__author__ = 'Python代码狂人' from . import setup,tools from .states import main_menu,load_screen,level1 from . import constants as c def main(): """Add states to control here.""" run_it = tools.Control(setup.ORIGINAL_CAPTION) state_dict = {c.MAIN_MENU: main_menu.Menu(), c.LOAD_SCREEN: load_screen.LoadScreen(), c.TIME_OUT: load_screen.TimeOut(), c.GAME_OVER: load_screen.GameOver(), c.LEVEL1: level1.Level1()} run_it.setup_states(state_dict, c.MAIN_MENU) run_it.main()
__author__ = 'Pythont代码狂人' """ This module initializes the display and creates dictionaries of resources. """ import os import pygame as pg from . import tools from .import constants as c ORIGINAL_CAPTION = c.ORIGINAL_CAPTION os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pg.init() pg.event.set_allowed([pg.KEYDOWN, pg.KEYUP, pg.QUIT]) pg.display.set_caption(c.ORIGINAL_CAPTION) SCREEN = pg.display.set_mode(c.SCREEN_SIZE) SCREEN_RECT = SCREEN.get_rect() FONTS = tools.load_all_fonts(os.path.join("resources","fonts")) MUSIC = tools.load_all_music(os.path.join("resources","music")) GFX = tools.load_all_gfx(os.path.join("resources","graphics")) SFX = tools.load_all_sfx(os.path.join("resources","sound"))
__author__ = 'Python代码狂人' import os import pygame as pg keybinding = { 'action':pg.K_s, 'jump':pg.K_a, 'left':pg.K_LEFT, 'right':pg.K_RIGHT, 'down':pg.K_DOWN } class Control(object): """Control class for entire project. Contains the game loop, and contains the event_loop which passes events to States as needed. Logic for flipping states is also found here.""" def __init__(self, caption): self.screen = pg.display.get_surface() self.done = False self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.caption = caption self.fps = 60 self.show_fps = False self.current_time = 0.0 self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed() self.state_dict = {} self.state_name = None self.state = None def setup_states(self, state_dict, start_state): self.state_dict = state_dict self.state_name = start_state self.state = self.state_dict[self.state_name] def update(self): self.current_time = pg.time.get_ticks() if self.state.quit: self.done = True elif self.state.done: self.flip_state() self.state.update(self.screen, self.keys, self.current_time) def flip_state(self): previous, self.state_name = self.state_name, self.state.next persist = self.state.cleanup() self.state = self.state_dict[self.state_name] self.state.startup(self.current_time, persist) self.state.previous = previous def event_loop(self): for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: self.done = True elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed() self.toggle_show_fps(event.key) elif event.type == pg.KEYUP: self.keys = pg.key.get_pressed() self.state.get_event(event) def toggle_show_fps(self, key): if key == pg.K_F5: self.show_fps = not self.show_fps if not self.show_fps: pg.display.set_caption(self.caption) def main(self): """Main loop for entire program""" while not self.done: self.event_loop() self.update() pg.display.update() self.clock.tick(self.fps) if self.show_fps: fps = self.clock.get_fps() with_fps = "{} - {:.2f} FPS".format(self.caption, fps) pg.display.set_caption(with_fps) class _State(object): def __init__(self): self.start_time = 0.0 self.current_time = 0.0 self.done = False self.quit = False self.next = None self.previous = None self.persist = {} def get_event(self, event): pass def startup(self, current_time, persistant): self.persist = persistant self.start_time = current_time def cleanup(self): self.done = False return self.persist def update(self, surface, keys, current_time): pass def load_all_gfx(directory, colorkey=(255,0,255), accept=('.png', 'jpg', 'bmp')): graphics = {} for pic in os.listdir(directory): name, ext = os.path.splitext(pic) if ext.lower() in accept: img = pg.image.load(os.path.join(directory, pic)) if