OpenAI 的开源模型 whisper,可以执行 99 种语言的语音识别和文字转写。但是 whisper 模型占用计算资源多,命令行使用门槛高。whisper 模型本身还存在一些问题,例如 模型幻听问题(大部分的类似于不断重复同一句话、无语音部分复读莫名内容等都是由于这个原因造成的)。要更好使用 whsiper 模型就需要能够准确调试模型参数。但 whisper 模型参数众多,且命令行使用对使用者有一定要求,而且只有 torch 版可以做到调整参数。使用 VAD 类工具也需要一定的动手能力。
faster-whisper是具有完全的 whsiper 模型参数,且自带 VAD加持的 whisper 版本,该版本使用了 CTranslate2 来重新实现 whsiper 模型,CT2 对 transformer 类网络进行了优化,使模型推理效率更高。 相比于 openai/whisper,该实现在相同准确性下速度提高了 4 倍以上,同时使用的内存更少。
所谓 VAD 即 Voice Activity Detection —— 声音活动检测,在语音信号处理中,例如语音增强,语音识别等领域有着非常重要的作用。它的作用是从一段语音(纯净或带噪)信号中标识出语音片段与非语音片段。在语音转写任务中,可以提前将语音和非语音部分分离出来,从而提升 whisper 网络识别速度,并减少模型幻听。
pip install faster-whisper
- large-v3模型:https://huggingface.co/Systran/faster-whisper-large-v3/tree/main
- large-v2模型:https://huggingface.co/guillaumekln/faster-whisper-large-v2/tree/main
- large-v2模型:https://huggingface.co/guillaumekln/faster-whisper-large-v1/tree/main
- medium模型:https://huggingface.co/guillaumekln/faster-whisper-medium/tree/main
- small模型:https://huggingface.co/guillaumekln/faster-whisper-small/tree/main
- base模型:https://huggingface.co/guillaumekln/faster-whisper-base/tree/main
- tiny模型:https://huggingface.co/guillaumekln/faster-whisper-tiny/tree/main
- from faster_whisper import WhisperModel
- model_size = "large-v3"
- # Run on GPU with FP16
- model = WhisperModel('../model/faster-whisper-large-v3', device="cuda", compute_type="float16")
- # or run on GPU with INT8
- # model = WhisperModel(model_size, device="cuda", compute_type="int8_float16")
- # or run on CPU with INT8
- # model = WhisperModel(model_size, device="cpu", compute_type="int8")
- segments, info = model.transcribe("../data/gusuiyizhi.wav", beam_size=5)
- print("Detected language '%s' with probability %f" % (info.language, info.language_probability))
- for segment in segments:
- print("[%.2fs -> %.2fs] %s" % (segment.start, segment.end, segment.text))

- Detected language 'zh' with probability 0.998535
- [0.00s -> 2.48s] 骨髓抑制的定义、危害和预防
- [2.48s -> 4.48s] 骨髓抑制是一种病症
- [4.48s -> 8.14s] 其主要特点是骨髓中血细胞生成减少
- [8.14s -> 11.62s] 这种减少会影响所有类型的血细胞
- [11.62s -> 14.74s] 包括红细胞、白细胞和血小板
- [14.74s -> 15.74s] 通常
- [15.74s -> 20.16s] 骨髓抑制是癌症治疗中使用的化疗或放疗的副作用
- [20.16s -> 23.42s] 因为这些疗法在杀伤癌细胞的同时
- [23.42s -> 26.22s] 也会损害骨髓中的健康细胞
- [26.22s -> 29.26s] 骨髓抑制可能会带来如下危害
- [29.26s -> 30.86s] 一、贫血
- [30.86s -> 33.74s] 骨髓抑制导致红细胞生成减少
- [33.74s -> 35.64s] 可能会引起贫血
- [35.64s -> 39.94s] 表现为疲劳、虚弱、呼吸急促和面色苍白
- [39.94s -> 44.58s] 严重的贫血可能导致心脏问题和日常活动能力下降
- [44.58s -> 46.92s] 二、中性粒细胞减少
- [46.92s -> 49.52s] 骨髓抑制导致白细胞减少
- [49.52s -> 51.96s] 尤其是中性粒细胞减少
- [51.96s -> 55.94s] 患者更容易受到细菌、病毒和真菌感染
- [56.22s -> 58.48s] 某些情况下可能会很严重
- [58.48s -> 59.24s] 并危及生长
- [59.24s -> 61.68s] 三、血小板减少
- [61.68s -> 64.60s] 骨髓抑制导致血小板生成减少
- [64.60s -> 67.02s] 增加出血和淤伤的风险
- [67.02s -> 71.10s] 患者可能会流鼻血、牙龈出血、容易淤伤
- [71.10s -> 74.98s] 严重的血小板减少症可导致自发性出血
- [74.98s -> 78.18s] 小伤口出血时间延长和内出血
- [78.18s -> 79.72s] 这可能危及生命
- [79.72s -> 81.58s] 四、治疗延误
- [81.58s -> 84.06s] 如果患者的血细胞技术太低
- [84.06s -> 87.24s] 则可能需要延迟化疗周期或放疗
