作者 | Yuhan Chen 编辑 | 自动驾驶之心
戳我-> 领取自动驾驶近15个方向学习路线
首先开门见山,为什么我非常关注2DGS而不是3DGS。3D Gaussian Splatting作为去年年末至今最火爆的方向之一,诞生了非常多好的作品。但是,在我尝试了非常多的代码后。我发现,最好的效果,或者换句话说,转Mesh之后,最好的效果,2DGS几乎是完胜的。
首先,引言中主要讲的内容,是新颖视图合成的工作,以及致敬3DGS的贡献。同时暗喻自己的观点,就是表面元素基元是复杂几何的有效表达(但碍于时代无法落地)2DGS呢主要就是结合了3DGS和表面元素基元的优势(将高斯椭球定义为椭圆盘):1. 使用2D椭球盘用来进行表面建模(Gaussian model部分);2. 使用Ray-Split和体积积分来实现透视正确的Splatting (Cuda部分);3. 引入了两种新的损失改进表面重建。
接下来就是相关工作。主要讲俩事儿,第一个,致敬新颖视图合成,致敬3D Gaussian Splatting及其后续开发的工作。第二个,回顾可微点渲染的进展。那么对于可微点渲染,这里推荐两篇可以看看:
Perspective Accurate Splatting
Differentiable Surface Splatting for Point-based Geometry Processing
holk:一文带你入门 3D Gaussian Splatting
八氨合氯化钙:3D Gaussian Splatting中的数学推导
这俩肯定比2DGS那一小段讲得清楚哈。由于3DGS的原文相对还是对初学者不太友好。我建议可以粗略看看上面两篇文章即可。在阐述完3DGS的基本原理后,2DGS其实还是针对表面重建的问题,对3DGS进行了一手拷打:1. 体积辐射率与表面的薄特性相冲突;2. 3DGS没有对法线进行建模;3. 3DGS的光栅化过程缺乏多视图一致性,导致了不同相机的2D相交平面不同,因此产生了我们开头提到的噪声(模糊杂块)
浦夜:球谐函数介绍(Spherical Harmonics)
Monica的小甜甜:【论文复现】Spherical Harmonic Lighting:The Gritty Details
Monica的小甜甜:【论文复现】An Efficient Representation for Irradiance Environment Maps
High-quality surface splatting on today's GPUs
EWA splatting | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
八氨合氯化钙:3D Gaussian Splatting中的数学推导
A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting
3DGS学习(六)-- 参数更新
3DGS学习(七)-- 自适应高斯密度控制
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # 创建解析器,初始化操作
- parser = ArgumentParser(description="Training script parameters")
- # 设置模型参数,并使用parser外部数据进行添加
- # 本身模型属性可修改内容:sh_degree,source_path,model_path,image属性,resolution,white_background,data_device,eval,render_items
- lp = ModelParams(parser)
- # 精细化调参,非常多
- op = OptimizationParams(parser)
- # convert_SHs_python, compute_cov3D_python, depth_ratio, debug四个参数
- pp = PipelineParams(parser)
- # parser的额外参数,与上述参数相同
- parser.add_argument('--ip', type=str, default="")
- parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=6009)
- parser.add_argument('--detect_anomaly', action='store_true', default=False)
- parser.add_argument("--test_iterations", nargs="+", type=int, default=[7_000, 30_000])
- parser.add_argument("--save_iterations", nargs="+", type=int, default=[7_000, 30_000])
- parser.add_argument("--quiet", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("--checkpoint_iterations", nargs="+", type=int, default=[])
- parser.add_argument("--start_checkpoint", type=str, default = None)
- # 读取参数
- args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
- args.save_iterations.append(args.iterations)
- print("Optimizing " + args.model_path)
- # 初始化系统状态
- # 这段代码的目的是为了在执行过程中控制标准输出的行为,添加时间戳并在需要时禁止输出,以便在某些场景下更方便地进行调试和记录。
- safe_state(args.quiet)
- # 然后就是启动GUI以及运行训练的代码
- # 这行代码初始化一个 GUI 服务器,使用 args.ip 和 args.port 作为参数。这可能是一个用于监视和控制训练过程的图形用户界面的一部分。
- network_gui.init(args.ip, args.port)
- # 这行代码设置 PyTorch 是否要检测梯度计算中的异常。
- torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(args.detect_anomaly)
- # 输入的参数包括:模型的参数(数据集的位置)、优化器的参数、其他pipeline的参数,测试迭代次数、保存迭代次数 、检查点迭代次数 、开始检查点 、调试起点
- training(lp.extract(args), op.extract(args), pp.extract(args), args.test_iterations, args.save_iterations, args.checkpoint_iterations, args.start_checkpoint)
- # All done
- print("\nTraining complete.")

- class ModelParams(ParamGroup):
- def __init__(self, parser, sentinel=False):
- self.sh_degree = 3
- self._source_path = ""
- self._model_path = ""
- self._images = "images"
- self._resolution = -1
- self._white_background = False
- self.data_device = "cuda"
- self.eval = False
- self.render_items = ['RGB', 'Alpha', 'Normal', 'Depth', 'Edge', 'Curvature']
- super().__init__(parser, "Loading Parameters", sentinel)
- def extract(self, args):
- g = super().extract(args)
- g.source_path = os.path.abspath(g.source_path)
- return g

- class PipelineParams(ParamGroup):
- def __init__(self, parser):
- self.convert_SHs_python = False
- self.compute_cov3D_python = False
- self.depth_ratio = 0.0
- self.debug = False
- super().__init__(parser, "Pipeline Parameters")
- class OptimizationParams(ParamGroup):
- def __init__(self, parser):
- self.iterations = 30_000
- self.position_lr_init = 0.00016
- self.position_lr_final = 0.0000016
- self.position_lr_delay_mult = 0.01
- self.position_lr_max_steps = 30_000
- self.feature_lr = 0.0025
- self.opacity_lr = 0.05
- self.scaling_lr = 0.005
- self.rotation_lr = 0.001
- self.percent_dense = 0.01
- self.lambda_dssim = 0.2
- self.lambda_dist = 0.0
- self.lambda_normal = 0.05
- self.opacity_cull = 0.05
- self.densification_interval = 100
- self.opacity_reset_interval = 3000
- self.densify_from_iter = 500
- self.densify_until_iter = 15_000
- self.densify_grad_threshold = 0.0002
- super().__init__(parser, "Optimization Parameters")

接下来,在获取了参数后,整个执行部分,最重要的就是执行了Training这个函数,Training整个函数呢输入的参数包括:模型的参数(数据集的位置)、优化器的参数、其他pipeline的参数,测试迭代次数、保存迭代次数 、检查点迭代次数 、开始检查点 、调试起点:
- def training(dataset, opt, pipe, testing_iterations, saving_iterations, checkpoint_iterations, checkpoint):
- # 初始化迭代次数
- first_iter = 0
- # 设置 TensorBoard 写入器和日志记录器。
