<template> <view class="box"> <!-- 实拍视频 --> <view> <view class="fileTitle">实拍视频</view> <view v-if="videoSrc == ''" class="file videoFile" @tap="chooseVideo"> <image style="width:112upx;height:98upx;" :src="app + '/xj.png'" mode=""></image> </view> <view v-else class="file videoFile video_Box"> <video :src="videoSrc" controls></video> <view class="closeA" @tap="deleteVideo">×</view> </view> </view> <!-- 实拍照片 --> <view> <view class="fileTitle">实拍照片</view> <view class="photoBox" name="photoBox"> <canvas style="border: 1px solid green;position: absolute;left: -5000px;" :style="{'width':w,'height': h}" canvas-id="firstCanvas" ref="mycanvas"></canvas> <block v-for="(item, index) in photosSrc" :key="index"> <view class="file imgFile"> <image class="photo" :src="item"></image> <view class="close" @tap="deletePhoto(index)">×</view> </view> </block> <view v-if="photosSrc.length < 6" class="file imgFile" @tap="chooseImage"> <image style="width: 112upx;height: 98upx;" :src="app + '/xc.png'" mode=""></image> </view> </view> </view> <!-- 提交按钮 --> <view class="surereply" @tap='tiJIao'> 提交 </view> </view> </template> <script> let baseUrl=getApp().globalData.baseUrl;//域名 export default { data() { return { app: getApp().globalData.peiImg,//图片 videoFile: '', videoSrc: '', // 视频资源路径 photosSrc: [], //照片的路径 pic_tempFilePath: [], //上转图片的数组 video_tempFilePath: '', //上传视频的地址 file: '', thumbTempFilePath: '', // 视频缩略图临时地址 tempFilePath: [], // 视频资源临时地址 shuiyinpath: '', // 带水印的视频缩略图 w: '', h: '', mobile1_wx:1, imageLists:[], params:'',/* 钓场id */ optionName:''/* 钓场name */ }; }, onLoad(option) { console.log('235446554464',option) this.params=option.id; this.optionName=option.name; }, methods:{ // 选择视频 并上传 chooseVideo() { var that = this; uni.chooseVideo({ count: 1, //选择多少个视频 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], //视频来源相册和相机都可以 maxDuration: 30, //相机拍摄最大时长为30S camera: 'back', //默认摄像头是后置摄像头 success: res => { console.log('打印视频'); console.log(res); console.log(res.tempFilePath); this.videoSrc=res.tempFilePath; this.video_tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; uni.uploadFile({ url:baseUrl+'/api/place/uploadFile', filePath:res.tempFilePath, name:'file', formData:{ token:uni.getStorageSync('userInfo').token, type:1, file:res.tempFilePath, }, header:{"Content-Type":"multipart/form-data"}, success:res=>{ //console.log('上',res.data) let data = JSON.parse(res.data) that.video_tempFilePath=data.data.file_url } }) this.pic_tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; if (res.duration > '300') { uni.showToast({ title: '视频不得超过5分钟,请重新选择', icon: 'none', duration: 1500 }); } else if (res.size > '10485760') { uni.showToast({ title: '视频时长不得超过10MB,请重新选择', icon: 'none', duration: 1500 }); } }, fail: res => { uni.showModal({ content: '视频格式不正确,请重新选择', showCancel: false }); } }); }, // 选择照片 chooseImage() { let that = this; uni.chooseImage({ count: 6, //从相册中都可选择的图片个数 sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //选择图片的大小 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], //选择图片的来源 success: res => { //图片数组 let tempFilePath = res.tempFilePaths; let num = 0; let inter = setInterval(()=>{ that.setimg(tempFilePath[num]); num++; if(num==tempFilePath.length){ num= 0 ; clearInterval(inter); } },500) } }); }, //获取图片信息 setimg(e){ let date = "--晒渔--"; let that = this; let ctx = uni.createCanvasContext('firstCanvas',this); uni.getImageInfo({ src:e, success: (res) => { that.w = res.width/2+'px'; that.h = res.height/2+'px'; //初始化画布 ctx.fillRect(0, 0, that.w, that.h); // //将图片src放到cancas内,宽高为图片大小 ctx.drawImage(res.path,0,0,res.width/2,res.height/2); ctx.rotate(45 * Math.PI / 180); //对斜对角线以左部分进行文字的填充 for (let j = 1; j < 10; j++) { //用for循环达到重复输出文字的效果,这个for循环代表纵向循环 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setFontSize(20); ctx.setFillStyle("rgba(169,169,169,.6)"); ctx.fillText(date, 0, 50 * j); for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) { //这个for循环代表横向循环, ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setFontSize(20); ctx.setFillStyle("rgba(169,169,169,.6)"); ctx.fillText(date, 80 * i, 50 * j); } } //两个for循环的配合,使得文字充满斜对角线的左下部分 // 对斜对角线以右部分进行文字的填充逻辑同上 for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setFontSize(20); ctx.setFillStyle("rgba(169,169,169,.6)"); ctx.fillText(date, 0, -50 * j); for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setFontSize(20); ctx.setFillStyle("rgba(169,169,169,.6)"); ctx.fillText(date, 80 * i, -50 * j); } } ctx.rotate(-45 * Math.PI / 180); ctx.draw(false, () => { uni.canvasToTempFilePath({ //将画布中内容转成图片,即水印与图片合成 canvasId: 'firstCanvas', success: (res) => { that.photosSrc.push(res.tempFilePath); /* 把所有的图片给了后台 重点*/ uni.uploadFile({ url:baseUrl+'/api/place/uploadFile', filePath:res.tempFilePath, name:'file', formData:{ token:uni.getStorageSync('userInfo').token, type:1, file:res.tempFilePath }, header:{"Content-Type":"multipart/form-data"}, success:res=>{ let data = JSON.parse(res.data) that.imageLists.push(data.data.file_url) } }) if (that.photosSrc.length > 6) { that.photosSrc = that.photosSrc.slice(0, 6); uni.showToast({ title: '照片最多上传6张', icon: 'none', duration: 1500 }); } else { } } }) }) } }) }, //删除照片 deletePhoto(index) { this.photosSrc.splice(index, 1); this.thumbTempFilePath = ''; }, /* 删除视频 */ deleteVideo(){ this.videoSrc='' }, tiJIao(){ if(this.videoSrc==''){ uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '请上传视频', duration: 1500 }); }else if (this.photosSrc.length == 0) { uni.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '实拍照片最少上传一张', duration: 1500 }); } else { /* 调接口 */ let url = '/api/place/placeAddVedio'; let data = { token:uni.getStorageSync('userInfo').token, pid:this.params, title:this.optionName, vedioUrl: this.video_tempFilePath,//视频路径 imgUrl:this.imageLists.join(","),// 多图片 }; this.$request.post(url, data).then(res => { if(res.code==1){ uni.showToast({ title: '提交成功', icon:'none' }); setTimeout(function () { // uni.redirectTo({ // url:'./fishingPlaceDetail' // }) uni.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }) }, 2000); }else if(res.code==100){ uni.showToast({ title: '请购买上传次数', icon:'none' }); } }); } } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .box{ width: 95vw; 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