webp是image组件的一个boolean属性,开启这个属性之后,代表url可以设置webp这种格式的图片。 webP是一种同时提供了有损压缩与无损压缩的,并且是可逆的图片压缩的这种文件格式,这种文件 格式是由谷歌推出的。 image组件模式是不解析 webP这种图片格式的,它只支持网络图片资源,只有开启了webp属性之后, 才可以解析 webP这种图片网址。 那么我们为什么要使用 webP这种图片格式呢?它有什么优势呢? webP的优势体现在它具有更优的图像数据压缩算法,能带来更小的图片体积,并且拥有肉眼识别无差异的图像质量, 同时它还提供了无损以及有损这两种图片压缩模式,还提供了alpha透明,以及动画的特性,对JPEG 、PNG等这些图片格式 的转化都有支持。并且转化的效果都是相当优秀的。 webP既可以替代JPEG、PNG这些静态的图片,它也可以替代GIF这种动态图片。 转化 webP的格式的方法 智图:https://zhitu.isux.us/ 在线转化网址 将普通的JPEG、GIF、PNG的图片,转化成一个 webP的格式 转化后的webP格式的图片,直接可以用谷歌浏览器打开
刚进入页面不进行任何操作 – 33个请求
并且image组件提供的图片懒加载功能,它只支持针对 page 与 scroll-view 下面的image组件有效
刚进入页面不进行任何操作 – 11个请求
从效果上看,mina-lazy-image 自定义图片懒加载组件,它的确是优于image组件。 主要原理是,使用一个wx.createIntersectionObserver这个接口, 使用接口创建了一个IntersectionObserver的实例, IntersectionObserver交叉监测,用这个实例去判断图片是否出现在用户的视图窗口中, 如果出现了,再进行加载。 这个实例有4个方法: relativeTo(string selector,Object margins) 使用选择器指定一个组件节点作为参照区域 这个选择器可以是id选择器,也可以是类选择器 relativeToViewport(Object margins) 它指定页面的视图显示区域,作为交叉判断的参照区域 第二个方法和第一个方法的区别,在于它指定参考的对象是不一样的, 参数是一个对象,这个对象描述视图窗口的边界,共有四个字段 left number 区域左边界 right number 区域右边界 top number 区域上边界 bottom number 区域下边界 4个参数可以不全部指定 observe(string targetSelector,callback) 用选择器指定目标节点,并且开始监听交叉状态的一个变化情况 变化情况会在callback回调函数中去返回 disconnect() 监听完成,要停止监听
<view class="lazy-image-comp image-container-class">
<!-- src 高清图 -->
<image wx:if="{{showed}}" style="{{styles}}" class="final-image image-class" src="{{src}}" mode="{{mode}}" webp="{{webp}}" show-menu-by-longpress="{{showMenuByLongpress}}" bindload="onLoad" binderror="onError" />
<!-- placeholder 缩略图 -->
<image wx:else="{{placeholder}}" style="{{styles}}" src="{{placeholder}}" mode="{{mode}}" webp="{{webp}}" class="preview-image image-class" />
module.exports = /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ i: moduleId, /******/ l: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.l = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter }); /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // create a fake namespace object /******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it /******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns /******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object /******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require /******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) { /******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value); /******/ if(mode & 8) return value; /******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value; /******/ var ns = Object.create(null); /******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns); /******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value }); /******/ if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key)); /******/ return ns; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // 是否支持新接口 // 使用连个!,可以将undefined以及null这样的值,快速安全的转化为一个boolean值 var supportObserver = !!wx.createIntersectionObserver; // 组件 Component({ data: { showed: false, errorImage: '' }, externalClasses: ['image-class', 'image-container-class'], // ready 在组件在视图层布局完成后执行 ready: function ready() { this.addObserver(); }, // detached 在组件实例被从页面节点树移除时执行 detached: function detached() { this.clean(); }, // 属性对象 properties: { src: { type: String, value: '' }, placeholder: { type: String, value: '' }, mode: { type: String, value: 'scaleToFill' }, webp: { type: Boolean, value: false }, showMenuByLongpress: { type: Boolean, value: false }, styles: { type: String, value: '' }, viewport: { type: Object, value: { bottom: 0 } } }, methods: { clean: function clean() { if (this.observer) { // disconnect 移除监听 提高代码的运行效率 // 再不需要监听的时候,及时将监听断掉 this.observer.disconnect(); } this.observer = null; }, onError: function onError(e) { this.triggerEvent('error', { detail: e.detail }); }, onLoad: function onLoad(e) { this.triggerEvent('load', { detail: e.detail }); }, addObserver: function addObserver() { var _this = this; // 是否支持新接口 if (!supportObserver) { return this.setData({ showed: true }); } // 如果observer对象已经创建,就返回不要重复创建 // 滚动的之后,可能会上下来回滚动,来回进入视图区域,所以这个时候我们要避免重复的去创建 if (this.observer) { return false; } try { /* 创建IntersectionObserver实例 组件内 this.createIntersectionObserver(); 组件外 wx.createIntersectionObserver(); */ var observer = this.createIntersectionObserver(); /* relativeToViewport 将参考区域绑定到 bottom: 0 的视图窗口上面 viewport 组件的属性对象里面定义的一个属性值 properties: { viewport: { type: Object, value: { bottom: 0 } } }, bottom: 0 从页面的底部算起 observe 开始监听 .lazy-image-comp 是自定义组件的一个顶层样式名称 选择器,回调函数 */ observer.relativeToViewport(this.properties.viewport).observe('.lazy-image-comp', function () { // 将showed 设置为true _this.setData({ showed: true }); // 清理 _this.clean(); }); this.observer = observer; return true; } catch (e) { this.setData({ showed: true }); return false; } } } }); /***/ }) /******/ ]);
