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ThreeJs 学习之旅(七)_threejs wireframe

threejs wireframe




const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial()

.wireframe : 线框

Boolean Render geometry as wireframe. Default is false (i.e. render as smooth shaded). .wireframeLinewidth : Float Controls wireframe thickness. Default is 1. Due to limitations of the OpenGL Core Profile with the WebGL renderer on most platforms linewidth will always be 1 regardless of the set value.

。线框:布尔型 将几何体渲染为线框。默认值为false(即渲染为平滑着色)。 。线框线宽:浮动 控制线框厚度。默认值为1。 由于大多数平台上带有WebGL渲染器的OpenGL核心配置文件的限制,无论设置值如何,线宽都将始终为1。


  1. const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial()
  2. MeshBasicMaterial.wireframe=true; //线框显示


.flatShading : 平面阴影

Boolean Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false.

。平面阴影:布尔型 定义是否使用平面着色渲染材质。默认值为false。


  1. const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial()
  2. MeshBasicMaterial.wireframe=true //线框
  3. MeshBasicMaterial.flatShading=true //平面阴影

二、MeshMatcapMaterial        (无光泽帽/泥塑

const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshMatcapMaterial();  //泥塑材料


MeshMatcapMaterial is defined by a MatCap (or Lit Sphere) texture, which encodes the material color and shading.


MeshMatcapMaterial( parameters : Object ) parameters - (optional) an object with one or more properties defining the material's appearance. Any property of the material (including any property inherited from Material) can be passed in here. The exception is the property color, which can be passed in as a hexadecimal string and is 0xffffff (white) by default. Color.set( color ) is called internally.

MeshMatcapMaterial(参数:对象) 参数-(可选)具有一个或多个定义材料外观的属性的对象。材料的任何属性(包括从材料继承的任何属性)都可以在这里传入。 属性color是个例外,它可以作为十六进制字符串传入,默认情况下是0xffffff(白色)。内部调用Color.set( color)。


.matcap : 纹理

Texture The matcap map. Default is null.

。matcap:纹理 马特卡普地图。默认值为null。


  1. const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshMatcapMaterial(); //泥塑材料
  2. const matcp=texture.load('/matcaps/3.png');
  3. MeshBasicMaterial.matcap=matcp




三、MeshDepthMaterial (网格深度材料)

MeshDepthMaterial A material for drawing geometry by depth. Depth is based off of the camera near and far plane. White is nearest, black is farthest.

网格深度材料 一种按深度画几何图形的材料。深度是基于相机的近平面和远平面。白色最近,黑色最远。 

 const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshDepthMaterial()   //景深材料​​​​​​​



A material for non-shiny surfaces, without specular highlights. The material uses a non-physically based Lambertian model for calculating reflectance. This can simulate some surfaces (such as untreated wood or stone) well, but cannot simulate shiny surfaces with specular highlights (such as varnished wood). Shading is calculated using a Gouraud shading model. This calculates shading per vertex (i.e. in the vertex shader) and interpolates the results over the polygon's faces. Due to the simplicity of the reflectance and illumination models, performance will be greater when using this material over the MeshPhongMaterial, MeshStandardMaterial or MeshPhysicalMaterial, at the cost of some graphical accuracy.

无光泽表面的材质,没有镜面高光。 该材质使用基于非物理的朗伯模型来计算反射率。这可以很好地模拟某些表面(如未经处理的木材或石头),但不能模拟具有镜面高光的闪亮表面(如涂漆木材)。 使用Gouraud着色模型计算着色。这将计算每个顶点的着色(即在顶点着色器中)并将结果插值到多边形的面上。 由于反射和照明模型的简单性,当在MeshPhongMaterial、MeshStandardMaterial或MeshPhysicalMaterial上使用该材质时,性能会更好,但会损失一些图形精度。



  1. const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial() //反射材料
  2. const ambientLight=new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff,0.5) //环境光
  3. sence.add(ambientLight)
  4. const pointLinght=new THREE.PointLight(0xffffff,0.5)
  5. pointLinght.position.x=2;
  6. pointLinght.position.y=3;
  7. pointLinght.position.z=4;
  8. sence.add(pointLinght)
  9. colorTexture.minFilter=THREE.NearestFilter

