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Balancing your Budget_balancing a tight budget is

balancing a tight budget is


Without a doubt ,millions of people around the world are experiencing unprecedented(空前的) financial hardship .With soaring inflation and unemployment as well as increasing market competition.many people are finding themselves working harder for less.if you feel like your money does not go the distance anymore.dont despair.In today lessons ,we will learn some great tips on how to make your money go further by sticking to a budget.T和


  1. Do you maintain a budget?
  2. How important is saving money to you?
  3. Do you think the recession will end soon?
  4. At what age should children learn how to budget?

A penny saved is a penny earned

The thought  of making a budget may make any shopaholic cringe,but in todays economy,it is an absolute must,High inflation .along with wage(引起) stagnation(停滞),has forced many people to come up with creative ways to save money.Making budget is a good starting point,it is a good to  way to save your money and your sanity(头脑清楚),while surviving difficult economic times.Remember ,no amount of money is too small or insignificant to save .A penny saved is a penny earned!

The first steps

Before making  a budget,it 's good idea to sit down and list your current expenses.Here are some examples of common expenses that you may want to list on your budget plan:

rent/mortgage(抵押)            phone bill

tansportation                       entertainment

utility(常用) bills                   cable/internet bill

(electricity ,gas ,etc)           education /traning

personal care                      food/groceries


cutting corners

Now that you have listed your expenses,this is a great time to see where some of your costs can be reduced .Are you shopping at most expensive stores? can you reduce the number of trips you make to the gas station?Are you throwing away money by getting coffee every day before work at you neighborhood cafe ?there are many small expenses that can quickly  add up. ideally ,you should start by reducing unnecessary expenditures(花费) before making cuts anywhere else in budget.


  1. How much do you spend on coffee every day?
  2. What are some ways that you can make your money last longer?
  3. Do you feel guilty about making purchases that are too expensive?
  4. Do you like spend money or save money?

A 30 day plan for success

Another great way to reduce your expenses is to look more closely at past bank statements.This is a great way to ananlyze purchases that you have made that were perhap a bit unnecessary.Get a copy of your most recent bank statements and make notes of the expenses that were not essential. Add up the amount  and this will show you exactly how much money you could have saved that month.Now,try to save that same amount for the following month and continue to do so for the next serveral months.You will be amazed at the results!

More Money -saving tips

There are many different ways to save money without driving yourself crazy.When visiting your favorite clothing store.check the clearance and sale items first before viewing the item on display at the front of the store.Items at front of are typically more expensive than those items towards the back of the store .At the supermaket,check the bottom self in each aisle.you will typically find the lower-priced items there .Higher priced items are usually placed at eye-level -so buyers beware.


