Incremental Updates for GAMIT/GLOBK 10.71
This file lists updates available immediately in the incremental_updates/
directory. These are combined into a single tar-file at the start of each
month or when necessary to incorporate an important update. Therefore
users generally only need to download and install the latest tar-file.
Check for available incremental updates on the first day of each month.
Last updated: Wednesday 23 March 2022
We are aware that the atmospheric loading grids available from
ftp://everest.mit.edu/pub/GRIDS/ are not being updated since the end of January
2022. We are working with the provider of these grids to establish a new
workflow. In the meantime, turn off "Apply atm loading" in your sestbl.
CRITICAL UPDATE: Access to the NGS Public FTP Service for the NOAA CORS Network
was discontinued on 16 August 2021, so NOAA CORS data now need to be accessed
via secure HTTP at https://geodesy.noaa.gov/corsdata/ (see
https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USNOAANOS/bulletins/2ea199f). GeoNet
New Zealand also switched off its FTP server on 21 December 2021 (see
Similar changes will soon take effect at BKG, which will switch off its FTP
server "in the not so long term" (see https://igs.bkg.bund.de/access), and at
UNAVCO, which will switch off its FTP server on 1 June 2022 (see
Each of these data centers is already operating a secure HTTP server.
All of these transitions to HTTP from FTP are accommodated in an update to
com/sh_get_rinex, which we recommend all users download and start to use as soon
as possible to continue downloading data from BKG, GeoNet New Zealand, NOAA CORS
or UNAVCO. We also recommend adding a line to a ~/.netrc file (in your home
directory) to provide the SOPAC server with the information it requests (see
http://garner.ucsd.edu/), e.g.:
machine garner.ucsd.edu login anonymous password <email>
where <email> is your preferred email address (do not use any quotation marks or
brackets around your email in this line in .netrc).
We continue to try to keep track of the continuing upgrade and transfer of
file servers to HTTP from FTP and will make further updates to the scripts as
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2202.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2202_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx and
svnav.dat to igs_satellite_metadata_2202_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss
following igs_satellite_metadata_2202.snx. MAF 20220323
tables/: Added ngs14_2202.atx and ngs14_2202_plus.atx, and updated
igs14_2196_plus.atx, including editing satellite "TYPE" to BEIDOU-3G from
BEIDOU-3G-CAST to match block in svnav.dat (linked to IGS satellite metadata
SINEX file); also edited satellite body type in svnav.dat.gnss accordingly;
added BEIBT800 (BEIBT8) antenna with NGS calibration to rcvant.dat.
MAF 20220322
libraries/comlib/name_to_blk.f: BEIDOU-3G SV body type added (not coded in
gamit/arc/earthradTUM.f yet), replacing dummy placeholder "BEI NEXT 08" (ID
38). MAF 20220322
com/sh_get_rinex: Corrected missing (since 20210209 update) ftp command to
download directory list and corrected misaligned "endif" statements in two
places, which led to RINEX observation files themselves not being downloaded
from any FTP server other than BKG, CDDIS, GeoNet NZ, NGS CORS, SOPAC and
UNAVCO HTTP servers. MAF 20220322
tables/rcvant.dat: Added ESURVEY NET10 (ESVN10), ESURVEY NET20PLUS (ESVN2P) and
ESURVEY M1G2 (ESVM1G) receivers. MAF 20220321
tables/rcvant.dat: Added CHC CGI-610 (CHCC61), CHC P2 (CHC_P2), CHC P2ELITE
(CHCP2E), CHC P2PRO (CHCP2P) and CHC P5 (CHC_P5) receivers. MAF 20220317
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2201.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2201_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx and
svnav.dat to igs_satellite_metadata_22201_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss
following igs_satellite_metadata_2201.snx. MAF 20220316
com/sh_get_ion: Added stripping of "/archive" from CDDIS FTP address.
MAF 20220315
gamit/lib/sel_obtyp.f: Added L7D phase and C7D pseudorange for Beidou to
accommodate observables reported by many receivers. MAF 20220306
gamit/lib/sel_obtyp.f: Added L2X and L2L phase, and C2X and C2L pseudorange for
GPS to accommodate observables reported by u-blox receivers. MAF 20220304
tables/: Removed duplicate "START OF ANTENNA" line for TRMAV28 antenna in
igs14_2196_plus.atx and ngs14_2198_plus.atx. MAF 20220228
tables/: Added ngs14_2198.atx and ngs14_2198_plus.atx, and updated
igs14_2196_plus.atx with calibrations from Krietemeyer et al. (2020),
doi:10.3390/rs12091393 for TRMGA530 (their "TRI GA530"), TRMAV28 (their
"AV28") and UBXANN-MB-00 (their "ANN-MB-00"); added SLGFREYJA (SLGFRE) and
TOIC8 (TOI_C8) antennas with NGS calibrations, and TRMGA530 (TRGA53), TRMAV28
(TRAV28) and UBXANN-MB-00 (UBXAMB) antennas with calibrations from
Krietemeyer et al. (2020) to rcvant.dat. MAF 20220225
com/{sh_update_dcb,sh_get_COD_gnssdcb}: Removed from distribution; use
sh_dcb.dat with "code_rinex" argument instead. MAF 20220218
tables/rcvant.dat: Added "PCN"-code (and "*" flag) for ESVE600 (ESVE60) ["C"]
based on no recorded precise pseudorange observable on GPS L1 (i.e. C1C only)
in RINEX 3 file provided by A. Cingoz. MAF 20220216
tables/rcvant.dat: Added ESVE100 (ESVE10), ESVE200 (ESVE20), ESVE300PRO
(ESVE3P), ESVE500 (ESVE50), ESVE600 (ESVE60) and ESVE800 (ESVE80) receivers
(each integrated with antenna with same ID). MAF 20220215
gamit/model/get_dcb2.f: Updated to read DCB estimates to four decimal places.
MAF 20220214
gamit/utils/dcbtab2.f: Added if-statements to accommodate changing headers in
http://ftp.auib.unibe.ch/CODE/<YYYY>/P1C1<YY><MM>.DCB.Z product files.
MAF 20220214
tables/: Changed names of DCB files to be consistent with source, i.e.
dcb.dat.gnss to dcb.dat.code_rinex.gnss, dcb.dat.G to dcb.dat.code_rinex.G and
dcb.dat.R to dcb.dat.code_rinex.R, where the generic dcb.dat is still
symbolically linked to the GPS-only version (i.e. dcb.dat.code_rinex.G).
MAF 20220214
tables/rcvant.dat: Added HI-TARGET VNET8 (HITVN8) receiver. MAF 20220214
tables/svnav.dat: Linked directly to igs_satellite_metadata_2195_plus.snx rather
than via igs_metadata.snx (i.e. svnav.dat -> igs_metadata.snx ->
igs_satellite_metadata_2195_plus.snx). MAF 20220211
tables/otl_FES2014bM_igb14_comb.list: Added three sites not already included
from igb14_comb.apr. MAF 20220211
com/sh_update_eop: Reinstated new https://maia.usno.navy.mil as primary server
(see IGSMAIL-8160). MAF 20220210
tables/: Added igs14_2196.atx and igs14_2196_plus.atx, updated ngs14_2196.atx
and ngs14_2196_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2196_plus.atx; changed
end time for C003/C01 and C020/C18, and start time for C020/C01 to match
igs14_2196.atx in svnav.dat.gnss; added HITIRTK4 (HITIR4), KOLK7 (KOL_K7) and
STHG7 (STH_G7) antennas to rcvant.dat with NGS calibrations. MAF 20220210
com/sh_get_rinex: Added double quotation marks around backticks for grep of
username and password information for SOPAC from ~/.netrc to avoid "Ambiguous"
messages from BSD csh implementations. MAF 20220131
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2195.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2195_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2195_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2195.snx. MAF 20220131
gamit/lib/: Updated BLAS Level 1 routines (dasum, daxpy, dcopy, ddot, drot,
dscal, dswap, idamax, xerbla) in dblas1.f, transferring those
now written in modern Fortran (dnrm2, drotg) to dblas1f90.f90, BLAS Level 2
routines (dgemv, dspr, dtpmv, dtpsv, lsame) in dblas2.f, BLAS Level 3 routines
(dgemm) in dblas3.f, LAPACK routines (dlabad, dlacn2, dlamch, dlatps, dppcon,
dpptrf, dpptri, dpptrs, drscl, dtptri) in dlapack.f (version 3.10.0) and
LINPACK routines (dpoco, dpodi, dpofa, dsvdc}) in dlinpk.f, reducing each file
to include only the necessary routines called by other programs (in
parentheses, above) rather than the complete BLAS/LAPACK/LINPACK libraries;
added dblas1f90 to Makefile.generic. MAF 20220128
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2194.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2194_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2194_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2194.snx. MAF 20220125
tables/: Added igs14_2194.atx and igs14_2194_plus.atx, updated ngs14_2191.atx
and ngs14_2191_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2194_plus.atx; changed
end time for G047/G22 and start time for G041/G22 to match igs14_2194.atx in
svnav.dat.gnss; added IGS calibration flag ("*") to HXCCGX611A (HXCG6A),
STXSA1000 (STXSA1) and TIAPENG7N (TIAP7N) antennas in rcvant.dat. MAF 20220124
tables/{dcb.dat.gnss,dcb.dat.G,svnav.dat.gnss}: Added finite end date for
G047/G22 (2022-018T22:00Z) and start date for G041/G22 (from 2022-020T22:00Z),
following USCG NANUs 2022001 and 2022002, including dummy first entry in
dcb.dat.gnss/dcb.dat.G until first estimates of DCB are available.
MAF 20220122
com/sh_get_COD_gnssdcb: Updated definition of "monlast" to ensure previous month
is "12", not "00", and decrement year values ("$Yym[1]" and "$Yym[2]") when
run in January. MAF 20220122
com/sh_network_sel: Fixed missing space at start of apr file lines. TAH 20220121
tables/: Added ngs14_2191.atx and ngs14_2191_plus.atx, and updated
igs14_2188_plus.atx; added HXCCGX611A (HXCG6A), STXSA1000 (STXSA1) and
antennas with NGS calibration to rcvant.dat. MAF 20220112
gamit/utils/crx2rnx.c: Updated Hatanaka's RNXCMP utilities to corrected version
4.1.0 (see IGSMAIL-8140). MAF 20220106
tables/leap.sec: Extended to 31 December 2022 without addition of leap second at
end of June 2022, following IERS Bulletin C 63. MAF 20220105
tables/rcvant.dat: Added STONEX SC400A (STXSC4) receiver. MAF 20220103
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021062. MAF 20211228
gamit/utils/{crx2rnx,rnx2crx}.c: Updated Hatanaka's RNXCMP utilities to version
4.1.0 from version 4.0.8. MAF 20211227
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2190.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2190_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2190_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2190.snx. MAF 20211227
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2188.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2188_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2188_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2188.snx. MAF 20211217
gamit/{lib/rrxhed,utils/scan_rinex}.f: Updated warning about maximum RINEX
version from 3.05 to allow 1, 2-2.20, 3.00-3.05 and 4.00. MAF 20211216
tables/: Added igs14_2188.atx, igs14_2188_plus.atx, ngs14_2188.atx and
ngs14_2188_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2188_plus.atx; added
E223/E34 and E224/E10 to svnav.dat.gnss following igs14_2188.atx and NAGU
2021024. MAF 20211216
tables/: Added ngs14_2187.atx and ngs14_2187_plus.atx, and updated
igs14_2186_plus.atx; added GEOMAX ZENITH06 (GMXZ06) receiver and GMXZENITH06
(GMXZ06) antenna, and CNTN3 (CNT_N3) and JCA219 (JCA219) antennas with NGS
calibration to rcvant.dat. MAF 20211214
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021060. MAF 20211209
com/sh_get_rinex: Updated creation of CORS directory listing and added
conversion of files sizes given by BKGI and SOPAC HTTP directory listings from
human-readable to bytes (assuming "K" = kibibyte = 1024 bytes, "M" =
= mebibyte = 1024^2 bytes and "G" = gibibyte = 1024^3 bytes, after comparison
to listings from ftp "ls" in previous versions of script) to accommodate
requirement of sh_network_sel to read file sizes. MAF 20211208
com/sh_get_rinex: Debugged grep commands which selected multiple versions of the
same file or duplicated URLs to download. MAF 20211207
com/sh_sopac: Changed preferred program to curl for all operating systems, added
username and password options to definitions of "$prog", as as requested by
SOPAC server, in the absence of a ~/.netrc file, changed URL to
http://garner.ucsd.edu from ftp://garner.ucsd.edu, and corrected directory
path to be prepended by "pub/". MAF 20211207
com/sh_get_rinex: Added capability to download from BKG and SOPAC HTTP servers,
and tidied up logic when finding file names in remote server directory
listings. Add a line to ~/.netrc (in your home directory) to provide the SOPAC
server with the information it requests (see http://garner.ucsd.edu/), e.g.
machine garner.ucsd.edu login anonymous password <email>
where <email> is your preferred email address. MAF 20211206
com/sh_get_rinex: Added capability to download from GeoNet NZ, NGS CORS and
UNAVCO HTTP servers, and piped output of curl downloads to "tee" to print to
both output log file and screen. MAF 20211006/20211203/20211204
tables/ftp_info: Changed all CDDIS archive subdirectories to "/archive/gnss/..."
from "/pub/gnss/..." and added GFZ Information System and Data Center
("gfzisdc"). MAF 20211203
com/sh_apr2otl: Updated tolerance for matching sites with the same ID to 10 km
from 100 m, to be consistent with gamit/grdtab/get_otl_list.f. MAF 20211129
tables/: Added igs14_2186.atx, igs14_2186_plus.atx, ngs14_2185.atx and
ngs14_2185_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2186_plus.atx; changed
calibration flag to IGS ("*") from NGS ("-") for SPPSP85UHF (SPP85U) antenna
and added AKTAR270 (AKTR27) antenna with NGS calibration in rcvant.dat;
corrected and deduplicated records in otl_FES2014bM_igb14_comb.list to match
igb14_comb.apr. MAF 20211129
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2185.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2185_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2185_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2185.snx. MAF 20211125
kf/blsum/tssum.h: Revoked increase of "max_site" to 20000 from 9000.