- [87.24s -> 88.82s] 以使骨髓功能恢复
- [88.82s -> 89.22s] 三、血小板减少
- [89.24s -> 90.46s] 如果延迟太久
- [90.46s -> 92.38s] 可能会延误癌症的治疗
- [92.38s -> 94.38s] 造成危险的后果
- [94.38s -> 96.24s] 五、剂量减少
- [96.24s -> 100.06s] 骨髓抑制可能需要减少化疗或放疗的剂量
- [100.06s -> 103.56s] 这可能会影响癌症治疗的整体有效性
- [103.56s -> 105.88s] 六、延长住院时间
- [105.88s -> 109.96s] 严重的感染或出血可能需要住院治疗和监测
- [109.96s -> 114.16s] 增加了患者癌症治疗的总体时间和经济成本
- [114.16s -> 116.44s] 七、降低生活质量
- [116.44s -> 119.22s] 疲劳、感染风险增加和出血病毒
- [119.24s -> 123.72s] 病发症会对患者的整体健康和日常生活功能产生负面影响
- [123.72s -> 127.84s] 预防肿瘤放化疗引起的骨髓抑制虽然并不容易
- [127.84s -> 132.42s] 但有一些方法可以帮助减少风险或减轻严重程度
- [132.42s -> 134.02s] 一、精确剂量
- [134.02s -> 137.20s] 医生会根据您的身体状况和肿瘤大小
- [137.20s -> 139.68s] 来选择最佳的化疗和放疗剂量
- [139.68s -> 141.70s] 以减少对骨髓的影响
- [141.70s -> 143.60s] 二、药物调整
- [143.60s -> 144.48s] 如果可能
- [144.48s -> 148.06s] 医生会选择具有较低骨髓抑制风险的药物
- [148.18s -> 149.02s] 或调整
- [149.24s -> 150.72s] 治疗方案来降低风险
- [150.72s -> 152.60s] 三、治疗间隔
- [152.60s -> 156.16s] 医生可能会增加治疗之间的间隔时间
- [156.16s -> 159.04s] 让您的身体有更多时间恢复
- [159.04s -> 160.98s] 四、生长因子
- [160.98s -> 163.32s] 医生可能会开出生长因子
- [163.32s -> 165.36s] 如粒细胞刺激因子
- [165.36s -> 167.88s] GCSF或红细胞生成素
- [167.88s -> 168.70s] EPO
- [168.70s -> 172.48s] 以帮助身体加速产生白细胞和红细胞
- [172.48s -> 174.36s] 五、营养支持
- [174.36s -> 176.30s] 保持良好的营养状态
- [176.30s -> 179.14s] 可以帮助身体应对治疗带来的副作用
- [179.14s -> 179.22s] 三、医生可能会增加治疗之间的间隔时间
- [179.24s -> 181.38s] 注意摄入充足的蛋白质
- [181.38s -> 183.06s] 维生素和矿物质
- [183.06s -> 185.08s] 以支持骨髓功能
- [185.08s -> 187.20s] 六、免疫增强剂
- [187.20s -> 188.82s] 在某些情况下
- [188.82s -> 191.98s] 医生可能会推荐使用免疫增强剂
- [191.98s -> 194.66s] 以提高您的免疫系统抵抗力
- [194.66s -> 196.42s] 需要您注意的是
- [196.42s -> 199.10s] 以上建议可能因个人情况而异
- [199.10s -> 202.44s] 请务必与您的医生保持紧密沟通
- [202.44s -> 206.34s] 制定最适合您的个性化的防治策略
- [206.34s -> 209.14s] 以应对放化疗可能引起的骨髓抑制
- [209.14s -> 209.44s] 请务必与您的医生保持紧密沟通

- from faster_whisper import WhisperModel
- model_size = "large-v3"
- # Run on GPU with FP16
- model = WhisperModel('../model/faster-whisper-large-v3', device="cuda", compute_type="float16")
- # or run on GPU with INT8
- # model = WhisperModel(model_size, device="cuda", compute_type="int8_float16")
- # or run on CPU with INT8
- # model = WhisperModel(model_size, device="cpu", compute_type="int8")
- segments, info = model.transcribe("../data/gusuiyizhi.wav", beam_size=5, language='en')
- print("Detected language '%s' with probability %f" % (info.language, info.language_probability))
- for segment in segments:
- print("[%.2fs -> %.2fs] %s" % (segment.start, segment.end, segment.text))

- Detected language 'en' with probability 1.000000
- [0.00s -> 2.46s] The definition of bone marrow disease, harm and prevention
- [2.46s -> 4.32s] Bone marrow disease is a disease
- [4.32s -> 8.06s] Its main feature is that blood cells in the bone marrow are reduced
- [8.06s -> 11.60s] This reduction will affect all types of blood cells
- [11.60s -> 14.56s] Including red cells, white cells and blood cells
