# 导入库 from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 导入数据 digits = datasets.load_digits() X = digits.data y = digits.target # 数据可视化 plt.gray() plt.matshow(digits.images[0]) # 显示图片 plt.show() # 数据拆分训练集和测试集 X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=33) # 模型串联 pipeline = Pipeline([ ('scaler', StandardScaler()), # 数据标准化 ('svm', SVC()) # SVM分类器 ]) # 模型训练 pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train) # 预测 y_pred = pipeline.predict(X_test) # 结果分析 accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) print("预测准确率:", accuracy) report = classification_report(y_test, y_pred) print("分类报告:\n", report)
假设该Pipeline共有n个学习器: 首先假设:
Pipeline of transforms with a final estimator.
Sequentially apply a list of transforms and a final estimator.
Intermediate steps of the pipeline must be 'transforms', that is, they
must implement fit and transform methods.
The final estimator only needs to implement fit.
The transformers in the pipeline can be cached using ``memory`` argument.
The purpose of the pipeline is to assemble several steps that can be
cross-validated together while setting different parameters.
For this, it enables setting parameters of the various steps using their
names and the parameter name separated by a '__', as in the example below.
A step's estimator may be replaced entirely by setting the parameter
with its name to another estimator, or a transformer removed by setting
to None.
pipeline是以一个元组列表,每个元素为(key, value),其中 key 是你给这个步骤起的名字, value 是一个评估器对象,每一个可以称为一个步骤。
sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline(steps, memory=None, verbose=False)
steps: 步骤,使用(key, value)列表来构建,其中 key 是你给这个步骤起的名字(可以随便起), value 是一个对象(也是评估器,Estimators)。
memory: 内存参数,当需要保存Pipeline中间的"transformer"时,才需要用到memory参数,默认None。
# 要给每个步骤起名,然后再调用模型
def __init__(self, steps, *, memory=None, verbose=False):
self.steps = steps
self.memory = memory
self.verbose = verbose
def get_params(self, deep=True): """Get parameters for this estimator. Parameters ---------- deep : bool, default=True If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators. Returns ------- params : mapping of string to any Parameter names mapped to their values. """ return self._get_params('steps', deep=deep) def set_params(self, **kwargs): """Set the parameters of this estimator. Valid parameter keys can be listed with ``get_params()``. Returns ------- self """ self._set_params('steps', **kwargs) return self
def _validate_steps(self): names, estimators = zip(*self.steps) # validate names self._validate_names(names) # validate estimators transformers = estimators[:-1] estimator = estimators[-1] for t in transformers: if t is None: continue if (not (hasattr(t, "fit") or hasattr(t, "fit_transform")) or not hasattr(t, "transform")): raise TypeError("All intermediate steps should be " "transformers and implement fit and transform." " '%s' (type %s) doesn't" % (t, type(t))) # We allow last estimator to be None as an identity transformation if estimator is not None and not hasattr(estimator, "fit"): raise TypeError("Last step of Pipeline should implement fit. " "'%s' (type %s) doesn't" % (estimator, type(estimator)))
# Estimator interface def _fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): # shallow copy of steps - this should really be steps_ self.steps = list(self.steps) #得到管道中的转换器 self._validate_steps() # Setup the memory memory = check_memory(self.memory) # memory 用来缓存数据 fit_transform_one_cached = memory.cache(_fit_transform_one) # fit_params_steps这里用来以字典形式存储每个转换器中间产生的参数 fit_params_steps = dict((name, {}) for name, step in self.steps if step is not None) for pname, pval in six.iteritems(fit_params): step, param = pname.split('__', 1) fit_params_steps[step][param] = pval Xt = X for step_idx, (name, transformer) in enumerate(self.steps[:-1]): if transformer is None: pass else: if hasattr(memory, 'location'): # joblib >= 0.12 if memory.location is None: # we do not clone when caching is disabled to # preserve backward compatibility cloned_transformer = transformer else: cloned_transformer = clone(transformer) elif hasattr(memory, 'cachedir'): # joblib < 0.11 if memory.cachedir is None: # we do not clone when caching is disabled to # preserve backward compatibility cloned_transformer = transformer else: cloned_transformer = clone(transformer) else: cloned_transformer = clone(transformer) # Fit or load from cache the current transfomer Xt, fitted_transformer = fit_transform_one_cached( cloned_transformer, Xt, y, None, **fit_params_steps[name]) # Replace the transformer of the step with the fitted # transformer. This is necessary when loading the transformer # from the cache. self.steps[step_idx] = (name, fitted_transformer) if self._final_estimator is None: return Xt, {} return Xt, fit_params_steps[self.steps[-1][0]] # 返回最终转换出来的数据Xt和第n-1个转换器的参数
def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """Fit the model Fit all the transforms one after the other and transform the data, then fit the transformed data using the final estimator. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Training data. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. y : iterable, default=None Training targets. Must fulfill label requirements for all steps of the pipeline. **fit_params : dict of string -> object Parameters passed to the ``fit`` method of each step, where each parameter name is prefixed such that parameter ``p`` for step ``s`` has key ``s__p``. Returns ------- self : Pipeline This estimator """ # 这里会调用_fit方法,拟合转换前n-1个转换器,拿到最终转换出来的数据Xt,和第n-1个转换器的参数 Xt, fit_params = self._fit(X, y, **fit_params) if self._final_estimator is not None: self._final_estimator.fit(Xt, y, **fit_params) return self