- tb_writer = prepare_output_and_logger(dataset)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #(重点看,需要转跳)创建一个 GaussianModel 类的实例,输入一系列参数,其参数取自数据集。
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- gaussians = GaussianModel(dataset.sh_degree)
- #(这个类的主要目的是处理场景的初始化、保存和获取相机信息等任务,)
- # 创建一个 Scene 类的实例,使用数据集和之前创建的 GaussianModel 实例作为参数。
- # 这里非常重要,此时已经初始化了整个高斯的点云。
- scene = Scene(dataset, gaussians)
- # 设置 GaussianModel 的训练参数
- gaussians.training_setup(opt)
- # if有预训练模型
- if checkpoint:
- # 通过 torch.load(checkpoint) 加载检查点的模型参数和起始迭代次数
- (model_params, first_iter) = torch.load(checkpoint)
- # 通过 gaussians.restore 恢复模型的状态。
- gaussians.restore(model_params, opt)
- # 设置背景颜色,根据数据集是否有白色背景来选择。
- bg_color = [1, 1, 1] if dataset.white_background else [0, 0, 0]
- # 将背景颜色转化为 PyTorch Tensor,并移到 GPU 上。
- background = torch.tensor(bg_color, dtype=torch.float32, device="cuda")
- # 创建两个 CUDA 事件,用于测量迭代时间。
- iter_start = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing = True)
- iter_end = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing = True)
- viewpoint_stack = None
- ema_loss_for_log = 0.0
- ema_dist_for_log = 0.0
- ema_normal_for_log = 0.0
- # 创建一个 tqdm 进度条,用于显示训练进度。
- progress_bar = tqdm(range(first_iter, opt.iterations), desc="Training progress")
- first_iter += 1
- # 接下来开始循环迭代 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- for iteration in range(first_iter, opt.iterations + 1):
- # 用于测量迭代时间。
- iter_start.record()
- # 新学习率
- gaussians.update_learning_rate(iteration)
- # 每 1000 次迭代,增加球谐函数的阶数
- if iteration % 1000 == 0:
- gaussians.oneupSHdegree()
- # 随机选择一个训练相机
- if not viewpoint_stack:
- viewpoint_stack = scene.getTrainCameras().copy()
- viewpoint_cam = viewpoint_stack.pop(randint(0, len(viewpoint_stack)-1))
- render_pkg = render(viewpoint_cam, gaussians, pipe, background)
- image, viewspace_point_tensor, visibility_filter, radii = render_pkg["render"], render_pkg["viewspace_points"], render_pkg["visibility_filter"], render_pkg["radii"]
- # Loss Function 损失函数 写得挺乱 给拆开了
- gt_image = viewpoint_cam.original_image.cuda()
- Ll1 = l1_loss(image, gt_image)
- loss = (1.0 - opt.lambda_dssim) * Ll1 + opt.lambda_dssim * (1.0 - ssim(image, gt_image))
- # 正则化
- # 正态分布
- lambda_normal = opt.lambda_normal if iteration > 7000 else 0.0
- lambda_dist = opt.lambda_dist if iteration > 3000 else 0.0
- rend_dist = render_pkg["rend_dist"]
- rend_normal = render_pkg['rend_normal']
- surf_normal = render_pkg['surf_normal']
- normal_error = (1 - (rend_normal * surf_normal).sum(dim=0))[None]
- normal_loss = lambda_normal * (normal_error).mean()
- dist_loss = lambda_dist * (rend_dist).mean()
- # 总损失
- total_loss = loss + dist_loss + normal_loss
- # 反向传播
- total_loss.backward()
- # 测量总迭代时间
- iter_end.record()
- # 记录损失的指数移动平均值,并定期更新进度条
- with torch.no_grad():
- # Progress bar
- ema_loss_for_log = 0.4 * loss.item() + 0.6 * ema_loss_for_log
- ema_dist_for_log = 0.4 * dist_loss.item() + 0.6 * ema_dist_for_log
- ema_normal_for_log = 0.4 * normal_loss.item() + 0.6 * ema_normal_for_log
- if iteration % 10 == 0:
- loss_dict = {
- "Loss": f"{ema_loss_for_log:.{5}f}",
- "distort": f"{ema_dist_for_log:.{5}f}",
- "normal": f"{ema_normal_for_log:.{5}f}",
- "Points": f"{len(gaussians.get_xyz)}"
- }
- progress_bar.set_postfix(loss_dict)
- progress_bar.update(10)
- if iteration == opt.iterations:
- progress_bar.close()
- # 将 L1 loss、总体 loss 和迭代时间写入 TensorBoard。
- if tb_writer is not None:
- tb_writer.add_scalar('train_loss_patches/dist_loss', ema_dist_for_log, iteration)
- tb_writer.add_scalar('train_loss_patches/normal_loss', ema_normal_for_log, iteration)
- training_report(tb_writer, iteration, Ll1, loss, l1_loss, iter_start.elapsed_time(iter_end), testing_iterations, scene, render, (pipe, background))
- # 如果达到保存迭代次数,保存场景
- if (iteration in saving_iterations):
- print("\n[ITER {}] Saving Gaussians".format(iteration))
- scene.save(iteration)
- # 在一定的迭代次数内进行密集化处理
- if iteration < opt.densify_until_iter:
- # 将每个像素位置上的最大半径记录在 max_radii2D 中。这是为了密集化时进行修剪(pruning)操作时的参考。
- gaussians.max_radii2D[visibility_filter] = torch.max(gaussians.max_radii2D[visibility_filter], radii[visibility_filter])
- # 将与密集化相关的统计信息添加到 gaussians 模型中,包括视图空间点和可见性过滤器
- gaussians.add_densification_stats(viewspace_point_tensor, visibility_filter)
- # 在指定的迭代次数之后,每隔一定的迭代间隔进行以下密集化操作
- # 大于500次的时候,并且除以100余0
- if iteration > opt.densify_from_iter and iteration % opt.densification_interval == 0:
- # 据当前迭代次数设置密集化的阈值。如果当前迭代次数大于 opt.opacity_reset_interval,则设置 size_threshold 为 20,否则为 None
- size_threshold = 20 if iteration > opt.opacity_reset_interval else None
- # 执行密集化和修剪操作,其中包括梯度阈值、密集化阈值、相机范围和之前计算的 size_threshold。
- gaussians.densify_and_prune(opt.densify_grad_threshold, opt.opacity_cull, scene.cameras_extent, size_threshold)
- # 在每隔一定迭代次数或在白色背景数据集上的指定迭代次数时,执行以下操作。
- if iteration % opt.opacity_reset_interval == 0 or (dataset.white_background and iteration == opt.densify_from_iter):
- # 重置模型中的某些参数,涉及到透明度的操作,具体实现可以在 reset_opacity 方法中找到。
