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Symbian OS 错误代码(Error Codes )(-7999~ -6000)_panagent作用


Bluetooth Errors

HCITHCIErrorCode Global Error Code
EOK 0x00 -6000
EUnknownOpcode 0x01 -6001
ENoConnection 0x02 -6002
EHardwareFail 0x03 -6003
EPageTimedOut 0x04 -6004
EAuthenticationFailure 0x05 -6005
EKeyMissing 0x06 -6006
EKeyMemoryFull 0x07 -6007
EConnectionTimeout 0x08 -6008
EMaxConnections 0x09 -6009
EMaxSCOConnections 0x0a -6010
EMaxACLConnections 0x0b -6011
ECommandDisallowed 0x0c -6012
EHostResourceRejection 0x0d -6013
EHostSecurityRejection 0x0e -6014
EHostPersonalDeviceRejection 0x0f -6015
ERemoteHostTimeout 0x10 -6016
EUnsupportedParameter 0x11 -6017
EInvalidHCIParameter 0x12 -6018
ERemoteUserEndedConnection 0x13 -6019
ERemoteLowResources 0x14 -6020
ERemoteAboutToPowerOff 0x15 -6021
ETerminatedByLocalHost 0x16 -6022
ERepeatedAttempts 0x17 -6023
EPairingNotAllowed 0x18 -6024
EUnknownLMPpdu 0x19 -6025
EUnsupportedRemoteLMPFeature 0x1a -6026
ESCOOffsetRejected 0x1b -6027
ESCOIntervalRejected 0x1c -6028
ESCOAirModeRejected 0x1d -6029
EInvalidLMPParameters 0x1e -6030
EUnspecifiedError 0x1f -6031
EPending 0x20 -6032
KErrConfigRejected -6308
KErrL2CAPAccessRequestDenied -6311
KErrL2CAPRequestTimeout -6312
KErrL2PeerRejectedCommand -6313
KErrHostResNameTooLong -6314
KErrL2CAPNoMorePSMs -6315
KErrL2CAPMaxTransmitExceeded -6316
KErrL2CAPDataControllerDetached -6317
KErrL2CAPConfigPending -6318
KErrL2CAPConfigAlreadyInProgress -6319
KErrL2CAPNoFreeCID -6321
KErrHostResNoMoreResults -25
KErrL2HostResNoMoreResults -25
KErrRfcommSAPUnexpectedEvent -6350
KErrRfcommAlreadyBound -6351
KErrRfcommBadAddress -6352
KErrRfcommMTUSize -6353
KErrRfcommFrameResponseTimeout -6354
KErrRfcommMuxRemoteDisconnect -6355
KErrRfcommNotBound -6356
KErrRfcommParameterNegotiationFailure -6357
KErrRfcommNotListening -6358
KErrRfcommNoMoreServerChannels -6359
Bluetooth AVCTP Error Codes  
KErrAvctpBadAddress-6400 AVCTP bad address
KErrAvctpSAPUnexpectedEvent-6401 AVCTP unexpected SAP event
KErrAvctpBadPacketReceived-6402 AVCTP bad packet received
KErrAvctpBadResponse-6403AVCTP bad response
KErrAvctpConnectFailed-6404AVCTP connect failed
KErrAvctpLinkDisconnection-6405 AVCTP link disconnection
KErrAvctpSAPNotConnected-6406 AVCTP SAP not connected
KErrAvctpPeerDisconnected-6407 AVCTP peer disconnection
KErrAvctpAccessRequestDenied-6408 AVCTP access request denied
KErrAvctpRequestTimeout-6409 AVCTP request timeout
KErrAvctpPeerRejectedCommand -6410 AVCTP peer rejected command
Bluetooth SDP Error Codes  
KErrSdpAlreadyBound-6400Cannot bind to specifed sockets protocol, as already bound
KErrSdpPeerError-6401Remote device gave unknown error
KErrSdpClientNotConnected-6402Local device is not connected
KErrSdpUnsupportedVersion-6403Invalid/unsupported SDP version
KErrSdpBadRecordHandle-6404Invalid Service Record Handle
KErrSdpBadContinuationState-6405Invalid ContinuationState
KErrSdpServerRejectedRequest-6406SDP server rejected the request
KErrSdpBadRequestBufferLength-6407Request buffer was ill-formed
KErrSdpBadResultBufferLength-6408Result buffer was ill-formed
KErrSdpBadUUIDLength-6409UUID entry was ill-formed
KErrSdpBadResultData-6410Response was ill-formed
KErrSdpDatabaseFull-6411SDP database is full
Bluetooth Link manager Error Codes  
KErrInsufficientBasebandResources -6450Insufficient baseband resources error value
KErrProxyWriteNotAvailable -6451Proxy write not available error value
KErrReflexiveBluetoothLink -6452Reflexive BT link error value
Other Bluetooth Errors  
KErrBluetoothRegistryCorrupt -6501  
KErrBtEskError -6999 BT ESK error code