img.get_alpha(): img = img.convert_alpha() else: img = img.convert() img.set_colorkey(colorkey) graphics[name]=img return graphics def load_all_music(directory, accept=('.wav', '.mp3', '.ogg', '.mdi')): songs = {} for song in os.listdir(directory): name,ext = os.path.splitext(song) if ext.lower() in accept: songs[name] = os.path.join(directory, song) return songs def load_all_fonts(directory, accept=('.ttf')): return load_all_music(directory, accept) def load_all_sfx(directory, accept=('.wav','.mpe','.ogg','.mdi')): effects = {} for fx in os.listdir(directory): name, ext = os.path.splitext(fx) if ext.lower() in accept: effects[name] = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(directory, fx)) return effects
__author__ = 'Python代码狂人' SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600 SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 SCREEN_SIZE = (SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT) ORIGINAL_CAPTION = "Super Mario Bros 1-1" ## COLORS ## # R G B GRAY = (100, 100, 100) NAVYBLUE = ( 60, 60, 100) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0) GREEN = ( 0, 255, 0) FOREST_GREEN = ( 31, 162, 35) BLUE = ( 0, 0, 255) SKY_BLUE = ( 39, 145, 251) YELLOW = (255, 255, 0) ORANGE = (255, 128, 0) PURPLE = (255, 0, 255) CYAN = ( 0, 255, 255) BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0) NEAR_BLACK = ( 19, 15, 48) COMBLUE = (233, 232, 255) GOLD = (255, 215, 0) BGCOLOR = WHITE SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 2.5 BRICK_SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 2.69 BACKGROUND_MULTIPLER = 2.679 GROUND_HEIGHT = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 62 #MARIO FORCES WALK_ACCEL = .15 RUN_ACCEL = 20 SMALL_TURNAROUND = .35 GRAVITY = 1.01 JUMP_GRAVITY = .31 JUMP_VEL = -10 FAST_JUMP_VEL = -12.5 MAX_Y_VEL = 11 MAX_RUN_SPEED = 800 MAX_WALK_SPEED = 6 #Mario States STAND = 'standing' WALK = 'walk' JUMP = 'jump' FALL = 'fall' SMALL_TO_BIG = 'small to big' BIG_TO_FIRE = 'big to fire' BIG_TO_SMALL = 'big to small' FLAGPOLE = 'flag pole' WALKING_TO_CASTLE = 'walking to castle' END_OF_LEVEL_FALL = 'end of level fall' #GOOMBA Stuff LEFT = 'left' RIGHT = 'right' JUMPED_ON = 'jumped on' DEATH_JUMP = 'death jump' #KOOPA STUFF SHELL_SLIDE = 'shell slide' #BRICK STATES RESTING = 'resting' BUMPED = 'bumped' #COIN STATES OPENED = 'opened' #MUSHROOM STATES REVEAL = 'reveal' SLIDE = 'slide' #COIN STATES SPIN = 'spin' #STAR STATES BOUNCE = 'bounce' #FIRE STATES FLYING = 'flying' BOUNCING = 'bouncing' EXPLODING = 'exploding' #Brick and coin box contents MUSHROOM = 'mushroom' STAR = 'star' FIREFLOWER = 'fireflower' SIXCOINS = '6coins' COIN = 'coin' LIFE_MUSHROOM = '1up_mushroom' FIREBALL = 'fireball' #LIST of ENEMIES GOOMBA = 'goomba' KOOPA = 'koopa' #LEVEL STATES FROZEN = 'frozen' NOT_FROZEN = 'not frozen' IN_CASTLE = 'in castle' FLAG_AND_FIREWORKS = 'flag and fireworks' #FLAG STATE TOP_OF_POLE = 'top of pole' SLIDE_DOWN = 'slide down' BOTTOM_OF_POLE = 'bottom of pole' #1UP score ONEUP = '379' #MAIN MENU CURSOR STATES PLAYER1 = '1 player' PLAYER2 = '2 player' #OVERHEAD INFO STATES MAIN_MENU = 'main menu' LOAD_SCREEN = 'loading screen' LEVEL = 'level' GAME_OVER = 'game over' FAST_COUNT_DOWN = 'fast count down' END_OF_LEVEL = 'end of level' #GAME INFO DICTIONARY KEYS COIN_TOTAL = 'coin total' SCORE = 'score' TOP_SCORE = 'top score' LIVES = 'lives' CURRENT_TIME = 'current time' LEVEL_STATE = 'level state' CAMERA_START_X = 'camera start x' MARIO_DEAD = 'mario dead' #STATES FOR ENTIRE GAME MAIN_MENU = 'main menu' LOAD_SCREEN = 'load screen' TIME_OUT = 'time out' GAME_OVER = 'game over' LEVEL1 = 'level1' #SOUND STATEZ NORMAL = 'normal' STAGE_CLEAR = 'stage clear' WORLD_CLEAR = 'world clear' TIME_WARNING = 'time warning' SPED_UP_NORMAL = 'sped up normal' MARIO_INVINCIBLE = 'mario invincible'
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