TAH/MAF 20211124
com/sh_plot_pos: Added extra width of <fraction>*[time series length] to
beginning and end of time axis even with -t1 and/or -t2 option(s), and changed
order of plotting so time series points always overlay any annotations (e.g.
lines and IDs marking discontinuities and earthquakes). MAF 20211123/20211124
tables/: Added igs14_2185.atx and igs14_2185_plus.atx, updated
ngs14_2184_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2185_plus.atx; added IGS
calibration flag ("*") to ASH701945B.99 (ASHB99) antenna (valid with SCIS and
SCIT radomes and "NONE") in rcvant.dat; added J005/J04 to svnav.dat.gnss
following igs14_2185.atx and NAQU 2021199. MAF 20211122
kf/blsum/tssum.h: Increased "max_site" to 20000 from 9000 to handle number of
NGL stations. MAF 20211121 [REVOKED 20211124]
tables/otl_FES2014bM_igb14_comb.list: Added 147 sites not already included from
igb14_comb.apr. MAF 20211119
tables/: Added ngs14_2184.atx and ngs14_2184_plus.atx, updated
igs14_2178_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2178_plus.atx; added
CNTAT360 (CNTA36), TOIC6 (TOI_C6) and TOIG1STAR (TOIG1S) antennas with NGS
calibrations to rcvant.dat. MAF 20211118
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021055. MAF 20211116
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021054. MAF 20211110
kf/gen_util/real_stats.f: Increased "max_av" to 300 from 150. MAF 20211109
tables/: Added ngs14_2182.atx and ngs14_2182_plus.atx, and updated
igs14_2178_plus.atx; added ASH701945B.99 (ASHB99) antenna and STHGALAXYG2
(STHGG2) antenna with NGS calibration to rcvant.dat. MAF 20211103
tables/rcvant.dat: Added SOK GRX3 (SOKGR3) and TPS HIPER_II (TPSHII) receivers.
MAF 20211027
tables/: Added ngs14_2180.atx and ngs14_2180_plus.atx, updated
igs14_2178_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2178_plus.atx; added
ESVUA92 (ESVUA9) and SOIT9PRO (SOI9PR) antennas with NGS calibrations to
rcvant.dat. MAF 20211025
tables/: Added igs14_2177.atx and igs14_2177_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to
igs14_2177_plus.atx; added IGS calibration flag ("*") to GMXZENITH60 (GMXZ60),
STXSA1200 (STXSA2), TRSAX4E02 (TRSAX4) and TRM115000.00+S (TRMZ3S) (valid only
with SCIT radome) antennas. MAF 20211007
tables/: Added igs14_2175.atx, igs14_2175_plus.atx, ngs14_2177.atx and
ngs14_2177_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2175_plus.atx; added
GEOMAX ZENITH60 (GMXZ60) receiver, GMXZENITH60 (GMXZ60) and STXSA1200 (STXSA2)
antennas, and EFIF7 (EFI_F7), UNIG950III (UNIG95), UNIG960 (UNIG96),
UNIG970IIPRO (UNIG7P) and UNIG990II (UNIG99) antennas with NGS calibrations to
rcvant.dat. MAF 20211006
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2177.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2177_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2177_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2177.snx. MAF 20211001
com/sh_hector: Updated citation for MJD algorithm to original Van Flandern and
Pulkkinen (1979). MAF 20210930
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021051. MAF 20210924
tables/: Added ngs14_2173.atx and ngs14_2173_plus.atx, and updated
igs14_2163_plus.atx with new entries from ngs14_2173.atx; added TERSUS DAVID30
(TRSD30) receiver and TRSAX4E02 (TRSAX4) antenna, and 3COAG35 (3COG35),
3COAG35H (3COG3H), 3COAT901 (3COT91), EFIF4 (EFI_F4), ESVE200 (ESVE20),
SPPSP30 (SPPSP3), SWESA30 (SWESA3) and TRMTDC650 (TRMTD6) antennas with NGS
calibrations to rcvant.dat. MAF 20210909
gamit/solve/Makefile.generic: Revoked commented "FFLAGS" lines to return to
previous file to avoid "Error reading M-file ... ERROR 5016" fatals. The
updated gamit/solve/Makefile.generic file is called
gamit/solve/Makefile.generic.new in incremental_updates to avoid an unwanted
overwrite of a pre-existing gamit/solve/Makefile.generic; move this
gamit/solve/Makefile.generic.new to gamit/solve/Makefile.generic to use this
file if desired. MAF 20210906
kf/update_pmu/igs_to_pmu.f: Updated the Lagrangian option and fixed bug in first
implementation. TAH 20210830
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021047. MAF 20210819
gamit/arc/ertorb.f: Added BEIDOU-3G type satellites (same d0 value as 2G/I,3I
satellites. TAH 20210811
kf/update_pmu/igs_to_pmu.f: Added new option [L] to use Lagrangian inversion
coefficients to generate tabular points and removed tides before integrating
UT1 values with I option. Use of Lagrangian inversion coefficients to generate
tabular points at 0:00 hrs that should reproduce rates at 12:00 hrs points
better than simple Lagrangian interpolation. (Improvement not clear at time of
implementation). TAH 20210704
com/sh_plot_pos: Removed criterion that "$raw_up -eq 0" to plot vertical
velocity annotations even when -u option given to plot original data rather
than residuals. MAF 20210810
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021045. MAF 20210806
libraries/includes/freq_def.h,gamit/lib/sel_obtyp.f,gamit/model/setup.f: Added
BeiDou B2a (L5) signal. MAF 20210730
com/sh_{gamit,preproc}: Updated help to include "-lfreq 5" for BeiDou B2a (L5).
MAF 20210730
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021044. MAF 20210730
com/sh_preproc: Corrected typo "-lfeq" to "-lfreq" in call to sh_makexp.
MAF 20210729
com/sh_plot_pos: Corrected parsing of "time" variable for -l, -t1 and -t2
options, and replaced all instances of "echo" with "printf". MAF 20210721
com/sh_hector: Corrected definition of Modified Julian Date for post-seismic
deformation. MAF 20210716
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021039. MAF 20210716
com/sh_hector: Updated default version of Hector to 1.9 from 1.7.2. MAF 20210715
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021038. MAF 20210709
gamit/lib/sel_obtyp.f: Added L2Y phase and C2Y pseudorange observables for GPS
before L2S/C2S equivalents. MAF 20210708
com/sh_plot_track: Updated description of options in help page to clarify use of
-d, -t, -ta, -tf and -tg options. MAF 20210706
tables/leap.sec: Extended to 30 June 2022 without addition of leap second at end
of December 2021, following IERS Bulletin C 62. MAF 20210705
gamit/lib/writm1.f: Updated version to 1072 for the change in slot numbers to
accommodate 45 Beidou satellites. TAH 20210701
kf/ctogobs/comp_dphs.f: Updated to handle m-file version 1072 slot numbers for
atmospheric parameters. TAH 20210701
kf/ctogobs/{est_dd_wl,zero_dd_wl}.f: Updated "32(I5)" to "50(I5)" to allow for
45 BeiDou satellites. MAF 20210701
kf/includes/mfile_def.h: Updated comments for new m-file version. TAH 20210701
com/sh_plot_track: Converted old script written in csh to bash, removed
incorrect reassignment of $unit in case of "DHU" file, and set GMT to
calculate annotation, frame and grid interval automatically rather than the
script itself ($b1, $b2, $b3, $ba). MAF 20210624/20210630
read_bfl,set_para,zenout}}.f: Reassign islot1 bias, atm, and grad parameters
to allow for 45 SVs. He/RWK 20210619 / MAF 20210629
tables/dcb.dat: Corrected to be symbolic link pointing to dcb.dat.G.
TAH/MAF 20210629
kf/ctogobs/proc_phsfin.f: Updated "32(1x,I4)" to "50(1x,I4)" to allow for 45
BeiDou satellites. He/TAH 20210616 / MAF 20210629
kf/includes/kalman_param.h: Increased max_gsvs to 45 to accommodate BeiDou
constellation. He/TAH 20210616 / MAF 20210629
test_install/README: Added missing "-netext G R E C" option to sh_glred for
repeatability in 2016 and "-netext G R" in 2014. MAF 20210629
kf/plot/read_label.f: Fixed absolute position input (was being interpreted as
% scale input. TAH 20210629
kf/plot/put_label.f: Fixed output if end " not given. TAH 20210629
kf/plot/finish_up.f: Fixed so no segmentation violations when cplotx is started
and ended without plotting anything. TAH 20210629
j2mov_hp}.c: Fixed declaration versus function calls that we modified in an
earlier update to handle more stringent C-compilers. TAH 20210629
com/sh_cddis: Added long name if-test for GFZ, GRG and WUM MGEX SP3 files.
MAF 20210628
com/sh_get_ultrarapids: Changed arguments to sh_uncompress from
"${prod}${gpsw}'?_??.sp3.Z'" to "${prod}${gpswlast}${gpsdlast}_18.sp3.Z
${prod}${gpsw}${gpsd}_{00,06,12,18}.sp3.Z". Hreinsdottir/MAF 20210628
kf/track/theory.f: Added definition of "jd_tide", "pjd_etide" and
"pjd_etide_int" if "etide_2010" is not true, i.e. "IERS2010" argument is not
given to "use_blq" option in the track command file. MAF 20210625
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2163.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2163_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2163_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2163.snx. MAF 20210625
tables/: Added igs14_2163.atx, igs14_2163_plus.atx, ngs14_2163.atx and
ngs14_2163_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2163_plus.atx; updated
svnav.dat.gnss following igs14_2163.atx; added EOSFBANT (EOSFBA) and HITA30
(HITA30) antennas, and added IGS calibration ("*") flag to SOKGRX3 (SOKGR3)
antenna in rcvant.dat. MAF 20210624
kf/track/taiutc.f: Changed unit number for leap.sec to 96 from 98 to avoid clash
with summary file defined in init_track.f. MAF 20210624
tables/: Updated igs14_2148_plus.atx with new entries from ngs14_2161.atx;
(KMDQ56), SOKGRX3 (SOKGR3) and TPMT20PLUS (TPMT2P) antennas, and changed GAMIT
six-character code of HXCCSX601A antenna to HXCSX6 from HXSX76 in rcvant.dat.
MAF 20210622
com/sh_get_ion: Corrected functionality of "-multiday" option to ensure only one
(first) TEC map is retained across day boundaries, where duplicate epochs may
be recorded. MAF 20210619
tables/otl_FES2014bM_igb14_comb.list: Added sites in ~/gg/tables/igb14_comb.apr
from NGS17P03 solution and recent IGS cumulative solutions. MAF 20210615
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021032. MAF 20210611
tables/rcvant.dat: Added TOPCON HIPER GA (TOPHGA) and TOPCON HIPER GB (TOPHHB)
receivers with "PCN"-code "N", following other TOPCON receivers. MAF 20210601
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021030. MAF 20210528
tables/rcvant.dat: Added COMNAV N5 GNSS (CNTN5G) receiver with "PCN"-code "C",
following COMNAV M300 MINI (CNTM3M). MAF 20210525
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021029. MAF 20210520
Summary features added 17-May-21:
New version (5.21) of glorg which has added option to modify station coordinate
covariances to account for the number of times stations are used in multiple
analysis center combinations on daily solutions. Feature invoked with
"org_opt BALN".
kf/includes/kalman_param.h: Added documentation for new version of glorg.
TAH 20210517
com/sh_dem: Updated URLs for downloading SRTM30 (version 2.1), and SRTM3 and
SRTM1 (version 3); SRTM3 and SRTM1 version 2.1 seems no longer available.
These new URLs require a NASA Earthdata login in a ~/.netrc file, exactly the
same as sh_get_rinex, sh_get_nav, sh_cddis (called by sh_get_orbits),
sh_get_ion, sh_get_met, sh_update_eop, sh_get_ultrarapids and sh_sel_rinex
(see 2020-08-31 record, and 2020-09-04, 2020-09-17, 2020-09-20 and 2020-10-21
updates for details). MAF 20210513
kf/glorg/Makefile.generic: Added balance_cov.f to glorg library. TAH 20210510
kf/glorg/balance_cov.f: New routine added to glorg to account for multiple uses
of stations when combinations from multiple analysis centers (ACs) on one day
are made (IGS type-combined solutions). Satellite PCO estimates are also
modified by number of ACs in combination. TAH 20210509
kf/glout/write_glb_he.f: Modified to add line if BALN option has been used.