"component": true,
"usingComponents": {}
@keyframes animateShow { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } .lazy-image-comp .final-image { animation: 0.5s animateShow forwards; } .lazy-image-comp .preview-image { background-color: #eee; width: 100%; }
image控件拉取图片的本质,是使用wx.downloadFile这个接口加载图片的资源, 当加载以后,把加载的图像再绘制出来,这是它本身的一个实现机制。 很多时候是由于图片的格式不规范,例如线上的SSL证书有问题, 或者文件描述信息例如content-type、length等信息不标准不完整, 还有可能是服务器发生了302跳转,等等这些原因,导致图片拉取不成功 看到的现象就是图片没有显示出来 有时候网络不好,加载超时了,图片也不会显示。 并不是因为这个图片它不可以访问, 同样的图片我们用谷歌浏览器或者其他浏览器去加载,可能就是显示的。 对于网络不好这种情况,我们可以使用image组件的binderror这个事件属性去处理, 监听err事件,当监听到错误以后,我们重新给src属性赋值,一般通过这种方法可以解决, 网络不好加载不出来不显示的问题。 302错误,我们浏览网页的时候,浏览器其实是不断的向服务器发出请求,并且不断的接到服务器的应答, 从而决定下一步去做什么事情,这个应答其实就是状态码,在HTTP协议里面状态码是三位数字, 这个状态码分为5类,分别以1、2、3、4、5这五个数字开头的三个数字, 其中302它是服务器返回的一个HTTP状态码,前端想加载A页面,因为网站改版现在不存在了,取而代之的是B页面, 这个时候服务器就可以返回一个302状态码,同时再返回一个B页面的地址,浏览器看到这个状态码和这个地址的时候, 它就会自动的去跳到新的B页面上去。这个就是服务器的302的页面跳转。 涉及到页面跳转的HTTP状态码一共是两个,除了302还有301,这两者都是页面重定向的, 不同的地方在于, 301它是页面永久的转移到了新地址, 302它是请求的网页临时转移到了新网址 我们在微博上经常会看到短链接,其实这种短链接,它就是利用了服务器端的302跳转去实现的, 虽然短链接它有跳转,但是经过测试我们发现目前小程序的image组件也是支持短链接的, 如果给src属性设置一个短链接的图片网址的话,它也是可以加载并且显示的。 微信团队肯定是在内部做了处理的。
<view class="page-section">
<text class="page-section__title">三种mode</text>
<text class="page-section__title">scaleToFill</text>
<image style="width:300px;height:300px;" mode="scaleToFill"
<text class="page-section__title">aspectFit</text>
<image style="width:300px;height:300px;background-color:#b2b2b2;" mode="aspectFit"
<text class="page-section__title">aspectFill</text>
<image style="width:300px;height:300px;" mode="aspectFill"
scaleToFill 变形
缩放模式,不保持纵横比缩放图片,使图片的宽高完全拉伸至填满 image 元素
aspectFit 上下有灰边
aspectFill 被截取
最好不用 mode 实现,由wxss样式来实现
<!-- 背景图 -->
<view class="container">
/* 背景图样式 */ .container { /* 1.新建一个750*1334这样一个大小的背景图片, 并且把分辨率设置为72, */ position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color:azure; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: -1; /* z-index: -1; 在所有组件下面*/ } /* 伪元素 */ .container::after { content: ""; background: url(https://res.wx.qq.com/wxdoc/dist/assets/img/0.4cb08bb4.jpg) no-repeat center center; background-size: cover; /*、 background-size: cover; 和 aspectFit 效果类似 , 保持纵横比例缩放图片, 并且在短边上保持图片是完整的 在另一边是不完整的,有图片是有裁剪的 */ opacity: 0.5; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; position: absolute; }
<view class="page-section">
<text class="page-section__title">图片裁剪</text>
<image-cropper id="image-cropper" limit_move="{{true}}" disable_rotate="{{true}}" width="{{width}}" height="{{height}}" imgSrc="{{src}}" bindload="cropperload" bindimageload="loadimage" bindtapcut="clickcut"></image-cropper>
Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { src: '', width: 250, //宽度 height: 250, //高度 }, startCuting() { //获取到image-cropper对象 this.cropper = this.selectComponent("#image-cropper"); //开始裁剪 this.setData({ src: "https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0/2020/jpeg/1252071/1590847767698-f511e86d-f183-4f75-a04d-1b99cd9f0bd7.jpeg", }); wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中' }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { this.startCuting() }, cropperload(e) { console.log("cropper初始化完成"); }, loadimage(e) { console.log("图片加载完成", e.detail); wx.hideLoading(); //重置图片角度、缩放、位置 this.cropper.imgReset(); }, clickcut(e) { console.log(e.detail); console.log(e.detail.url) //点击裁剪框阅览图片 wx.previewImage({ current: e.detail.url, // 当前显示图片的http链接 urls: [e.detail.url] // 需要预览的图片http链接列表 }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { } })
"usingComponents": {
"image-cropper": "../../components/image-cropper/index"
<view class='image-cropper' catchtouchmove='_preventTouchMove'> <view class='main' bindtouchend="_cutTouchEnd" bindtouchstart="_cutTouchStart" bindtouchmove="_cutTouchMove" bindtap="_click"> <view class='content'> <view class='content_top bg_gray {{_flag_bright?"":"bg_black"}}' style="height:{{cut_top}}px;transition-property:{{_cut_animation?'':'background'}}"></view> <view class='content_middle' style="height:{{height}}px;"> <view class='content_middle_left bg_gray {{_flag_bright?"":"bg_black"}}' style="width:{{cut_left}}px;transition-property:{{_cut_animation?'':'background'}}"></view> <view class='content_middle_middle' style="width:{{width}}px;height:{{height}}px;transition-duration: .3s;transition-property:{{_cut_animation?'':'background'}};"> <view class="border border-top-left"></view> <view class="border border-top-right"></view> <view class="border border-right-top"></view> <view class="border border-right-bottom"></view> <view class="border border-bottom-right"></view> <view class="border border-bottom-left"></view> <view class="border