- gaussians.reset_opacity()
- # 执行优化器的步骤,然后清零梯度。
- if iteration < opt.iterations:
- gaussians.optimizer.step()
- gaussians.optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none = True)
- # 如果达到检查点迭代次数,保存检查点
- if (iteration in checkpoint_iterations):
- print("\n[ITER {}] Saving Checkpoint".format(iteration))
- torch.save((gaussians.capture(), iteration), scene.model_path + "/chkpnt" + str(iteration) + ".pth")
- with torch.no_grad():
- if network_gui.conn == None:
- network_gui.try_connect(dataset.render_items)
- while network_gui.conn != None:
- try:
- net_image_bytes = None
- custom_cam, do_training, keep_alive, scaling_modifer, render_mode = network_gui.receive()
- if custom_cam != None:
- render_pkg = render(custom_cam, gaussians, pipe, background, scaling_modifer)
- net_image = render_net_image(render_pkg, dataset.render_items, render_mode, custom_cam)
- net_image_bytes = memoryview((torch.clamp(net_image, min=0, max=1.0) * 255).byte().permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous().cpu().numpy())
- metrics_dict = {
- "#": gaussians.get_opacity.shape[0],
- "loss": ema_loss_for_log
- # Add more metrics as needed
- }
- # Send the data
- network_gui.send(net_image_bytes, dataset.source_path, metrics_dict)
- if do_training and ((iteration < int(opt.iterations)) or not keep_alive):
- break
- except Exception as e:
- # raise e
- network_gui.conn = None

- # 初始化迭代次数
- first_iter = 0
- # 设置 TensorBoard 写入器和日志记录器。
- tb_writer = prepare_output_and_logger(dataset)
gaussians = GaussianModel(dataset.sh_degree)
这个函数进行了一个Gaussian model的初始化。在scene/gaussian_model.py中定义了这个函数的初始化:
- class GaussianModel:
- # 用于设置一些激活函数和变换函数
- def setup_functions(self):
- # 构建协方差矩阵,该函数接受 scaling(尺度)、scaling_modifier(尺度修正因子)、rotation(旋转)作为参数
- # 与原文一致
- """这个地方与3DGS不同"""
- def build_covariance_from_scaling_rotation(center, scaling, scaling_modifier, rotation):
- RS = build_scaling_rotation(torch.cat([scaling * scaling_modifier, torch.ones_like(scaling)], dim=-1), rotation).permute(0,2,1)
- trans = torch.zeros((center.shape[0], 4, 4), dtype=torch.float, device="cuda")
- trans[:,:3,:3] = RS
- trans[:, 3,:3] = center
- trans[:, 3, 3] = 1
- return trans
- # 将尺度激活函数设置为指数函数
- # 原因可能: 缩放必须是正数,而指数函数的返回值一定是正数。
- self.scaling_activation = torch.exp
- # 将尺度逆激活函数设置为对数函数
- self.scaling_inverse_activation = torch.log
- # 将协方差激活函数设置为上述定义的 build_covariance_from_scaling_rotation 函数。
- self.covariance_activation = build_covariance_from_scaling_rotation
- # 将不透明度激活函数设置为 sigmoid 函数,保证(0,1)
- self.opacity_activation = torch.sigmoid
- # 将不透明度逆激活函数设置为一个名为 inverse_sigmoid 的函数
- self.inverse_opacity_activation = inverse_sigmoid
- # 用于归一化旋转矩阵
- self.rotation_activation = torch.nn.functional.normalize
- def __init__(self, sh_degree : int):
- # 球谐阶数
- self.active_sh_degree = 0
- # 最大球谐阶数
- self.max_sh_degree = sh_degree
- # 存储不同信息的张量(tensor)-------------
- # 空间位置
- self._xyz = torch.empty(0)
- self._features_dc = torch.empty(0)
- self._features_rest = torch.empty(0)
- # 椭球形状尺度
- self._scaling = torch.empty(0)
- # 椭球的旋转
- self._rotation = torch.empty(0)
- # 不透明度
- self._opacity = torch.empty(0)
- self.max_radii2D = torch.empty(0)
- self.xyz_gradient_accum = torch.empty(0)
- self.denom = torch.empty(0)
- # 初始化优化器
- self.optimizer = None
- # 初始化百分比密度
- self.percent_dense = 0
- # 初始化空间学习率
- self.spatial_lr_scale = 0
- # 调用setup_functions() 设置各种激活函数和变换函数
- self.setup_functions()

scene = Scene(dataset, gaussians)
- class Scene:
- gaussians : GaussianModel
- def __init__(self, args : ModelParams, gaussians : GaussianModel, load_iteration=None, shuffle=True, resolution_scales=[1.0]):
- """b
- :param path: Path to colmap scene main folder.
- """
- self.model_path = args.model_path
- self.loaded_iter = None
- self.gaussians = gaussians
- # 初始化时,未执行
- # 首先,如果load_iteration参数不是None,Scene.__init__会在输出文件夹下的point_cloud/文件夹搜索迭代次数最大的iteration_xxx文件夹
- # (例如有iteration_7000和iteration_30000的文件夹则选取后者),将最大的迭代次数记录到self.loaded_iter
- if load_iteration:
- if load_iteration == -1:
- self.loaded_iter = searchForMaxIteration(os.path.join(self.model_path, "point_cloud"))
- else:
- self.loaded_iter = load_iteration
- print("Loading trained model at iteration {}".format(self.loaded_iter))
- self.train_cameras = {}
- self.test_cameras = {}
- # scene_info的信息有如下:
- # point_cloud=pcd,
- # train_cameras=train_cam_infos,
- # test_cameras=test_cam_infos,
- # nerf_normalization=nerf_normalization,
- # ply_path=ply_path)
- # 这里是判断读取的Colmap还是Blender
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.source_path, "sparse")):
- scene_info = sceneLoadTypeCallbacks["Colmap"](args.source_path, args.images, args.eval)
- elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.source_path, "transforms_train.json")):
- print("Found transforms_train.json file, assuming Blender data set!")
- scene_info = sceneLoadTypeCallbacks["Blender"](args.source_path, args.white_background, args.eval)
- else:
- assert False, "Could not recognize scene type!"