TAH 20210509
kf/globk/decode_prt.f: Added new option BALN to balance networks so that
stations used multiple times do not have their standard deviations reduced by
sqrt(N). The operation is only done in the output stage of glorg. If the
"out_sol" command is used in glorg to outout the combined binary h-file (.CON
extent), the balancing operation has been performed. (Standard "out_glb"
binary h-files from globk is not effected). When using the .CON h-files,
"apr_rot" should be used to allow rotation of the frame resolved H-file.
These .CON files also have the translations resolved. If converted to SINEX,
the -d=TR can be used to add back rotation and translation uncertainty. Scale
should not be estimated when frame resolved H-files are produced because the
scale will be fixed at the reference frame values in these files. TAH 20210509
com/sh_exglk: Updated time-tag uniqueness for scratch files to avoid possible
clashed during parallel runs. TAH 20210507
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2156.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2156_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2156_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2156.snx. MAF 20210507
kf/htoglb/decsnx_soln.f: Added feature for multifrequency satellite PCO values
from TUG SINEX. Radiation parameters used for storage. TAH 20210506
kf/htoglb/make_snx.f: Added debug out of inverted normal equation solution
vector. TAH 20210506
kf/htoglb/htog_ut.f: Fixed small bug in indexing to see If satellite PCOs are
estimated (old code only X component checked, now XYZ checked). TAH 20210506
com/sh_update_eop: Added date range (yr >= 92 or yr < 73) to read from
downloaded file(s) when writing pmu.* file(s). MAF 20210506
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021026. MAF 20210506
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021025. MAF 20210504
kf/htoglb/decsnx_soln.f/remove_neq.f: Fixed reading upper triangular normal
equations and de-constraining satellites PCOs when normal equations are read
(-d=A option). TAH 20210503
kf/globk/decode_nonse.f: Replaced ".ne." with "abs(delta).lt.1.e-8"-type test of
changes in the non-secular terms. Stops reports due to just rounding errors.
TAH 20210429
kf/utils/make_rms.f: Updated for IGS ACs in repro3 submissions. Added help file.
TAH 20210428
com/sh_sp3fit: Formatted output of start and stop times so that the day is three
columns wide and matched the fortran formatted read. Issue if no leading zeros
on -d option. TAH 20210425
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANUs 2021022 and 2021023.
MAF 20210422
gamit/utils/dcbtab2.f: Added functionality for GLONASS DCBs. Three main tables
now exist in tables/: dcb.dat.gnss (GPS+GLONASS), dcb.dat.G (GPS only) and
dcb.dat.R (GLONASS only). The generic tables/dcb.dat file is a copy of
dcb.dat.G until we have fully tested the influence of DCBs on GLONASS
processing. MAF 20210223/20210421
gamit/{lib/rrxhed,utils/scan_rinex}.f: Updated warning about maximum RINEX
version to 3.05 from 3.04. MAF 20210415
tables/rcvant.dat: Added JAVAD TR_2S (JAVT2S), JAVAD TR_3S (JAVT3S),
and JAVAD TRE_3S SIGMA (JAV3SS) receivers, each with "PCN"-code "N", following
other Javad receivers. MAF 20210414
gamit/clean/csubs_{g77,hp,sol}.c: Corrected void (black) display by changing
declaration of get_colors() to preamble from call within gsetup() function and
changed output type of gsetup() function to "int" from "void". MAF 20210409
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021020. MAF 20210409
tables/rcvant.dat: Added STONEX SC600A (STXS6A) receiver. MAF 20210407
kf/glist/glist.f: Fixed indexing for use_xxx commands when read by glist for
site selection. Command misinterpreted before fix. TAH 20210402
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021018. MAF 20210401
com/sh_apr2otl: Corrected output formatting when using the -o option.
MAF 20210329
kf/blsum/tscon.f: Added functionality to handle the case where MEaSUREs
"*RawJumpTrend.xyz" time series records are missing correlations.
MAF 20210325/20210326
com/sh_sp3fit: Added default definitions of "tabint" and "stepsize" in the case
that no sestbl. is found. MAF 20210323
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021015. MAF 20210319
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2149.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2149_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2149_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.gnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2149.snx. MAF 20210315
tables/: Added igs14_2148.atx, igs14_2148_plus.atx, ngs14_2148.atx and
ngs14_2148_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2148_plus.atx. Added "*"
flag to LEIAS11 (LCAS11) antenna and changed "+" flag to "*" for
SEPPOLANT_X_MF (SEPXMF) antenna following new IGS calibrations in
igs14_2148.atx; and added HEMA631 (HEMA63), KOLK1 (KOL_K1), KOLK20S (KOLK2S),
and STXSA65 (STXS65) antennas in rcvant.dat. Updated svs_exclude.dat.nanu
following USCG NANU 2021014. MAF 20210312
kf/blsum/{tsutcon,tscomp}.f: Fixed issue with mean calculation when only one
value present which had resulted in bad date and no values. Added check for
short lines in reading pos files. TAH 20210310
gamit/model/setup.f: Multiplied height by 1000 to convert to m in call to gpt3.
MAF 20210308
kf/htoglb/hw_util.f: Patch to fix bad CWU sinex files where names SITE/ID block
are not written correctly (wrong columns so non _GPS extents can be added.
TAH 20210308
tables/rcvant.dat: Added LEIAS11 (LCAS11) antenna. MAF 20210304
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021011. MAF 20210302
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021010. MAF 20210226
tables/svnav.dat.gnss: Verified that information for all satellite systems,
including original GPS records, are consistent with igs_metadata.snx. Formerly
named "svnav.dat.allgnss", now with a symbolic link of that name. MAF 20210224
com/sh_hector: Added explicit "periodicsignals" option when periods other than
annual and semi-annual are specified in a tsfit command file. MAF 20210223
com/sh_sltols: Fixed Csmp assignment. TAH 20210222
com/sh_sp3fit: Set explicit "LC_NUMERIC" environment variable to ensure a dot is
used for the decimal separator when user locale settings would otherwise use a
comma. MAF 20210222
*REVOKED* gamit/lib/sel_obtyp.f: Added L2X observable after L2S and before L2W.
MAF 20210220 *REVOKED*
kf/htoglb/mstinf.f: Fixed pcncod declaration and additional argument in
report_stat call. TAH 20210218
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021007. MAF 20210218
libraries/Makefile.config,gamit/solve/Makefile.generic: Replaced "-std=legacy"
with "-fallow-argument-mismatch" to avoid apparent runtime problems and added
FFLAGS definition to uncomment when using gfortran 10 and greater. The updated
libraries/Makefile.config file is called libraries/Makefile.config.new in
incremental_updates to avoid an unwanted overwrite of a pre-existing
libraries/Makefile.config; move this libraries/Makefile.config.new to
libraries/Makefile.config to use this file if desired. MAF 20210216
libraries/Makefile.config: Updated maximum Linux "OSID" to 5990 (to accommodate
kernel version 5.9.9, which is the version number that translates to the
largest four-digit integer before the current latest version, 5.10.16, whose
incremented sub-version to a two-digit number does not translate in the same
way). The updated file is called libraries/Makefile.config.new in
incremental_updates to avoid an unwanted overwrite of a pre-existing
libraries/Makefile.config; move this libraries/Makefile.config.new to
libraries/Makefile.config to use this file if desired. MAF 20210214
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2144.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2144_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2144_plus.snx; added "PCN"-code (and "*" flag) for
SEPT ASTERX SB (SEPXSB) ["C"] based on no recorded P1 observable in RINEX 2
files provided by E. Serpelloni. MAF 20210211
com/sh_get_ultrarapids: Added CDDIS secure FTP address when no ~/.netrc file
exists and added call to sh_get_ftp_info to define $ftplogin[2]. MAF 20210209
com/sh_get_{ion,met,nav,rinex}: Corrected stripping of "/pub" from CDDIS FTP
address, rather than replacement with "/archive", as for CDDIS HTTPS address.
MAF 20210209
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2143.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2143_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2143_plus.snx; and updated svnav.dat.allgnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2143.snx. MAF 20210206
com/sh_sp3fit: Added reading Tabular and Stepsize from sestbl. for fitting to
orbits. Values default to 900 s and 75 s if entries are not in sestbl. Caution
should be used if Stepsize is changed. g-file entries for eclipsing satellites
will change with stepsize, with RMS differences up to 50 mm seen changing from
75 s to 25 s. TAH 20210202
gamit/arc/init.f: Updated to write enough epochs into t-file for 5-minute
tabular points. Number based on test limit in model setup. TAH 20210202
gamit/orbits/yawtab.f: Updated to write enough epochs to handle 5-minute t-
files. TAH 20210202
kf/gen_util/sp3_lib.f: Use svnav.dat in original format svnav.dat.allgnss
explicitly because new svnav.dat link is to igs_metadata.snx, which track does
not yet read. TAH 20210201
gamit/orbits/orbdif.f: Removed deleting second t-file if t-file rather than SP3
file used. TAH 20210201
gamit/orbits/{ttongs,wsp3hd,sdtrit}.f: Added sample rate to runstring. Integer
value >= 1. For example, sample rate = 3 will output 5 min SP3 file from 15-
minute t-file. TAH 20210122
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021004. MAF 20210121
kf/glbak/write_loc_pa.f: Fixed indexing error in unit_label for EOP rate terms.
Longstanding bug that results in <null> for unit label. TAH 20210119
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2142.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2142_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2142_plus.snx. (No substantive changes apparent).
MAF 20210128
kf/plot/x1000/j2mrk_{hp,sun}.c: Explicitly added declaration of functions
DrawMark and DrawChar with return type "void";
kf/plot/x1000/jbegn_{hp,sun}.c: Explicitly added return type "void" to call of
function jfont and type "char" to input argument default_font.
MAF 20210126
gamit/solve/Makefile.generic: Added "-std=legacy" to gfortran FFLAGS to imply
"-fallow-argument-mismatch" when using gfortran 10 and greater. MAF 20210126
com/sh_gamit: Added exit message when "-ion" used with "-noftp". MAF 20210122
com/sh_hector: Added option to sort earthquakes using date/time columns from
"eq_def" commands. MAF 20210121
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2021002. MAF 20210121
tables/dcb.dat: Removed erroneous non-unique lines. MAF 20210119
gamit/lib/gpt3.f90: Removed extraneous "print *,n_grid" debug line. MAF 20210118
tables/: Added igs_satellite_metadata_2140.snx and
igs_satellite_metadata_2140_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_satellite_metadata_2140_plus.snx; and updated svnav.dat.allgnss following
igs_satellite_metadata_2140.snx. MAF 20210115
gg/com/GGVersion: 10.71.013 Wed Jan 13 21:55:49 EST 2021 added. TAH 20210113
kf/htoglb/glbtosnx.f: Added -V=<var> option to control output of large sigma
sites. Default behavior not changed;
kf/htoglb/htoglb_comm.h: Added Var_Limit for -V option;
kf/htoglb/create_snx.f: Code updates for -V feature;
kf/htoglb/cresnx_site.f Code updates for -V feature.
TAH 20210113
libraries/comlib/getmac_{sun,hp}.c: Updated to use structure from uname not
deprecated int ibuf array. TAH 20210112
gamit/fixdrv/dcheck.f: Changed variable "nsoln" (integer*4) to "gnss"
(character*1) to ensure accurate rewriting of d-file header when "edit_needed"
is true, following makexp scheme, and replaced skipping of GNSS code and #
sessions information with definition of "gnss" and "nsess", respectively.
Hreinsdottir/MAF 20210113
com/sh_get_nav: Added ".gz" extension for all files, following new recommended
compression for IGS archives. MAF 20210113
libraries/comlib/name_to_blk.f: BEIDOU-3I SV body type added (not coded in
gamit/arc/earthradTUM.f yet), replacing dummy placeholder "BEI NEXT 07" (ID
37). Qing/MAF 20210113
gamit/arc/ertorb.f: Added "BEIDOU-3I" SV body type to block defining d0 for
"BEIDOU-2I" and "BEIDOU-2G". Qing/MAF 20210113
tables/atmdisp_cm.2021: Added generic symbolic link (../GRIDS/atmdisp_cm.2021)
for new center-of-mass atmospheric loading grid for 2021. MAF 20210111
tables/leap.sec: Extended to 31 December 2021 without addition of leap second at
end of June 2021, following IERS Bulletin C 61. MAF 20210107
tables/vmf1grd.2021: Added generic symbolic link (../GRIDS/vmf1grd.2021) to new
VMF1 grid for 2021. MAF 20210107
kf/blsum/tscon.f: Added capability to recognize and read new MEaSUREs
"*RawJumpsTrend.xyz" format, including skipping of comment lines. MAF 20210106
com/sh_plotvel: Changed line used to plot faults to 1p,darkblue from 5p.
TAH 20210105
libraries/Makefile.config: Added "-std=legacy" to gfortran FFLAGS to imply
"-fallow-argument-mismatch" when using gfortran 10 and greater. The updated
file is called libraries/Makefile.config.new in incremental_updates to avoid
an unwanted overwrite of a pre-existing libraries/Makefile.config; move this
libraries/Makefile.config.new to libraries/Makefile.config to use this file if
desired. TAH 20210101/MAF 20210102
gamit/orbits/getics.f: Updated maximum year to 2100 from 2020. TAH 20210101
gamit/lib/{rrinex,timcon}.f: Updated maximum year to 2100 from 2020.