fit_transform 主要是执行最后一个模型的执行拟合转换操作
最终估计器的 fit 方法对 Xt 进行拟合,并再调用 transform 方法将 Xt 转换为结果
def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """Fit the model and transform with the final estimator Fits all the transforms one after the other and transforms the data, then uses fit_transform on transformed data with the final estimator. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Training data. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. y : iterable, default=None Training targets. Must fulfill label requirements for all steps of the pipeline. **fit_params : dict of string -> object Parameters passed to the ``fit`` method of each step, where each parameter name is prefixed such that parameter ``p`` for step ``s`` has key ``s__p``. Returns ------- Xt : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_transformed_features] Transformed samples """ last_step = self._final_estimator Xt, fit_params = self._fit(X, y, **fit_params) if hasattr(last_step, 'fit_transform'): return last_step.fit_transform(Xt, y, **fit_params) elif last_step is None: return Xt else: return last_step.fit(Xt, y, **fit_params).transform(Xt)
**predict 方法:**对数据 X 进行转换,并使用最终估计器进行预测。返回预测结果。
**fit_predict 方法:**将流水线中的转换应用于数据 X,然后应用最终估计器的 fit_predict 方法。返回预测结果。
**predict_proba 方法:**对数据 X 进行转换,并使用最终估计器的 predict_proba 方法进行预测。返回预测的概率值。
**decision_function 方法:**对数据 X 进行转换,并使用最终估计器的 decision_function 方法进行预测。返回决策函数的值。
**predict_log_proba 方法:**对数据 X 进行转换,并使用最终估计器的 predict_log_proba 方法进行预测。返回预测的对数概率值。
**transform 方法:**应用转换并使用最终估计器进行转换。
**inverse_transform 方法:**以相反的顺序应用逆转换。
**score 方法:**应用转换并使用最终估计器进行评分。
**classes_ 属性:**返回最终估计器的类标签。
** _pairwise 属性:** 检查第一个估计器是否需要成对输入。
@if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def predict(self, X, **predict_params): """Apply transforms to the data, and predict with the final estimator Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. **predict_params : dict of string -> object Parameters to the ``predict`` called at the end of all transformations in the pipeline. Note that while this may be used to return uncertainties from some models with return_std or return_cov, uncertainties that are generated by the transformations in the pipeline are not propagated to the final estimator. Returns ------- y_pred : array-like """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: if transform is not None: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return self.steps[-1][-1].predict(Xt, **predict_params) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def fit_predict(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """Applies fit_predict of last step in pipeline after transforms. Applies fit_transforms of a pipeline to the data, followed by the fit_predict method of the final estimator in the pipeline. Valid only if the final estimator implements fit_predict. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Training data. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. y : iterable, default=None Training targets. Must fulfill label requirements for all steps of the pipeline. **fit_params : dict of string -> object Parameters passed to the ``fit`` method of each step, where each parameter name is prefixed such that parameter ``p`` for step ``s`` has key ``s__p``. Returns ------- y_pred : array-like """ Xt, fit_params = self._fit(X, y, **fit_params) return self.steps[-1][-1].fit_predict(Xt, y, **fit_params) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def predict_proba(self, X): """Apply transforms, and predict_proba of the final estimator Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. Returns ------- y_proba : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_classes] """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: if transform is not None: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return self.steps[-1][-1].predict_proba(Xt) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def decision_function(self, X): """Apply transforms, and decision_function of the final estimator Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. Returns ------- y_score : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_classes] """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: if transform is not None: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return self.steps[-1][-1].decision_function(Xt) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def predict_log_proba(self, X): """Apply transforms, and predict_log_proba of the final estimator Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. Returns ------- y_score : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_classes] """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: if transform is not None: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return self.steps[-1][-1].predict_log_proba(Xt) @property def transform(self): """Apply transforms, and transform with the final estimator This also works where final estimator is ``None``: all prior transformations are applied. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to transform. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. Returns ------- Xt : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_transformed_features] """ # _final_estimator is None or has transform, otherwise attribute error # XXX: Handling the None case means we can't use if_delegate_has_method if self._final_estimator is not None: self._final_estimator.transform return self._transform def _transform(self, X): Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps: if transform is not None: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return Xt @property def inverse_transform(self): """Apply inverse transformations in reverse order All estimators in the pipeline must support ``inverse_transform``. Parameters ---------- Xt : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_transformed_features] Data samples, where ``n_samples`` is the number of samples and ``n_features`` is the number of features. Must fulfill input requirements of last step of pipeline's ``inverse_transform`` method. Returns ------- Xt : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] """ # raise AttributeError if necessary for hasattr behaviour # XXX: Handling the None case means we can't use if_delegate_has_method for name, transform in self.steps: if transform is not None: transform.inverse_transform return self._inverse_transform def _inverse_transform(self, X): Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[::-1]: if transform is not None: Xt = transform.inverse_transform(Xt) return Xt @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def score(self, X, y=None, sample_weight=None): """Apply transforms, and score with the final estimator Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. y : iterable, default=None Targets used for scoring. Must fulfill label requirements for all steps of the pipeline. sample_weight : array-like, default=None If not None, this argument is passed as ``sample_weight`` keyword argument to the ``score`` method of the final estimator. Returns ------- score : float """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: if transform is not None: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) score_params = {} if sample_weight is not None: score_params['sample_weight'] = sample_weight return self.steps[-1][-1].score(Xt, y, **score_params) @property def classes_(self): return self.steps[-1][-1].classes_ @property def _pairwise(self): # check if first estimator expects pairwise input return getattr(self.steps[0][1], '_pairwise', False)
make_pipeline 是一种更方便的方法,可以自动为每个步骤指定一个名称,而 Pipeline 则需要手动指定每个步骤的名称。
def make_pipeline(*steps, **kwargs): """Construct a Pipeline from the given estimators. This is a shorthand for the Pipeline constructor; it does not require, and does not permit, naming the estimators. Instead, their names will be set to the lowercase of their types automatically. Parameters ---------- *steps : list of estimators. memory : None, str or object with the joblib.Memory interface, optional Used to cache the fitted transformers of the pipeline. By default, no caching is performed. If a string is given, it is the path to the caching directory. Enabling caching triggers a clone of the transformers before fitting. Therefore, the transformer instance given to the pipeline cannot be inspected directly. Use the attribute ``named_steps`` or ``steps`` to inspect estimators within the pipeline. Caching the transformers is advantageous when fitting is time consuming. See also -------- sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline : Class for creating a pipeline of transforms with a final estimator. Returns ------- p : Pipeline """ memory = kwargs.pop('memory', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Unknown keyword arguments: "{}"' .format(list(kwargs.keys())[0])) return Pipeline(_name_estimators(steps), memory=memory)
FeatureUnion对象实例也是使用(key, value)构成的list来构造,key是你自己起的transformation的名称,value是一个estimator对象。
FeatureUnion类也是跟Pipeline类一样,有get_parmas, set_params之类的方法,具体跟Pipeline一样,感兴趣可以去官网看 Pipeline源码,但由于FeatureUnion是并行处理的,所以他不会有单独留下最后一个评估器的内容
featureunion相当于feature的并行处理,将所有transformer的处理结果拼接成大的feature vector。
具体怎么用可以参考这篇内容,我认为featureunion主要可以将所有transformer的处理结果拼接成大的feature vector。