五、MeshPhongMaterial 镜面高光材质

MeshPhongMaterial A material for shiny surfaces with specular highlights. The material uses a non-physically based Blinn-Phong model for calculating reflectance. Unlike the Lambertian model used in the MeshLambertMaterial this can simulate shiny surfaces with specular highlights (such as varnished wood). Shading is calculated using a Phong shading model. This calculates shading per pixel (i.e. in the fragment shader, AKA pixel shader) which gives more accurate results than the Gouraud model used by MeshLambertMaterial, at the cost of some performance. The MeshStandardMaterial and MeshPhysicalMaterial also use this shading model. Performance will generally be greater when using this material over the MeshStandardMaterial or MeshPhysicalMaterial, at the cost of some graphical accuracy.




  1. const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial() //镜面反射材料
  2. //光
  3. const ambientLight=new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff,0.5) //环境光
  4. sence.add(ambientLight)
  5. const pointLinght=new THREE.PointLight(0xffffff,0.5)
  6. pointLinght.position.x=2;
  7. pointLinght.position.y=3;
  8. pointLinght.position.z=4;
  9. sence.add(pointLinght)
  10. colorTexture.minFilter=THREE.NearestFilter


Constructor MeshToonMaterial( parameters : Object ) parameters - (optional) an object with one or more properties defining the material's appearance. Any property of the material (including any property inherited from Material) can be passed in here. The exception is the property color, which can be passed in as a hexadecimal string and is 0xffffff (white) by default. Color.set( color ) is called internally.

构造器 MeshToonMaterial(参数:对象) 参数-(可选)具有一个或多个定义材料外观的属性的对象。材料的任何属性(包括从材料继承的任何属性)都可以在这里传入。 属性color是个例外,它可以作为十六进制字符串传入,默认情况下是0xffffff(白色)。内部调用Color.set( color)。



const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshToonMaterial()   //卡通材料


  1. const ambientLight=new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff,0.5) //环境光
  2. sence.add(ambientLight)
  3. const pointLinght=new THREE.PointLight(0xffffff,0.5)
  4. pointLinght.position.x=2;
  5. pointLinght.position.y=3;
  6. pointLinght.position.z=4;
  7. sence.add(pointLinght)
  8. colorTexture.minFilter=THREE.NearestFilter

.gradientMap : 梯度纹理贴图

Texture Gradient map for toon shading. It's required to set Texture.minFilter and Texture.magFilter to THREE.NearestFilter when using this type of texture. Default is null.

。梯度贴图:纹理 卡通阴影的渐变贴图。需要将Texture.minFilter和Texture.magFilter设置为三个。使用这种类型的纹理时使用NearestFilter。默认值为null



  1. const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshToonMaterial() //卡通材料
  2. const gradientsMesh=texture.load('/gradients/3.jpg')
  3. gradientsMesh.minFilter=THREE.NearestFilter
  4. gradientsMesh.magFilter=THREE.NearestFilter
  5. MeshBasicMaterial.gradientMap=gradientsMesh

七、MeshStandardMaterial 标准材质

 A standard physically based material, using Metallic-Roughness workflow.

Physically based rendering (PBR) has recently become the standard in many 3D applications, such as Unity, Unreal and 3D Studio Max.

This approach differs from older approaches in that instead of using approximations for the way in which light    interacts with a surface, a physically correct model is used. The idea is that, instead of tweaking materials to look good under specific lighting, a material can    be created that will react 'correctly' under all lighting scenarios.

In practice this gives a more    accurate and realistic looking result than the MeshLambertMaterial or MeshPhongMaterial, at the cost of being somewhat more computationally expensive.

Shading is calculated in the same way as for the MeshPhongMaterial, using a Phong shading model. This calculates shading per pixel (i.e. in the fragment shader, AKA pixel shader) which gives more accurate results than the Gouraud model used by MeshLambertMaterial, at the cost of some performance.