TAH 20210101
com/sh_get_rinex: Updated to allow .gz as well as .Z for all archives. Fixed
issue with archive cors not returning list of sites (long standing problem).
TAH 20201230
tables/{gpt3_1.grd,gpt3_5.grd,gpt.grid}: Added grid tables for GPT3 model and
set default (gpt.grid) to latest, highest-resolution file (gpt3_1.grd) from
gpt2_5.grd.GG. Change the symbolic link "gpt.grid" to preferred model if
not GPT3 on a 1°x1° grid, e.g. "ln -s -f gpt2_5.grd.GG gpt.grid" to switch
back to former default GPT2 model on a 5°x5° grid. MAF 20201227
gamit/{lib/{gpt2.f,gpt3.f90,Makefile.generic},model/setup.f}: Added subroutine
for GPT3 model from a combination of TU Wien routines gpt3_5.f90 and
gpt3_1.f90, with saasthyd.f and asknewet.f appended, and moved gpt.grid file
opening and initial reading to the calling routine. RWK 20201216/MAF 20201227
libraries/Makefile.config: Updated maximum Linux "OSID" to 5103 (to accommodate
kernel version 5.10.3). The updated file is called
libraries/Makefile.config.new in incremental_updates to avoid an unwanted
overwrite of a pre-existing libraries/Makefile.config; move this
libraries/Makefile.config.new to libraries/Makefile.config to use this file if
desired. MAF 20201227
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020090. MAF 20201226
com/sh_sltols: Added letters for C--, reassigned GE-, added RE-. TAH 20201218
com/sh_ecode: Script to translate between short and long codes for GNSS single
and combined system processing. Used in sh_sltols (and cluster codes).
TAH 20201218
tables/: Added igs14_2136.atx, igs14_2136_plus.atx, ngs14_2135.atx and
ngs14_2135_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2136_plus.atx; added "*"
flag to SEPVC6150L and SPP135000.00 antennas following new IGS calibrations in
igs14_2136.atx, and added BEIBT300S (BEIB3S) antenna to rcvant.dat; updated
IGS satellite metadata file name to
igs_satellite_metadata_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].snx from
igs_metadata_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].snx following change on IGS server
(GAMIT/GLOBK's expected generic link remains igs_metadata.snx). MAF 20201217
gamit/includes/makex.h: Increased maxchn to 99 (RX3 files with 82 channels
found). TAH 20201215
gamit/makexp/makexp.f: Added reading satellites from sp3 file is jclock=sp3 and
no satellites are found in nav-file. TAH 20201215
com/sh_link_rinex: Added LC_NUMERIC environment variable explicitly to avoid
problems when locale uses comma for the decimal separator. MAF 20201214
gamit/orbits/{sdtrit,rdsvclk}.f: Added GNSS to call and reading so correct clock
added from multi-gnss clock file generate with merge_igs_clk (see sh_mergesp3
also). Added EOF line at the end of SP3 file. TAH 20201211
com/sh_rx2apr: Added source when "From RX_Header" output. TAH 20201211
com/sh_preproc: Cleaned up lfile check and output to minimize conflicts in
parallel runs. TAH 20201211
com/sh_mergesp3: New script to create multi-GNSS SP3c files by combining single
system GNSS sp3 files generated by ttongs. TAH 20201211
tables/ftp_info: Changed all CDDIS archive subdirectories to "/pub/gnss/..."
from "/pub/gps/..." and updated URL of IGS data center at IGN France to
"igs.ign.fr" from "igs.ensg.ign.fr". MAF 20201211
com/sh_gamit: Added check the command file name is unique (sometimes needed for
parallel runs) TAH 20201209
tables/dcb.dat: Corrected end year for G026/G26 December 2014 record, end
day-of-year for G045/G21 December 2019 record and end year for G060/G23
December 2016 record. MAF 20201207
tables/: Updated dcb.dat after hiatus in production since 2020-08-13 due to
change of svnav.dat symbolic link to igs_metadata.snx from svnav.dat.allgnss.
MAF 20201204
com/sh_update_dcb: Added test to ensure local svnav.dat link is to original
(version 2) format, now maintained as svnav.dat.allgnss, and does not
overwrite any link to the new igs_metadata.snx format. MAF 20201204
tables/: Added igs_metadata_2134.snx and igs_metadata_2134_plus.snx, and linked
igs_metadata.snx to igs_metadata_2134_plus.snx; and updated svnav.dat.allgnss
following igs_metadata_2134.snx. MAF 20201204
jr2mv_{hp,sun},jwloc_{hp,sun},gsclip_{hp,sun}}.c: Explicitly added return type
"void" to call of function check_window;
kf/plot/x1000/jlstl_{hp,sun}.c: Changed variable type to "const char" from
"unsigned char" in declarations of variables dotted, dot_dash, short_dash and
kf/plot/x1000/jtexh_{hp,sun}.c: Added stdlib.h to list of includes to
accommodate call of abs.
MAF 20201202
tables/: Added igs14_2134.atx and igs14_2134_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to
igs14_2134_plus.atx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss and igs_metadata_2132_plus.snx
(igs_metadata.snx/svnav.dat) following igs14_2134.atx; and added SEPT MOSAICX5
(SEPMX5) ["C"] and U-BLOX F9P (UBLF9P) ["C"] receivers, added "PCN"-code (and
"*" flag) for STONEX SC600 (STXSC6) ["C"] receiver, each based on a RINEX 3
file provided by E. Serpelloni, and added LEICGA100 (LCCGA1) antenna to
rcvant.dat. MAF 20201202
kf/plot/x1000/check_window.c: Explicitly added return type "void" to function
kf/plot/x1000/x1000.icon: Changed variable type to "const char" from
"unsigned char" in declaration of x1000_bits.
MAF 20201201
kf/blsum/eulvect.f: Removed comma before output variable(s) on lines 401 and
kf/utils/{break_to_rename,disp2apr,merge_renames}.f: Removed comma before output
string on line 174, output variable(s) on lines 420 and 517, and output string
on line 305, respectively.
MAF 20201201
gamit/lib/rsp3hd.f: Added SP3 versions a (or blank) and b to reading of header
lines (3-7 and 8-12). MAF 20201201
gamit/solve/{filpar,fnddbi,normd}.f: Removed declaration of unused variables i
(for commented debug), j, and ii and jj (for commented debug), respectively;
gamit/solve/nm2233.f: Uncommented initialization of variable "debug = .false."
MAF 20201201
gamit/clean/csubs_{dec,g77,gftn,hp,igm,intel,sgi,sol,sun}.c: Added stdlib.h to
list of includes to accommodate calls of exit and malloc, and explicitly added
return type "void" to all function definitions except get_colors ("int");
gamit/clean/cview_icon: Changed variable type to "const char" from
"unsigned char" in declaration of cview_icon_bits;
gamit/clean/get_color_ro.c: Added stdlib.h to list of includes to accommodate
call of exit, and explicitly added return type "int" to function definition.
MAF 20201201
libraries/Makefile.config: Updated maximum Linux "OSID" to 5911 (to accommodate
kernel version 5.9.11). The updated file is called
libraries/Makefile.config.new in incremental_updates to avoid an unwanted
overwrite of a pre-existing libraries/Makefile.config; move this
libraries/Makefile.config.new to libraries/Makefile.config to use this file if
desired. MAF 20201201
kf/track/ephred.f: Removed comma before output variable(s) on lines 155, 159,
164, 168, 456, 471, 486, 501, 513 and 526;
gamit/utils/scan_rinex.f: Removed comma before output string on line 1361 and
output variable(s) on line 1479;
gamit/makex/wxhead.f: Removed comma before output string on line 141;
gamit/lib/{ephred,xhdred}.f: Removed comma before output variable(s) on lines
151, 155, 160, 164, 452, 467, 482, 497, 509 and 522, and on line 203,
MAF 20201201
gamit/lib/rsp3hd.f: Removed comma before output variable(s) on lines 172 and
193. MAF 20201130
libraries/comlib/getdir_{g77,hp,sol}.c: Added fnmatch.h to list of includes to
accommodate call of fnmatch;
libraries/comlib/inkey_{g77,hp,sol,sun}.c: Added unistd.h to list of includes to
accommodate calls of isatty and read;
libraries/comlib/irename_{hp,sol}.c: Added string.h to list of includes to
accommodate call of strtok;
libraries/comlib/pickfn_{hp,sol}.c: Added fnmatch.h, ctype.h and stdlib.h to
list of includes to accommodate calls of fnmatch, isdigit and atoi,
MAF 20201130
com/sh_{crx2rnx,rnx2crx}: Added latest acceptable extensions for compressed
RINEX files and edited sh_crx2rnx to accept uppercase file names (but still
always outputs lowercase file names). Morgan/MAF 20201130
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020085. MAF 20201123
tables/rcvant.dat: Added HI-TARGET V100 (HITV10) receiver. RWK 20201123
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020084. MAF 20201120
tables/rcvant.dat: Updated copy of "Antenna Domes" block from IGS's rcvr_ant.tab
for OSPS radome. MAF 20201120
com/sh_makeeqdef: Updated start and end times of Rebuilt ISC-EHB Bulletin and
changed preferred download program to curl for all systems. MAF 20201118
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020082. MAF 20201118
tables/eq.def: Updated locations to Reviewed ISC Bulletin for period 2016-08-01
to 2018-07-01 and ISC-EHB locations for rebuilt 1964-1999 period (inclusive).
MAF 20201117
tables/: Added igs14_2132.atx, igs14_2132_plus.atx, ngs14_2132.atx and
ngs14_2132_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2132_plus.atx; added
igs_metadata_2132.snx and igs_metadata_2132_plus.snx, and linked
igs_metadata.snx to igs_metadata_2132_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss
following igs_metadata_2132.snx and IGS Mail # 7993; and added AS-ANT3BCAL01
(AS-3B1) antenna to rcvant.dat. MAF 20201117
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020081. MAF 20201116
tables/: Added igs14_2131.atx, igs14_2131_plus.atx, ngs14_2131.atx and
ngs14_2131_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2131_plus.atx; updated
igs_metadata_2131_plus.snx (igs_metadata.snx/svnav.dat), svnav.dat.allgnss
(G041/G14 and G077/G14) and rcvant.dat (CNTAT600, HGGCYH8372, LEIFLX100 and
TWIVSP6037L antennas for new IGS calibrations) following igs14_2131.atx; also
added BEIBT300 (BEIBT3), BEIBT300D (BEIB3D) and JCA228G (JCA28G) antennas to
rcvant.dat following ngs14_2131.atx. MAF 20201112
gamit/orbits/kouba_gps.f: Updated and cleaned code for ybias by block type.
TAH 20201111
com/sh_network_sel: Fixed problem reference sites being listed twice and
reducing number of unique sites. TAH 20201111
gamit/grdtab/get_otl_list.f: Ensured "tlon" variable (longitude read from ocean
tide loading list file) is also in positive range (0-360) for comparison to
"slon" variable (longitude of site to be found in ocean tide loading list
file). MAF 20201111
tables/: Added igs_metadata_2131.snx and igs_metadata_2131_plus.snx, and linked
igs_metadata.snx to igs_metadata_2131_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss
following igs_metadata_2131.snx. MAF 20201111
com/sh_gamit: Added parsing of -aprfile option, which was missing. MAF 20201111
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020074. MAF 20201110
tables/rcvant.dat: Added LEICA FLX100 (LCFLX1) receiver and LEIFLX100 (LCFLX1)
and TWIVSP6037L (TWISP6) antennas (no current calibrations); CNTAT600 (CNTAT6)
and HGGCYH8372 (HGG837) antennas are now official IGS codes in rcvr_ant.tab,
but still only have an NGS ANTEX calibration. MAF 20201110
tables/{otl_FES2014bM_igb14_comb.list,otl_FES2014bM.list,otl.list}: Added
FES2014b ocean tide loading list file corresponding to all sites in
igb14_comb.apr (otl_FES2014bM_igb14_comb.list), constructed from J.-P. Boy's
otl_FES2014b_IGS_cm.list file for IGS repro3 plus additional sites calculated
from http://holt.oso.chalmers.se/loading/index.html#select; linked
otl_FES2014bM.list to otl_FES2014bM_igb14_comb.list and linked otl.list to
otl_FES2014bM.list. MAF 20201110
com/sh_apr2otl: Added option to read and use BLQ records from pre-existing
otl.list file, and write only coordinates for unavailable sites for upload to
http://holt.oso.chalmers.se/loading/index.html#select. MAF 20201109
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020073. MAF 20201109
com/sh_get_rinex: Simulated ftp directory list with -list option for cddis.
