git clone https://github.com/wKovacs64/pwned.git
npm install pwned -g
npx pwned
为了使用某些pwned命令(例如ba、pa和search),则需要获取 API 密钥并运行下列命令配置pwned:
pwned apiKey
其他命令不需要 API 密钥,我们可以在不获取密钥的情况下使用它们。
pwned <command> Commands: pwned apiKey [key] 设置要用于经过身份验证的请求的API密钥 pwned ba <account|email> 获取帐户(用户名或电子邮件地址)的所有数据泄露 pwned breach <name> 获取单个数据泄露站点 pwned breaches 获取所有的数据泄露信息 pwned dc 获取系统中所有的数据类 pwned pa <email> 获取账户(电子邮件)中的所有数据 pwned pw <password> 检查密码是否被曝光 pwned search <account|email> 搜索电子邮件或账号泄露信息 pwned subStatus 取API密钥的订阅状态 Options: -h, --help 显示工具帮助信息 -v, --version 显示工具版本
$ pwned ba pleasebeclean@fingerscrossed.tld Good news — no pwnage found!
$ pwned breaches -d adobe.com - Title: Adobe Name: Adobe Domain: adobe.com BreachDate: 2013-10-04 AddedDate: 2013-12-04T00:00:00Z ModifiedDate: 2013-12-04T00:00:00Z PwnCount: 152445165 Description: In October 2013, 153 million Adobe accounts were breached with each containing an internal ID, username, email, <em>encrypted</em> password and a password hint in plain text. The password cryptography was poorly done and <a href="http://stricture-group.com/files/adobe-top100.txt" target="_blank" rel="noopener">many were quickly resolved back to plain text</a>. The unencrypted hints also <a href="http://www.troyhunt.com/2013/11/adobe-credentials-and-serious.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">disclosed much about the passwords</a> adding further to the risk that hundreds of millions of Adobe customers already faced. DataClasses: - Email addresses - Password hints - Passwords - Usernames IsVerified: true IsFabricated: false IsSensitive: false IsActive: true IsRetired: false IsSpamList: false LogoType: svg
$ pwned breach MyCompany No breach found by that name.
获取系统中的所有数据类,返回原始 JSON 结果以供外部/链式使用:
$ pwned dc --raw ["Account balances","Address book contacts","Age groups","Ages","Apps installed on devices","Astrological signs","Auth tokens","Avatars","Bank account numbers","Banking PINs","Beauty ratings","Biometric data","Browser user agent details","Buying preferences","Car ownership statuses","Career levels","Cellular network names","Charitable donations","Chat logs","Credit card CVV","Credit cards","Credit status information","Customer feedback","Customer interactions","Dates of birth","Deceased date","Deceased statuses","Device information","Device usage tracking data","Drinking habits","Drug habits","Eating habits","Education levels","Email addresses","Email messages","Employers","Ethnicities","Family members' names","Family plans","Family structure","Financial investments","Financial transactions","Fitness levels","Genders","Geographic locations","Government issued IDs","Health insurance information","Historical passwords","Home ownership statuses","Homepage URLs","IMEI numbers","IMSI numbers","Income levels","Instant messenger identities","IP addresses","Job titles","MAC addresses","Marital statuses","Names","Nationalities","Net worths","Nicknames","Occupations","Parenting plans","Partial credit card data","Passport numbers","Password hints","Passwords","Payment histories","Payment methods","Personal descriptions","Personal health data","Personal interests","Phone numbers","Physical addresses","Physical attributes","Political donations","Political views","Private messages","Professional skills","Profile photos","Purchases","Purchasing habits","Races","Recovery email addresses","Relationship statuses","Religions","Reward program balances","Salutations","School grades (class levels)","Security questions and answers","Sexual fetishes","Sexual orientations","Smoking habits","SMS messages","Social connections","Social media profiles","Spoken languages","Support tickets","Survey results","Time zones","Travel habits","User statuses","User website URLs","Usernames","Utility bills","Vehicle details","Website activity","Work habits","Years of birth","Years of professional experience"]
$ pwned pa nobody@nowhere.com - Source: Pastebin Id: YrpQA60S Title: null Date: 2018-01-24T07:54:15Z EmailCount: 16476 - Source: Pastebin Id: suPshHZ1 Title: null Date: 2017-09-06T03:41:33Z EmailCount: 20444 - Source: Pastebin Id: xyb8vavK Title: null Date: 2015-06-01T00:16:46Z EmailCount: 8 - Source: Pastebin Id: DaaFjBe Title: CrackingCore - Redder04 Date: 2015-04-05T22:22:39Z EmailCount: 116 - Source: Pastebin Id: 9MAAgecd Title: IPTV Yabancı Combolist Date: 2015-02-07T15:21:00Z EmailCount: 244 - Source: Pastebin Id: QMx1dPUT Title: null Date: 2015-02-02T20:45:00Z EmailCount: 6607 - Source: Pastebin Id: zUFSee4n Title: nethingoez Date: 2015-01-21T15:13:00Z EmailCount: 312 - Source: AdHocUrl Id: http://siph0n.in/exploits.php?id=4560 Title: BuzzMachines.com 40k+ Date: null EmailCount: 36959 - Source: AdHocUrl Id: http://siph0n.in/exploits.php?id=4737 Title: PayPalSucks Database 102k Date: null EmailCount: 82071 - Source: AdHocUrl Id: http://balockae.online/files/BlackMarketReloaded_users.sql Title: balockae.online Date: null EmailCount: 10547
$ pwned pw Password1234 Oh no — pwned 3360 times!
$ pwned search nobody breaches: - Name: BattlefieldHeroes - Name: CannabisForum - Name: Forbes - Name: Gawker - Name: HackForums - Name: LoungeBoard - Name: PokemonCreed - Name: Win7Vista pastes: null
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