def __init__(self, transformer_list, n_jobs=None,
self.transformer_list = transformer_list
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.transformer_weights = transformer_weights
def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit all transformers using X. Parameters ---------- X : iterable or array-like, depending on transformers Input data, used to fit transformers. y : array-like, shape (n_samples, ...), optional Targets for supervised learning. Returns ------- self : FeatureUnion This estimator """ self.transformer_list = list(self.transformer_list) self._validate_transformers() transformers = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)( delayed(_fit_one_transformer)(trans, X, y) for _, trans, _ in self._iter()) self._update_transformer_list(transformers) return self def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """Fit all transformers, transform the data and concatenate results. Parameters ---------- X : iterable or array-like, depending on transformers Input data to be transformed. y : array-like, shape (n_samples, ...), optional Targets for supervised learning. Returns ------- X_t : array-like or sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, sum_n_components) hstack of results of transformers. sum_n_components is the sum of n_components (output dimension) over transformers. """ self._validate_transformers() result = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)( delayed(_fit_transform_one)(trans, X, y, weight, **fit_params) for name, trans, weight in self._iter()) if not result: # All transformers are None return np.zeros((X.shape[0], 0)) Xs, transformers = zip(*result) self._update_transformer_list(transformers) if any(sparse.issparse(f) for f in Xs): Xs = sparse.hstack(Xs).tocsr() else: Xs = np.hstack(Xs) return Xs def transform(self, X): """Transform X separately by each transformer, concatenate results. Parameters ---------- X : iterable or array-like, depending on transformers Input data to be transformed. Returns ------- X_t : array-like or sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, sum_n_components) hstack of results of transformers. sum_n_components is the sum of n_components (output dimension) over transformers. """ Xs = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)( delayed(_transform_one)(trans, X, None, weight) for name, trans, weight in self._iter()) if not Xs: # All transformers are None return np.zeros((X.shape[0], 0)) if any(sparse.issparse(f) for f in Xs): Xs = sparse.hstack(Xs).tocsr() else: Xs = np.hstack(Xs) return Xs
这里 make_union 和 make_pipeline 函数一样,可以更加简要的使用 FeatureUnion类
def make_union(*transformers, **kwargs): """Construct a FeatureUnion from the given transformers. This is a shorthand for the FeatureUnion constructor; it does not require, and does not permit, naming the transformers. Instead, they will be given names automatically based on their types. It also does not allow weighting. Parameters ---------- *transformers : list of estimators n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) Number of jobs to run in parallel. ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. See :term:`Glossary <n_jobs>` for more details. Returns ------- f : FeatureUnion See also -------- sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion : Class for concatenating the results of multiple transformer objects. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, TruncatedSVD >>> from sklearn.pipeline import make_union >>> make_union(PCA(), TruncatedSVD()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE FeatureUnion(n_jobs=None, transformer_list=[('pca', PCA(copy=True, iterated_power='auto', n_components=None, random_state=None, svd_solver='auto', tol=0.0, whiten=False)), ('truncatedsvd', TruncatedSVD(algorithm='randomized', n_components=2, n_iter=5, random_state=None, tol=0.0))], transformer_weights=None) """ n_jobs = kwargs.pop('n_jobs', None) if kwargs: # We do not currently support `transformer_weights` as we may want to # change its type spec in make_union raise TypeError('Unknown keyword arguments: "{}"' .format(list(kwargs.keys())[0])) return FeatureUnion(_name_estimators(transformers), n_jobs=n_jobs)
def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit all transformers using X. Parameters ---------- X : iterable or array-like, depending on transformers Input data, used to fit transformers. y : array-like, shape (n_samples, ...), optional Targets for supervised learning. Returns ------- self : FeatureUnion This estimator """ self.transformer_list = list(self.transformer_list) self._validate_transformers() transformers = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)( delayed(_fit_one_transformer)(trans, X, y) for _, trans, _ in self._iter()) self._update_transformer_list(transformers) return self
from joblib.parallel import Parallel,delayed
这里,Parallel对象会创建一个进程池,以便在多进程中执行每一个transformer要干的事情。函数delayed是一个创建元组(function, args, kwargs)的简单技巧
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