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PAI FrameworkLauncher(1) -- Client端的实现


yarn资源调度系统中,Client端负责为ApplicationMaster申请资源,并提交ApplicationMaster给ResourceManager。下面讲述了client端的处理过程,从framework request 到对应的ApplicationMaster运行起来。

1. 起点方法 service.onFrameworkRequestsUpdated(frameworkRequest)  (位于xxx.service.RequestManager.java)
  frameworkRequest 的类型是Map<String, FrameworkRequest>

2. createApplication() (位于xxx.service.Service.java)



private String frameworkName;
  private Integer frameworkVersion;

  // Framework dynamic status
  private FrameworkState frameworkState;
  private RetryPolicyState frameworkRetryPolicyState;
  private Long frameworkCreatedTimestamp;
  private Long frameworkCompletedTimestamp;

  // Framework's current associated Application status
  // Note other status can be retrieved from RM
  private String applicationId;
  private Float applicationProgress;
  private String applicationTrackingUrl;
  private Long applicationLaunchedTimestamp;
  private Long applicationCompletedTimestamp;
  private Integer applicationExitCode;
  private String applicationExitDiagnostics;
  private ExitType applicationExitType;
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ApplicationSubmissionContext applicationContext = yarnClient.createApplication().getApplicationSubmissionContext();
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     下面开始假设有一个具体的Framework A。

     准备提交上下文后,Framework A 的状态变为APPLICATION_CREATED

     接下来需要填充这个对象,在里面设置更具体的信息,调用方法setupApplicationContext(frameworkStatusSnapshot, applicationContext) 实现。


3. setupApplicationContext(frameworkStatusSnapshot, applicationContext)  (位于xxx.service.Service.java)


   1) 查询statusManager和 requestManager中是否有这个Framework,如果存在,进行下面的资源设置。不存在报warning,返回。

   2) 根据FrameworkDescriptor对象获取Framework的资源申请信息,放到PlatformSpecificParametersDescriptor类型的对象中。这里应该是由用户提交的文件中获取的。其中ResourceDescriptor类中具体描述了CPU、memory、GPU等信息。下面分别是FrameworkDescriptor、PlatformSpecificParametersDescriptor及ResourceDescriptor中的属性:

public class FrameworkDescriptor implements Serializable {
  @Size(max = 512)
  private String description;

  // version change will trigger the whole Framework NonRolling Upgrade
  private Integer version;

  private RetryPolicyDescriptor retryPolicy = new RetryPolicyDescriptor();

  private ParentFrameworkDescriptor parentFramework;

  private UserDescriptor user = UserDescriptor.newInstance();

  private Map<String, TaskRoleDescriptor> taskRoles;

  private PlatformSpecificParametersDescriptor platformSpecificParameters = new PlatformSpecificParametersDescriptor();
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// Computation Platform Specific Parameters
public class PlatformSpecificParametersDescriptor implements Serializable {
  // If you want to use the LauncherConfiguration.amDefaultResource, do not set it or set it to null.
  private ResourceDescriptor amResource;

  private String amNodeLabel;

  private String taskNodeLabel;

  @Pattern(regexp = "^[^\\s]{1,256}$")
  private String taskNodeGpuType;

  private String queue = "default";

  // -1 means unlimit.
  // -2 means using default value: LauncherConfiguration.RMResyncFrequency.
  private Integer containerConnectionMaxLostCount = -2;

  // No unlimit option, since exceed Container must be released eventually.
  private Integer containerConnectionMaxExceedCount = 2;

  // If this feature enabled, different Tasks is ensured to run on different nodes.
  private Boolean antiaffinityAllocation = false;

  // If this feature enabled, all Running Tasks will be killed after any TASK_COMPLETED.
  private Boolean killAllOnAnyCompleted = false;

  // If this feature enabled, all Running Tasks will be killed after any TASK_COMPLETED
  // which is due to the exit of UserService.
  private Boolean killAllOnAnyServiceCompleted = false;

  // If this feature enabled, AM will wait until all Tasks become CONTAINER_ALLOCATED and
  // then Launches them together.
  // Besides, a ContainerIpList file will be generated in each Task's current working directory.
  // All the Tasks' IPAddresses are recorded consistently in this file, and the assigned current
  // Task's IPAddress can be retrieved from its environment variable CONTAINER_IP.
  private Boolean generateContainerIpList = false;

  private AMType amType = AMType.DEFAULT;

  // The following will take effect only if amType is "AGENT".
  // If this feature enabled, Agent will be enabled to send heartbeats to AM.
  private Boolean agentUseHeartbeat = false;

  // The following will take effect only if amType is "AGENT" and AgentUseAgent flag is true.
  // Frameworks should not set agentHeartbeatIntervalSec to be smaller than LauncherStatus.AgentAMCheckAgentHearbeatsIntervalSec
  private Integer agentHeartbeatIntervalSec = 30;

  // This is the value when AgentAM does not receive the heartbeats for this interval, the agent is treated as expired.
  // It should be a value larger than agentHeartbeatIntervalSec.
  private Integer agentExpiryIntervalSec = 180;