TAH 20201106
com/sh_rx2apr: Added back ability to output .apr-file directly from coordinates
in RINEX header when no broadcast navigation file is given with the "-nav"
option. MAF/Kim H. J. 20201105
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020068. MAF 20201104
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020067. MAF 20201102
CRITICAL UPDATE: Access to the CDDIS global data archive via anonymous FTP was
discontinued after 31 October 2020. CDDIS now needs to be accessed via
authenticated secure HTTP or anonymous secure FTP. We have updated the following
eight scripts to accommodate this change (see 2020-08-31 record, and 2020-09-04,
2020-09-17, 2020-09-20 and 2020-10-21 updates, below): sh_get_rinex, sh_get_nav,
sh_cddis (called by sh_get_orbits), sh_get_ion, sh_get_met, sh_update_eop,
sh_get_ultrarapids and sh_sel_rinex. Each of these updated scripts must be
downloaded to your ~/gg/com/ directory to continue to access the CDDIS archive.
We recommend that you register to use authenticated secure HTTP by creating an
Earthdata account at https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/. Then you must include this
information in a ".netrc" file (note the dot at the beginning of the file name)
in your home directory with the following line:
machine urs.earthdata.nasa.gov login <username> password <password>
where <username> is your Earthdata username and <password> is your Earthdata
password (do not use quotation marks or brackets around your <username> or
<password> in this line in .netrc). If you do not wish to create an Earthdata
account you may still access the CDDIS archive via anonymous secure FTP but this
requires your system to have curl version >= 7.11.0 or wget version >= 1.18.
See https://cddis.nasa.gov/Data_and_Derived_Products/CDDIS_Archive_Access.html
for more information.
kf/ctogobs/ctogobs_com.h: Increased ct_maxsat to 45 for Beidou update.
TAH 20201031
kf/includes/cfile_def.h: Increased cf_maxsat to 45 for Beidou update.
TAH 20201031
kf/includes/mfile_def.h: Increased mf_maxsat to 45 for Beidou update.
TAH 20201031
gamit/orbits/ngstot: Added explicit ends to antbody string in generating satnam
to avoid errors with some compilers for long antbody strings. TAH 20201031
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020066. MAF 20201030
tables/rcvant.dat: Added all antennas in antmod.dat (igs14_2129_plus.atx as of
this update) not already listed in this file (see record in header for
details); changed six-character code for SOK RADIAN receiver to SOKRDN from
SOKRAD to avoid non-uniqueness with SOKKIA RADIAN PDCST receiver; changed six-
character code for SOKGCX2 antenna to SOKGC2 from SOKGX2 and SOKGSX2 antenna
to SOKGS2 from SOKGX2 to avoid non-uniqueness with each other. MAF 20201029
tables/: Added igs14_2129.atx, igs14_2129_plus.atx, ngs14_2129.atx and
ngs14_2129_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2129_plus.atx.
MAF 20201029
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020063. MAF 20201028
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020062. MAF 20201027
tables/rcvant.dat: Added TPSPG_F1+GP (TPSF1G) receiver [not in IGS rcvr_ant.tab;
NGS calibration only]; and, following IGS rcvr_ant.tab, added EMLID REACH RS2
(EMLRS2) receiver and EML_REACH_RS2 (EMLRS2) antenna. MAF 20201027
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020058. MAF 20201022
tables/rcvant.dat: Following IGS rcvr_ant.tab, added QIANXUN ISTATION18 (QSII18)
and SOUTH NET-S9 (STHNS9) receivers. MAF 20201022
com/sh_update_eop: Added call to sh_get_ftp_info to get email address for
anonymous secure FTP login to CDDIS, and changed "$ftplogin[2]" to
"$ftp_info[5]" throughout. MAF/Stamps/Troia 20201021
gamit/orbits/orbdif: Initialized rmsnam to stop null in output when not
specified. TAH 20201020
gamit/orbits/orbrms: Initialized ext to stop null in output when not specified.
TAH 20201020
tables/rcvant.dat: Added "PCN"-codes for SEPT POLARX5E (SEPX5E) ["N"] and
CHC P5E (CHCP5E) ["C"] receivers, the latter based on a RINEX 3 file provided
by E. Serpelloni. MAF 20201020
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020056. MAF 20201020
gamit/includes/dimpar.h: Increased "PARAMETER (maxsat=45)" from 35 for Beidou
updated. TAH 20201016
gamit/{lib/rrxhed,utils/scan_rinex}.f: Updated warning about maximum RINEX
version to 3.04 from 3.03. MAF 20201016
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020055. MAF 20201016
libraries/Makefile.config: Updated maximum Linux "OSID" to 5900 (to accommodate
kernel version 5.9) and increased "MAXSAT" to 45 from 35 to accommodate
current number of available Beidou ("C") satellites. The updated file is
called libraries/Makefile.config.new in incremental_updates to avoid an
unwanted overwrite of a pre-existing libraries/Makefile.config; move this
libraries/Makefile.config.new to libraries/Makefile.config to use this file
if desired. MAF 20201016
tables/rcvant.dat: Added "PCN"-codes for COMNAV M300 MINI (CNTM3M) ["C"],
SEPT ASTERX-U (SEPAXU) ["N"] and STONEX SC2200 (STX220) ["C"] receivers, based
on RINEX 3 files provided by E. Serpelloni. MAF 20201014
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020051. MAF 20201008
kf/ctogobs/merge_igs_clk.f: Updated to allow single file copy with change in
sampling rate. TAH 20201006
gamit/makex/j_from_sp3.f: Modified to make missing clock as warning and to
write zero for the clock entries. (Normally if no clock something is bad with
satellite and it is deleted elsewhere.) TAH 20201003
kf/blsum/tscon.f: Added capability to restore scale to JPL (NASA MEaSUREs) and
USGS time series. MAF 20201005
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020049. MAF 20201003
libraries/Makefile.config: Updated maximum Linux "OSID" to 5813 (to accommodate
kernel version 5.8.13). The updated file is called
libraries/Makefile.config.new in incremental_updates to avoid an unwanted
overwrite of a pre-existing libraries/Makefile.config; move this
libraries/Makefile.config.new to libraries/Makefile.config to use this file
if desired. MAF 20201001
com/sh_rx2apr: Cleaned up handling RINEX 3 files, generated <site>.apr when
RINEX header values used to to RINEX 3. TAH 20200929
com/sh_preproc: Cleaned up temporary file names to avoid conflicts during
parallel processing runs. TAH 20200929
kf/ctogobs/merge_igs_clk.f: Updated to pass clock sampling interval.
TAH 20200928
gamit/makexp/makexp.f: Added option to assign SP3 name when running manually.
MAF 20200928 (originally 20190215 GG 10.70)
com/sh_get_ion: Added functionality for "-multiday" option to produce
concatenated IONEX files over more than one day. MAF 20200923
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANUs 2020027, 2020043 and
2020044. MAF 20200923
com/sh_{get_rinex,get_nav,sel_rinex}: Updated if-test for cddis to handle
"cddismgex" as well. TAH 20200920/MAF 20200921
tables/ftp_info: Added CDDIS ("cddiso") for RINEX observation files not
compressed with Hatanaka's RNXCMP. MAF 20200918
Added fallback attempt using curl with "--ciphers 'DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1'" option
in case curl is a very recent version, which has problems establishing a
secure connection with the CDDIS server, as of the date of this record, with
error message:
curl: (35) error:1414D172:SSL routines:tls12_check_peer_sigalg:wrong signature type
MAF/Riccardi 20200917
tables/: Added igs_metadata_2123.snx and igs_metadata_2123_plus.snx, and linked
igs_metadata.snx to igs_metadata_2123_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss
following igs_metadata_2123.snx. MAF 20200917
tables/rcvant.dat: Following IGS rcvr_ant.tab, added TPS GB-500 (TPSGB5),
TRIMBLE R12I (TRMR2I) and TIASAHI PENG6J2 (TIA6J2) receivers, and TRMR12I
(TRMR2I) and TIAPENG6J2 (TIA6J2) antennas. MAF 20200916
com/sh_plot_pos: Corrected writing of .eq-files given with the -e option to a
tsfit command file when tsfit is called without an explicit command file (-t
option with no arguments). MAF 20200916
tables/frames.dat: Added Stable North America Reference Frame (SNARF) from
MAF 20200911
tables/rcvant.dat: Following IGS rcvr_ant.tab, renamed RDR6PCSX049A (RDR_6P)
antenna to RSIPULSARR6P (RSIR6P), RDR90IT970A (RDR90I) antenna to RSIR90INEO
(RSIR9I), SDT3T970A (SDT3T9) antenaa to SOIT3 (SOI_T3) and SDT66PCSX049A
(SDTT6P) antenna to SOIT66PRO (SOIT6P), keeping previously valid codes
available; removed RUIDE 680N GNSS (RUI68N), RUIDE R6I GNSS (RUIR6I) and
RUIDE R8I GNSS (RUIR8I) receivers, and RDR680NCH6013A (RDR68N), RDR6ICSX027A
(RDR_6I) and RDR8I037P00B (RDR_8I) antennas, keeping former entries for
backwards compatibility; removed SANDING T5 GNSS (SAN_T5), SANDING T66V GNSS
(SANT6V), SANDING TCUBE S680N (SANTCB) receivers, and SDT5037P00B (SDT503),
SDT66VCSX027A (SDTT6V) and SDTCBCH6013A (SDTCBC) antennas, keeping former
entries for backwards compatibility; and removed KOLIDA 680N GNSS (KOL68N),
KOLIDA K86+ (KOLK86) receivers, and KLD680NCH6013A (KLD68N), KLDK10T970A
antennas, keeping former entries for backwards compatibility. MAF 20200908
com/sh_get_nav: Updated to accommodate switch of CDDIS directories for multi-
GNSS broadcast navigation files, which are no longer in the MGEX campaign
directory. MAF/Riccardi 20200907
Edited if-tests of $prog from "if ( "$prog" =~ 'curl *' ) then" to
"if ( `echo $prog | awk '{print $1}'` == 'curl' ) then" and from
"if ( "$prog" =~ 'wget *' ) then" to
"if ( `echo $prog | awk '{print $1}'` == 'wget' ) then" to avoid apparent
potential problems with some C-shells not interpreting a string containing
spaces in the match. MAF/Dasgupta 20200904
com/sh_gamit: Updated default "aprf" variable to igb14_comb.apr from
itrf2008.apr. MAF 20200904
com/sh_cddis: Added definition of email address for password for anonymous
secure FTP using sh_get_ftp_info. MAF 20200903
update_eop}: Updated to accommodate switch of CDDIS access from anonymous FTP
to authenticated secure HTTP or anonymous secure FTP. MAF 20200831
tables/ftp_info: Updated CDDIS directory for troposphere products to
".../troposphere/zpd/..." from ".../trop_new/...", and updated Geoscience
Australia FTP address to "ftp.data.gnss.ga.gov.au" from "ftp.ga.gov.au" and
RINEX directory structure. MAF 20200831
com/sh_glred: Added -a option to be passed to htoglb for network/GNSS
combinations or when small networks with no rotation in globk estimated.
TAH 20200830
com/sh_preproc: Fixed bug introduced 200523 which resulted in missing
coordinates not updating. Fixed logic with update so that failures of
sh_rx2apr result in RINEX header coordinates being used rather than fatal.
TAH 20200830
tables/track.cmd: Edited to pass four-digit year and two-digit year in first
two arguments of -s option. MAF 20200828
tables/: Added supplemental IGS14 and ITRF2014 sites not already included in
sittbl. and sittbl.long, which previously contained only the IGb14 core list.
MAF 20200825
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020040. MAF 20200821
tables/: Added igs_metadata_2119.snx and igs_metadata_2119_plus.snx, and linked
igs_metadata.snx to igs_metadata_2119_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss
following igs_metadata_2119.snx. MAF 20200819
tables/: Added ngs14_2118.atx and ngs14_2118_plus.atx, and updated
igs14_2118_plus.atx. MAF 20200818
com/{sh_dem,sh_plotvel}: Added test for longitudes > 180 to SRTM1/SRTM3, with
default output file name using 180W-180E convention, and to recognize DEM file
name, e.g. from sh_plotvel's "-topo_file" option, with longitudes in the range
either 180W-180E or 0E-360E (files previously created or otherwise with names
using 0E-360E convention will still be recognized as existing and not
recreated). MAF 20200818
tables/: Added igs14_2118.atx, igs14_2118_plus.atx, ngs14_2116.atx and
ngs14_2116_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2118_plus.atx; updated
igs_metadata_2118_plus.snx (igs_metadata.snx/svnav.dat), svnav.dat.allgnss
(R731/R22 and R735/R22) and rcvant.dat (FOIA90 and HEMS631 antennas) following
igs14_2118.atx; also added NOV701GG_1.03 (NOV71G), NOV702GGL_1.01 (NOV72G),
NOV702L_1.01 (NOV72L), NOV702L_1.03 (NOV7L3), SPP571908273+CR (SPP273) and
TRMR4S (TRMR4S) antennas to rcvant.dat following ngs14_2116.atx. MAF 20200814
com/sh_get_orbits: Updated description of "-srp_param" option in help to match
sh_sp3fit. MAF 20200814
tables/: Added augmented Beidou (C) satellite body types to svnav.dat.allgnss,
following introduction in igs_metadata_2110.snx (2020-06-16), and changed
svnav.dat symbolic link to point to igs_metadata.snx. MAF 20200813
tables/: Added igs_metadata_2118.snx and igs_metadata_2118_plus.snx, and linked
igs_metadata.snx to igs_metadata_2118_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss
following igs_metadata_2118.snx. MAF 20200811
gamit/orbits/orbdif.f: Modified to delete t-files only when SP3 files are used
as input. TAH 20200810
tables/rcvant.dat: Added FOIF A90 GNSS (FOIA90) receiver and FOIA90 (FOIA90)
antenna, following 2020-08-07 release of IGS rcvr_ant.tab. MAF 20200807
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020038. MAF 20200807
kf/glout/write_glb_pa.f: Updated PM rate labels to be consistent with glorg.
