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from django import http from django.template import Context, Engine, TemplateDoesNotExist, loader from django.utils import six from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.http import urlquote from django.views.decorators.csrf import requires_csrf_token ERROR_404_TEMPLATE_NAME = '404.html' ERROR_403_TEMPLATE_NAME = '403.html' ERROR_400_TEMPLATE_NAME = '400.html' ERROR_500_TEMPLATE_NAME = '500.html' # This can be called when CsrfViewMiddleware.process_view has not run, # therefore need @requires_csrf_token in case the template needs # {% csrf_token %}. @requires_csrf_token def page_not_found(request, exception, template_name=ERROR_404_TEMPLATE_NAME): """ Default 404 handler. Templates: :template:`404.html` Context: request_path The path of the requested URL (e.g., '/app/pages/bad_page/'). It's quoted to prevent a content injection attack. exception The message from the exception which triggered the 404 (if one was supplied), or the exception class name """ exception_repr = exception.__class__.__name__ # Try to get an "interesting" exception message, if any (and not the ugly # Resolver404 dictionary) try: message = exception.args[0] except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass else: if isinstance(message, six.text_type): exception_repr = message context = { 'request_path': urlquote(request.path), 'exception': exception_repr, } try: template = loader.get_template(template_name) body = template.render(context, request) content_type = None # Django will use DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE except TemplateDoesNotExist: if template_name != ERROR_404_TEMPLATE_NAME: # Reraise if it's a missing custom template. raise template = Engine().from_string( '<h1>Not Found</h1>' '<p>The requested resource was not found on this server.</p>') body = template.render(Context(context)) content_type = 'text/html' return http.HttpResponseNotFound(body, content_type=content_type) @requires_csrf_token def server_error(request, template_name=ERROR_500_TEMPLATE_NAME): """ 500 error handler. Templates: :template:`500.html` Context: None """ try: template = loader.get_template(template_name) except TemplateDoesNotExist: if template_name != ERROR_500_TEMPLATE_NAME: # Reraise if it's a missing custom template. raise return http.HttpResponseServerError('<h1>Server Error (500)</h1>', content_type='text/html') return http.HttpResponseServerError(template.render()) @requires_csrf_token def bad_request(request, exception, template_name=ERROR_400_TEMPLATE_NAME): """ 400 error handler. Templates: :template:`400.html` Context: None """ try: template = loader.get_template(template_name) except TemplateDoesNotExist: if template_name != ERROR_400_TEMPLATE_NAME: # Reraise if it's a missing custom template. raise return http.HttpResponseBadRequest('<h1>Bad Request (400)</h1>', content_type='text/html') # No exception content is passed to the template, to not disclose any sensitive information. return http.HttpResponseBadRequest(template.render()) # This can be called when CsrfViewMiddleware.process_view has not run, # therefore need @requires_csrf_token in case the template needs # {% csrf_token %}. @requires_csrf_token def permission_denied(request, exception, template_name=ERROR_403_TEMPLATE_NAME): """ Permission denied (403) handler. Templates: :template:`403.html` Context: None If the template does not exist, an Http403 response containing the text "403 Forbidden" (as per RFC 7231) will be returned. """ try: template = loader.get_template(template_name) except TemplateDoesNotExist: if template_name != ERROR_403_TEMPLATE_NAME: # Reraise if it's a missing custom template. raise return http.HttpResponseForbidden('<h1>403 Forbidden</h1>', content_type='text/html') return http.HttpResponseForbidden( template.render(request=request, context={'exception': force_text(exception)}) )
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