  // If this feature enabled, Agent will be enabled to do health checking for user applications.
  private Boolean agentUseHealthCheck = false;
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  private Integer cpuNumber;

  private Integer memoryMB;

  private List<Range> portRanges = new ArrayList<>();

  private DiskType diskType = DiskType.HDD;

  private Integer diskMB = 0;

  private Integer gpuNumber = 0;

  private Long gpuAttribute = 0L;
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    applicationContext.setAttemptFailuresValidityInterval(conf.getAmAttemptFailuresValidityIntervalSec() * 1000);
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applicationContext.setAMContainerSpec(setupContainerLaunchContext(frameworkStatus, frameworkRequest, resource));
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private ContainerLaunchContext setupContainerLaunchContext(
      FrameworkStatus frameworkStatus,
      FrameworkRequest frameworkRequest,
      Resource amResource) throws Exception {
    String frameworkName = frameworkStatus.getFrameworkName();
    AMType amType = frameworkRequest.getFrameworkDescriptor().getPlatformSpecificParameters().getAmType();


    switch (amType) {
      case DEFAULT:
      default: {
        if (amType != AMType.DEFAULT) {
          LOGGER.logWarning("Unsupported AM type: [%s]. Using the default AM instead.", amType);
        return setupContainerLaunchContextForDefaultAM(frameworkStatus, frameworkRequest, amResource);

  private ContainerLaunchContext setupContainerLaunchContextForDefaultAM(
      FrameworkStatus frameworkStatus,
      FrameworkRequest frameworkRequest,
      Resource amResource) throws Exception {
    String frameworkName = frameworkStatus.getFrameworkName();
    Integer frameworkVersion = frameworkStatus.getFrameworkVersion();
    UserDescriptor loggedInUser = statusManager.getLoggedInUser();

    // SetupLocalResources
    Map<String, LocalResource> localResources = new HashMap<>();
    HadoopUtils.addToLocalResources(localResources, hdfsStore.uploadAMPackageFile(frameworkName));

    // SetupLocalEnvironment
    Map<String, String> localEnvs = new HashMap<>();

    // Internal class is preferred over external class
    localEnvs.put(ApplicationConstants.Environment.CLASSPATH_PREPEND_DISTCACHE.name(), "true");
    StringBuilder classpath = new StringBuilder("*");
    for (String c : yarnConf.getStrings(
    localEnvs.put(GlobalConstants.ENV_VAR_CLASSPATH, classpath.toString());

    // Use the user for LauncherAM the same as LauncherService, since they are all Launcher executables.
    localEnvs.put(GlobalConstants.ENV_VAR_HADOOP_USER_NAME, loggedInUser.getName());

    localEnvs.put(GlobalConstants.ENV_VAR_FRAMEWORK_NAME, frameworkName);
    localEnvs.put(GlobalConstants.ENV_VAR_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, frameworkVersion.toString());

    localEnvs.put(GlobalConstants.ENV_VAR_ZK_CONNECT_STRING, conf.getZkConnectString());
    localEnvs.put(GlobalConstants.ENV_VAR_ZK_ROOT_DIR, conf.getZkRootDir());
    localEnvs.put(GlobalConstants.ENV_VAR_ZK_COMPRESSION_ENABLE, conf.getZkCompressionEnable().toString());
    localEnvs.put(GlobalConstants.ENV_VAR_AM_VERSION, conf.getAmVersion().toString());
    localEnvs.put(GlobalConstants.ENV_VAR_AM_RM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_SEC, conf.getAmRmHeartbeatIntervalSec().toString());

    // SetupEntryPoint
    Vector<CharSequence> vargs = new Vector<>(30);
    vargs.add(ApplicationConstants.Environment.JAVA_HOME.$$() + "/bin/java");
    vargs.add("-Xmx" + amResource.getMemory() + "m");
        "1>%1$sstdout 2>%1$sstderr",
        ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR + File.separator));

    StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder();
    for (CharSequence str : vargs) {
      command.append(str).append(" ");
    List<String> commands = new ArrayList<>();

    // SetupSecurityTokens
    ByteBuffer fsTokens = null;
    if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
      // Note: Credentials class is marked as LimitedPrivate for HDFS and MapReduce
      Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
      String tokenRenewer = yarnConf.get(YarnConfiguration.RM_PRINCIPAL);
      FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(yarnConf);
      if (tokenRenewer == null || tokenRenewer.length() == 0) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Can't get Master Kerberos principal for the RM to use as renewer");

      // For now, only getting tokens for the default file-system.
      final org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token<?> tokens[] =
          fs.addDelegationTokens(tokenRenewer, credentials);
      if (tokens != null) {
        for (org.apache.hadoop.security.token.Token<?> token : tokens) {
          LOGGER.logInfo("Got dt for " + fs.getUri() + "; " + token);
      DataOutputBuffer dob = new DataOutputBuffer();
      fsTokens = ByteBuffer.wrap(dob.getData(), 0, dob.getLength());

    return ContainerLaunchContext.newInstance(
        localResources, localEnvs, commands, null, fsTokens, null);
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      所有内容设置完毕后,将运行任务launchApplication(frameworkStatus, applicationContext) 加入队列中。

transitionFrameworkStateQueue.queueSystemTask(() -> {
      launchApplication(frameworkStatus, applicationContext);
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     这时,Framework A的状态变为了APPLICATION_LAUNCHED


4. launchApplication(frameworkStatus, applicationContext)  (位于xxx.service.Service.java)




public static void submitApplication(
      ApplicationSubmissionContext appContext, UserDescriptor user) throws Throwable {
    UserGroupInformation ugi =
    // Need to start a new YarnClient for a new UGI, since its internal Hadoop RPC
    // reuse the UGI after YarnClient.start().
    try {
      ugi.doAs((PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>) () -> {
        YarnClient yarnClient = YarnClient.createYarnClient();
        return null;
    } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) {
      throw e.getCause();
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