Note that for best results you should always specify an environment map when using this material.

For a non-technical introduction to the concept of PBR and how to set up a PBR material, check out these articles by the people at marmoset:

Basic Theory of Physically Based Rendering
Physically Based Rendering and You Can Too
Technical details of the approach used in three.js (and most other PBR systems) can be found is this paper from Disney (pdf), by Brent Burley


基于物理的渲染(PBR)最近已成为许多3D应用程序的标准,如Unity、Unreal和3D Studio Max。








三个项目中使用的方法的技术细节。js(以及大多数其他PBR系统)是由Brent Burley从迪士尼(pdf)撰写的这篇论文



const MeshBasicMaterial=new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial();   //标准网格材质


.metalness : 金属光泽

Float How much the material is like a metal. Non-metallic materials such as wood or stone use 0.0, metallic use 1.0, with nothing (usually) in between. Default is 0.0. A value between 0.0 and 1.0 could be used for a rusty metal look. If metalnessMap is also provided, both values are multiplied.

。金属性:浮动 这种材料有多像金属。木材或石头等非金属材料使用0.0,金属材料使用1.0,中间(通常)没有任何东西。默认值为0.0。介于0.0和1.0之间的值可用于生锈的金属外观。如果还提供了metalnessMap,则两个值相乘。

.roughness : 粗糙度

Float How rough the material appears. 0.0 means a smooth mirror reflection, 1.0 means fully diffuse. Default is 1.0. If roughnessMap is also provided, both values are multiplied.

。粗糙度:浮动 材料看起来有多粗糙。0.0表示平滑的镜面反射,1.0表示完全漫反射。默认值为1.0。如果还提供了roughnessMap,则两个值相乘。

AOMap : 环境遮罩


AO是一种阴影(shading)和渲染(rendering)方法,用于为对象提供全局背景(global background)或者间接(indirect)的阴影。

这个方法可以增加渲染的真实性,因为它会创建软的全局阴影(soft global shadow),让物体间的视觉区隔变得更加明显。


阴影(Shadow)不会保持黑色,他们消散(dissiplate),造成半色调(creating halftones)和让得到很少光线的地方模糊。






Texture The red channel of this texture is used as the ambient occlusion map. Default is null. The aoMap requires a second set of UVs.

aoMap:纹理 该纹理的红色通道被用作环境遮挡贴图。默认值为null。aoMap需要第二组uv


  1. const colorTexture=texture.load('/door/color.jpg');
  2. const doorAmbTexture=texture.load('/door/ambientOcclusion.jpg');
  3. MeshBasicMaterial.map=colorTexture
  4. MeshBasicMaterial.aoMap=doorAmbTexture
  5. MeshBasicMaterial.aoMapIntensity=1


.aoMapIntensity :

Float Intensity of the ambient occlusion effect. Default is 1. Zero is no occlusion effect.

。aoMapIntensity : Float 环境遮挡效果的强度。默认值为1。零表示没有遮挡效果。



Displacement Map(置换贴图,也叫移位贴图)可以改变模型对象的几何形状,因此在提供最真实的效果的同时也会大幅增加渲染性能的开销。





  1. const doorHeightTexture=texture.load('/door/height.jpg')
  2. MeshBasicMaterial.displacementMap=doorHeightTexture


MetalnessMap 光泽金属度贴图

Metallic(金属贴图)起到类似于蒙版的作用,区分固有色贴图中的金属和绝缘体数据。在金属性贴图中,0(黑色-0 sRGB)表示绝缘体,而1(白-255 sRGB)表示金属。在金属/粗糙度工作流中,BaseColor贴图实则包含了漫反射和高光贴图的信息。而Metallic贴图这决定了有多少BaseColor被解释为漫反射或者高光。




  1. const doorMetalnessTexture=texture.load('/door/metalness.jpg')
  2. MeshBasicMaterial.metalness=1
  3. MeshBasicMaterial.metalnessMap=doorMetalnessTexture