- # 这里是None
- # 先进入这个环节,填充相机COLMAP的所有内容
- if not self.loaded_iter:
- with open(scene_info.ply_path, 'rb') as src_file, open(os.path.join(self.model_path, "input.ply") , 'wb') as dest_file:
- dest_file.write(src_file.read())
- json_cams = []
- camlist = []
- if scene_info.test_cameras:
- camlist.extend(scene_info.test_cameras)
- if scene_info.train_cameras:
- camlist.extend(scene_info.train_cameras)
- for id, cam in enumerate(camlist):
- json_cams.append(camera_to_JSON(id, cam))
- with open(os.path.join(self.model_path, "cameras.json"), 'w') as file:
- json.dump(json_cams, file)
- # 执行了随机相片的步骤。在3DGS内需要执行,但是对于4DGS可以不用
- if shuffle:
- random.shuffle(scene_info.train_cameras) # Multi-res consistent random shuffling
- random.shuffle(scene_info.test_cameras) # Multi-res consistent random shuffling
- # getNerfppNorm读取所有相机的中心点位置到最远camera的距离 * 1.1
- self.cameras_extent = scene_info.nerf_normalization["radius"]
- # 用【】填充一个camera_list
- for resolution_scale in resolution_scales:
- print("Loading Training Cameras")
- self.train_cameras[resolution_scale] = cameraList_from_camInfos(scene_info.train_cameras, resolution_scale, args)
- print("Loading Test Cameras")
- self.test_cameras[resolution_scale] = cameraList_from_camInfos(scene_info.test_cameras, resolution_scale, args)
- # 没有执行
- # 如果self.loaded_iter有值,则直接读取对应的(已经迭代出来的)场景
- if self.loaded_iter:
- self.gaussians.load_ply(os.path.join(self.model_path,
- "point_cloud",
- "iteration_" + str(self.loaded_iter),
- "point_cloud.ply"))
- else:
- #执行的这里,点云高斯化
- #给所有目前采集到的点云做初始值,也就是COLMAP的值直接就进来
- #俩参数,一个是点云,一个是所有相机的中心点位置到最远camera的距离 * 1.1
- self.gaussians.create_from_pcd(scene_info.point_cloud, self.cameras_extent)
- def save(self, iteration):
- point_cloud_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, "point_cloud/iteration_{}".format(iteration))
- self.gaussians.save_ply(os.path.join(point_cloud_path, "point_cloud.ply"))
- def getTrainCameras(self, scale=1.0):
- return self.train_cameras[scale]
- def getTestCameras(self, scale=1.0):
- return self.test_cameras[scale]

- def create_from_pcd(self, pcd : BasicPointCloud, spatial_lr_scale : float):
- # 所有相机的中心点位置到最远camera的距离 * 1.1
- # 根据大量的3DGS解读,应该与学习率有关
- # 防止固定的学习率适配不同尺度的场景时出现问题。
- self.spatial_lr_scale = spatial_lr_scale
- # 点云转tensor送入GPU,实际上就是稀疏点云的3D坐标
- # (N, 3) 这里输出的是所有点云
- fused_point_cloud = torch.tensor(np.asarray(pcd.points)).float().cuda()
- # RGB转球谐函数送入GPU
- # 也是(N,3),应为球谐的直流分量
- # RGB2SH(x) = (x - 0.5) / 0.28209479177387814
- # 0.28209479177387814是1 / (2*sqrt(pi)),是直流分量Y(l=0,m=0)的值
- fused_color = RGB2SH(torch.tensor(np.asarray(pcd.colors)).float().cuda())
- # RGB三通道球谐的所有系数,大小为(N, 3, (最大球谐阶数 + 1)²), 这部分 3DGS与 2DGS毫无区别
- features = torch.zeros((fused_color.shape[0], 3, (self.max_sh_degree + 1) ** 2)).float().cuda()
- features[:, :3, 0 ] = fused_color
- features[:, 3:, 1:] = 0.0
- print("Number of points at initialisation : ", fused_point_cloud.shape[0])
- # 调用simple_knn的distCUDA2函数,计算点云中的每个点到与其最近的K个点的平均距离的平方
- # dist2的大小应该是(N,)。
- # 首先可以明确的是这句话用来初始化scale,且scale(的平方)不能低于1e-7。
- # 我阅读了一下submodules/simple-knn/simple_knn.cu,大致猜出来了这个是什么意思。
- # distCUDA2函数由simple_knn.cu的SimpleKNN::knn函数实现。
- # KNN意思是K-Nearest Neighbor,即求每一点最近的K个点。
- # simple_knn.cu中令k=3,求得每一点最近的三个点距该点的平均距离。
- # 原理是把3D空间中的每个点用莫顿编码(Morton Encoding)转化为一个1D坐标
- # 用到了能够填满空间的Z曲线
- # 然后对1D坐标进行排序,从而确定离每个点最近的三个点。
- # simple_knn.cu实际上还用了一种加速策略,是将点集分为多个大小为1024的块(box),
- # 在每个块内确定3个最近邻居和它们的平均距离。用平均距离作为Gaussian的scale。
- dist2 = torch.clamp_min(distCUDA2(torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(pcd.points)).float().cuda()), 0.0000001)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 因为2DGS中只有2个缩放值
- # 因为scale的激活函数是exp,所以这里存的也不是真的scale,而是ln(scale)。
- # 注意dist2其实是距离的平方,所以这里要开根号。
- # repeat(1, 2)标明两个方向上scale的初始值是相等的。
- # scales的大小:(N, 2) 这是与3DGS完全不同的
- scales = torch.log(torch.sqrt(dist2))[...,None].repeat(1, 2)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 2DGS不是,2DGS使用[0,1]的均匀分布进行初始化
- # 这里与3DGS有明显区别
- rots = torch.rand((fused_point_cloud.shape[0], 4), device="cuda")
- # 完全不同,这里使用:torch.log(x/(1-x)),而不是sigmoid。
- # 因为输入时,透明度是(N, 1),这里统一后的初始值为-2.1972
- # 原因不明,但这里最终的值,与3DGS保持一致(-2.197)
- opacities = self.inverse_opacity_activation(0.1 * torch.ones((fused_point_cloud.shape[0], 1), dtype=torch.float, device="cuda"))
- # 初始化位置,sh系数(直接+剩余),缩放(3个轴),旋转(四元数),不透明度(逆sigmoid的值)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 一些函数的解释:requires_grad=True 的作用是让 backward 可以追踪这个参数并且计算它的梯度。
- # 最开始定义你的输入是 requires_grad=True ,那么后续对应的输出也自动具有 requires_grad=True ,如代码中无关联的数值 x ,其 requires_grad 仍等于 False。
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 这里就是直接初始化每个单独的点云。
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 一些函数的解释:nn.Parameter():
- # 将一个不可训练的tensor转换成可以训练的类型parameter,并将这个parameter绑定到这个module里面。
- # 即在定义网络时这个tensor就是一个可以训练的参数了。使用这个函数的目的也是想让某些变量在学习的过程中不断的修改其值以达到最优化。
- # 输出点云坐标(N,3)
- self._xyz = nn.Parameter(fused_point_cloud.requires_grad_(True))
- # RGB三个通道的直流分量,(N, 1, 3), 3DGS是(N, 3, 1)
- self._features_dc = nn.Parameter(features[:,:,0:1].transpose(1, 2).contiguous().requires_grad_(True))
- # RGB三个通道的高阶分量,(N, (最大球谐阶数 + 1)² - 1, 3), 这里不太一样,与上面相同后两位换了位置
- self._features_rest = nn.Parameter(features[:,:,1:].transpose(1, 2).contiguous().requires_grad_(True))
- # 这里的缩放尺度,为(N,2)
- self._scaling = nn.Parameter(scales.requires_grad_(True))
- # 旋转4原数 (N,4)
- self._rotation = nn.Parameter(rots.requires_grad_(True))
- # (N.1)透明度
- self._opacity = nn.Parameter(opacities.requires_grad_(True))
- # 投影到2D时, 每个2D gaussian最大的半径,这里初始为(N,)
- self.max_radii2D = torch.zeros((self.get_xyz.shape[0]), device="cuda")

- # 在一定的迭代次数内进行密集化处理
- if iteration < opt.densify_until_iter:
- # 将每个像素位置上的最大半径记录在 max_radii2D 中。这是为了密集化时进行修剪(pruning)操作时的参考。
- gaussians.max_radii2D[visibility_filter] = torch.max(gaussians.max_radii2D[visibility_filter], radii[visibility_filter])
- # 将与密集化相关的统计信息添加到 gaussians 模型中,包括视图空间点和可见性过滤器
