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浏览器创建render 树_如何为浏览器创建出色的游戏

exploit creative


Do you get a rush when you discover a glitch for the first time? Or what about when you finally break into that hidden area on a map? You know the place. You can see it on the map, but it’s blocked with seemingly impenetrable mountains and invisible walls? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might be an explorer.

你得到一个高峰,当你发现首次毛刺? 或者,当您最终闯入地图上的隐藏区域时该怎么办? 你知道这个地方。 您可以在地图上看到它,但是它被看似坚不可摧的山脉和看不见的墙壁所阻挡? 如果您对这些问题的回答是“是”,那么您可能是一位探险家。

As an explorer myself, I’m always excited by what’s hidden just beneath the surface in the games I play. I can still vividly remember the first time I glitched myself under the capital city of Stormwind in World of Warcraft. Getting there was easy, and I certainly wasn’t the first. But as descended under the bustling city to that hidden area, I was elated. There were hundreds of people just above me, all going about their day, selling stuff on the auction house or chatting with friends, and I was just out of reach, but still there. Since then, I’ve always sought out these experiences. I’m driven by a desire to look behind the smokes and mirrors and see the game for what it truly is. This has led me to ponder how developers create games for people like me, the explorers.

作为我自己的探索者,我总是为自己所玩游戏的表面之下隐藏的事物而感到兴奋。 我仍然可以生动地记得我第一次在《魔兽世界》中在首都暴风城下发生故障。 到达那里很容易,我当然不是第一个。 但是当我从繁华的城市下到那个隐蔽的地方时,我很高兴。 在我上方有数百人,他们整天都忙着在拍卖行卖东西或与朋友聊天,我虽然遥不可及,但仍然在那里。 从那时起,我一直在寻找这些经验。 我渴望看到背后的烟雾和镜子,看比赛的真正意义。 这使我思考开发人员如何为像我这样的探险家创造游戏。

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World of Warcraft. Source: PixelTalks.
魔兽世界。 资料来源:PixelTalk。

到底是什么探险家? (What exactly is an explorer?)

If you ask 1,000 fans of the Elder Scrolls series what they love about the game, you’ll get a lot of different answers. However, you won’t get 1,000 different answers. We might like to believe that our motivations are unique to us, but in reality, our preferences usually follow certain patterns and can be put into distinct categories. This is what Richard Bartle found in his 1996 research into the subject. He broke down player motivations into four distinct categories. These are explorers, achievers, killers, and socializers.

如果您问上古卷轴系列的1,000名粉丝他们对游戏的喜爱,您会得到很多不同的答案。 但是,您不会得到1000个不同的答案 。 我们可能想相信我们的动机是我们独有的,但实际上,我们的偏好通常遵循某些模式,并且可以分为不同的类别。 这就是Richard Bartle在1996年对该主题的研究中发现的。 他将玩家动机分为四个不同的类别。 他们是探险家,成就者,杀手和社交者。

Achievers are your traditional goal-motivated player type. They want to complete the game, improve their character, amass wealth, beat high scores, and earn trophies. Much like the game suggests, they are motivated by a desire to achieve predefined in-game goals.

成就者是您传统的目标驱动型玩家。 他们想要完成比赛,提高自己的性格,积累财富,击败高分并赢得奖杯。 就像游戏所暗示的那样,他们受到达成预​​定游戏内目标的渴望的激励。

Killers want to inflict pain on other players through sheer dominance. Killers tend to enjoy first-person shooter games or other player-versus-player (PvP) content. However, killers can also gain satisfaction through controlling the in-game economy by hoarding resources and manipulating supply and demand. If someone else is losing out or smashing their keyboard in frustration, then killers are elated.

杀手想通过纯粹的统治力给其他玩家带来痛苦。 杀手倾向于享受第一人称射击游戏或其他玩家对玩家(PvP)内容。 但是,杀手还可以通过ho积资源和操纵供求来控制游戏内经济,从而获得满足感。 如果其他人迷失了自己或沮丧地砸了他们的键盘,那么杀手们就会兴高采烈。

Socializers are motivated by socializing with other players. These players tend to do well in guild, clan, or group leadership roles and are at their most fulfilled when interacting with other players. Socializers thrive in multiplayer or massively multiplayer games where teamwork is a core element of gameplay.

社交的通过与其他玩家的社交动机。 这些球员在公会,公会或团队领导角色中往往会做得很好,并且在与其他球员互动时最能发挥作用。 社交者在多人或大型多人游戏中games壮成长,而团队合作是游戏玩法的核心要素。

Explorers are motivated by a desire to discover new things. They want to explore new or hidden areas, discover glitches, or exploit creative game mechanics. They also enjoy finding hidden easter eggs in games.

