Kafka 官方对于自身的 LAG 监控并没有太好的方法,虽然Kafka broker 自带有 kafka-topic.sh, kafka-consumer-groups.sh, kafka-console-consumer.sh 等脚本,但是对于大规模的生产集群上,使用脚本采集是非常不可靠的。
LinkedIn 公司的数据基础设施Streaming SRE团队正在积极开发Burrow,该软件由Go语言编写,在Apache许可证下发布,并托管在 GitHub Burrow 上。
这些信息被分解成每个分区的状态,然后转化为Consumer的单一状态。消费状态可以是OK,或处于WARNING状态(Consumer正在工作但消息消费落后),或处于ERROR状态(Consumer已停止消费或离线)。此状态可通过简单的HTTP请求发送至Burrow获取状态,也可以通过Burrow 定期检查并使用通知其通过电子邮件或单独的HTTP endpoint接口(例如监视或通知系统)发送出去。
Burrow能够监控Consumer消费消息的延迟,从而监控应用的健康状况,并且可以同时监控多个Kafka集群。用于获取关于Kafka集群和消费者的信息的HTTP上报服务与滞后状态分开,对于在无法运行Java Kafka客户端时有助于管理Kafka集群的应用程序非常有用。
Burrow 是基于 Go 语言开发,当前 Burrow 的 v1.1 版本已经release。
Burrow 也提供用于 docker 镜像。
Burrow_1.2.2_checksums.txt 297 Bytes
Burrow_1.2.2_darwin_amd64.tar.gz 4.25 MB
Burrow_1.1.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz 3.22 MB (CentOS 6)
Burrow_1.2.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz 4.31 MB (CentOS 7 Require GLIBC >= 2.14)
Burrow_1.2.2_windows_amd64.tar.gz 4 MB
- Changelog - version 1.2
- [d244fce922] - Bump sarama to 1.20.1 (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [793430d249] - Golang 1.9.x is no longer supported (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [735fcb7c82] - Replace deprecated megacheck with staticcheck (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [3d49b2588b] - Link the README to the Compose file in the project (Jordan Moore)
- [3a59b36d94] - Tests fixed (Mikhail Chugunkov)
- [6684c5e4db] - Added unit test for v3 value decoding (Mikhail Chugunkov)
- [10d4dc39eb] - Added v3 messages protocol support (Mikhail Chugunkov)
- [d6b075b781] - Replace deprecated MAINTAINER directive with a label (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [52606499a6] - Refactor parseKafkaVersion to reduce method complexity (gocyclo) (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [b0440f9dea] - Add gcc to build zstd (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [6898a8de26] - Add libc-dev to build zstd (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [b81089aada] - Add support for Kafka 2.1.0 (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [cb004f9405] - Build with Go 1.11 (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [679a95fb38] - Fix golint import path (golint fixer)
- [f88bb7d3a8] - Update docker-compose Readme section with working url. (Daniel Wojda)
- [3f888cdb2d] - Upgrade sarama to support Kafka 2.0.0 (#440) (daniel)
- [1150f6fef9] - Support linux/arm64 using Dup3() instead of Dup2() (Mpampis Kostas)
- [1b65b4b2f2] - Add support for Kafka 1.1.0 (#403) (Vlad Gorodetsky)
- [74b309fc8d] - code coverage for newly added lines (Clemens Valiente)
- [279c75375c] - accidentally reverted this (Clemens Valiente)
- [192878c69c] - gofmt (Clemens Valiente)
- [33bc8defcd] - make first regex test case a proper match everything (Clemens Valiente)
- [279b256b27] - only set whitelist / blacklist if it's not empty string (Clemens Valiente)
- [b48d30d18c] - naming (Clemens Valiente)
- [7d6c6ccb03] - variable naming (Clemens Valiente)
- [4e051e973f] - add tests (Clemens Valiente)
- [545bec66d0] - add blacklist for memory store (Clemens Valiente)
- [07af26d2f1] - Updated burrow endpoint in README : #401 (Ratish Ravindran)
- [fecab1ea88] - pass custom headers to http notifications. (#357) (vixns)
- Changelog - version 1.1
- fecab1e pass custom headers to http notifications. (#357)
- 7c0b8b1 Add minimum-complete config for the evaluator (#388)
- dc4cb84 Fix mail template (#369)
- e2216d7 Fetch goreleaser via curl instead of 'go get' as compilation only works in 1.10 (#387)
- f3659d1 Add a send-interval configuration parameter (#364)
- 3e488a2 Allow env vars to be used for configuration (#363)
- b7428c9 Fix typo in slack close (#361)
- 5b546cc Create the broker offset rings earlier (#360)
- 61f097a Metadata refresh on detecting a deleted topic must not be for that topic (#359)
- b890885 Make inmemory module request channel's size configurable (#352)
- 9911709 Update sarama to support 10.2.1 too. (#345)
- a1bdcde Adjusting docker build to be self-contained (#344)
- a91cf4d Fix an incorrect cast from #338 and add a test to cover it (#340)
- 389ef47 Store broker offset history (#338)
- 1a60efe Fix alert closing (#334)
- b75a6f3 Fix typo in Cluster reference
- cacf05e Reject offsets that are older than the group expiration time (#330)
- b6184ff Fix typo in the config checked for TLS no-verify #316 (#329)
- 3b765ea Sync Gopkg.lock with Gopkg.toml (#312)
- e47ec4c Fix ZK watch problem (#328)
- 846d785 Assume backward-compatible consumer protocol version (fix #313) (#327)
- e3a1493 Update sarama to support Kafka 1.0.0 (#306)
- 946a425 Fixing requests for StorageFetchConsumersForTopic (#310)
- 52e3e5d Update burrow.toml (#300)
- 3a4372f Upgrade sarama dependency to support Kafka 0.11.0 (#297)
- 8993eb7 Fix goreleaser condition (#299)
- d088c99 Add gitter webhook to travis config (#296)
- 08e9328 Merge branch 'gitter-badger-gitter-badge'
- 76db0a9 Fix positioning
- dddd0ea Add Gitter badge

