I hear it all the time– from people inside and outside of the tech industry. Coworkers and clients often interchange UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) as easily as one might switch out street and road. But unlike the words street and road, which are accurately swappable, the UI and UX relationship is more like that of the square and rectangle– UX is the rectangle and UI is the square. Allow me to explain….
我一直都在听到–来自技术行业内外的人们。 同事和客户之间经常互换UI(用户界面)和UX(用户体验)一样容易,人们可能会切换出街道和道路 。 但是与可准确交换的街道和道路一词不同,UI和UX的关系更像正方形和矩形的关系– UX是矩形,UI是正方形。 请允许我解释一下...。
Squares and rectangles both fall under the geometrical definition of a quadrilateral, meaning they are shapes that have four straight sides. Rectangles are defined further as having four right angles. And a square is defined even further as having four right angles and four sides of equal length. Therefore, all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. This is true of UX and UI. All UI is UX, but not all UX is UI. Let’s take a deeper dive into each of these practices to gain a better understanding.
正方形和矩形均属于四边形的几何定义,这意味着它们是具有四个直边的形状。 矩形进一步定义为具有四个直角。 并且正方形被进一步定义为具有四个直角和四个相等长度的边。 因此,所有正方形都是矩形,但并非所有矩形都是正方形。 UX和UI都是如此。 所有UI都是UX,但并非所有UX都是UI。 让我们更深入地研究这些实践中的每一种,以更好地理解它们。

UX(用户体验) (UX (User Experience))
“User experience” encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products.
— Don Norman and Jakob Nielsen
— Don Norman和Jakob Nielsen
Don Norman, the guy who literally wrote the book on UX, first used User Experience as a self-chosen title for himself at Apple back in 1993. Since then a lot has changed regarding UX titles, but nothing has changed about the meaning of user experience.
唐·诺曼(Don Norman)确实是在UX上写这本书的人,早在1993年就在Apple首次使用User Experience作为自己的自选标题。此后,UX标题发生了很多变化,但用户含义没有任何变化经验。
In the tech world when we think about products, we’re usually thinking about a website or an app, but the term user experience stretches way beyond the digital realm. Think of frustrations you’ve had in the past with thermostats in your home or complicated microwave settings. Or, how about feelings of delight you’ve experienced when opening-up a new phone, carefully removing the beautiful packaging, turning on the device, and discovering that it’s all ready to work? These are all emotions that we encounter on our journeys when interacting with any kind of product– digital or physical. This is the journey and these are the feelings that user experience designs attempt to direct when creating products.
在技术世界中,当我们考虑产品时,我们通常会考虑网站或应用程序,但是术语“ 用户体验”已经超出了数字领域。 想想过去您在家中使用恒温器或遇到复杂的微波设置时遇到的挫折感。 或者,当您打开新手机,小心地取出精美的包装,打开设备并发现设备已准备就绪时,您会感到愉悦吗? 这些都是我们在与任何类型的产品(数字或物理产品)互动时在旅途中遇到的情感。 这就是旅程,而这些正是用户体验设计在创建产品时试图传达的感觉。
Today UX is a very tech-centric term. When we think of user experience we tend to think in terms of software. How does the user feel when they’re using the software? Frustrated? Delighted? But the journey of the user often begins before the user enters an app and lasts beyond the clicking of the sign off button. UX design is all about understanding that journey. In the example below, Tom Wujec used a Ted Talk to illustrate the complexity of understanding the user journey through the deceptively simple example of somebody making toast.
今天,UX是一个非常以技术为中心的术语。 当我们想到用户体验时,我们倾向于考虑软件。 用户使用软件时的感觉如何? 沮丧吗 欣喜的? 但是,用户的旅程通常在用户进入应用程序之前开始,并且持续到单击退出按钮为止。 UX设计就是要了解这一旅程。 在下面的示例中,Tom Wujec使用一个Ted Talk来说明通过一个有人做烤面包的看似简单的示例来理解用户旅程的复杂性。
User Experience has become such an important job that many large companies that create software employ hundreds of designers. Some of these designers focus more on researching the users and their needs and others spend more time on the experience of using the software. A specific set of these designers is called UI designers.
用户体验已变得如此重要,以至于许多创建软件的大公司雇用了数百名设计师。 这些设计师中的一些更专注于研究用户及其需求,而其他一些则将更多的时间花在使用软件的体验上。 这些设计器的特定集合称为UI设计器。
It’s worth noting that as shown in the video, the relationship between UX and UI is vital to the success of any given project. Much of the process requires the UX designers and the UI designers to work collaboratively, focused on the common goal of meeting the user’s needs and expectations.
值得注意的是,如视频所示,UX和UI之间的关系对于任何给定项目的成功至关重要。 在此过程中,大部分过程需要UX设计人员和UI设计人员进行协作,专注于满足用户需求和期望的共同目标。
UI(用户界面) (UI (User Interface))
User interfaces are the access points where users interact with designs. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are designs’ control panels and faces; voice-controlled interfaces involve oral-auditory interaction, while gesture-based interfaces witness users engaging with 3D design spaces via bodily motions.
用户界面是用户与设计交互的访问点。 图形用户界面(GUI)是设计的控制面板和面板; 语音控制界面涉及口头-听觉交互,而基于手势的界面则可以见证用户通过身体动作与3D设计空间互动。
— Interaction Design Foundation
Where UX covers the entire spectrum of a user’s experience, UI focuses on the surface of the product. As the definition above from the Interaction Design Foundation states, UI can be more than just a graphical surface. In fact, with the IoT (internet of things) such a growing industry, the interfaces of the future are very likely to continue jumping off our screens and into other interfaces like voice and gesture-based interactions.
UX涵盖了用户体验的整个范围,而UI则专注于产品的表面。 正如上面来自Interaction Design Foundation的定义所指出的,UI不仅可以是图形表面。 实际上,随着物联网(IoT) 行业的发展 ,未来的界面很可能会继续跳出我们的屏幕,并进入其他界面,如基于语音和手势的交互。
Because UI is so present in the user’s experience, it’s often what most people think of when they hear UX, and while it’s important, the truth is, UI is UX, but it’s just a part of UX– just like how a square is a rectangle, but it’s just a portion of what are considered rectangles. When you log onto Facebook, Twitter, or Google you’re looking at the UI. Every button, every text input field, every dropdown menu– they were all carefully designed by a UI designer. Since the UI is what people interact with when they’re using a digital product, the UI is mostly what people understand about the user experience.
因为UI出现在用户的体验中,所以它通常是大多数人在听到UX时所想到的东西,而重要的是,事实是UI是UX,但它只是UX的一部分,就像一个正方形如何矩形,但这只是矩形的一部分。 当您登录Facebook,Twitter或Google时,您正在查看的是UI。 每个按钮,每个文本输入字段,每个下拉菜单-它们都是由UI设计人员精心设计的。 由于UI是人们在使用数字产品时进行交互的对象,因此UI通常是人们对用户体验的了解。
I hope this quick article helps to distinguish the similarities and differences between UX and UI. It’s important when you’re in the tech world to use the correct terminology when discussing product with your team or other stakeholders. This limits confusion and helps everyone get on the same page. And now that we’re all aligned, let’s get back to it… happy designing!
我希望本文能帮助您区分UX和UI之间的异同。 与团队或其他利益相关者讨论产品时,在技术领域中使用正确的术语非常重要。 这样可以减少混乱,并帮助所有人进入同一页面。 现在我们已经结盟,让我们回到它……快乐的设计!
翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/whats-the-difference-between-ux-and-ui-design-7ad6f732935c