- gaussians.add_densification_stats(viewspace_point_tensor, visibility_filter)
- # 在指定的迭代次数之后,每隔一定的迭代间隔进行以下密集化操作
- # 大于500次的时候,并且除以100余0
- if iteration > opt.densify_from_iter and iteration % opt.densification_interval == 0:
- # 据当前迭代次数设置密集化的阈值。如果当前迭代次数大于 opt.opacity_reset_interval,则设置 size_threshold 为 20,否则为 None
- size_threshold = 20 if iteration > opt.opacity_reset_interval else None
- # 执行密集化和修剪操作,其中包括梯度阈值、密集化阈值、相机范围和之前计算的 size_threshold。
- gaussians.densify_and_prune(opt.densify_grad_threshold, opt.opacity_cull, scene.cameras_extent, size_threshold)
- # 在每隔一定迭代次数或在白色背景数据集上的指定迭代次数时,执行以下操作。
- if iteration % opt.opacity_reset_interval == 0 or (dataset.white_background and iteration == opt.densify_from_iter):
- # 重置模型中的某些参数,涉及到透明度的操作,具体实现可以在 reset_opacity 方法中找到。
- gaussians.reset_opacity()
- # 执行优化器的步骤,然后清零梯度。
- if iteration < opt.iterations:
- gaussians.optimizer.step()
- gaussians.optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none = True)
- # 如果达到检查点迭代次数,保存检查点
- if (iteration in checkpoint_iterations):
- print("\n[ITER {}] Saving Checkpoint".format(iteration))
- torch.save((gaussians.capture(), iteration), scene.model_path + "/chkpnt" + str(iteration) + ".pth")

- def densify_and_split(self, grads, grad_threshold, scene_extent, N=2):
- # 获取初始点的数量。
- n_init_points = self.get_xyz.shape[0]
- # 创建一个长度为初始点数量的梯度张量,并将计算得到的梯度填充到其中。
- padded_grad = torch.zeros((n_init_points), device="cuda")
- padded_grad[:grads.shape[0]] = grads.squeeze()
- # 创建一个掩码,标记那些梯度大于等于指定阈值的点。
- selected_pts_mask = torch.where(padded_grad >= grad_threshold, True, False)
- # 一步过滤掉那些缩放(scaling)大于一定百分比的场景范围的点
- # 这里是一个高斯分裂的过程:被分裂的Gaussians满足两个条件:
- # 1. (平均)梯度过大;
- # 2. 在某个方向的最大缩放大于一个阈值。
- # 参照论文5.2节“On the other hand...”一段,大Gaussian被分裂成两个小Gaussians,
- # 其放缩被除以φ=1.6,且位置是以原先的大Gaussian作为概率密度函数进行采样的。
- selected_pts_mask = torch.logical_and(selected_pts_mask,
- torch.max(self.get_scaling, dim=1).values > self.percent_dense*scene_extent)
- # 为每个点生成新的样本,其中 stds 是点的缩放,means 是均值, 第一步是一样的
- # 这里从新的点云中更新缩放因子,并且进行同样的复制一份
- stds = self.get_scaling[selected_pts_mask].repeat(N,1)
- # 这里我大致明白,本身获取的是(su, sv),为了与旋转矩阵相对应,构建(su,sv,0)
- stds = torch.cat([stds, 0 * torch.ones_like(stds[:,:1])], dim=-1)
- # 这里就是一个同样大小的矩阵
- means = torch.zeros_like(stds)
- # 使用均值和标准差生成样本
- samples = torch.normal(mean=means, std=stds)
- # 为每个点构建旋转矩阵,并将其重复 N 次。
- rots = build_rotation(self._rotation[selected_pts_mask]).repeat(N,1,1)
- # 将旋转后的样本点添加到原始点的位置。
- new_xyz = torch.bmm(rots, samples.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) + self.get_xyz[selected_pts_mask].repeat(N, 1)
- # 生成新的缩放参数。
- new_scaling = self.scaling_inverse_activation(self.get_scaling[selected_pts_mask].repeat(N,1) / (0.8*N))
- # 将旋转、原始点特征、等等重复N次
- new_rotation = self._rotation[selected_pts_mask].repeat(N,1)
- new_features_dc = self._features_dc[selected_pts_mask].repeat(N,1,1)
- new_features_rest = self._features_rest[selected_pts_mask].repeat(N,1,1)
- new_opacity = self._opacity[selected_pts_mask].repeat(N,1)
- # 调用另一个方法 densification_postfix,该方法对新生成的点执行后处理操作(此处跟densify_and_clone一样)。
- self.densification_postfix(new_xyz, new_features_dc, new_features_rest, new_opacity, new_scaling, new_rotation)
- # 创建一个修剪(pruning)的过滤器,将新生成的点添加到原始点的掩码之后。
- prune_filter = torch.cat((selected_pts_mask, torch.zeros(N * selected_pts_mask.sum(), device="cuda", dtype=bool)))
- # 根据修剪过滤器,修剪模型中的一些参数。
- self.prune_points(prune_filter)
- def densify_and_clone(self, grads, grad_threshold, scene_extent):
- # 建一个掩码,标记满足梯度条件的点。具体来说,对于每个点,计算其梯度的L2范数,如果大于等于指定的梯度阈值,则标记为True,否则标记为False。
- # 提取出大于阈值`grad_threshold`且缩放参数较小(小于self.percent_dense * scene_extent)的Gaussians,在下面进行克隆
- selected_pts_mask = torch.where(torch.norm(grads, dim=-1) >= grad_threshold, True, False)
- selected_pts_mask = torch.logical_and(selected_pts_mask,
- torch.max(self.get_scaling, dim=1).values <= self.percent_dense*scene_extent)
- # 在上述掩码的基础上,进一步过滤掉那些缩放(scaling)大于一定百分比(self.percent_dense)的场景范围(scene_extent)的点。
- # 这样可以确保新添加的点不会太远离原始数据。
- # 根据掩码选取符合条件的点的其他特征,如颜色、透明度、缩放和旋转等。
- new_xyz = self._xyz[selected_pts_mask]
- new_features_dc = self._features_dc[selected_pts_mask]
- new_features_rest = self._features_rest[selected_pts_mask]
- new_opacities = self._opacity[selected_pts_mask]
- new_scaling = self._scaling[selected_pts_mask]
- new_rotation = self._rotation[selected_pts_mask]
- self.densification_postfix(new_xyz, new_features_dc, new_features_rest, new_opacities, new_scaling, new_rotation)
- # 执行密集化和修剪操作
- def densify_and_prune(self, max_grad, min_opacity, extent, max_screen_size):
- # 计算密度估计的梯度
- grads = self.xyz_gradient_accum / self.denom
- # 将梯度中的 NaN(非数值)值设置为零,以处理可能的数值不稳定性
- grads[grads.isnan()] = 0.0
- # 对under reconstruction的区域进行复制操作,为了稠密化
- self.densify_and_clone(grads, max_grad, extent)
- # 对over reconstruction的区域进行分裂操作,为了稠密化
- self.densify_and_split(grads, max_grad, extent)
- # 接下来移除一些Gaussians,它们满足下列要求中的一个:
- # 1. 接近透明(不透明度小于min_opacity)
- # 2. 在某个相机视野里出现过的最大2D半径大于屏幕(像平面)大小
- # 3. 在某个方向的最大缩放大于0.1 * extent(也就是说很长的长条形也是会被移除的)
- # 创建一个掩码,标记那些透明度小于指定阈值的点。.squeeze() 用于去除掩码中的单维度。
- prune_mask = (self.get_opacity < min_opacity).squeeze()
- # 设置相机的范围
- if max_screen_size:
- # 创建一个掩码,标记在图像空间中半径大于指定阈值的点。
- big_points_vs = self.max_radii2D > max_screen_size
- # 创建一个掩码,标记在世界空间中尺寸大于指定阈值的点。
- big_points_ws = self.get_scaling.max(dim=1).values > 0.1 * extent
- # 将这两个掩码与先前的透明度掩码进行逻辑或操作,得到最终的修剪掩码。
- prune_mask = torch.logical_or(torch.logical_or(prune_mask, big_points_vs), big_points_ws)
- # 根据修剪掩码,修剪模型中的一些参数
- self.prune_points(prune_mask)
- # 清理 GPU 缓存,释放一些内存
- torch.cuda.empty_cache()
- # 统计坐标的累积梯度和均值的分母(即迭代步数)
- def add_densification_stats(self, viewspace_point_tensor, update_filter):
- self.xyz_gradient_accum[update_filter] += torch.norm(viewspace_point_tensor.grad[update_filter], dim=-1, keepdim=True)
- self.denom[update_filter] += 1

- #include "forward.h"
- #include "auxiliary.h"
- #include <cooperative_groups.h>
- #include <cooperative_groups/reduce.h>