PAN Agent Errors

KErrLocalRoleNotSelected-6551 The role state machine did not select a valid pair of roles
KErrWaitingForBasebandRoleSwitch-6552 Indicates that the roles selected require a baseband role switch
KErrRoleChanged-6553 A PAN profile role (U, GN, NAP) has changed from the requested value. This may require renegotiation of roles, a disconnection of the device, or may just be part of normal operation (eg. selecting an actual role when EPanRoleUnknown was provided as an argument)
KErrCouldNotSetCoDDuringStartup-6554 Could not set the Class of Device (CoD) when starting the PAN agent
KErrLocallyInitiatedDisconnect-6555 The local device has requested a disconnect
KErrInvalidDestinationServiceUuid-6556 The remote device sent an invalid destination service UUID
KErrInvalidSourceServiceUuid-6557 The remote device sent an invalid source service UUID
KErrCouldNotBecomePiconetMaster-6558 Could not role switch to become piconet master
KErrInvalidOrUnacceptableRoleCombination-6559 The remote device sent us a invalid role combination, or requested roles that we cannot fulfil due to our current state
KErrRemoteDeviceFailedToRespondToRoleRequests-6560 The remote device did not respond to our role request messages
KErrDodgyResponseFromRemoteDevice-6561 The remote device sent us the wrong sort of packet (eg. a response when we expected a request)
KErrAllDevicesDisconnected-6562 No more devices are connected
KErrListenForIncomingConnectionRequestedWithoutListeningSupport-6563 An attempt has been made to start a connection with incoming support only (despite the settings for outgoing connections in commdb), but the connection does not have incoming support enabled in commdb
KErrNapNotSupportedAsLocalRole-6564 The settings in commdb have NAP set as the fixed local role
KErrIncompatiblePacketDriver-6565 The packet driver has not returned us the control handle, and therefore cannot be bnep.drv


KErrUsbServiceStopped -6601Used to complete an RUsb::Start request when the service ends up Idle because another client did an RUsb::Stop.
KErrUsbServiceStarted -6602Used to complete an RUsb::Stop request when the service ends up Started because another client did an RUsb::Start.

Message Server Error Codes

KMsvMediaUnavailable -7000There is no disk in the drive containing the Message Server index
KMsvMediaIncorrect -7001There is a disk in the drive containing the Message Server index, but it is the wrong one
KMsvMediaChanged -7002 
KMsvIndexBackup -7003 
KMsvIndexRestore -7004 

Bookmark Database

KErrBadVersion-7150 The version number in the repository does not match the bookmark database version number
KErrWrongType-7151 The item is of the wrong type. A folder item is given where a bookmark item is required or visa versa
KErrOpenHandle-7152 Not all handles have been closed. A database object has been opened and has not been closed.
KErrNotOpen-7153 The handle has not been opened. The handle is not attached to any bookmark object
KErrReadOnly-7154 The bookmark item is read only and can not be modified.
KErrCyclicLoop-7155 An attempt has been made to set the parent of an item to an item it owns lower in the tree. This invalidate the tree structure.
KErrDatabaseLocked-7156 The central database store is either locked or unaccessable at this time. You may want to try again later.
KErrNoMoreSpace-7157 The database has no more space for new bookmark entries
KErrCorrupt-7158 The database is in a corrupt state
KErrNotRegistered-7159 A custom property with the given UID has not been reistered
KErrUidAlreadyUsed-7160 An attempt was made to register a property using a UID that has already been used
KErrOrphanedItem-7161 An orphaned item is one that is currently in the root folder due to its normal parent not being loaded. This usually occurs when folders are private but some of the bookmarks it contains are public. Some operations (such as changing the rank or order of an item) can not be performed on an orphaned object
KErrTitleAlreadyUsed-7162 An attempt has been made to create a folder with a title that already exists
KErrOperationDenied-7163 The operation is not allowed. (Like trying to delete the root folder)
KErrNotCommitted-7164 The operation can not be completed until the item has been committed to the database (e.g. setting the owner ID)

