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本文为瑞典于默奥大学(作者:Shahriar Bagheri)的硕士论文,共115页。



Unmanned aerial systems have been widelyused for variety of civilian applications over the past few years. Some ofthese applications require accurate guidance and control. Consequently,Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) guidance and control attracted many researchersin both control theory and aerospace engineering. Flying wings, as a particulartype of UAV, are considered to have one of the most efficient aerodynamicstructures. It is however difficult to design robust controller for suchsystems. This is due to the fact that flying wings are highly sensitive tocontrol inputs. The focus of this thesis is on modeling and control design fora UAV system. The platform understudy is a flying wing developed by SmartPlanesCo. located in Skellefte˚a, Sweden. This UAV is particularly used fortopological mapping and aerial photography. The novel approach suggested inthis thesis is to use two controllers in sequence. More precisely, LinearQuadratic Regulator (LQR) is suggested to provide robust stability, andProportional, Integral, Derivative (PID) controller is suggested to providereference signal regulation. The idea behind this approach is that with LQR inthe loop, the system becomes more stable and less sensitive to control signals.Thus, PID controller has an easier task to do, and is only used to provide therequired transient response. The closed-loop system containing the developedcontroller and a UAV non-linear dynamic model was simulated in Simulink.Simulated controller was then tested for stability and robustness with respectto some parametric uncertainty. Obtained results revealed that the LQRsuccessfully managed to provide robust stability, and PID provided referencesignal regulation. The thesis is mainly divided into four parts. The first partfocuses on mathematical modeling and equations of motion. It explains 6 Degreeof Freedom (DoF) UAV non-linear equations and linearization usingsmall-disturbance theory. Static and dynamic stability analysis that wasaccomplished using Datcom software, had been explained in part one as well. Thesecond part presents guidelines and explains the design procedure of LQR andProportional, Integral, Derivative controllers, used for reference signaltracking. The third part describes how to simulate the closed-loop system inSimulink and finally part four, presents the result of numerical simulations.Result of these simulations were studied based on system stability, referencesignal regulation and robustness.

  1. 引言
  2. 运动方程
  3. 控制系统设计
  4. 计算机仿真的Simulink模型
  5. 数字仿真结果
  6. 结论与讨论
    附录A DATCOM
    附录B 会议记录
    附录C MATLAB代码



