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SCI投稿经验(三) 回复审稿人_sci感谢审稿人的语句








一般来说退修的材料包括原稿、审稿人意见和一封编辑的信。当你收到退修信后,首先要仔细的阅读信件内容以及审稿人意见,然后考虑是否愿意接受审稿人的意见修改稿件。对每位审稿人提出的意见要逐条回答;对修回稿中已修改的地方要具体标明(page, lines);给主编回信,感谢给文稿提出的修改意见,并指出按修改建议已作的修改,未作修改的地方要说明理由。个人建议是所有问题最好都按要求去做,这样的 accept 可能性很高,当然审稿人的水平也有不同,有些明显错误的观点应当用详细的理由加以回复,有可能的话附上参考文献增加可信度。





Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):

The manuscript entitled “XXX” presents a multifunctional composite nanoplatform capable of XXX in tumor treatment. I think some necessary revision should be addressed the following concerns for further evaluation:

Response: Thank you very much for the positive comments and constructive suggestions. Please find the following detailed responses to your comments and suggestions.

1、Would it affect the structure of XXX adsorbed? How did the authors measure the loading ratios of XXX?

Response: Thanks very much for your comment, which is highly appreciated.

A. To verify the effect of XXX modification on the structure of XXX,we supplemented the 哪些实验as follows.接下来对实验结果进行论证回答审稿人问题。并附上实验结果图。

B. 第二个问题给出相应的实验以及论证。

2、What kind of interaction between XXX and XXX carrier to form a stable composite structure?

Response: Thanks for your kind question.首先我给出了问题答案,随后引用文献论证该答案的正确性与合理性。

3、 SEM and TEM images of XXX may be given in the manuscript.

Response: Thanks for your constructive suggestion. 这种问题就很简单处理了,直接按照审稿人的意见补充就行。


5、XXX are not so satisfactory from Digital photos in Figure X.

Response: Thanks for your kind suggestions,which is valuable for improving the accuracy of the manuscript.审稿人认为我的图片不合要求,于是重新做了这项实验,并给符合审稿人要求的新的实验结果。

6、Typos and errors should be corrected.

Response: Thanks for your constructive suggestion, which is highly appreciated.We have carefully scrutinized the manuscript, and made corresponding revisions including some typos, grammatical errors and long sentences, etc.


Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):

Authors construct XXX against tumor. The work is very attractive and well-written. The experimental data support the proposed hypotheses well and the interpretation of the results is appropriate. So I suggest accept this manuscript only after following minor revisions.

Response: Thank you very much for your recommendation.We have tried our best to revise the manuscript according to your kind and construction comments and suggestions. We sincerely hope that this revised manuscript has addressed all your comments and suggestions.

1、In the introduction, authors should cite some literatures related to XXX and XXX.

Response: Thanks for the references,which are now included in the revised manuscript.Specific references are listed as follows:XXX



3、Some sentences in the text are too long. It is better to use short sentences.

Response: Thanks for your kind suggestion. According to the reviewers’ comment,we have corrected these too long sentences to make the language more accurate and more appropriate.Furthermore,we have had the manuscript polished with the help of editing service and have marked out in the revised manuscript.


Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author):

The manuscript titled as XXX is not suitable for publication in this journal as the novelty is not very high and therapeutic system used here has been reported in cancer nanomedicine. In addition, for further improving the manuscript, the following points should be taken into consideration.

Response:Thanks for your comments, which is highly appreciated. As for the novelty, it is well-known that XXX. However, XXX. Although there are some reports focusing on XXX, the focus on XXX has been rarely explored. Especially for XXX that features some unparalleled merits like XXX, only several reports underlined XXX. More unfortunately, little attention was paid to XXX. In this report, 重申创新.Thanks again to the reviewer on suggesting to further improve this manuscript,we have studied comments carefully and have made corresponding corrections which we hope meet with approval.

(1) (2)(3)…也是和上述一样需要补充相关实验完善文章的要求,就一笔略过了.

We sincerely hope that this revised manuscript has addressed all your comments and suggestions. We appreciated for reviewers’ warm work earnestly,and hope that the correction will meet with approval.Once again,thank you very much for your comments and suggestions.