TAH 20200806
kf/glsave/gw_cons.f: Updated calculation of process noise effect on a priori
variances saved in h-files. TAH 20200806
kf/htoglb/decsnx_soln.f: Removed additional constraints from PCO and CoM when
-d=AC used. TAH 20200806
kf/htoglb/make_snx.f: Updated internal commenting (no code change). TAH 20200806
kf/glbak/write_loc_pa.f: Updated internal commenting (no code change).
TAH 20200806
kf/blsum/tscon.f: Added reading GipsyX gdcat timeseries files. TAH 20200805
kf/htoglb/cresnx_site.f: Updated to fix radome NON output when no radome in
SINEX files. TAH 20200805
kf/glsave/gw_descripti.f: Updated saving of receiver type information so that
SINEX files with no receiver information do not replace valid entries.
TAH 20200804
GGVersion: 10.71.012 Fri Jul 31 17:36:24 EDT 2020 Additions for Beidou, tscon
formats, APP_PTIDE options, COD SINEX. Satellite PCO constraints. TAH 20200731
kf/glfor/glb_predict.f: Fix bug with apriori satellite PCO constraints being
applied twice during back soluiton and negative process noise (white noise
model). Problem arises in de-constraining SINEX files. TAH 20200731
kf/htoglb/{htoglb,decsnx_soln,make_snx,hw_util}.f: Updated to remove additional
site days from COD 3-day orbit arc sinex files. Also remove PCO constraints
from normal equations. TAH 20200730
kf/htoglb/{pack_neq,remove_neq}.f: New routines to remove sites from normal
equations (COD SINEX only). TAH 20200730
kf/htoglb/htoglb_comm.h: COD mods. TAH 20200730
kf/htoglb/Makefile.generic: Added new routines. TAH 20200730
help/htoglb.hlp: Updated for COD mods. New -MD option to stop extra days being
removed from COD SINEX files. TAH 20200730
tables/rcvant.dat: Added HEMISPHERE S631 (HEM631) receiver and HEMS631 (HEM631)
antenna, following 2020-07-30 release of IGS rcvr_ant.tab, and CHC I50
(CHCI50) receiver and CHCI50 (CHCI50) antenna. MAF/RWK 20200730
tables/dcb.dat: Added finite end date for G060/G23 (2020-162) and dummy first
record for G076/G23 (from 2020-196) until first estimates of DCB are
available. MAF 20200727
tables/rcvant.dat: Added UNICORE UR4B0 (UNIR4B) receiver. MAF 20200724
kf/ctogobs/wr_igs_clk.f: Updated to correctly show GNSS SYS in header.
TAH 20200723
kf/ctogobs/merge_igs_clk.f: Updated to correctly show GNSS in header (M when
mixed GNSS clocks are merged). TAH 20200723
kf/ctogobs/merge_igs_clk.h: Updated for clk_gnss system. TAH 20200723
help/merge_igs_clk.hlp: Document new GNSS features. -a option no longer needed.
TAH 20200723
com/sh_sltols: New script to convert IGS short product names to long form and
visa versa. Names for MIT and IGS products. TAH 20200723
Summary features added July 21, 2020
- modifications for timeseries processing.
- small fixes to stop compilation errors with gfortran10.
- Updates for Beidou satellite body types.
- Script updates to fix some issues.
kf/blsum/tscon.[fh]: Updated to read new NASA Measures XYZ files with
TrendXYZ.xyz in file names. TAH 20200721
kf/utils/make_rms.f: Replaced COF with COD for CODE finals IGS SINEX
combinations. TAH 20200720
com/sh_plotvel: Replaced 2p line type with selected coastline line when
topography is plotted. TAH 20200720
kf/globk/process_glb_.f: Added REP (report) option to app_ptide command to
changes in positions applied. TAH 20200717
kf/includes/globk_cntl.h: Documentation updated on ptide_opt (new report bit).
TAH 20200717
kf/glfor/glb_upd_apr.f: Updated to ensure ocean tide pole can be removed if
applied. TAH 20200717
kf/glfor/glfor.f: Updated format for ptide_opt octal output. TAH 20200717
kf/glfor/app_ptide.f: Implemented report option, made implicit none and fixed
small bug if pole tide had never been applied. TAH 20200717
help/globk.hlp: Documentation updated on app_ptide command REP option.
TAH 20200717
tables/rcvant.dat: Added "PCN"-code (N) for all JAVAD receivers, assuming the
same tracking characteristics. MAF 20200716
tables/: Added igs14_2114.atx, igs14_2114_plus.atx, ngs14_2114.atx and
ngs14_2114_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2114_plus.atx; added
igs_metadata_2114.snx and igs_metadata_2114_plus.snx, and linked
igs_metadata.snx to igs_metadata_2114_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss
following igs_metadata_2114.snx; and updated svs_exclude.dat.nanu following
USCG NANU 2020036. MAF 20200714
gamit/orbits/orbdif.f: Deleted temporary t-files on exit; cleaned up debug.
TAH 20200714
tables/: Added igs14_2113.atx and igs14_2113_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to
igs14_2112_plus.atx. MAF 20200709
tables/rcvant.dat: Added renamed CNTT300PLUS (CTNT3P) antenna, formerly CNTT300+
(CTNT3P), although the latter is still retained under "Previously valid",
CNTAT600 (CNTAT6) antenna from NGS ANTEX file, and "PCN"-code for SEPT ASTERX4
receiver (N). MAF/TAH 20200709
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020032. MAF 20200709
com/install_software: Added zsh (default shell, replacing bash, on macOS
Catalina onwards) to instructions to set environment variables at end of
script. MAF 20200709
libraries/comlib/multiread.f: Updated to make dimensioning of variables passed
in read_line consistent (only a problem in latest, strict gfortran).
TAH 20200709
com/sh_get_rinex: Updated -list option (with ftp) to list rinex3 file names and
convert them to rinex2 style as is done in other parts of GAMIT. TAH 20200709
com/sh_network_sel: Updated to gracefully exit of none of the reference sites in
control file are available in the archives selected. TAH 20200709
tables/leap.sec: Extended to 30 June 2021 without addition of leap second at end
of December 2020, following IERS Bulletin C 60. MAF 20200707
tables/: Added igs14_2112.atx, igs14_2112_plus.atx, ngs14_2112.atx and
ngs14_2112_plus.atx, and linked antmod.dat to igs14_2112_plus.atx; added
igs_metadata_2113.snx and igs_metadata_2113_plus.snx, and linked
igs_metadata.snx to igs_metadata_2113_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss
following igs_metadata_2113.snx. MAF 20200707
gamit/orbits/write_summary.f: Increased bad list format to allow for more than
10 bad satellites. TAH 20200706
com/sh_gname: New script to 4-char g-file and 3-char sp3 file names for a given
4-char orbit name and GNSS selection e.f., sh_gname mitf E returns mite and
mie. TAH 20200703
libraries/comlib/name_to_blk.f: Added explicit types for BEIDOU-3M-SECM-A and
BEIDOU-3M-SECM-B body types. TAH 20200703
gamit/arc/earthradTUM.f: Updated to account BEIDOU-3M-SECM-A and
BEIDOU-3M-SECM-B body types. TAH 20200703
kf/blsum/tsfit.f: Updated time range written to PBO vel file when only one day
between earthquakes. Update latitude/longitude/height values in different
intervals to be consistent with evolving XYZ coordinates. TAH 20200701
Summary of featured added: Monday, June 29, 2020
- Reporting of GNSS type in autcln summary files. Correct GNSS name when IGS
clock files are written.
- glbtog explicitly allows GNSS to be specified in multi-GNSS solutions.
kf/ctogobs/{rep_params,ctog_utils,fit_igs_clk,proc_phsfin}.f: Added reporting of
GNSS used. TAH 20200628
kf/ctogobs/wr_igs_clk.f: Updated to correctly write GNSS system for clocks.
TAH 20200628
kf/ctogobs/{merge_igs_clk.f,merge_igs_clk.h} Updated to better average clocks
between different networks and when values edited and averaged. TAH 20200628
kf/ctogobs/ctogobs_com.h: Added saving GNSS system (sv_gnss). TAH 20200628
kf/utils/glbtog.f: Added GNSS option to allow single or multi-gnss g-files to
written from an .org or .bak file containng multi-gnss orbits. Fixed some
issues with antenna body type not being found with old style svnav.dat used
(igs_metadata.snx linked to svnav.dat now recommended). TAH 20200625
libraries/comlib/get_value.f: Moved dum from I*4 to I*2 (gfortran 10.01 error
during compilation). TAH 20200623
libraries/Makefile.config: Updated maximum Linux "OSID" to 5760 (to accommodate
kernel version 5.7.6). The updated file is called
libraries/Makefile.config.new in incremental_updates to avoid an unwanted
overwrite of a pre-existing libraries/Makefile.config; move this
libraries/Makefile.config.new to libraries/Makefile.config to use this file
if desired. MAF 20200626
tables/rcvant.dat: Added TWIVC6050 (TWIVC5) antenna. MAF 20200625
test_install/{README,runtest}: Added "-lfreq 7" option to sh_gamit commands with
"-gnss C" to choose explicitly the second frequency for Beidou. MAF 20200622
Summary of featured added: Sunday, June 21, 2020
- Updated formats to handle more than 32 satellites (needed for Beidou).
- Upgraded GLONASS processing in AUTCLN to better handle non-integer ambiguities
due to remapped frequencies.
- Fixed issues with missing frequencies in the last or first cfile read in
- Added more verification of scanning slips in AUTCLN when slip magnitude falls
between DD_FIT_TOL LC_min and LC_max.
- Added short data segment removal at start of cleaning (controlled with
- Improved network selection scripts to handle GNSS data. New sh_gnss_sel script
which checks RINEX files to make sure selected GNSS data is available.
- Added new LAB<string> command line option in GLOBK which replaced <LAB>
strings in GLOBK/GLORG command files with <string>. Useful for GNSS processing
in same gsoln directory.
gamit/orbits/{read_sp3.f,wsp1hd.f}: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou
satellites. TAH 20200618
gamit/solve/{qhead2.f,lsqerr.f} Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou
satellites. TAH 20200618
gamit/makex/{makex.f,j_from_c.f}: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou
satellites. TAH 20200618
gamit/clean/showrms.f: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites.
TAH 20200618
gamit/cfmrg/getcfs.f: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites.
TAH 20200618
gamit/model/setup.f: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites.
Updated message about missing lower GNSS frequencies. TAH 20200618
gamit/lib/rsp3hd.f: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites.
TAH 20200618
gamit/fixdrv/seschk.f: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites.
TAH 20200618
gamit/makexp/makexp.f: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites.
TAH 20200618
gamit/ctox/ctox.f: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites.
TAH 20200618
kf/track/read_all_rinex.f: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites
TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/rep_params.f: Report new trim_shortseq option. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/est_dd_wl.f: Updated treatment of non-integer GLONASS ambiguities.
TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/ctogobs_scan.f: Add verify_scan option to see if bias flag should be
added with jump is below max_tol. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/align_phs.f: Added frequency ratio for GLONASS. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/prc_ctog_cmd.f: Added trim_segment option to trim_oneway_tol command
and allow negative values to be use to keep default values. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/ctog_utils.f: Added trim_seg test and warning if frequencies change
between c-files. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/set_freqs.f: Cleaned up setting of frequencies in case c-file has
missing frequency. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/ctogobs_dd.f: Clean up GLONASS non-integer ambiguity treatment.
TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/est_wlfull.f: Added effects of frequency ratios for GLONASS.
TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/ctog_ut2.f: Added ctol check to make sure data present. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/ctogobs.f: Added call to trim_shortseg on first pass to delete data
in short segments between data gaps. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/trim_shortseg.f: New routine to delete data in short segments between
data gaps. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/ctogobs_com.h: Added trim_seg logical to say of short segments
between gaps should be removed at start of run. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/proc_phsfin.f: Added frequency ratios for GLONASS and Updated 32I to
50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites. TAH 20200618
kf/ctogobs/zero_dd_wl.f: Updated 32I to 50I to allow for 35 Beidou satellites.