探索者的动力是发现新事物的愿望。 他们想探索新的或隐藏的区域,发现故障或利用创造性的游戏机制。 他们还喜欢在游戏中找到隐藏的复活节彩蛋。

These four player types help to express how the player interacts with the game. Killers like to act on other players and achievers like to act on the world. Socializers like to interact with other players, and explorers like to interact with the world. The image below can help you visualize how these motivations can be broken down.

这四种玩家类型有助于表达玩家如何与游戏互动。 杀手喜欢对其他玩家采取行动 ,成功者喜欢对世界采取行动 。 社交者喜欢与其他玩家互动 ,探险者喜欢与世界互动 。 下图可以帮助您直观地了解如何分解这些动机。

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Original content.

游戏如何惩罚探险者 (How games punish explorers)

It’s easy to see how game designers consider killers, achievers, and socializers when creating games. Almost all modern games have an achievement system where players can unlock rewards or trophies for completing in-game objectives. Killers create their own fun, as long as designers give them a place to dominate. And socializers will be happy as long as effective communication is supported. But what about explorers?

很容易看出游戏设计师在创建游戏时如何考虑杀手,成就者和社交者。 几乎所有现代游戏都有成就系统,玩家可以在其中完成完成游戏目标的奖励或奖杯。 只要设计师为他们创造统治地位,杀手就会创造自己的乐趣。 只要支持有效的沟通,社交者就会很高兴。 但是探险者呢?

Explorers are frequently punished for playing games in the way that they find the most fulfilling. Explorers enjoy finding creative ways to play the game, and this usually means ways of playing the game that the designers didn’t intend.

探险者经常因其发现自己最满意的游戏方式而受到惩罚。 探险者喜欢寻找创造性的玩游戏方式,这通常意味着玩游戏的方式是设计师所不希望的。

隐藏区域 (Hidden areas)

Hidden areas are places on a game map that are blocked off with invisible walls or other obstacles. The designers have left the spaces in the game, yet players are not supposed to access them. For many players, getting into these locations makes for extremely fun and rewarding gameplay. We have seen game publishers in the past come down hard on players who break into these areas, but why?

隐藏区域是游戏地图上被看不见的墙壁或其他障碍物遮挡的地方。 设计师已将空间留在游戏中,但玩家不应访问它们。 对于许多玩家而言,进入这些地点可以带来极大的乐趣和奖励。 过去,我们已经看到游戏发行商对进入这些领域的玩家大加赞赏,但是为什么呢?

There are three situations where this should be a punishable offense:


  1. The player gains access to game-breaking items and uses them. We saw this happen in 2019 when Bethesda issued temporary bans for players who accessed a hidden room full of powerful or unreleased game items.

    玩家可以访问破坏游戏的物品并使用它们。 我们看到了这种情况发生在2019年,当时贝塞斯达发布了临时禁令禁止进入密室中的玩家使用强大或未发布的游戏物品。

  2. The player gained access through means against the Terms of Service (ToS). This usually means that they created a code that would manipulate the game in some way. Examples of this could be removing/deleting invisible walls, or using speed or flying hacks.

    玩家通过违反服务条款(ToS)的方式获得访问权限。 这通常意味着他们创建了可以某种方式操纵游戏的代码。 这样的示例可能是删除/删除不可见的墙,或者使用速度或飞行技巧。
  3. Access to the hidden area gives a distinct gameplay advantage and allows players to grief other players. We see this in first-person shooter games where players will try to glitch themselves into a hidden area of the map with the intent of killing unsuspecting players.

    进入隐藏区域可提供独特的游戏优势,并允许玩家悲伤其他玩家。 我们在第一人称射击游戏中看到了这一点,在该游戏中,玩家将试图杀死自己,以杀死不知情的玩家。

All other means of accessing hidden areas, such as jumping at a wall for hours on end to find a small gap and run around a new area, should be allowed. However, explorers are frequently punished for entering a hidden area where they can cause no harm and gain no advantage in the game.

应当采取所有其他方法来访问隐藏区域,例如,在墙壁上跳几个小时才能找到一个小缝隙并在新区域周围奔跑。 但是,探险者经常因为进入一个不会造成伤害且在游戏中没有优势的隐藏区域而受到惩罚。

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is famous for fostering player creativity and exploration. Source: Nintendo.
《塞尔达传说:荒野之息》以培养玩家的创造力和探索力而闻名。 资料来源:任天堂。

游戏机制的创造性运用 (Creative use of game mechanics)

Content creator Archvaldor from the YouTube channel Archvaldor’s Warcraft Hacks recently posted a video called ‘How I Got BANNED for BOTTING Without Actually Botting’. In this video, he explains how he was hit with a ban from Activision-Blizzard for his activity in World of Warcraft. This ban was supposed to address the botting issue that has always plagued World of Warcraft. The only problem was, Archvaldor wasn’t botting.