HTTP Error Codes

KErrHttpEncodeDefault -7200Error making a default encoding of unrecognised headers
KErrHttpEncodeAccept -7201Error encoding the Accept field
KErrHttpEncodeAcceptCharset -7202Error encoding the Accept-Charset field
KErrHttpEncodeQValue -7203Error encoding a q -value parameter
KErrHttpEncodeAuthorization -7204Error encoding the Authorization field
KErrHttpEncodeBasicAuth -7205Error encoding Basiccredentials
KErrHttpEncodeDigestAuth -7206Error encoding Digestcredentials
KErrHttpEncodeConnection -7207Error encoding the Connection field
KErrHttpEncodeContentLength -7208 Error encoding the Content-Length field
KErrHttpEncodeContentType -7209 Error encoding the Content-Type field
KErrHttpEncodeHost -7210 Error encoding the Host field
KErrHttpEncodeHostPort -7211 Error encoding the Host field's port parameter
KErrHttpEncodeTransferEncoding -7212 Error encoding the Transfer-Encoding field
KErrHttpEncodeUserAgent -7213 Error encoding the User-Agent field
KErrHttpEncodeDate -7214 Error encoding the Date field
KErrHttpEncodeCookie -7215 Error encoding the Cookie field
KErrHttpEncodeCacheControl -7216 Error encoding the Cache-Control field
KErrHttpEncodePragma -7217 Error encoding the Pragma field
KErrHttpEncodeIfMatch -7218 Error encoding the ifmatch field
KErrHttpEncodeIfNoneMatch -7219 Error encoding the ifnone match field
KErrHttpEncodeIfModifiedSince -7220 Error encoding the ifmodified since field
KErrHttpEncodeIfUnmodifiedSince -7221 Error encoding the ifunmodified since field
KErrHttpEncodeCookie2 -7222 Error encoding the Cookie2 field
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDate -7260General formatting error for date values
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedYear -7261Malformed year
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedMonth -7262Malformed short monthname
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDay -7263Malformed number of day in month
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWkDay -7264Malformed short day name
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWeekDay -7265Malformed long day name
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedInteger -7266Malformed integer value
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedQuotedStr -7267Malformed quoted string
KErrHttpDecodeAccept -7270 Error decoding the Accept field
KErrHttpDecodeConnection -7271 Error decoding the Connection field
KErrHttpDecodeContentLength -7272 Error decoding the Content-Length field
KErrHttpDecodeContentType -7273 Error decoding the Content-Type field
KErrHttpDecodeTransferEncoding -7274 Error decoding the Transfer-Encoding field
KErrHttpDecodeWWWAuthenticate -7275 Error decoding the WWWAuthenticate field
KErrHttpDecodeUnknownAuthScheme -7276 The WWWAuthenticate field contained an unrecognised authentication scheme
KErrHttpDecodeBasicAuth -7277 Error decoding a Basic WWWAuthenticate challenge
KErrHttpDecodeDigestAuth -7278 Error decoding a Digest WWWAuthenticate challenge
KErrHttpDecodeCookie -7279 Error decoding a Set-Cookie field
KErrHttpRedirectExceededLimit -7300A uri redirected too many times, possibly indicating a circular redirection
KErrHttpRedirectUseProxy -7301A server responded that the uri must be fetched via a proxy
KErrHttpRedirectNoLocationField -7302A server sent a redirection response that did not include a Location header
KErrHttpUnknownParseState -7303An error occured in parsing which left the parser in a unknown state
KErrHttpRequestHasBody -7330 A body is provided with a method that doesn't allow bodys to be transmitted
KErrHttpRequestBodyMissing -7331 A body is missing from a method that requires it
KErrHttpTraceReqWithoutMaxForwardHeader -7332 Should contain The Max-Forward header
KErrHttpPostReqBodyWithoutSizeOnHTTP10 -7333 Body must NOT be sent chunked if using HTTP/1.0
KErrHttpInvalidHeaderInRequest -7334 Request contained a response header or a entity header but no body
KErrHttpEntityHeaderMissingContentType -7360 A body was provided in the request but no Content-Type header was set
KErrHttpGeneralHeaderMissingHost -7361 The request URI was relative, but no Host header was set to indicate a server to connect to
KErrHttpCantResetRequestBody -7370 The request body needed to be rewound but the client but it doesn't support
KErrHttpProtTransactionNotInitialised -7371 The Protocol handler is not initialised
KErrHttpCannotEstablishTunnel -7372 Unable to establish a tunnel.
KErrHttpInvalidUri -7373 Invalid URI
KErrHttpNonPipeliningError -7374 Protocol handler experienced a non-pipelining error
KErrHttpPipeliningError -7375 Protocol handler experienced a pipelining error