TAH 20200618
gamit/model/setup.f: Fixed setting alternative C06 frequency for Beidou when
"-lfreq 7" option used. Updated missing frequency message. TAH 20200617
tables/: Added igs14_2108.atx, ngs14_2108.atx and ngs14_2108_plus.atx, and
linked antmod.dat to ngs14_2108_plus.atx; added STONEX S900A NEW (STXS9N)
receiver and STXS900A (STXS9A) antenna to rcvant.dat. MAF 20200615
com/sh_plot_elmean: Updated TMP file names to make unique. TAH 20200610
gamit/lib/read_svsinex.f: Updated fatal message when GLONASS frequency not found
to report the SV and PRN. TAH 20200608
kf/glfor/glb_predict.f: Fixed missed index calculation when applying satellite
antenna offset process noise. Resulting in higher a priori sigma for Z
velocity. TAH 20200608
gamit/orbits/bctot.f: Added leading zero to PRNs < 10. Made more flexible
reading of body type. TAH 20200606
gamit/orbits/write_g.f: Modified to write svs files with GNSS satellite names
and with more significant digits. Added body type to end of line. However,
file needs antenna offset values to be used in analyses with antenna offsets
estimated. TAH 20200606
gamit/orbits/read_input.f: Correct Y and Z TERR .-ROTD labels. TAH 20200608
gamit/orbits/ngstot.f: Added leading zero to PRNs < 10. Made more flexible
reading of body type. Modified to end gracefully when no arguments are passed.
TAH 20200606
gamit/arc/read_arc_batch.f: Added leading zero to PRNs < 10 (when gnss code
generated from old PRN style format). TAH 20200606
com/sh_gnss_sel: Modified to better check data availability and to call
sh_network_sel if the number of usable GNSS rinex files exceeds a maximum
number of sites. TAH 20200604
com/sh_network_sel: Modified to support sh_gnss_sel calling it when there are
too many GNSS sites available. TAH 20200604
libraries/comlib/name_to_blk.f: Added explicit types for GLONASS M+, K1A and K1B
body types. TAH 20200603
gamit/arc/earthradTUM.f: Updated to account for new GLONASS body types. M and M+
are treated the same and K1, K1A and K1B are treated the same. TAH 20200603
kf/includes/kalman_param.h: Updated GLOBK version for new LAB<lab> runstring
option selection. TAH 20200603
kf/utils/glbtog.f: Fixed issues with decoding non-GPS satellites and make
correct g-files. TAH 20200603
kf/gen_util/decode_comopt.f: Added new option to allow <LAB> strings in commands
to be replaced by string <str> when LAB<str> is included in the GLOBK
runstring options. With option LABWkRD the command line
" bak_file <LAB>_<WEEK>.bak" is replaced with " bak_file WkRD_<WEEK>.bak".
TAH 20200602
tables/{fes2014b_Cnm-Snm.dat,otides.dat}: Added FES2014b coefficients for orbit
intergration and updated otides.dat symbolic link to this new default.
MAF 20200609
tables/sestbl.10.71: Updated "Mag field = IGRF13" from "IGRF12" to accommodate
data from 2020 onwards. MAF 20200604
tables/lfile.apr: Updated symbolic link to igb14_comb.apr from igs14_comb.apr.
MAF 20200604
com/sh_setup, tables/{globk.cmd,glorg.cmd,process.defaults}: Changed default
.apr-file to igb14_comb.apr from igs14_comb.apr to accommodate switch to IGb14
reference frame from GPS week 2106 (2020-05-17; 2020-138). MAF 20200602
tables/: Added igb14.{apr,eq,vel}, igb14_hierarchy.stab_site, sittbl.IGb14,
sittbl.IGb14.long, igb14_comb.{apr,eq,stab_site} and igb14_comb_????.apr,
where "????" is a four-character plate ID from the ITRF2014 plate motion model
or other published definitions (see header lines in each file for reference),
to accommodate switch to IGb14 reference frame from GPS week 2106 (2020-05-17;
2020-138); "igs14*" tables will no longer be updated. MAF 20200602
tables/: Added igs_metadata_2108.snx and igs_metadata_2108_plus.snx, and linked
igs_metadata.snx to igs_metadata_2108_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss
following igs_metadata_2108.snx. MAF 20200602
kf/track/taiutc.f: Cleaned up code and fixed unit conflict problem. TAH 20200531
kf/track/{theory.f, get_miss.f, track_com.h}: Modified behavior of USE_BLQ
command to allow solid-Earth tide model to be specified (IERS2010 or default
analytic model) and to turn off model completely (NOETIDE). NOBLQ needs to be
given as argument to turn off ocean-tide model (structured this way for
backwards compatibility). TAH 20200531
kf/track/track.f: Fixed rounding error in num_epochs calculation. TAH 20200527
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020025. MAF 20200528
Summary of features added Wednesday, May 27, 2020
- Changes to stop fatals when data occurs in a gap in station.info entries
(often associated with firmware updates.
- Changes made to increase Glonass data yields due to issues with RINEX 2
- New cddismgex archive to get RINEX 3 data from CDDIS MGEX area (needed for
data collected before MGEX data was saved in the same directories are GPS
- Fixed some issues with occasional failures of parallel runs.
gamit/arc/earthradTUM.f: Fix calculation of mjd but has no impact due to antenna
thrust not being computed In this routine. TAH 20200526
gamit/model/update_coords.f: Tested antenna changes to see if messages should be
printed about changes. TAH 20200527
gamit/makex/makex.f: Fixed format reporting frequencies. TAH 20200526
gamit/makex/rhead.f: For Glonass processing: Removed code that set P2 to x2 when
C2 available. Made P2 be secondary choice to C2 so that files with C2 in
header but no C2 data, will include the P2 data in the x-file. TAH 20200526
gamit/makex/rbatch.f: Added back feature to have blank line act as EOF in batch
file. TAH 20200526
gamit/lib/sel_obtyp.f: Fixed initialization loop to 6 (from 4) for iobtypx;
Changed secondary choice to P2 for Glonass when C2 in header. TAH 20200526
gamit/lib/rstnfo.f: Updated to allow a gap between end and start times of up to
6 hours. This happens with firmware updates where the gap can be 1-minute to a
few hours. There is probably no data in gap but GAMIT is still generating
epochs during the gap (makex and maybe model fatals). Cleaned up indenting
around modified code. TAH 20200524
com/sh_sp3fit: Incorporated GNSS into decoding svs_exclude.dat. Line format is
now Gnn, Rnn, etc. When gnss==G, old nn only designation allowed. Note: doy is
3-digit. TAH 20200524
com/sh_gnss_sel: Fixed issue with hardwired date in find command. Updated help
message. TAH 20200524
com/sh_preproc: Made lfile test name more unique by adding expt and doy to
temporary name (conflicts in parallel runs could lead to zero length
lfiles). TAH 20200523
kf/ctogobs/ctogobs_dd.f: Fixed error in replaced integer do loop. TAH 20200520
tables/otl_FES2014bM_MRG.list: Merged FES2014 list from otl_FES2014bM_IGS.list
and otl_FES2014bM.list generated at Chalmers University. TAH 20200520
kf/track/{theory.f, get_miss.f, track_com.h}: Modified behavior of USE_BLQ
command to allow solid-Earth tide model to be specified (IERS2010 or default
analytic model) and to turn off model completely (NOETIDE). NOBLQ needs to be
given as argument to turn off ocean-tide model (structured this way for
backwards compatibility). TAH 20200520
Wednesday 20 May 2020
com/sh_get_grids: New script from S. McClusky to download grids from
ftp://everest.mit.edu to the current working directory. MAF 20200520
kf/update_pmu/igs_to_pmu.f: Added feature to have UT1 in the PMU file be
generated by integrating the LOD values rather than using the globk estimates.
This can be useful when generating Earth fixed SP3 files from inertial t-
files. TAH 20200518
com/sh_gnss_sel: New script to add GNSS networks to sites.default.yyyy.ddd
files. Assumes that the rinex files have been downloaded so that data types
available in the files can be determined with scan_rinex. TAH 20200518
com/sh_plotvel: Added coast line specification -clw option. Default remains
unchanged. TAH 20200515
com/sh_network_sel: Added feature to update existing sites.defaults file with
additional net names added. Removed default apr_file name. Useful for having
GPS and GNSS networks separate. TAH 20200515
com/sh_rx2apr: Forced rinex header coordinate extraction if RINEX 3 files which
svpos and svdiff can't read. Cleaned up site name extraction when directory
included in site file name. Cleaned up indentation. Remove spherical l-file
output. TAH 20200518
com/sh_rx2apr: Added RINEX 3 trap to use approximate coordinates in RINEX header
if file given with "-site" option is RINEX 3 or results of SVPOS if file given
with "-site" option is RINEX 2 but file given with "-ref" option is RINEX 3.
MAF 20200517
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020023. MAF 20200515
tables/rcvant.dat: Added STONEX S980 (STXS98), STONEX S980A (STX98A) and STONEX
S990A (STX99A) receivers, and STXS990A (STX99A) antenna. MAF 20200514
Summary of added features and updates. Tuesday, May 12, 2020
- The Gipson 2017 VLBI model updated. Default: added UT1 libration term and
keeps the IERS2010 model.
- New scan_rinex utility added assess observables in RINEX 2 and RINEX 3 files.
- Added pre-fit millisecond clock jump scanning and fixing in autcln. Normally
not needed and default is not to do it. New status report option to look at
pre-scan clock residuals. Useful if lots of BAD PREFIT data delete messages.
- Added lower frequency selection for GNSS processing (makex and sh_gamit -lfreq
option) so G5, C7, E6/7/8 are options of lower frequency instead of G2, C6 and
- Updated autcln to avoid errors in autcln/solve when some stations are missing
a frequency band completely.
libraries/includes/freq_def.h: Fixed small error in E8 frequency (0.001E6 Hz)
(impact MW-WL looked like LG in cview. TAH 20200512
gamit/makex/settyp.f: Added E8 to list of valid frequency. TAH 20200512
gamit/includes/model.h: Increased atxfrq to 4-characters and additional entry
for primary and secondary choice of ANTEX frequency. TAH 20200512
gamit/utils/convert_antpcv.f: Updated read_antex call for new atxfrq definition.
TAH 20200512
gamit/model/setup.f: Added selection of alternative lower frequency.
TAH 20200512
gamit/model/get_svantpcv.f: Updated to allow primary and secondary choice of
frequency read from ANTEX file. TAH 20200512
gamit/model/get_antpcv.f: Updated to allow primary and secondary frequency
choice of frequency read from ANTEX file. TAH 20200512
gamit/model/get_antinfo.f: Modified format for reporting ANTEX frequencies used.
A * next entry shows if primary or secondary frequency used for PCO/PCV.
TAH 20200512
gamit/lib/sel_obtyp.f: Added additional data selections based choice of lower
frequency. Added entries for G5, C7, E6/7/8; defaults are G2,C6 and E5.
TAH 20200512
gamit/lib/read_antex.f: Passed modified atxfrq array now with 4 characters and
three entries: (1) L1, (2) primary choice for L2, (3) secondary choice for L2
where L2 if the lower frequency selection. TAH 20200512
tables/ftp_info: Added GFZ Potsdam as source for MGEX orbits. Currently SP3
files need to be downloaded before sh_get_orbits is run. TAH 20200511
kf/ctogobs/{ctog_utils,read_cfheads}.f: Updated save non-zero frequencies when
c-files are read. Solve has problems if the first c-file is missing a
frequency band and autcln could have problem if last c-file is missing
frequencies. This can happen with GNSS data missing standard frequencies at
some sites. TAH 20200511
kf/ctogobs/set_freqs.f: Moved code that saves frequencies to ctog_utils.f and
read_cfheads.f. TAH 20200511
kf/ctogobs/upd_cf_sd.f: Added code to write both frequencies bands to all c-
files even if one band is missing (all data would have been deleted).
TAH 20200511
gamit/makex/makex.f: Modified gnss input so that a lower frequency selection can
be passed. For example C7 for the gnss runstring parameter will select C7 as
lower frequency instead of default C6. G5, E6, E7 and E8 are also options.
TAH 20200511
gamit/lib/sel_obtyp.f: Added option for lower frequency selection. TAH 20200511
gamit/makex/rbatch.f: Reading of GNSS as 2-character with lower frequency option
added. TAH 20200511
gamit/includes/global.h: Added gnsslf which contain GNSS and lower frequency
selection (e.g., G or G5 for L5 lower frequency. TAH 20200511
gamit/makexp/makexp.f: Added passing gnsslf string into makex batch file.
TAH 20200511
com/sh_makexp: Added -lfreq option to select lower frequency for G,C and E, e.g.
"-gnss E -lfreq 7" will select L7 (E5b) as lower frequency for Galileo instead
of L5 (E5a). Options allowed are G5, C7, E6/7/8. TAH 20200511
com/sh_preproc: Added -lfreq option (see sh_makexp). Fixed bug with g-file being
checked with "^G" rather than "^$gnss". TAH 20200511
com/sh_gamit: Added -lfreq option (see sh_makexp); -remakex Y will be needed if
older x-files already exist in processing directory. TAH 20200511
kf/ctogobs/prc_ctog_cmd.f: Added new option to prefit_clk command to remove
millisecond jumps in clocks. Not a common problem but could be useful for some
data. TAH 20200510
kf/ctogobs/ctog_utils.f: Initialization of prescan_msj option. (Default no
scan). TAH 20200510
kf/ctogobs/prescan_clk.f: Added some commented out write statements to print
information on clock fits. TAH 20200510
kf/ctogobs/ctogobs.f: New call to prescan_msj. TAH 20200510
kf/ctogobs/prescan_msj.f: New subroutine to scan and remove millisecond jumps.
