>> trigrams = nltk.ngrams(sent.split(), 3)[('this', 'is', 'a'), ('is', 'a', 'foo'), ('a', 'foo', 'bar'), ('foo', 'bar..._python nltk 英文词典">
>>> import nltk
>>> sent = "this is a foo bar crazycoder"
>>> trigrams = nltk.ngrams(sent.split(), 3)
[('this', 'is', 'a'), ('is', 'a', 'foo'), ('a', 'foo', 'bar'), ('foo', 'bar', 'crazycoder')]
# token "a" in first element of trigram
>>> first_a = [i for i in trigrams if i[0] == "a"]
[('a', 'foo', 'bar')]
# token "a" in 2nd element of trigram
>>> second_a = [i for i in trigrams if i[1] == "a"]
[('is', 'a', 'foo')]
# token "a" in third element of trigram
>>> third = [i for i in trigrams if i[2] == "a"]
[('this', 'is', 'a')]
# look for 2gram in trigrams
>> two_foobar = [i for i in trigrams if "foo" in i and "bar" in i]
[('a', 'foo', 'bar'), ('foo', 'bar', 'crazycoder')]
# look for a perfect 3gram
>> perfect = [i fof i in trigrams if "foo bar crazycoder".split() == i]
[('foo', 'bar', 'crazycoder')]
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