- namespace cg = cooperative_groups;
- // 该代码实现了一个名为 `computeColorFromSH` 的函数,它用于计算基于 SH (Surface Hemi-Sphere) 光线着色模型的颜色
- __device__ glm::vec3 computeColorFromSH(int idx, int deg, int max_coeffs, const glm::vec3* means, glm::vec3 campos, const float* shs, bool* clamped)
- {
- /*
- * `idx`:索引,表示在数组中的索引。
- * `deg`:光线着色模型的阶数。
- * `max_coeffs`:SH 函数的系数数量。
- * `means`:包含模型中每个点的平均颜色。
- * `campos`:观察者的位置。
- * `shs`:包含 SH 函数系数的指针。
- * `clamped`:一个 bool 数组,用于记录是否颜色被限制
- */
- /*
- 1. **计算点位置和方向向量:**计算点与观察者的距离和方向向量,并标准化方向向量。
- 2. **获取 SH 函数系数:**根据索引从 `shs` 中获取相应的 SH 函数系数。
- 3. **计算颜色:**根据光线着色模型的阶数,逐步计算颜色。
- 4. **限制颜色:**如果颜色值小于 0,则将其限制为 0,并记录是否颜色被限制。
- 5. **返回颜色:**返回计算出的颜色,以及是否颜色被限制。
- */
- glm::vec3 pos = means[idx];
- glm::vec3 dir = pos - campos;
- dir = dir / glm::length(dir);
- glm::vec3* sh = ((glm::vec3*)shs) + idx * max_coeffs;
- glm::vec3 result = SH_C0 * sh[0];
- if (deg > 0)
- {
- float x = dir.x;
- float y = dir.y;
- float z = dir.z;
- result = result - SH_C1 * y * sh[1] + SH_C1 * z * sh[2] - SH_C1 * x * sh[3];
- if (deg > 1)
- {
- float xx = x * x, yy = y * y, zz = z * z;
- float xy = x * y, yz = y * z, xz = x * z;
- result = result +
- SH_C2[0] * xy * sh[4] +
- SH_C2[1] * yz * sh[5] +
- SH_C2[2] * (2.0f * zz - xx - yy) * sh[6] +
- SH_C2[3] * xz * sh[7] +
- SH_C2[4] * (xx - yy) * sh[8];
- if (deg > 2)
- {
- result = result +
- SH_C3[0] * y * (3.0f * xx - yy) * sh[9] +
- SH_C3[1] * xy * z * sh[10] +
- SH_C3[2] * y * (4.0f * zz - xx - yy) * sh[11] +
- SH_C3[3] * z * (2.0f * zz - 3.0f * xx - 3.0f * yy) * sh[12] +
- SH_C3[4] * x * (4.0f * zz - xx - yy) * sh[13] +
- SH_C3[5] * z * (xx - yy) * sh[14] +
- SH_C3[6] * x * (xx - 3.0f * yy) * sh[15];
- }
- }
- }
- result += 0.5f;
- // RGB colors are clamped to positive values. If values are
- // clamped, we need to keep track of this for the backward pass.
- clamped[3 * idx + 0] = (result.x < 0);
- clamped[3 * idx + 1] = (result.y < 0);
- clamped[3 * idx + 2] = (result.z < 0);
- return glm::max(result, 0.0f);
- }
- // 计算仿射变换齐次矩阵------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compute a 2D-to-2D mapping matrix from a tangent plane into a image plane
- // given a 2D gaussian parameters.
- // glm::mat 生成矩阵 后面+数字表示维度
- // glm::vec 生成向量 后面+数字表示维度
- __device__ void compute_transmat(
- const float3& p_orig,
- const glm::vec2 scale,
- float mod,
- const glm::vec4 rot,
- const float* projmatrix,
- const float* viewmatrix,
- const int W,
- const int H,
- glm::mat3 &T,
- float3 &normal
- ) {
- // rot转换为旋转矩阵R
- glm::mat3 R = quat_to_rotmat(rot);
- // 函数将缩放向量 `scale` 和缩放因子 `mod` 转换为缩放矩阵 `S`
- glm::mat3 S = scale_to_mat(scale, mod);
- // 计算变换矩阵 `L`
- glm::mat3 L = R * S;
- // 计算世界坐标到 NDC 的矩阵
- // splat2world矩阵 将 Gaussians 的中心从局部坐标转换为相机坐标。
- glm::mat3x4 splat2world = glm::mat3x4(
- glm::vec4(L[0], 0.0),
- glm::vec4(L[1], 0.0),
- glm::vec4(p_orig.x, p_orig.y, p_orig.z, 1)
- );
- // world2ndc矩阵 将世界坐标转换为 NDC坐标
- glm::mat4 world2ndc = glm::mat4(
- projmatrix[0], projmatrix[4], projmatrix[8], projmatrix[12],
- projmatrix[1], projmatrix[5], projmatrix[9], projmatrix[13],
- projmatrix[2], projmatrix[6], projmatrix[10], projmatrix[14],
- projmatrix[3], projmatrix[7], projmatrix[11], projmatrix[15]
- );
- // 矩阵将 NDC坐标转换为像素坐标
- glm::mat3x4 ndc2pix = glm::mat3x4(
- glm::vec4(float(W) / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, float(W-1) / 2.0),
- glm::vec4(0.0, float(H) / 2.0, 0.0, float(H-1) / 2.0),
- glm::vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- );
- // 计算传输矩阵 T
- T = glm::transpose(splat2world) * world2ndc * ndc2pix;
- // 计算法线 normal
- normal = transformVec4x3({L[2].x, L[2].y, L[2].z}, viewmatrix);
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 该代码计算 2D 高斯分布的边界框和中心,并将中心用于创建低通滤波器
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- `T`:3x3 矩阵,用于转换图像坐标到特征空间。上一个函数已经计算了
- * `cutoff`: 高斯分布的截止频率。
- * `point_image`: 指标图像上的点坐标。
- * `extent`:bounding box 的扩展。
- */
- __device__ bool compute_aabb(
- glm::mat3 T,
- float cutoff,
- float2& point_image,
- float2 & extent
- ) {
- // 计算 T 矩阵的逆向,并将 T0、T1 和 T3 值计算
- // T0、T1 和 T3 值是 T 矩阵的第 0、第 1 和第 2 行,分别对应特征空间坐标的三个维度
- float3 T0 = {T[0][0], T[0][1], T[0][2]};
- float3 T1 = {T[1][0], T[1][1], T[1][2]};
- float3 T3 = {T[2][0], T[2][1], T[2][2]};
- // 计算 AABB
- // 计算 temp_point 值
- // temp_point 值为 (cutoff * cutoff, cutoff * cutoff, -1.0f),其中cutoff 是高斯分布的截止频率
- float3 temp_point = {cutoff * cutoff, cutoff * cutoff, -1.0f};
- // 计算 distance 和 f 值
- // distance 是从 T3 到 temp_point 的距离。
- // f 值是 distance 的倒数,乘以 temp_point。
- float distance = sumf3(T3 * T3 * temp_point);
- float3 f = (1 / distance) * temp_point;
- if (distance == 0.0) return false;
- // `sumf3` 和 `maxf2` 等函数用于计算向量和矩阵的和、最大值等操作。
- point_image = {
- sumf3(f * T0 * T3),
- sumf3(f * T1 * T3)
- };
- float2 temp = {
- sumf3(f * T0 * T0),
- sumf3(f * T1 * T1)
- };
- float2 half_extend = point_image * point_image - temp;
- extent = sqrtf2(maxf2(1e-4, half_extend));
- return true;
- }
- // 名为 `preprocessCUDA`,它负责每个 Gaussian 前处理,并将数据转换为 raster 化
- template<int C>
- __global__ void preprocessCUDA(int P, int D, int M,
- const float* orig_points,
- const glm::vec2* scales,
- const float scale_modifier,
- const glm::vec4* rotations,
- const float* opacities,
- const float* shs,
- bool* clamped,
- const float* transMat_precomp,
- const float* colors_precomp,
- const float* viewmatrix,
- const float* projmatrix,
- const glm::vec3* cam_pos,
- const int W, int H,
- const float tan_fovx, const float tan_fovy,
- const float focal_x, const float focal_y,
- int* radii,
- float2* points_xy_image,
- float* depths,
- float* transMats,
- float* rgb,
- float4* normal_opacity,
- const dim3 grid,
- uint32_t* tiles_touched,
- bool prefiltered)
- {
- auto idx = cg::this_grid().thread_rank();
- if (idx >= P)
- return;
- // Initialize radius and touched tiles to 0. If this isn't changed,
- // this Gaussian will not be processed further.