KErrSSLNoSharedCipher -7401 No shared cipher was found. The handshake failed because there was no available shared cipher supported by both the client and the server.
KErrSSLSocketBusy -7402 The socket already has received data pending on it. This error is seen when StartClientHandshake is called when there is already data waiting to be read from the socket.
KErrSSLInvalidCipherSuite -7403 One or more cipher suites passed as an argument was invalid.
KErrSSLInvalidCert -7404 The certificate that was passed as an argument was invalid.
KErrSSLNoClientCert -7405 No client certificate was supplied.
KErrSSLUnsupportedKeySize -7406 The size of the key is too big.
KErrSSLUnsupportedKey -7407 General unsupported key error
KErrSSLBadRecordHeader -7408 An invalid record was received.
KErrSSLBadProtocolVersion -7409 Invalid protocol version
KErrSSL2ServerOnly -7410 The server only supports the SSL2.0 protocol.
KErrSSLUnexpectedMessage -7411 Unexpected message.
KErrSSLUnsupportedCipher -7412 Unsupported cipher.
KErrSSLBadMAC -7413 Bad MAC.
KErrSSLReceivedAlert -7414 An SSL alert was received from the remote end, which caused the connection to be terminated.
KErrSSLRecvNotSupportedHS -7415 An invalid handshake message was received.
KErrSSLHSRecordFieldTooBig -7416 A field in the handshake record being parsed was too big.
KErrSSLRecordHeaderTooBig -7417 Record header field too big.
KErrSSLSendDataTooBig -7418 Send data field too big.
KErrSSLNoCertificate -7419 No certificate.
KErrSSLInvalidHash -7420 Invalid hash.
KErrSSLSendCanceled -7421 Send cancelled.
KErrSSLRecvCanceled -7422 Receieve cancelled.
KErrSSLHandshakeCanceled -7423 CancelHandshake was called during one of the handshake methods.
KErrSSLWriteFailed -7424 Write failed.
KErrSSLFailedToLoad -7425 The SSL.dll couldn't be loaded by the adaptor.
KErrSSLDisconnectIndication -7426 An unspecified error was signaled from the SSL.dll to the adaptor.
KErrSSLDllLeave -7427 A leave occured in the SSL.dll.
KErrSSLAlertCloseNotify -7500 Close notification.
KErrSSLAlertUnexpectedMessage -7510 An inappropriate message was received.
KErrSSLAlertBadRecordMac -7520 A record was received withan incorrect MAC.
KErrSSLAlertDecryptionFailed -7521 A TLS cipher text was decrypted in an invalid way.
KErrSSLAlertRecordOverflow -7522 A TLS cipher text record was received which was too long.
KErrSSLAlertDecompressionFailure -7530 The decompression functionreceived improper input.
KErrSSLAlertHandshakeFailure -7540 With given the options available, the sender was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters.
KErrSSLAlertNoCertificate -7541 No certificate.
KErrSSLAlertBadCertificate -7542 A certificate was corrupt,e.g. contained signatures that could not be verified.
KErrSSLAlertUnsupportedCertificate -7543 The certificate was of an unsupported type.
KErrSSLAlertCertificateRevoked -7544 The certificate was revoked.
KErrSSLAlertCertificateExpired -7545 The certificate was expired.
KErrSSLAlertCertificateUnknown -7546 An unspecified problem withthe certificate. Certificate can not be used.
KErrSSLAlertIllegalParameter -7547 A field in the handshake was out of range or inconsistent with other fields.
KErrSSLAlertUnknownCA -7548 Either the CA certificate could not be located or the CA could not be matched with a known trusted CA.
KErrSSLAlertAccessDenied -7549 A valid certificate was received, but the access control denied access.
KErrSSLAlertDecodeError -7550 A message could not be decoded, e.g. some field was out of the specified range.
KErrSSLAlertDecryptError -7551 A handshake cryptographic operation failed.
KErrSSLAlertExportRestriction -7560 A negotiation was not allowed due to export restrictions.
KErrSSLAlertProtocolVersion -7570 The protocol version was not supported, e.g. the client has attempted to negotiate a recognised, but unsupported protocol.
KErrSSLAlertInsufficientSecurity -7571 Returned instead of KErrSSLAlertHandshakeFailure when the negotiation fails because the server requests ciphers more secure than those supported by the client.
KErrSSLAlertInternalError -7580 An internal error.
KErrSSLAlertUserCanceled -7590 This handshake is being cancelled by the user.
KErrSSLAlertNoRenegotiation -7600 No renegotiation will be accepted.