TAH 20200510
kf/ctogobs/ctogobs_com.h: Now logical added to implement prescan_msj. New
version number for autcln. TAH 20200510
kf/ctogobs/fit_igs_clk.f: Limited updating linear fits to clocks with < 100 ns
RMS. Millisecond jumps in clocks can cause high RMS scatters. Corrected
indexing on frequencies (not issue since all frequencies are mapped to common
frequency at this point). TAH 20200510
kf/ctogobs/upd_cf_sd.f: Removed a debug statement. TAH 20200510
kf/ctogobs/Makefile.generic: Added prescan_msj subroutine. TAH 20200510
gamit/utils/scan_rinex.f: New routine ported from GG11 to scan RINEX files to
determine the numbers of observations of different types. Modified to add
leading zero to PRNs<10 in output and generated a sorted output.
RWK/TAH 20200509
gamit/includes/dimpar.h: Added max_ob11, maxgnss, max_sch for GG11 for
scan_rinex program. TAH 20200509
gamit/utils/rinex.h: New include file from GG11 for use in scan_rinex.
TAH 20200509
gamit/utils/Makefile.generic: Added scan_rinex to Makefile. TAH 20200509
com/link_gamit_bin: Added ../utils/scan_rinex. TAH 20200509
gamit/lib/{srotat,rotsnp_sofa}.f: Added module for hpeop_gipson and call to
calc_hf_gip_xyu. This code is implementation of Gipson 2017 VLBI model. Both
of these routines have same block of code for HF EOP but some time argument
variable names differ. TAH 20200509
gamit/lib/hfeop_gipson.f90: New module implementing Gipson VLBI model. Libration
and solid Earth terms were in a priori so this model needs these terms added
and is compatible with Desai and Sibios implementation. TAH 20200509
gamit/lib/hfeop_desai.f90: Modified to remove functions and subroutines that are
common to hfeop_gipson.f90. TAH 20200509
gamit/lib/hfeop_util.f90: Functions and subroutines common to the two HF EOP
modules. TAH 20200509
gamit/lib/Makefile.generic: Modified to add new hfeop_gipson.f90 and
hfeop_util.f90 modules and subroutines. TAH 20200509
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020020. MAF 20200508
Summary features added Tuesday 5 May 2020:
- Desai and Sibios HF EOP Model added, UT1 libration set in defaults.
- Fixed -autooff in htoglb (-a was OK). Updated documentation to reflect that
this option should be used for subnetworks processed in baseline mode.
- Fixed reading of FES2014 list and ocean tide potential models. Critical
update if these models used.
- Fixed reading of dates near the ends of years in UNR time series files.
- New MJD->date option in cplotx (field type 3).
- Added secondary list selection option in sh_network_sel (allows a primary list
that should all be selected if they are available and their total number is
less than the total network size.
tables/{sestbl.10.71,sestbl.10.71.MIT}: Set Etide model to IERS10 and added UT1
Libration to Earth Rotation model. TAH 20200505
kf/{ctogobs/ctogobs_dd,svpos/spcsnr}.f: Replaced floating point do-loops with
integer code. TAH 20200505
kf/htoglb/cresnx_file.f: Updated model names output to SINEX file. TAH 20200505
kf/gen_util/gamit_mod_n.f: Updated model names for UT1-Libration (UT1-LIBR) and
Desai and Sibois (D&S2016). TAH 20200505
gamit/model/setup.f: Updated output documentation to reflect Desai and Sibois
model, and the string assigned to speopmod character string. TAH 20200505
gamit/fixdrv/mdmake.f: Updated decoding of "Earth Rotation" sestbl. entry.
TAH 20200505
gamit/orbits/{get_svcoords,partl,sp3tot,trot}.f: Replaced arbitrary setting of
iut1pol bit mapped diurnal/semidiurnal models with value read from sestbl.
TAH 20200505
gamit/lib/rot_gfile.f: Replaced setting iut1pol to zero with value read from
sestbl. TAH 20200505
gamit/lib/{rotsnp_sofa.f,srotat.f}: Implemented new Desai and Sibois diurnal/
semidiurnal ocean tide EOP model. TAH 20200505
gamit/lib/Makefile.generic: Added hfeop_desai.f90 and get_iut1pol.f routines.
TAH 20200505
gamit/lib/get_iut1pol.f: New routine to get iut1pol value from sestbl. Called
rather than arbitrary set values in different routines. TAH 20200505
gamit/lib/hfeop_desai.f90: New module to implement the Desai and Sibois model.
TAH 20200505
gamit/arc/{earthradTUM.f,sbfn.f}: Replaced arbitrary setting of iut1pol bit-
mapped diurnal/semidiurnal models with value read from sestbl. TAH 20200505
gamit/arc/satprop.f: Modified to remove repeated Block IIIA not modeling message
when NCLE1 albedo model used. TAH 20200504
kf/htoglb/htoglb.f: Fixed decoding -a/-autooff option so both forms work. Only
-a worked in earlier version. This would cause problems when baseline mode
networks are combined. TAH 20200504
gamit/makex/{makek,makex}.f: Fix misnamed variable causing MAKEK to fail; fix
inconsistent dimensions in both routines, with no effect; fix printing of the
observables to the infor file, also with no effect. RWK 20200504
tables/rcvant.dat: Removed comment ("?") from beginning of records for several
receivers and antennas without IGS codes but previously added to rcvant.dat by
MIT. MAF 20200504
com/{links.arc,links.day,links.com}: Added test to only link otides.dat if no
valid local file. Allows use of different ocean tide models (FES2004 versus
FES2014b). TAH 20200503
gamit/arc/read_otides.f: Fixed logic in reading files with more than 18
frequencies (FES2014b) and added output of model name to GAMIT.status, cleaned
up debug output. Critical update when using FES2014. TAH 20200503
gamit/grdtab/get_otl_list.f: Updated reading of TANG RADI lines for FES2014
format to ensure sites found (no sites found with old code). Critical update
when using FES2014. TAH 20200502
tables/otl_FES2014bM_IGS.list: Updated model name to FES2014b from FES2014M,
which had been in the file. TAH 20200502
com/sh_xtosess: Updated definition of "prn_list" to accommodate constellation
prefix (G, R, E, C, etc.) to PRN number. RWK/MAF 20200430
kf/glinit/get_aprioris.f: Fixed mapping of ECOM-1 radiation parameters for old
(pre 1.07) binary h-files. Impact when orbits are tightly constrained in RELAX
solutions. TAH 20200429
kf/glist/glist.f: Increased number of digits in reported h-file version.
TAH 20200429
tables/frames.dat: Added Caribbean ("CARIB18") and Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands
("PRVI18") reference frames relative to IGS14 from Wang et al. (2019),
doi:10.3390/rs11060680. MAF 20200428
com/{sh_gamit,sh_make_sky_pngs}: Added .png extension to GMT's
ps2raster/psconvert -F option and rename if GMT creates PNG file with double-
extension ".png.png"). Y.-H. Chang/J. A. Garmen/MAF 20200426
kf/globk/{add_GGV.f,read_glb_mar.f,Makefile.generic: New routine, add_GGV, to
add GGVersion information to the GLOBK description line at the end of
read_glb_mar to allow better assessment of version of GG installed.
TAH 20200426
help/htoglb.hlp: Expanded the documentation about correct procedures for
combining sub-networks when baseline mode has been used in GAMIT processing.
TAH 20200425
kf/blsum/tscon.f: Updated reading dates from UNR txyz2 files. Old algorithm
could have errors of a day near the end of the year and assign values to the
wrong year. TAH 20200424
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020017. MAF 20200424
com/sh_network_sel: Added a secondary list of stations so that the core list can
contain critical stations (the number of stations can be less than the total
network size). After selection of all core stations, the secondary list is
used for the priority of these stations. Added a -clear_list option to force
the re-download of archive data holdings. TAH 20200422
Kf/utils/global_sel.f: Updated to handle non-"_GPS" site names in a priori file,
changed reporting of short lists. TAH 20200422
help/head.snx: Updated DOMES codes. TAH 20200420
tables/rcvant.dat: Added SEPVC6150L (SEPVC6) and SEPVP6050_CONE (SEPVP6)
antennas, and CHC P5E (CHCP5E) receiver. MAF 20200420
kf/utils/make_rms.f: Changed F6.1 to F6.2 format when writing statistics.
TAH 20200417
kf/htoglb/mstinf.f: Changed dimensioning so that max_site sites can be in a
station.info file to be merged with another one. E. D'Anastasio/TAH 20200417
tables/: Added igs14_2101.atx, ngs14_2101.atx and ngs14_2101_plus.atx, and
linked antmod.dat to ngs14_2101_plus.atx; added igs_metadata_2101.snx and
igs_metadata_2101_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_metadata_2101_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss following
igs_metadata_2101.snx. MAF 20200416
gamit/orbits/yawtab.f: Added one day to date for call to svnav_read because the
start of the t-file may occur before the start time of a PRN number record.
A. Koulali/R. Pickle/MAF 20200414
com/{sh_dem,sh_plotvel}: Updated to write new .grd-files to current working
directory, rather than ~/gg/maps/; corrected definition of maximum longitude
in "minmax" variable when passing topo_file name from sh_dem to grdimage for
plotting, and updated logic to derive an illumination .grd-file from topo_file
by requiring "topo_file" to be passed as the argument to the "-illu_file"
option. MAF 20200413
com/sh_dem: Removed extraneous "-fg" option from GMT's grdcut command for
SRTM3, SRTM30 and SRTM30_PLUS. S. Nistor/MAF 20200403
tables/sites.defaults: Appended to updates/source/tables.10.71.tar.gz, because
it was missing from the original release, and incremental_updates/tables/.
R. Romero Andrade/RWK/MAF 20200403
com/sh_sopac: Removed leading slash ("/") in definition of "sdir" variable to
avoid double-slash ("//") typo in host URL. R. Pickle/MAF 20200402
com/links.arc: Changed links so that local ut1./pole. file will be retained
during linking. TAH 20200401
com/sh_sp3fit: Changed logic to all allow multi-day orbit arcs of more than 3
days (orbits modified to allow 9-day arcs). TAH 20200401
gamit/arc/read_arc_batch.f: Updated logic for reading arc.out file name and the
hidden debug featutes that are included on that line. TAH 20200401
gamit/includes/orbits.h: Increased dimensioning to allow 9-day arcs.
TAH 20200401
gamit/orbits/{orbdif,orbfit,orbrms,plt_postfit}.f: Modified outputs to add MJD
to ends of residual values so that true times can be plotted. TAH 20200401
Added new data type field to have MJD interpreted as date rather than
converted to decimal year (help/{cplotx.hlp,ts_pos.plt,ts_pos2.plt} also
updated accordingly). TAH 20200401
tables/nbody: Updated to use DE405 (little-endian) file for 1900-2050 from JPL
(ftp://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/eph/planets/Linux/de405/lnx1900.405). MAF 20200401
tables/frames.dat: Added rotation rate vector for North America relative to
IGS08 from Kreemer et al. (2018), doi:10.1029/2017JB015257. MAF 20200331
tables/hi.dat: Added DHTCR (= DHARP) height code for SEN671575-series antennas.
P. Fang/Y. Bock/MAF 20200326
tables/rcvant.dat: Added STONEX S700A (STXS7A), STONEX S850A (STXS85) receivers,
and STXS700A (STXS7A) antenna, following 2020-03-25 release of IGS
rcvr_ant.tab. MAF 20200325
test_install/: Added missing "-netext" option to first sh_glred commands for
2016 and 2014 in README; changed tssum product ID to conventional form of
"mit.final_igs14" from "mit.final.igs14" in README and runtest. MAF 20200323
tables/: Updated igs_metadata_2097.snx and igs_metadata_2097_plus.snx; updated
svnav.dat.allgnss following igs_metadata_2097.snx; updated eq.def with
preliminary definitions for July 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquakes.
MAF 20200323
tables/dcb.dat: Corrected open-ended end date for G037/G07 to 1993-334T23:59
and removed erroneous extra line for G063/G01 (2019-305T00:00 to
2019-304T23:59). S. Hreinsdottir/MAF 20200323
test_install/README: Corrected erroneous "-gnss" option in one sh_glred command
to "-netext". MAF 20200319
tables/: Added finite end date for G034/G18 (2020-070) and dummy first
record for G075/G18 (from 2020-073), until first estimates of DCB are
available, in dcb.dat; updated igs_metadata_2097.snx and
igs_metadata_2097_plus.snx to versions with corrected start date of G075/G18;
updated svs_exclude.dat.nanu with NANU 2020014. MAF 20200319
tables/: Added igs14_2097.atx, ngs14_2097.atx and ngs14_2097_plus.atx, and
linked antmod.dat to ngs14_2097_plus.atx; added igs_metadata_2097.snx and
igs_metadata_2097_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_metadata_2097_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss following
igs_metadata_2097.snx. MAF 20200317
gamit/lib/rstnfo.f, kf/htoglb/{hfupd_ut.f,mstinf.h}: Changed length of comment
to 36 characters from 30 (rstnfo.f), 24 (hfupd_ut.f) and 132 (mstinf.h)
characters. TAH 20200317
com/{sh_plot_rinex,sh_rename_rinex}: Corrected calls of "CRX2RNX" (the original
program name) to "crx2rnx" (our distribution name, in gamit/bin/).
MAF 20200311
tables/rcvant.dat: Updated "PCN"-code based on old rcvant.dat.200109 for
receivers. MAF 20200310
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