- radii[idx] = 0;
- tiles_touched[idx] = 0;
- // Perform near culling, quit if outside.
- float3 p_view;
- if (!in_frustum(idx, orig_points, viewmatrix, projmatrix, prefiltered, p_view))
- return;
- // Compute transformation matrix
- glm::mat3 T;
- float3 normal;
- if (transMat_precomp == nullptr)
- {
- compute_transmat(((float3*)orig_points)[idx], scales[idx], scale_modifier, rotations[idx], projmatrix, viewmatrix, W, H, T, normal);
- float3 *T_ptr = (float3*)transMats;
- T_ptr[idx * 3 + 0] = {T[0][0], T[0][1], T[0][2]};
- T_ptr[idx * 3 + 1] = {T[1][0], T[1][1], T[1][2]};
- T_ptr[idx * 3 + 2] = {T[2][0], T[2][1], T[2][2]};
- } else {
- glm::vec3 *T_ptr = (glm::vec3*)transMat_precomp;
- T = glm::mat3(
- T_ptr[idx * 3 + 0],
- T_ptr[idx * 3 + 1],
- T_ptr[idx * 3 + 2]
- );
- normal = make_float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- }
- float cos = -sumf3(p_view * normal);
- if (cos == 0) return;
- float multiplier = cos > 0 ? 1: -1;
- normal = multiplier * normal;
- #endif
- #if TIGHTBBOX // no use in the paper, but it indeed help speeds.
- // the effective extent is now depended on the opacity of gaussian.
- float cutoff = sqrtf(max(9.f + 2.f * logf(opacities[idx]), 0.000001));
- #else
- float cutoff = 3.0f;
- #endif
- // Compute center and radius
- float2 point_image;
- float radius;
- {
- float2 extent;
- bool ok = compute_aabb(T, cutoff, point_image, extent);
- if (!ok) return;
- radius = ceil(max(extent.x, extent.y));
- }
- uint2 rect_min, rect_max;
- getRect(point_image, radius, rect_min, rect_max, grid);
- if ((rect_max.x - rect_min.x) * (rect_max.y - rect_min.y) == 0)
- return;
- // Compute colors
- if (colors_precomp == nullptr) {
- glm::vec3 result = computeColorFromSH(idx, D, M, (glm::vec3*)orig_points, *cam_pos, shs, clamped);
- rgb[idx * C + 0] = result.x;
- rgb[idx * C + 1] = result.y;
- rgb[idx * C + 2] = result.z;
- }
- depths[idx] = p_view.z;
- radii[idx] = (int)radius;
- points_xy_image[idx] = point_image;
- normal_opacity[idx] = {normal.x, normal.y, normal.z, opacities[idx]};
- tiles_touched[idx] = (rect_max.y - rect_min.y) * (rect_max.x - rect_min.x);
- }
- // Main rasterization method. Collaboratively works on one tile per
- // block, each thread treats one pixel. Alternates between fetching
- // and rasterizing data.
- template <uint32_t CHANNELS>
- __global__ void __launch_bounds__(BLOCK_X * BLOCK_Y)
- renderCUDA(
- const uint2* __restrict__ ranges,
- const uint32_t* __restrict__ point_list,
- int W, int H,
- float focal_x, float focal_y,
- const float2* __restrict__ points_xy_image,
- const float* __restrict__ features,
- const float* __restrict__ transMats,
- const float* __restrict__ depths,
- const float4* __restrict__ normal_opacity,
- float* __restrict__ final_T,
- uint32_t* __restrict__ n_contrib,
- const float* __restrict__ bg_color,
- float* __restrict__ out_color,
- float* __restrict__ out_others)
- {
- // Identify current tile and associated min/max pixel range.
- auto block = cg::this_thread_block();
- uint32_t horizontal_blocks = (W + BLOCK_X - 1) / BLOCK_X;
- uint2 pix_min = { block.group_index().x * BLOCK_X, block.group_index().y * BLOCK_Y };
- uint2 pix_max = { min(pix_min.x + BLOCK_X, W), min(pix_min.y + BLOCK_Y , H) };
- uint2 pix = { pix_min.x + block.thread_index().x, pix_min.y + block.thread_index().y };
- uint32_t pix_id = W * pix.y + pix.x;
- float2 pixf = { (float)pix.x, (float)pix.y};
- // Check if this thread is associated with a valid pixel or outside.
- bool inside = pix.x < W&& pix.y < H;
- // Done threads can help with fetching, but don't rasterize
- bool done = !inside;
- // Load start/end range of IDs to process in bit sorted list.
- uint2 range = ranges[block.group_index().y * horizontal_blocks + block.group_index().x];
- const int rounds = ((range.y - range.x + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE);
- int toDo = range.y - range.x;
- // Allocate storage for batches of collectively fetched data.