border-left-bottom"></view> <view class="border border-left-top"></view> </view> <view class='content_middle_right bg_gray {{_flag_bright?"":"bg_black"}}' style="transition-property:{{_cut_animation?'':'background'}}"></view> </view> <view class='content_bottom bg_gray {{_flag_bright?"":"bg_black"}}' style="transition-property:{{_cut_animation?'':'background'}}"></view> </view> <image bindload="imageLoad" bindtouchstart="_start" bindtouchmove="_move" bindtouchend="_end" style="width:{{img_width ? img_width + 'px' : 'auto'}};height:{{img_height ? img_height + 'px' : 'auto'}};transform:translate3d({{_img_left-img_width/2}}px,{{_img_top-img_height/2}}px,0) scale({{scale}}) rotate({{angle}}deg);transition-duration:{{_cut_animation?.4:0}}s;" class='img' src='{{imgSrc}}'></image> </view> <canvas canvas-id='image-cropper' disable-scroll="true" style="width:{{_canvas_width * export_scale}}px;height:{{_canvas_height * export_scale}}px;left:{{canvas_left}}px;top:{{canvas_top}}px" class='image-cropper-canvas'></canvas> </view>
Component({ properties: { /** * 图片路径 */ 'imgSrc': { type: String }, /** * 裁剪框高度 */ 'height': { type: Number, value: 200 }, /** * 裁剪框宽度 */ 'width': { type: Number, value: 200 }, /** * 裁剪框最小尺寸 */ 'min_width': { type: Number, value: 100 }, 'min_height': { type: Number, value: 100 }, /** * 裁剪框最大尺寸 */ 'max_width': { type: Number, value: 300 }, 'max_height': { type: Number, value: 300 }, /** * 裁剪框禁止拖动 */ 'disable_width': { type: Boolean, value: false }, 'disable_height': { type: Boolean, value: false }, /** * 锁定裁剪框比例 */ 'disable_ratio':{ type: Boolean, value: false }, /** * 生成的图片尺寸相对剪裁框的比例 */ 'export_scale': { type: Number, value: 3 }, /** * 生成的图片质量0-1 */ 'quality': { type: Number, value: 1 }, 'cut_top': { type: Number, value: null }, 'cut_left': { type: Number, value: null }, /** * canvas上边距(不设置默认不显示) */ 'canvas_top': { type: Number, value: null }, /** * canvas左边距(不设置默认不显示) */ 'canvas_left': { type: Number, value: null }, /** * 图片宽度 */ 'img_width': { type: null, value: null }, /** * 图片高度 */ 'img_height': { type: null, value: null }, /** * 图片缩放比 */ 'scale': { type: Number, value: 1 }, /** * 图片旋转角度 */ 'angle': { type: Number, value: 0 }, /** * 最小缩放比 */ 'min_scale': { type: Number, value: 0.5 }, /** * 最大缩放比 */ 'max_scale': { type: Number, value: 2 }, /** * 是否禁用旋转 */ 'disable_rotate': { type: Boolean, value: false }, /** * 是否限制移动范围(剪裁框只能在图片内) */ 'limit_move':{ type: Boolean, value: false } }, data: { el: 'image-cropper', //暂时无用 info: wx.getSystemInfoSync(), MOVE_THROTTLE:null,//触摸移动节流settimeout MOVE_THROTTLE_FLAG: true,//节流标识 INIT_IMGWIDTH: 0, //图片设置尺寸,此值不变(记录最初设定的尺寸) INIT_IMGHEIGHT: 0, //图片设置尺寸,此值不变(记录最初设定的尺寸) TIME_BG: null,//背景变暗延时函数 TIME_CUT_CENTER:null, _touch_img_relative: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }], //鼠标和图片中心的相对位置 _flag_cut_touch:false,//是否是拖动裁剪框 _hypotenuse_length: 0, //双指触摸时斜边长度 _flag_img_endtouch: false, //是否结束触摸 _flag_bright: true, //背景是否亮 _canvas_overflow:true,//canvas缩略图是否在屏幕外面 _canvas_width:200, _canvas_height:200, origin_x: 0.5, //图片旋转中心 origin_y: 0.5, //图片旋转中心 _cut_animation: false,//是否开启图片和裁剪框过渡 _img_top: wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight / 2, //图片上边距 _img_left: wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth / 2, //图片左边距 watch: { //监听截取框宽高变化 width(value, that) { if (value < that.data.min_width){ that.setData({ width: that.data.min_width }); } that._computeCutSize(); }, height(value, that) { if (value < that.data.min_height) { that.setData({ height: that.data.min_height }); } that._computeCutSize(); }, angle(value, that){ //停止居中裁剪框,继续修改图片位置 that._moveStop(); if(that.data.limit_move){ if (that.data.angle % 90) { that.setData({ angle: Math.round(that.data.angle / 90) * 90 }); return; } } }, _cut_animation(value, that){ //开启过渡300毫秒之后自动关闭 clearTimeout(that.data._cut_animation_time); if (value){ that.data._cut_animation_time = setTimeout(()=>{ that.setData({ _cut_animation:false }); },300) } }, limit_move(value, that){ if (value) { if (that.data.angle%90){ that.setData({ angle: Math.round(that.data.angle / 90)*90 }); } that._imgMarginDetectionScale(); !that.data._canvas_overflow && that._draw(); } }, canvas_top(value, that){ that._canvasDetectionPosition(); }, canvas_left(value, that){ that._canvasDetectionPosition(); }, imgSrc(value, that){ that.pushImg(); }, cut_top(value, that) { that._cutDetectionPosition(); if (that.data.limit_move) { !that.data._canvas_overflow && that._draw(); } }, cut_left(value, that) { that._cutDetectionPosition(); if (that.data.limit_move) { !that.data._canvas_overflow && that._draw(); } } } }, attached() { this.data.info = wx.getSystemInfoSync(); //启用数据监听 this._watcher(); this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH = this.data.img_width; this.data.INIT_IMGHEIGHT = this.data.img_height; this.setData({ _canvas_height: this.data.height, _canvas_width: this.data.width, }); this._initCanvas(); this.data.imgSrc && (this.data.imgSrc = this.data.imgSrc); //根据开发者设置的图片目标尺寸计算实际尺寸 this._initImageSize(); //设置裁剪框大小>设置图片尺寸>绘制canvas this._computeCutSize(); //检查裁剪框是否在范围内 this._cutDetectionPosition(); //检查canvas是否在范围内 this._canvasDetectionPosition(); //初始化完成 this.triggerEvent('load', { cropper: this }); }, methods: { /** * 上传图片 */ upload() { let that = this; wx.chooseImage({ count: 1, sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success(res) { const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths[0]; that.pushImg(tempFilePaths); wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中...' }) } }) }, /** * 返回图片信息 拉取图片信息 */ getImg(getCallback) { this._draw(()=>{ wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ width: this.data.width * this.data.export_scale, height: Math.round(this.data.height * this.data.export_scale), destWidth: this.data.width * this.data.export_scale, destHeight: Math.round(this.data.height) * this.data.export_scale, fileType: 'png', quality: this.data.quality, canvasId: this.data.el, success: (res) => { getCallback({ url: res.tempFilePath, width: this.data.width * this.data.export_scale, height: this.data.height * this.data.export_scale }); } }, this) }); }, /** * 设置图片动画 * { * x:10,//图片在原有基础上向下移动10px * y:10,//图片在原有基础上向右移动10px * angle:10,//图片在原有基础上旋转10deg * scale:0.5,//图片在原有基础上增加0.5倍 * } */ setTransform(transform) { if (!transform) return; if (!this.data.disable_rotate){ this.setData({ angle: transform.angle ? this.data.angle + transform.angle : this.data.angle }); } var scale = this.data.scale; if (transform.scale) { scale = this.data.scale + transform.scale; scale = scale <= this.data.min_scale ? this.data.min_scale : scale; scale = scale >= this.data.max_scale ? this.data.max_scale : scale; } this.data.scale = scale; let cutX = this.data.cut_left; let cutY = this.data.cut_top; if (transform.cutX){ this.setData({ cut_left: cutX + transform.cutX }); this.data.watch.cut_left(null, this); } if (transform.cutY){ this.setData({ cut_top: cutY + transform.cutY }); this.data.watch.cut_top(null, this); } this.data._img_top = transform.y ? this.data._img_top + transform.y : this.data._img_top; this.data._img_left = transform.x ? this.data._img_left + transform.x : this.data._img_left; //图像边缘检测,防止截取到空白 this._imgMarginDetectionScale(); //停止居中裁剪框,继续修改图片位置 this._moveDuring(); this.setData({ scale: this.data.scale, _img_top: this.data._img_top, _img_left: this.data._img_left }); !this.data._canvas_overflow && this._draw(); //可以居中裁剪框了 this._moveStop();//结束操作 }, /** * 设置剪裁框位置 */ setCutXY(x,y){ this.setData({ cut_top: y, cut_left:x }); }, /** * 设置剪裁框尺寸 */ setCutSize(w,h){ this.setData({ width: w, height:h }); this._computeCutSize(); }, /** * 设置剪裁框和图片居中 */ setCutCenter() { let cut_top = (this.data.info.windowHeight - this.data.height) * 0.5; let cut_left = (this.data.info.windowWidth - this.data.width) * 0.5; //顺序不能变 this.setData({ _img_top: this.data._img_top - this.data.cut_top + cut_top, cut_top: cut_top, //截取的框上边距 _img_left: this.data._img_left - this.data.cut_left + cut_left, cut_left: cut_left, //截取的框左边距 }); }, _setCutCenter(){ let cut_top = (this.data.info.windowHeight - this.data.height) * 0.5; let cut_left = (this.data.info.windowWidth - this.data.width) * 0.5; this.setData({ cut_top: cut_top, //截取的框上边距 cut_left: cut_left, //截取的框左边距 }); }, /** * 设置剪裁框宽度-即将废弃 */ setWidth(width) { this.setData({ width: width }); this._computeCutSize(); }, /** * 设置剪裁框高度-即将废弃 */ setHeight(height) { this.setData({ height: height }); this._computeCutSize(); }, /** * 是否锁定旋转 */ setDisableRotate(value){ this.data.disable_rotate = value; }, /** * 是否限制移动 */ setLimitMove(value){ this.setData({ _cut_animation: true, limit_move: !!value }); }, /** * 初始化图片,包括位置、大小、旋转角度 */ imgReset() { this.setData({ scale: 1, angle: 0, _img_top: wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight / 2, _img_left: wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth / 2, }) }, /** * 加载(更换)图片 */ pushImg(src) { if (src) { this.setData({ imgSrc: src }); //发现是手动赋值直接返回,交给watch处理 return; } // getImageInfo接口传入 src: '' 会导致内存泄漏 if (!this.data.imgSrc) return; wx.getImageInfo({ src: this.data.imgSrc, success: (res) => { this.data.imageObject = res; //图片非本地路径需要换成本地路径 if (this.data.imgSrc.search(/tmp/) == -1){ this.setData({ imgSrc: res.path }); } //计算最后图片尺寸 this._imgComputeSize(); if (this.data.limit_move) { //限制移动,不留空白处理 this._imgMarginDetectionScale(); } this._draw(); }, fail: (err) => { this.setData({ imgSrc: '' }); } }); }, imageLoad(e){ setTimeout(()=>{ this.triggerEvent('imageload', this.data.imageObject); },1000) }, /** * 设置图片放大缩小 */ setScale(scale) { if (!scale) return; this.setData({ scale: scale }); !this.data._canvas_overflow && this._draw(); }, /** * 设置图片旋转角度 */ setAngle(angle) { if (!angle) return; this.setData({ _cut_animation: true, angle: angle }); this._imgMarginDetectionScale(); !this.data._canvas_overflow && this._draw(); }, _initCanvas() { //初始化canvas if (!this.data.ctx){ this.data.ctx = wx.createCanvasContext("image-cropper", this); } }, /** * 根据开发者设置的图片目标尺寸计算实际尺寸 */ _initImageSize(){ //处理宽高特殊单位 %>px if (this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH && typeof this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH == "string" && this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH.indexOf("%") != -1) { let width = this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH.replace("%", ""); this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH = this.data.img_width = this.data.info.windowWidth / 100 * width; } if (this.data.INIT_IMGHEIGHT && typeof this.data.INIT_IMGHEIGHT == "string" && this.data.INIT_IMGHEIGHT.indexOf("%") != -1) { let height = this.data.img_height.replace("%", ""); this.data.INIT_IMGHEIGHT = this.data.img_height = this.data.info.windowHeight / 100 * height; } }, /** * 检测剪裁框位置是否在允许的范围内(屏幕内) */ _cutDetectionPosition(){ let _cutDetectionPositionTop = () => { //检测上边距是否在范围内 if (this.data.cut_top < 0) { this.setData({ cut_top: 0 }); } if (this.data.cut_top > this.data.info.windowHeight - this.data.height) { this.setData({ cut_top: this.data.info.windowHeight - this.data.height }); } }, _cutDetectionPositionLeft = () => { //检测左边距是否在范围内 if (this.data.cut_left < 0) { this.setData({ cut_left: 0 }); } if (this.data.cut_left > this.data.info.windowWidth - this.data.width) { this.setData({ cut_left: this.data.info.windowWidth - this.data.width }); } }; //裁剪框坐标处理(如果只写一个参数则另一个默认为0,都不写默认居中) if (this.data.cut_top == null && this.data.cut_left == null) { this._setCutCenter(); } else if (this.data.cut_top != null && this.data.cut_left != null){ _cutDetectionPositionTop(); _cutDetectionPositionLeft(); } else if (this.data.cut_top != null && this.data.cut_left == null) { _cutDetectionPositionTop(); this.setData({ cut_left: (this.data.info.windowWidth - this.data.width) / 2 }); } else if (this.data.cut_top == null && this.data.cut_left != null) { _cutDetectionPositionLeft(); this.setData({ cut_top: (this.data.info.windowHeight - this.data.height) / 2 }); } }, /** * 检测canvas位置是否在允许的范围内(屏幕内)如果在屏幕外则不开启实时渲染 * 如果只写一个参数则另一个默认为0,都不写默认超出屏幕外 */ _canvasDetectionPosition(){ if(this.data.canvas_top == null && this.data.canvas_left == null) { this.data._canvas_overflow = false; this.setData({ canvas_top: -5000, canvas_left: -5000 }); }else if(this.data.canvas_top != null && this.data.canvas_left != null) { if (this.data.canvas_top < - this.data.height || this.data.canvas_top > this.data.info.windowHeight) { this.data._canvas_overflow = true; } else { this.data._canvas_overflow = false; } }else if(this.data.canvas_top != null && this.data.canvas_left == null) { this.setData({ canvas_left: 0 }); } else if (this.data.canvas_top == null && this.data.canvas_left != null) { this.setData({ canvas_top: 0 }); if (this.data.canvas_left < -this.data.width || this.data.canvas_left > this.data.info.windowWidth) { this.data._canvas_overflow = true; } else { this.data._canvas_overflow = false; } } }, /** * 图片边缘检测-位置 */ _imgMarginDetectionPosition(scale) { if (!this.data.limit_move) return; let left = this.data._img_left; let top = this.data._img_top; var scale = scale || this.data.scale; let img_width = this.data.img_width; let img_height = this.data.img_height; if (this.data.angle / 90 % 2) { img_width = this.data.img_height; img_height = this.data.img_width; } left = this.data.cut_left + img_width * scale / 2 >= left ? left : this.data.cut_left + img_width * scale / 2; left = this.data.cut_left + this.data.width - img_width * scale / 2 <= left ? left : this.data.cut_left + this.data.width - img_width * scale / 2; top = this.data.cut_top + img_height * scale / 2 >= top ? top : this.data.cut_top + img_height * scale / 2; top = this.data.cut_top + this.data.height - img_height * scale / 2 <= top ? top : this.data.cut_top + this.data.height - img_height * scale / 2; this.setData({ _img_left: left, _img_top: top, scale: scale }) }, /** * 图片边缘检测-缩放 */ _imgMarginDetectionScale(){ if (!this.data.limit_move)return; let scale = this.data.scale; let img_width = this.data.img_width; let img_height = this.data.img_height; if (this.data.angle / 90 % 2) { img_width = this.data.img_height; img_height = this.data.img_width; } if (img_width * scale < this.data.width){ scale = this.data.width / img_width; } if (img_height * scale < this.data.height) { scale = Math.max(scale,this.data.height / img_height); } this._imgMarginDetectionPosition(scale); }, _setData(obj) { let data = {}; for (var key in obj) { if (this.data[key] != obj[key]){ data[key] = obj[key]; } } this.setData(data); return data; }, /** * 计算图片尺寸 */ _imgComputeSize() { let img_width = this.data.img_width, img_height = this.data.img_height; if (!this.data.INIT_IMGHEIGHT && !this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH) { //默认按图片最小边 = 对应裁剪框尺寸 img_width = this.data.imageObject.width; img_height = this.data.imageObject.height; if (img_width / img_height > this.data.width / this.data.height){ img_height = this.data.height; img_width = this.data.imageObject.width / this.data.imageObject.height * img_height; }else{ img_width = this.data.width; img_height = this.data.imageObject.height / this.data.imageObject.width * img_width; } } else if (this.data.INIT_IMGHEIGHT && !this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH) { img_width = this.data.imageObject.width / this.data.imageObject.height * this.data.INIT_IMGHEIGHT; } else if (!this.data.INIT_IMGHEIGHT && this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH) { img_height = this.data.imageObject.height / this.data.imageObject.width * this.data.INIT_IMGWIDTH; } this.setData({ img_width: img_width, img_height: img_height }); }, //改变截取框大小 _computeCutSize() { if (this.data.width > this.data.info.windowWidth) { this.setData({ width: this.data.info.windowWidth, }); } else if (this.data.width + this.data.cut_left > this.data.info.windowWidth){ this.setData({ cut_left: this.data.info.windowWidth - this.data.cut_left, }); }; if (this.data.height > this.data.info.windowHeight) { this.setData({ height: this.data.info.windowHeight, }); } else if (this.data.height + this.data.cut_top > this.data.info.windowHeight){ this.setData({ cut_top: this.data.info.windowHeight - this.data.cut_top, }); } !this.data._canvas_overflow && this._draw(); }, //开始触摸 _start(event) { this.data._flag_img_endtouch = false; if (event.touches.length == 1) { //单指拖动 this.data._touch_img_relative[0] = { x: (event.touches[0].clientX - this.data._img_left), y: (event.touches[0].clientY - this.data._img_top) } } else { //双指放大 let width = Math.abs(event.touches[0].clientX - event.touches[1].clientX); let height = Math.abs(event.touches[0].clientY - event.touches[1].clientY); this.data._touch_img_relative = [{ x: (event.touches[0].clientX - this.data._img_left), y: (event.touches[0].clientY - this.data._img_top) }, { x: (event.touches[1].clientX - this.data._img_left), y: (event.touches[1].clientY - this.data._img_top) }]; this.data._hypotenuse_length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2)); } !this.data._canvas_overflow && this._draw(); }, _move_throttle(){ //安卓需要节流 if (this.data.info.platform =='android'){ clearTimeout(this.data.MOVE_THROTTLE); this.data.MOVE_THROTTLE = setTimeout(() => { this.data.MOVE_THROTTLE_FLAG = true; }, 1000 / 40) return this.data.MOVE_THROTTLE_FLAG; }else{ this.data.MOVE_THROTTLE_FLAG = true; } }, _move(event) { if (this.data._flag_img_endtouch || !this.data.MOVE_THROTTLE_FLAG) return; this.data.MOVE_THROTTLE_FLAG = false; this._move_throttle(); this._moveDuring(); if (event.touches.length == 1) { //单指拖动 let left = (event.touches[0].clientX - this.data._touch_img_relative[0].x), top = (event.touches[0].clientY - this.data._touch_img_relative[0].y); //图像边缘检测,防止截取到空白 this.data._img_left = left; this.data._img_top = top; this._imgMarginDetectionPosition(); this.setData({ _img_left: this.data._img_left, _img_top: this.data._img_top }); } else { //双指放大 let width = (Math.abs(event.touches[0].clientX - event.touches[1].clientX)), height = (Math.abs(event.touches[0].clientY - event.touches[1].clientY)), hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2)), scale = this.data.scale * (hypotenuse / this.data._hypotenuse_length), current_deg = 0; scale = scale <= this.data.min_scale ? this.data.min_scale : scale; scale = scale >= this.data.max_scale ? this.data.max_scale : scale; //图像边缘检测,防止截取到空白 this.data.scale = scale; this._imgMarginDetectionScale(); //双指旋转(如果没禁用旋转) let _touch_img_relative = [{ x: (event.touches[0].clientX - this.data._img_left), y: (event.touches[0].clientY - this.data._img_top) }, { x: (event.touches[1].clientX - this.data._img_left), y: (event.touches[1].clientY - this.data._img_top) }]; if (!this.data.disable_rotate){ let first_atan = 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(_touch_img_relative[0].y, _touch_img_relative[0].x); let first_atan_old = 