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Most of the applications we are using today in our day today life will show live location and data on maps. Example from online stores to food delivery application we are using maps.

我们今天生活中使用的大多数应用程序将在地图上显示实时位置和数据。 从在线商店到食品配送应用程序的示例,我们正在使用地图。

Maps are wide used to represent data and we always expect to be more interactive. There are many different libraries and plugins available for maps either paid or open source.

地图广泛用于表示数据,我们一直希望互动性更高。 有许多不同的库和插件可用于付费或开源地图。

Google maps isn’t the right solution for your map application. It doesn’t provide any customisation option to make it more convenient for yourself. If you want to make it with your functions you have to go for the open source available in the market.

Google地图不是您的地图应用程序的正确解决方案。 它没有提供任何自定义选项来使您自己更方便。 如果您想利用自己的功能来做到这一点,就必须选择市场上可用的开源软件。

In this article, we will see the different maps available containing JavaScript tools for working with maps libraries.


使用JavaScript函数分类地图 (Classification of maps with JavaScript Functions)

There are lot of tools available to work with JavaScript. So we can category them according to that.

有很多可用于JavaScript的工具。 因此,我们可以根据此分类。

  • Libraries: It will expose classes and functions by allowing them to build applications at a higher level of programming.


  • Wrappers: It act as an interface between caller and the wrapped code.

    包装器 :它充当调用者和包装的代码之间的接口。

  • Toolkits: It is very modular and easily integrated into a custom application.

    工具包 :它是非常模块化的,可以轻松集成到自定义应用程序中。

  • Frameworks: A reusable components for enabling and supporting services, configured and integrated with application code.

    框架 :用于启用和支持服务的可重用组件,已配置并与应用程序代码集成。

  • Clients: Final product needed-to-use Web mapping applications.

    客户 :最终产品需要使用的Web映射应用程序。

如何选择正确的解决方案? (How to choose right solution?)

It depends upon how you will use them and how much you want to customize it to make more interactive.


When you choose the tool for your map. You have to choose first either paid or open source framework. Both of them have lot of functionality.

当您选择地图工具时。 您必须先选择付费或开源框架。 他们两个都有很多功能。

发行和升级 (Releases and Upgrades)

Consider the two big product, Google Maps and Leaflet. Google maps are controlled by Google. Any updates available will be scheduled by google. For Leaflet updates are frequent and it release new version with new features. The plugin update is independent from the entire update.

考虑一下两大产品Google Maps和Leaflet。 Google地图由Google控制。 任何可用的更新都将由Google安排。 对于Leaflet,更新非常频繁,并且会发布具有新功能的新版本。 插件更新与整个更新无关。

地图的工具和库 (Tools and libraries for maps)

Some of the tools will reduce the amount of work to produce interactive maps. It allows you to make a dynamic maps with only a few lines of codes.

一些工具将减少制作交互式地图的工作量。 它使您仅需几行代码即可制作动态地图。

The JS library will make you to add marker function, draw custom route line about certain points on maps.


The CSS will allows you to add custom styles in your map. By considering all these functionalities we consolidated following libraries that will help the developers to make complex maps easily and quickly.

CSS将允许您在地图中添加自定义样式。 通过考虑所有这些功能,我们合并了以下库,这些库将帮助开发人员轻松快速地制作复杂的地图。

Leafletjs (Leafletjs)

Web-sitehttps://leafletjs.com/GitHub stars: 28.1k, 