- __shared__ int collected_id[BLOCK_SIZE];
- __shared__ float2 collected_xy[BLOCK_SIZE];
- __shared__ float4 collected_normal_opacity[BLOCK_SIZE];
- __shared__ float3 collected_Tu[BLOCK_SIZE];
- __shared__ float3 collected_Tv[BLOCK_SIZE];
- __shared__ float3 collected_Tw[BLOCK_SIZE];
- // Initialize helper variables
- float T = 1.0f;
- uint32_t contributor = 0;
- uint32_t last_contributor = 0;
- float C[CHANNELS] = { 0 };
- // render axutility ouput
- float N[3] = {0};
- float D = { 0 };
- float M1 = {0};
- float M2 = {0};
- float distortion = {0};
- float median_depth = {0};
- // float median_weight = {0};
- float median_contributor = {-1};
- #endif
- // Iterate over batches until all done or range is complete
- for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++, toDo -= BLOCK_SIZE)
- {
- // End if entire block votes that it is done rasterizing
- int num_done = __syncthreads_count(done);
- if (num_done == BLOCK_SIZE)
- break;
- // Collectively fetch per-Gaussian data from global to shared
- int progress = i * BLOCK_SIZE + block.thread_rank();
- if (range.x + progress < range.y)
- {
- int coll_id = point_list[range.x + progress];
- collected_id[block.thread_rank()] = coll_id;
- collected_xy[block.thread_rank()] = points_xy_image[coll_id];
- collected_normal_opacity[block.thread_rank()] = normal_opacity[coll_id];
- collected_Tu[block.thread_rank()] = {transMats[9 * coll_id+0], transMats[9 * coll_id+1], transMats[9 * coll_id+2]};
- collected_Tv[block.thread_rank()] = {transMats[9 * coll_id+3], transMats[9 * coll_id+4], transMats[9 * coll_id+5]};
- collected_Tw[block.thread_rank()] = {transMats[9 * coll_id+6], transMats[9 * coll_id+7], transMats[9 * coll_id+8]};
- }
- block.sync();
- // Iterate over current batch
- for (int j = 0; !done && j < min(BLOCK_SIZE, toDo); j++)
- {
- // Keep track of current position in range
- contributor++;
- // Fisrt compute two homogeneous planes, See Eq. (8)
- const float2 xy = collected_xy[j];
- const float3 Tu = collected_Tu[j];
- const float3 Tv = collected_Tv[j];
- const float3 Tw = collected_Tw[j];
- float3 k = pix.x * Tw - Tu;
- float3 l = pix.y * Tw - Tv;
- float3 p = cross(k, l);
- if (p.z == 0.0) continue;
- float2 s = {p.x / p.z, p.y / p.z};
- float rho3d = (s.x * s.x + s.y * s.y);
- float2 d = {xy.x - pixf.x, xy.y - pixf.y};
- float rho2d = FilterInvSquare * (d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y);
- // compute intersection and depth
- float rho = min(rho3d, rho2d);
- float depth = (rho3d <= rho2d) ? (s.x * Tw.x + s.y * Tw.y) + Tw.z : Tw.z;
- if (depth < near_n) continue;
- float4 nor_o = collected_normal_opacity[j];
- float normal[3] = {nor_o.x, nor_o.y, nor_o.z};
- float opa = nor_o.w;
- float power = -0.5f * rho;
- if (power > 0.0f)
- continue;
- // Eq. (2) from 3D Gaussian splatting paper.
- // Obtain alpha by multiplying with Gaussian opacity
- // and its exponential falloff from mean.
- // Avoid numerical instabilities (see paper appendix).
- float alpha = min(0.99f, opa * exp(power));
- if (alpha < 1.0f / 255.0f)
- continue;
- float test_T = T * (1 - alpha);
- if (test_T < 0.0001f)
- {
- done = true;
- continue;
- }
- float w = alpha * T;
- // Render depth distortion map
- // Efficient implementation of distortion loss, see 2DGS' paper appendix.
- float A = 1-T;
- float m = far_n / (far_n - near_n) * (1 - near_n / depth);
- distortion += (m * m * A + M2 - 2 * m * M1) * w;
- D += depth * w;
- M1 += m * w;
- M2 += m * m * w;
- if (T > 0.5) {
- median_depth = depth;
- // median_weight = w;
- median_contributor = contributor;
- }
- // Render normal map
- for (int ch=0; ch<3; ch++) N[ch] += normal[ch] * w;
- #endif
- // Eq. (3) from 3D Gaussian splatting paper.
- for (int ch = 0; ch < CHANNELS; ch++)
- C[ch] += features[collected_id[j] * CHANNELS + ch] * w;
- T = test_T;
- // Keep track of last range entry to update this
- // pixel.
- last_contributor = contributor;
- }
- }
- // All threads that treat valid pixel write out their final
- // rendering data to the frame and auxiliary buffers.
- if (inside)
- {
- final_T[pix_id] = T;
- n_contrib[pix_id] = last_contributor;
- for (int ch = 0; ch < CHANNELS; ch++)
- out_color[ch * H * W + pix_id] = C[ch] + T * bg_color[ch];
- n_contrib[pix_id + H * W] = median_contributor;
- final_T[pix_id + H * W] = M1;
- final_T[pix_id + 2 * H * W] = M2;
- out_others[pix_id + DEPTH_OFFSET * H * W] = D;
- out_others[pix_id + ALPHA_OFFSET * H * W] = 1 - T;
- for (int ch=0; ch<3; ch++) out_others[pix_id + (NORMAL_OFFSET+ch) * H * W] = N[ch];
- out_others[pix_id + MIDDEPTH_OFFSET * H * W] = median_depth;
- out_others[pix_id + DISTORTION_OFFSET * H * W] = distortion;
- // out_others[pix_id + MEDIAN_WEIGHT_OFFSET * H * W] = median_weight;
- #endif
- }
- }
- void FORWARD::render(
- const dim3 grid, dim3 block,
- const uint2* ranges,
- const uint32_t* point_list,
- int W, int H,
- float focal_x, float focal_y,
- const float2* means2D,
- const float* colors,
- const float* transMats,
- const float* depths,
- const float4* normal_opacity,
- float* final_T,
- uint32_t* n_contrib,
- const float* bg_color,
- float* out_color,
- float* out_others)
- {
- renderCUDA<NUM_CHANNELS> << <grid, block >> > (
- ranges,
- point_list,
- W, H,
- focal_x, focal_y,
- means2D,
- colors,
- transMats,
- depths,
- normal_opacity,
- final_T,
- n_contrib,
- bg_color,
- out_color,
- out_others);
- }
- void FORWARD::preprocess(int P, int D, int M,
- const float* means3D,
- const glm::vec2* scales,
- const float scale_modifier,
- const glm::vec4* rotations,
- const float* opacities,
- const float* shs,
- bool* clamped,
- const float* transMat_precomp,
- const float* colors_precomp,
- const float* viewmatrix,
- const float* projmatrix,
- const glm::vec3* cam_pos,
- const int W, const int H,
- const float focal_x, const float focal_y,
- const float tan_fovx, const float tan_fovy,
- int* radii,
- float2* means2D,
- float* depths,
- float* transMats,
- float* rgb,
- float4* normal_opacity,
- const dim3 grid,
- uint32_t* tiles_touched,
- bool prefiltered)
- {
- preprocessCUDA<NUM_CHANNELS> << <(P + 255) / 256, 256 >> > (
- P, D, M,
- means3D,
- scales,
- scale_modifier,
- rotations,
- opacities,
- shs,
- clamped,
- transMat_precomp,
- colors_precomp,
- viewmatrix,
- projmatrix,
- cam_pos,
- W, H,
- tan_fovx, tan_fovy,
- focal_x, focal_y,
- radii,
- means2D,
- depths,
- transMats,
- rgb,
- normal_opacity,
- grid,
- tiles_touched,
- prefiltered
- );
- }

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