来自YouTube频道Archvaldor的Warcraft Hacks的内容创建者Archvaldor最近发布了一个视频,名为“ 我如何在没有实际Bot的情况下被BOT封禁 ”。 在此视频中,他解释了如何因其在《魔兽世界》中的活动而被Activision-Blizzard的禁令打中。 这项禁令旨在解决一直困扰魔兽世界的打击问题。 唯一的问题是,Archvaldor没有启动。

He thinks someone reported him as a bot because he was attempting to access an area blocked off by a gate. To do this he was running at the gate and testing a range of different abilities to see if any would work. A Game Master (a Blizzard employee tasked with addressing in-game issues) appeared for a few seconds before disappearing. The Game Master refused all communication initiated by Archvaldor. Archvaldor received the ban three weeks after he was attempting to climb up the terrain in a different area of the game. It was a six-month ban that was not eligible for review.

他认为有人将他报告为机器人,是因为他试图进入被大门挡住的区域。 为此,他在大门口奔跑,并测试了一系列不同的能力,看是否有任何可行的。 Game Master(暴雪的一名负责解决游戏中问题的员工)出现了几秒钟,然后消失了。 游戏管理员拒绝了Archvaldor发起的所有通信。 Archvaldor在尝试攀登游戏其他区域的地形后三周收到了禁令。 这是六个月的禁令,没有资格进行审查。

“I see exploitation as a way to create exciting and emerging gameplay,” Archvaldor said in his video. “I think I’ve been successful with that. This channel brings players back to the game, I get messages about it constantly”.

“我认为剥削是创造令人兴奋和新兴的游戏玩法的一种方式,”阿奇瓦尔多在他的视频中说道。 “我认为我已经成功了。 该频道将玩家带回游戏,我不断收到有关它的消息。”

Archvaldor hits on a compelling point here. Explorers are a legitimate part of the player base. Some players are not motivated by mastering the game in the way achievers are. Instead, they want to peek behind the curtain. They want the sense of achievement that comes from executing a sequence of complex moves that will reward them with something other players don’t have access to. They want to break new ground and find exploits that allow for creative gameplay. These players are all too often forgotten by game designers or even punished for their efforts.

Archvaldor在这里引人注目。 探索者是玩家基础的合法组成部分。 有些玩家并没有像成就者那样精通游戏。 相反,他们想在窗帘后面偷看。 他们希望通过执行一系列复杂的动作来获得成就感,这些动作会奖励他们其他玩家无法获得的东西。 他们希望开拓新的领域,并找到可以发挥创意的游戏玩法。 这些玩家经常被游戏设计师所遗忘,甚至因其努力而受到惩罚。

This isn’t the first time Activision has come under fire for excessive banning. They also received backlash for hitting players with 10-year bans on Call of Duty Mobile, with many players saying they have done nothing to invite the ban. It seems that in an effort to create fair games, anti-cheat software opts to punish explorers along with botters. The goal is to eliminate all botters, and if that means all explorers are eliminated too, then so be it.

这不是Activision首次因过度禁止而受到抨击。 他们还因打击《 使命召唤行动》十年禁令的玩家而受到强烈反对,许多玩家表示他们没有做任何事情来邀请禁令。 看来,为了创造公平的游戏,反作弊软件选择了惩罚者和杀手。 目标是消除所有冲击波,如果这意味着也消除了所有浏览器,那就这样吧。

探险者带给游戏的东西 (What explorers bring to games)

So, explorers are frequently punished, but why does this matter? Can games afford to lose explorers? No, no they can’t. It’s estimated that explorers make up 10% of the player base for the average game.

因此,探险家经常受到惩罚,但是为什么这很重要? 游戏可以输掉探险家吗? 不,不,他们不能。 据估计,探险者占普通游戏玩家人数的10%。

Explorers tend to be good for games because they form an active part of the wider social community of the games they play. They typically like to create content on their explorations and are active on the game forums. This helps to draw new players in. They tend to have a deep understanding of game mechanics and how the game works, which means they are great at educating newer players. Since they are focused on creating new types of gameplay, they help to keep the game alive for players who are bored or lacking direction in the game.

资源管理器往往对游戏有益,因为它们构成了所玩游戏的更广泛的社会社区的活跃组成部分。 他们通常喜欢在自己的探索中创建内容,并经常在游戏论坛上活跃。 这有助于吸引新玩家。他们往往对游戏机制以及游戏的运作方式有深刻的了解,这意味着他们擅长于教育新玩家。 由于他们专注于创建新型的游戏方式,因此有助于使无聊或缺少方向的玩家保持游戏的活力。

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Death Stranding encourages players to think laterally to move objects from Point A to B without providing explicit instructions. Source: Sony.
死亡搁浅鼓励玩家横向思考,以在没有提供明确指示的情况下将物体从A点移动到B点。 资料来源:索尼。

如何为探索者创建游戏 (How to create games for explorers)

If explorers are a legitimate part of the gaming community that developers can’t afford to ignore, then how do we make games that are fun for explorers? And how do we do this while still maintaining the integrity of the game?