Burrow 是无本地状态存储的,CPU密集型,网络IO密集型应用。
- # wget https://github.com/linkedin/Burrow/releases/download/v1.1.0/Burrow_1.1.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
- # mkdir burrow
- # tar -xf Burrow_1.1.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C burrow
- # cp burrow/burrow /usr/bin/
- # mkdir /etc/burrow
- # cp burrow/config/* /etc/burrow/
- # chkconfig --add burrow
- # /etc/init.d/burrow start
- [general]
- pidfile="/var/run/burrow.pid"
- stdout-logfile="/var/log/burrow.log"
- access-control-allow-origin="mysite.example.com"
- [logging]
- filename="/var/log/burrow.log"
- level="info"
- maxsize=512
- maxbackups=30
- maxage=10
- use-localtime=true
- use-compression=true
- [zookeeper]
- servers=[ "test1.localhost:2181","test2.localhost:2181" ]
- timeout=6
- root-path="/burrow"
- [client-profile.prod]
- client-id="burrow-lagchecker"
- kafka-version="0.10.0"
- [cluster.production]
- class-name="kafka"
- servers=[ "test1.localhost:9092","test2.localhost:9092" ]
- client-profile="prod"
- topic-refresh=180
- offset-refresh=30
- [consumer.production_kafka]
- class-name="kafka"
- cluster="production"
- servers=[ "test1.localhost:9092","test2.localhost:9092" ]
- client-profile="prod"
- start-latest=false
- group-blacklist="^(console-consumer-|python-kafka-consumer-|quick-|test).*$"
- group-whitelist=""
- [consumer.production_consumer_zk]
- class-name="kafka_zk"
- cluster="production"
- servers=[ "test1.localhost:2181","test2.localhost:2181" ]
- #zookeeper-path="/"
- # If specified, this is the root of the Kafka cluster metadata in the Zookeeper ensemble. If not specified, the root path is used.
- zookeeper-timeout=30
- group-blacklist="^(console-consumer-|python-kafka-consumer-|quick-|test).*$"
- group-whitelist=""
- [httpserver.default]
- address=":8000"
- [storage.default]
- class-name="inmemory"
- workers=20
- intervals=15
- expire-group=604800
- min-distance=1
- #[notifier.default]
- #class-name="http"
- #url-open=""
- #interval=60
- #timeout=5
- #keepalive=30
- #extras={ api_key="REDACTED", app="burrow", tier="STG", fabric="mydc" }
- #template-open="/etc/burrow/default-http-post.tmpl"
- #template-close="/etc/burrow/default-http-delete.tmpl"
- #method-close="DELETE"
- #send-close=false
- ##send-close=true
- #threshold=1

- #!/bin/bash
- #
- # Comments to support chkconfig
- # chkconfig: - 98 02
- # description: Burrow is kafka lag check_program by LinkedIn, Inc.
- #
- # Source function library.
- . /etc/init.d/functions
- ### Default variables
- prog_name="burrow"
- prog_path="/usr/bin/${prog_name}"
- pidfile="/var/run/${prog_name}.pid"
- options="-config-dir /etc/burrow/"
- # Check if requirements are met
- [ -x "${prog_path}" ] || exit 1
- start(){
- echo -n $"Starting $prog_name: "
- #pidfileofproc $prog_name
- #killproc $prog_path
- PID=$(pidofproc -p $pidfile $prog_name)
- #daemon $prog_path $options
- if [ -z $PID ]; then
- $prog_path $options > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- [ ! -e $pidfile ] && sleep 1
- fi
- [ -z $PID ] && PID=$(pidof ${prog_path})
- if [ -f $pidfile -a -d "/proc/$PID" ]; then
- #RETVAL=$?
- #[ ! -z "${PID}" ] && echo ${PID} > ${pidfile}
- echo_success
- [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/$prog_name
- else
- echo_failure
- fi
- echo
- return $RETVAL
- }
- stop(){
- echo -n $"Shutting down $prog_name: "
- killproc -p ${pidfile} $prog_name
- echo
- [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/$prog_name
- return $RETVAL
- }
- restart() {
- stop
- start
- }
- case "$1" in
- start)
- start
- ;;
- stop)
- stop
- ;;
- restart)
- restart
- ;;
- status)
- status $prog_path
- ;;
- *)
- echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
- esac
- exit $RETVAL

默认配置文件为 burrow.toml
GET /v3/kafka/(cluster)/consumer
Burrow 返回额接口均为 json 对象格式,所以非常方便用于二次采集处理。
- GET /v3/kafka/(cluster)/consumer/(group)/status
- GET /v3/kafka/(cluster)/consumer/(group)/lag
GET /v3/kafka/(cluster)/topic
GET /v3/kafka/(cluster)/topic/(topic)
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