Joe Armstrong的这篇文章,对Elixir的兴趣也越来越浓厚,投入零散时间学习了一下.零零散散,测试代码写了一些,Evernote中笔记更是混乱,还是逐步整理出来.
Elixir is a functional, meta-programming aware language built on top of the Erlang VM. It is a dynamic language with flexible syntax and macro support that leverages Erlang's abilities to build concurrent, distributed and fault-tolerant applications with hot code upgrades.
Git首页 https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir
Elixir官网 http://elixir-lang.org/
需要Erlang R16B或更新版本,安装Elixir参考下面的列表.之前有人问是否可以在windows中使用Elixir,下面列表中包含了Chocolatey安装的方案:
Homebrew for Mac OS X
Update your homebrew to latest with brew update
Install Elixir: brew install elixir
Fedora 17+ and Fedora Rawhide
sudo yum -y install elixir
Arch Linux (on AUR)
yaourt -S elixir
openSUSE (and SLES 11 SP3+)
Add Erlang devel repo with zypper ar -f obs://devel:languages:erlang/ erlang
Install Elixir: zypper in elixir
emerge --ask dev-lang/elixir
Chocolatey for Windows
cinst elixir
$ git clone https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir.git $ cd elixir $ make test
虽然不建议在Windows中搞Erlang相关的东西,但考虑到还是有很多小伙伴习惯在Windows中做开发,还是尝试一下在Windows环境中安装Elixir.我们使用的工具是Chocolatey,它依附于Windows PowerShell的软件库工具,官网有一键安装的批处理命令.安装Chocolatey之后,直接执行cinst elixir即可完成elixir及其依赖库的安装以及环境变量的配置,安装目录在C:\tools\Elixir ,不过进入bin目录执行脚本会闪退,把错误重定向出来如下
c:\tools\Elixir\bin>iex 'ETLOCAL' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'et' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'or' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 'f' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Usage: elixir.bat [options] [.exs file] [data] 'cho.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
Interactive Elixir (0.10.0) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(1)>
还用说,Sublime Text通过Package Control安装Elixir插件即可,看截图
iex(5)> h() # IEx.Helpers Welcome to Interactive Elixir. You are currently seeing the documentation for the module `IEx.Helpers` which provides many helpers to make Elixir's shell more joyful to work with. This message was triggered by invoking the helper `h()`, usually referred to as `h/0` (since it expects 0 arguments). There are many other helpers available: * `c/2` — compiles a file at the given path * `cd/1` — changes the current directory * `clear/0` — clears the screen * `flush/0` — flushes all messages sent to the shell * `h/0` — prints this help message * `h/1` — prints help for the given module, function or macro * `l/1` — loads the given module's beam code and purges the current version * `ls/0` — lists the contents of the current directory * `ls/1` — lists the contents of the specified directory * `m/0` — prints loaded modules * `pwd/0` — prints the current working directory * `r/0` — recompile and reload all modules that were previously reloaded * `r/1` — recompiles and reloads the given module's source file * `s/1` — prints spec information * `t/1` — prints type information * `v/0` — prints the history of commands evaluated in the session * `v/1` — retrieves the nth value from the history * `import_file/1` — evaluates the given file in the shell's context Help for functions in this module can be consulted directly from the command line, as an example, try: h(c/2) You can also retrieve the documentation for any module or function. Try these: h(Enum) h(Enum.reverse/1) To learn more about IEx as a whole, just type `h(IEx)`. iex(6)> h(size) * def size(arg) Returns the size of the given argument, which must be a tuple or a binary. If possible, please use `tuple_size` or `byte_size`. iex(7)> h(length) * def length(list) Returns the length of `list`. Allowed in guard tests. ## Examples iex> length([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) 9 iex(8)>
如何退出iex? Ctrl+c
然后 a
iex> 1 # integer iex> 0x1F # integer iex> 1.0 # float iex> :atom # atom / symbol iex> {1,2,3} # tuple iex> [1,2,3] # list iex> <<1,2,3>> # bitstring
注意上面:atom这种风格和Ruby是一致的,且在Ruby中这种数据类型就是 symbol.作为一种为了取悦开发者而生的开发语言,Ruby提供了很多让开发者爽到的便利,Elixir从Ruby偷师不少,后续讨论中可以看到.
iex(11)> length("hello") ** (ArgumentError) argument error :erlang.length("hello") erl_eval.erl:569: :erl_eval.do_apply/6 src/elixir.erl:138: :elixir.eval_forms/3 iex(11)> size("hello") 5 iex(12)>
iex(48)> is_binary('zen') false iex(49)> is_list('zen') true iex(50)> nil iex(51)> is_binary("zen") true iex(52)> is_list("zen") false iex(53)> <<"zen">> == "zen" true iex(54)> <<'zen'>> == "zen" true iex(55)> <<'zen'>> == 'zen' false iex(56)> <<122,101,110>> == "zen" true
深究一下size和length,我们打开elixir-master\lib\elixir\lib \kernel.ex文件,可以找到下面的代码
@doc """ Returns the size of the given argument, which must be a tuple or a binary. If possible, please use `tuple_size` or `byte_size`. """ @spec size(tuple|binary) :: non_neg_integer def size(arg) do :erlang.size(arg) end @doc """ Returns the length of `list`. Allowed in guard tests. ## Examples iex> length([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) 9 """ @spec length(list) :: non_neg_integer def length(list) do :erlang.length(list) end
在Elixir中双引号和单引号表示的字符串是不同的,看上面的例子, "zen", <<"zen">>,<<'zen'>>都是 <<122,101,110>>数据的语法糖;而'zen'本质上是char list,看下面的代码:
iex(59)> [122,101,110] == "zen" false iex(60)> [122,101,110] == 'zen' true iex(61)>
提到string就不可避免提到对unicode的支持,Elixir的基础是Erlang R16B01,所以支持unicode不费力,我们先从一
在Erlang中取ASCII的快捷运算符 $a 在Elixir中使用的是"?",不过这个是增强版的,它可以字符的Codepoint
iex(29)> ?a 97 iex(30)> [?a,?b,?c] 'abc' iex(31)> [?a,?b,?c,1] [97, 98, 99, 1] iex(53)> ?开 24320 iex(54)> ?心 24515 iex(51)> String.codepoints "a我b们c开心" ["a", "我", "b", "们", "c", "开", "心"] iex(59)> <<content::utf8,restcontent::binary >>="我们很开心abc" "我们很开心abc" iex(60)> content 25105 iex(61)> ?我 25105 iex(62)> restcontent "们很开心abc" iex(43)> is_bitstring("hello开心") true iex(44)> bit_size("hello开心") 88 iex(45)> bit_size("开心") 48 iex(47)> size("wo们") 5
iex(74)> "foo" <> "bar" "foobar"
iex(37)> name="zen" "zen" iex(38)> "hello,I am #{name}" "hello,I am zen" iex(39)>
Ruby里面把上面占位替换成为表达式替换"Expression Substitution",看Ruby的例子
x, y, z = 12, 36, 72 puts "The value of x is #{ x }. puts "The sum of x and y is #{ x + y }. puts "The average was #{ (x + y + z)/3 }."
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