如果资源管理器是游戏社区中开发人员不能忽视的合法部分,那么我们如何制作对资源管理器很有趣的游戏? 以及如何在保持游戏完整性的同时做到这一点?

支持创造性地使用游戏机制 (Support creative use of game mechanics)

Firstly, I think game developers need to broaden their definition of how a game should be played. In recent years, some MMORPGs have been accused of becoming “theme-park MMOs”. This means that every experience is tailored and players are all pushed down one route. Player freedom is pushed to the side in order to create highly immersive story-driven paths to success. This is how most single-player linear games are designed, and it’s very effective. When playing The Last of Us, players don’t complain that they can’t explore an open world. Why? because they don’t want to explore an open world, they are there for the compelling story and rich character progression. But MMOs are a different category of game, one where open-world exploration and player freedom is a huge selling point.

首先,我认为游戏开发人员需要扩大对游戏方式的定义。 近年来,一些MMORPG被指控成为“主题公园MMO”。 这意味着每种体验都是量身定制的,并且玩家都被压向一条路线。 为了创造高度沉浸式的故事驱动的成功之路,将玩家的自由放到一边。 这就是大多数单人线性游戏的设计方式,非常有效。 在玩《我们的末日》时 ,玩家不会抱怨自己无法探索开放的世界。 为什么? 因为他们不想探索开放的世界,所以他们在那里寻找引人入胜的故事和丰富的角色发展。 但是MMO是另一类游戏,开放世界探索和玩家自由是巨大的卖点。

If developers broadened their definition of how their games should be played, then explorers can have their fun too. As long as the player isn’t going against the ToS or executing game-breaking glitches, then what’s the harm in them playing the game differently?

如果开发人员扩大了对游戏玩法的定义,那么探险者也可以从中获得乐趣。 只要玩家不反对ToS或执行破坏游戏的故障,那么以不同的方式玩游戏对他们有何危害?

复杂 (Complexity)

Introducing complexity into games is also something that will excite explorers. Explorers aren’t typically reward-driven in the same way achievers are. This means standard gamification methods don’t work as well on them. The more elements of complexity there is in a game, the more opportunity there is for explorers to discover new things.

将复杂性引入游戏中也将激发探索者。 探险者通常不会像成就者那样以奖励为动力。 这意味着标准游戏化方法不适用于它们。 游戏中复杂性的元素越多,探险者发现新事物的机会就越大。

复活节彩蛋 (Easter eggs)

Developers should also add more Easter eggs into games. This one is a no-brainer because explorers love finding Easter eggs, and developers don’t have to worry about the game being played in a way they didn’t intend. It works for everyone. Here are a few of my favorite easter eggs in games:

开发人员还应在游戏中添加更多的复活节彩蛋。 不用担心,因为探险家喜欢找到复活节彩蛋,而且开发人员不必担心游戏会以他们意想不到的方式进行游戏。 它适用于所有人。 以下是一些我在游戏中最喜欢的复活节彩蛋:

  • In Doom 2, there was a secret ending that players could only access if they shoot the final boss in the face and walk through it. When you did this, you’d discover John Romero’s head (the game’s co-creator) on a stick.

    在《 毁灭战士2》中 ,有一个秘密的结局,即玩家只有射击最终的头目并走过去,才能进入。 完成此操作后,您会发现棍子上的约翰·罗梅罗(John Romero)的头(游戏的共同创造者)。

  • In Saints Row 2, if you travel to a tiny offshore island and wander near the coast, you’ll see a giant purple ocean bunny emerge from the ocean!

    圣徒街2号 ,如果您前往一个小的海上岛屿并在海岸附近徘徊,您会看到一个巨大的紫色海洋兔子从海洋中冒出来!

在游戏中保留资源管理器收藏夹 (Keep explorer favorites in the game)

If an area or content isn’t game-breaking, then keep it in the game. Many developers will remove content once they realize that their invisible walls didn’t keep players out. If there’s a legitimate reason that this content needs to be removed, for example, that it will give that player an advantage, then that’s okay. However, I would like developers to consider which content is harmless and keep this content in the game for explorers to enjoy.

如果某个区域或内容没有违反游戏规则,则将其保留在游戏中。 一旦意识到他们看不见的墙并没有将玩家拒之门外,许多开发人员就会删除内容。 如果有正当理由需要删除此内容(例如,它将使该播放器获得优势),那没关系。 但是,我希望开发人员考虑哪些内容是无害的,并将这些内容保留在游戏中以供浏览者欣赏。

Lastly, stop punishing them for doing the activities they enjoy.


Happy exploring everyone!


翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/how-to-create-great-games-for-explorers-23b30b6ba200

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