Roughness Map






专业解释一下,Roughness(粗糙度贴图)定义材质得粗糙度信息,0(黑色-0 sRGB)表示光滑1(白-255 sRGB)表示粗糙。粗粗糙度是指造成光漫射的表面不规则状况,反射方向根据表面粗糙度自由变化。这改变了光的方向,但是光强度保持恒定不变。表面越粗糙,高光越散越暗表面越光滑,高光反射集中,尽管反射的光的总量是一点的,表面也会更亮,光会更强。






  1. const doorRoughnessTexture=texture.load('/door/roughness.jpg')
  2. MeshBasicMaterial.roughnessMap=doorRoughnessTexture
  3. MeshBasicMaterial.roughness=0.2

 .normalMap 法线贴图



  1. const doorNormalTexture=texture.load('/door/normal.jpg')
  2. MeshBasicMaterial.normalMap=doorNormalTexture
  3. MeshBasicMaterial.normalScale.set(0.1,0.1);


.alphaMap : 透明度纹理

Texture The alpha map is a grayscale texture that controls the opacity across the surface (black: fully transparent; white: fully opaque). Default is null. Only the color of the texture is used, ignoring the alpha channel if one exists. For RGB and RGBA textures, the WebGL renderer will use the green channel when sampling this texture due to the extra bit of precision provided for green in DXT-compressed and uncompressed RGB 565 formats. Luminance-only and luminance/alpha textures will also still work as expected.

alphaMap:纹理 alpha贴图是一种灰度纹理,控制整个表面的不透明度(黑色:完全透明;白色:完全不透明)。默认值为null。 只使用纹理的颜色,忽略alpha通道(如果有的话)。对于RGB和RGBA纹理,由于在DXT压缩和未压缩的RGB 565格式中为绿色提供了额外的精度,因此WebGL渲染器在对此纹理进行采样时将使用绿色通道。仅亮度和亮度/alpha纹理也将按预期工作。


  1. const doorAlphaTexture=texture.load('/door/alpha.jpg')
  2. MeshBasicMaterial.alphaMap=doorAlphaTexture
  3. MeshBasicMaterial.transparent=true






CubeTextureLoader Class for loading a CubeTexture. This uses the ImageLoader internally for loading files. Code Example const scene = new THREE.Scene(); scene.background = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader() .setPath( 'textures/cubeMaps/' ) .load( [ 'px.png', 'nx.png', 'py.png', 'ny.png', 'pz.png', 'nz.png' ] ); Examples materials / cubemap materials / cubemap / dynamic materials / cubemap / refraction Constructor CubeTextureLoader( manager : LoadingManager ) manager — The loadingManager for the loader to use. Default is THREE.DefaultLoadingManager. Creates a new CubeTextureLoader.

立方体纹理加载器 用于加载立方体纹理的类。这在内部使用ImageLoader来加载文件。 代码示例 const场景=新三。场景(); scene.background =新三。立方体纹理加载器() 。setPath('纹理/立方体贴图/') 。负载([ ' px.png ', ' nx.png ' py.png ', ny.png ', pz.png ', '新西兰.巴布亚新几内亚' ] ); 例子 材质/立方体贴图 材质/立方体贴图/动态 材质/立方体贴图/折射 构造器 CubeTextureLoader(管理器:LoadingManager) 管理器—供加载程序使用的加载管理器。默认值为三。 创建新的CubeTextureLoader。


  1. const environmentMaps=new CubeTextureLoader().load([
  2. '/environmentMaps/0/px.jpg',
  3. '/environmentMaps/0/nx.jpg',
  4. '/environmentMaps/0/py.jpg',
  5. '/environmentMaps/0/ny.jpg',
  6. '/environmentMaps/0/pz.jpg',
  7. '/environmentMaps/0/nz.jpg'
  8. ]);
  9. MeshBasicMaterial.envMap=environmentMaps


 最后:推荐比较好的全景贴图工具 及网站

全景贴图网站Poly HavenThe Public 3D Asset Libraryhttps://polyhaven.com/​​​​​​​

