''' demoName:life simulation game principle: cellular automata (two dimensional) the rule of the game : 1. colored cell represents life, uncolored cell represents death 2. a cell has eight cells around it, to a live cell: 2.1 if only one or none of them are live, the cell will die 2.2 if two or three of them are live, the cell will sustain life 2.4 if more than three of them are live, the cell will die 3. to a dead cell, if there are three alive around it ,the cell will gain life ''' import pygame import sys import math import random import copy pygame.init() chess_number=60 # 设置棋盘大小 LIVEDENSITY=0.3 #生命密度 TICK=10 #帧数 BG=(20,20,20) #背景色 LINECOLOR=(52,53,46) #网格色 LIFECOLOR=(31,97,189) #活细胞的颜色 CELL_LENGTH=int(600/chess_number) #每个格子的像素大小 LINE_WIDTH=4 #线的宽度 START_POSX=50 START_POSY=50 #239,60,57 红色 79,167,47绿色 188,69,229 紫色 #224,90,9 橙色 252,61,63大红 #188,69,229 紫色 239,60,57 红 #39,202,149 天绿 31,97,189蓝色 22,178,243 天蓝 # 设置背景框大小 size = width, height = 2*START_POSX+chess_number*CELL_LENGTH,2*START_POSY+chess_number*CELL_LENGTH # 设置帧率,返回clock 类 clock = pygame.time.Clock() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.display.set_caption("Accelerator made") #画 def draw(livcell): ''' 进行一次绘画操作,可以理解为进行一帧操作所更新的画面 param:操作前活细胞图 return:操作后活细胞图 ''' for i in range(chess_number+1): pygame.draw.line(screen, LINECOLOR, (START_POSX,START_POSY+i*CELL_LENGTH), (START_POSX+chess_number*CELL_LENGTH,START_POSY+i*CELL_LENGTH), LINE_WIDTH)#横线 pygame.draw.line(screen, LINECOLOR, (START_POSX+i*CELL_LENGTH,START_POSY),(START_POSX+i*CELL_LENGTH,START_POSY+chess_number*CELL_LENGTH), LINE_WIDTH)#竖线# #画活细胞 livcell=rule(livcell) print('drawnew',livcell) return livcell def drawcell(i,j,cellkind): ''' 画出一个具体的方块 param:行,列,方块颜色种类 ''' pygame.draw.rect(screen,cellkind,[START_POSX+CELL_LENGTH*j+(LINE_WIDTH-1),START_POSY+CELL_LENGTH*i+(LINE_WIDTH-1),CELL_LENGTH-LINE_WIDTH,CELL_LENGTH-LINE_WIDTH],0)#终点. Rect(left,top,width,height) def creatlife(density): ''' 在初始状态下创造生命 param:所要求生成生命细胞的密度 return:初始生命细胞的位置图 ''' livcell=[[0]*chess_number for i in range(chess_number)] for i in range(chess_number): for j in range(chess_number): pwall=random.random() if pwall<density: livcell[i][j]=1 return livcell def neighborcell(pos): ''' 获得一个细胞周围的细胞位置,并且存入数组 param:细胞的位置 return:这个细胞所有的邻居细胞 ''' neighborList=[] x=pos[0] y=pos[1] neighborList=[[x-1,y-1],[x-1,y],[x-1,y+1],[x,y-1],[x,y+1],[x+1,y-1],[x+1,y],[x+1,y+1]] realnList=copy.deepcopy(neighborList) for i in neighborList: if i[0]<0 or i[0]>chess_number-1 or i[1]<0 or i[1]>chess_number-1: realnList.remove(i) return realnList def rule(livcell): ''' 制定生命游戏的游戏规则 param:一次操作前所有活着细胞的位置 return:一次操作后所有活着细胞的位置 ''' newlivcell=copy.deepcopy(livcell) print('livcell',livcell) for i in range(chess_number): for j in range(chess_number): if livcell[i][j]==1: drawcell(i,j,LIFECOLOR) alive=0 for cell in neighborcell([i,j]): if livcell[cell[0]][cell[1]]==1: alive+=1 if alive==0 or alive==1: newlivcell[i][j]=0 elif alive==2 or alive==3: newlivcell[i][j]=1 else: newlivcell[i][j]=0 else: alive=0 for cell in neighborcell([i,j]): if livcell[cell[0]][cell[1]]==1: alive+=1 if alive==3: newlivcell[i][j]=1 return newlivcell def main(): livcell=creatlife(LIVEDENSITY) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): # 查找关闭窗口事件 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() # 填充背景色 screen.fill(BG) livcell=draw(livcell) # 刷新图s pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(TICK) if __name__=="__main__": main()
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