- [14.56s -> 20.08s] Usually, bone marrow disease is a side effect of chemotherapy or chemotherapy used in cancer treatment
- [20.08s -> 23.44s] Because these treatments kill cancer cells at the same time
- [23.44s -> 26.20s] It will also harm the healthy cells in the bone marrow
- [26.20s -> 29.24s] Bone marrow disease may bring the following harm
- [29.24s -> 30.86s] 1. Pneumonia
- [30.86s -> 33.68s] Bone marrow disease may cause red cells to decrease
- [33.68s -> 35.60s] It may cause pneumonia
- [35.60s -> 39.94s] It is a sign of fatigue, weakness, respiratory cramps and pale face
- [39.94s -> 44.52s] Severe pneumonia may lead to heart problems and reduced daily activity
- [44.52s -> 46.90s] 2. Reducing neutral blood cells
- [46.90s -> 49.48s] Bone marrow disease may lead to reduced white cells
- [49.48s -> 51.94s] Especially reduced neutral blood cells
- [51.94s -> 55.52s] Patients are more likely to be infected with bacteria, viruses and germs
- [55.52s -> 59.02s] In some cases, it may be very serious and critical
- [59.02s -> 59.22s] In some cases, it may be very serious and critical
- [59.22s -> 59.70s] In some cases, it may be very serious and critical
- [59.70s -> 61.68s] 3. Reducing neutral blood cells
- [61.68s -> 64.54s] Bone marrow disease may cause reduced blood cells to be generated
- [64.54s -> 66.98s] It may increase the risk of bleeding and bruising
- [66.98s -> 71.10s] Patients may have nosebleeds, gums bleeding, and easy bruising
- [71.10s -> 74.98s] Serious neutral blood cells can lead to auto-blood bleeding
- [74.98s -> 78.14s] Small wound bleeding time is prolonged and internal bleeding
- [78.14s -> 79.72s] This may be fatal to life
- [79.72s -> 81.54s] 4. Treating delay
- [81.54s -> 84.06s] If the patient's blood cell technology is too low
- [84.06s -> 88.50s] It may need to delay the chemotherapy cycle or chemotherapy to restore bone marrow function
- [88.50s -> 88.94s] 5. Reducing neutral blood cells
- [89.22s -> 89.76s] If the patient's blood cell technology is too low
- [89.76s -> 90.60s] If the patient's blood cell technology is too low
- [90.60s -> 92.68s] It may hinder the treatment of cancer
- [92.68s -> 94.50s] Cause danger
- [94.50s -> 97.30s] 5. Reducing the amount of blood
- [97.30s -> 101.14s] Bone marrow disease may require the reduction of chemotherapy or chemotherapy
- [101.14s -> 103.46s] It may affect the overall effectiveness of cancer treatment
- [103.46s -> 105.50s] 6. Extending the hospitalization period
- [105.50s -> 108.74s] Severe infection or bleeding may require hospitalization and monitoring
- [108.74s -> 113.02s] It may increase the total time and economic cost of cancer treatment for the patient
- [113.02s -> 114.34s] 7. Reducing the quality of life
- [114.34s -> 117.06s] 7. Reducing the quality of life
- [117.06s -> 118.12s] 3. Reducing the quality of life
- [118.12s -> 118.30s] 4. Reduction of life and health

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