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(this.data._touch_img_relative[0].y, this.data._touch_img_relative[0].x); let second_atan = 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(_touch_img_relative[1].y, _touch_img_relative[1].x); let second_atan_old = 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(this.data._touch_img_relative[1].y, this.data._touch_img_relative[1].x); //当前旋转的角度 let first_deg = first_atan - first_atan_old, second_deg = second_atan - second_atan_old; if (first_deg != 0) { current_deg = first_deg; } else if (second_deg != 0) { current_deg = second_deg; } } this.data._touch_img_relative = _touch_img_relative; this.data._hypotenuse_length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2)); //更新视图 this.setData({ angle: this.data.angle + current_deg, scale: this.data.scale }); } !this.data._canvas_overflow && this._draw(); }, //结束操作 _end(event) { this.data._flag_img_endtouch = true; this._moveStop(); }, //点击中间剪裁框处理 _click(event) { if (!this.data.imgSrc) { //调起上传 this.upload(); return; } this._draw(()=>{ let x = event.detail ? event.detail.x : event.touches[0].clientX; let y = event.detail ? event.detail.y : event.touches[0].clientY; if ((x >= this.data.cut_left && x <= (this.data.cut_left + this.data.width)) && (y >= this.data.cut_top && y <= (this.data.cut_top + this.data.height))) { //生成图片并回调 // wx.canvasToTempFilePath 生成临时图片 wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ width: this.data.width * this.data.export_scale, height: Math.round(this.data.height * this.data.export_scale), destWidth: this.data.width * this.data.export_scale, destHeight: Math.round(this.data.height) * this.data.export_scale, fileType: 'png', quality: this.data.quality, canvasId: this.data.el, success: (res) => { // 派发 tapcut 事件 this.triggerEvent('tapcut', { url: res.tempFilePath, //临时url地址 width: this.data.width * this.data.export_scale, height: this.data.height * this.data.export_scale }); } }, this) } }); }, //渲染 _draw(callback) { if (!this.data.imgSrc) return; let draw = () => { //图片实际大小 let img_width = this.data.img_width * this.data.scale * this.data.export_scale; let img_height = this.data.img_height * this.data.scale * this.data.export_scale; //canvas和图片的相对距离 var xpos = this.data._img_left - this.data.cut_left; var ypos = this.data._img_top - this.data.cut_top; //旋转画布 this.data.ctx.translate(xpos * this.data.export_scale, ypos * this.data.export_scale); this.data.ctx.rotate(this.data.angle * Math.PI / 180); this.data.ctx.drawImage(this.data.imgSrc, -img_width / 2, -img_height / 2, img_width, img_height); this.data.ctx.draw(false, () => { callback && callback(); }); } if (this.data.ctx.width != this.data.width || this.data.ctx.height != this.data.height){ //优化拖动裁剪框,所以必须把宽高设置放在离用户触发渲染最近的地方 this.setData({ _canvas_height: this.data.height, _canvas_width: this.data.width, },()=>{ //延迟40毫秒防止点击过快出现拉伸或裁剪过多 setTimeout(() => { draw(); }, 40); }); }else{ draw(); } }, //裁剪框处理 _cutTouchMove(e) { if (this.data._flag_cut_touch && this.data.MOVE_THROTTLE_FLAG) { if (this.data.disable_ratio && (this.data.disable_width || this.data.disable_height)) return; //节流 this.data.MOVE_THROTTLE_FLAG = false; this._move_throttle(); let width = this.data.width, height = this.data.height, cut_top = this.data.cut_top, cut_left = this.data.cut_left, size_correct = () => { width = width <= this.data.max_width ? width >= this.data.min_width ? width : this.data.min_width : this.data.max_width; height = height <= this.data.max_height ? height >= this.data.min_height ? height : this.data.min_height : this.data.max_height; }, size_inspect = () => { if ((width > this.data.max_width || width < this.data.min_width || height > this.data.max_height || height < this.data.min_height) && this.data.disable_ratio) { size_correct(); return false; } else { size_correct(); return true; } }; height = this.data.CUT_START.height + ((this.data.CUT_START.corner > 1 && this.data.CUT_START.corner < 4 ? 1 : -1) * (this.data.CUT_START.y - e.touches[0].clientY)); switch (this.data.CUT_START.corner) { case 1: width = this.data.CUT_START.width + this.data.CUT_START.x - e.touches[0].clientX; if (this.data.disable_ratio) { height = width / (this.data.width / this.data.height) } if (!size_inspect()) return; cut_left = this.data.CUT_START.cut_left - (width - this.data.CUT_START.width); break case 2: width = this.data.CUT_START.width + this.data.CUT_START.x - e.touches[0].clientX; if (this.data.disable_ratio) { height = width / (this.data.width / this.data.height) } if (!size_inspect()) return; cut_top = this.data.CUT_START.cut_top - (height - this.data.CUT_START.height) cut_left = this.data.CUT_START.cut_left - (width - this.data.CUT_START.width) break case 3: width = this.data.CUT_START.width - this.data.CUT_START.x + e.touches[0].clientX; if (this.data.disable_ratio) { height = width / (this.data.width / this.data.height) } if (!size_inspect()) return; cut_top = this.data.CUT_START.cut_top - (height - this.data.CUT_START.height); break case 4: width = this.data.CUT_START.width - this.data.CUT_START.x + e.touches[0].clientX; if (this.data.disable_ratio) { height = width / (this.data.width / this.data.height) } if (!size_inspect()) return; break } if (!this.data.disable_width && !this.data.disable_height) { this.setData({ width: width, cut_left: cut_left, height: height, cut_top: cut_top, }) } else if (!this.data.disable_width) { this.setData({ width: width, cut_left: cut_left }) } else if (!this.data.disable_height) { this.setData({ height: height, cut_top: cut_top }) } this._imgMarginDetectionScale(); } }, _cutTouchStart(e) { let currentX = e.touches[0].clientX; let currentY = e.touches[0].clientY; let cutbox_top4 = this.data.cut_top + this.data.height - 30; let cutbox_bottom4 = this.data.cut_top + this.data.height + 20; let cutbox_left4 = this.data.cut_left + this.data.width - 30; let cutbox_right4 = this.data.cut_left + this.data.width + 30; let cutbox_top3 = this.data.cut_top - 30; let cutbox_bottom3 = this.data.cut_top + 30; let cutbox_left3 = this.data.cut_left + this.data.width - 30; let cutbox_right3 = this.data.cut_left + this.data.width + 30; let cutbox_top2 = this.data.cut_top - 30; let cutbox_bottom2 = this.data.cut_top + 30; let cutbox_left2 = this.data.cut_left - 30; let cutbox_right2 = this.data.cut_left + 30; let cutbox_top1 = this.data.cut_top + this.data.height - 30; let cutbox_bottom1 = this.data.cut_top + this.data.height + 30; let cutbox_left1 = this.data.cut_left - 30; let cutbox_right1 = this.data.cut_left + 30; if (currentX > cutbox_left4 && currentX < cutbox_right4 && currentY > cutbox_top4 && currentY < cutbox_bottom4) { this._moveDuring(); this.data._flag_cut_touch = true; this.data._flag_img_endtouch = true; this.data.CUT_START = { width: this.data.width, height: this.data.height, x: currentX, y: currentY, corner: 4 } } else if (currentX > cutbox_left3 && currentX < cutbox_right3 && currentY > cutbox_top3 && currentY < cutbox_bottom3) { this._moveDuring(); this.data._flag_cut_touch = true; this.data._flag_img_endtouch = true; this.data.CUT_START = { width: this.data.width, height: this.data.height, x: currentX, y: currentY, cut_top: this.data.cut_top, cut_left: this.data.cut_left, corner: 3 } } else if (currentX > cutbox_left2 && currentX < cutbox_right2 && currentY > cutbox_top2 && currentY < cutbox_bottom2) { this._moveDuring(); this.data._flag_cut_touch = true; this.data._flag_img_endtouch = true; this.data.CUT_START = { width: this.data.width, height: this.data.height, cut_top: this.data.cut_top, cut_left: this.data.cut_left, x: currentX, y: currentY, corner: 2 } } else if (currentX > cutbox_left1 && currentX < cutbox_right1 && currentY > cutbox_top1 && currentY < cutbox_bottom1) { this._moveDuring(); this.data._flag_cut_touch = true; this.data._flag_img_endtouch = true; this.data.CUT_START = { width: this.data.width, height: this.data.height, cut_top: this.data.cut_top, cut_left: this.data.cut_left, x: currentX, y: currentY, corner: 1 } } }, _cutTouchEnd(e) { this._moveStop(); this.data._flag_cut_touch = false; }, //停止移动时需要做的操作 _moveStop() { //清空之前的自动居中延迟函数并添加最新的 clearTimeout(this.data.TIME_CUT_CENTER); this.data.TIME_CUT_CENTER = setTimeout(() => { //动画启动 if (!this.data._cut_animation) { this.setData({ _cut_animation: true }); } this.setCutCenter(); }, 1000) //清空之前的背景变化延迟函数并添加最新的 clearTimeout(this.data.TIME_BG); this.data.TIME_BG = setTimeout(() => { if (this.data._flag_bright) { this.setData({ _flag_bright: false }); } }, 2000) }, //移动中 _moveDuring() { //清空之前的自动居中延迟函数 clearTimeout(this.data.TIME_CUT_CENTER); //清空之前的背景变化延迟函数 clearTimeout(this.data.TIME_BG); //高亮背景 if (!this.data._flag_bright) { this.setData({ _flag_bright: true }); } }, //监听器 _watcher() { Object.keys(this.data).forEach(v => { this._observe(this.data, v, this.data.watch[v]); }) }, _observe(obj, key, watchFun) { var val = obj[key]; Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, set:(value) => { val = value; watchFun && watchFun(val, this); }, get() { if (val && '_img_top|img_left||width|height|min_width|max_width|min_height|max_height|export_scale|cut_top|cut_left|canvas_top|canvas_left|img_width|img_height|scale|angle|min_scale|max_scale'.indexOf(key)!=-1){ let ret = parseFloat(parseFloat(val).toFixed(3)); if (typeof val == "string" && val.indexOf("%") != -1){ ret+='%'; } return ret; } return val; } }) }, _preventTouchMove() { } } })
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