opencv的VideoCapture函数支持以Gstreamer pipeline的方法对RTSP数据进行解码,VideoWriter函数支持以Gstreamer pipeline的方式进行RTSP推流。
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
int main(void)
std::cout << cv::getBuildInformation() << std::endl;
通过运行上述命令可以得到如下输出,其中Video I/O中可以找到Gstreamer选项是否打开。
cv::VideoCapture::VideoCapture ( const String & filename,
int apiPreference
apiPreference指的是Capture API使用何种后端,包括cv::CAP_FFMPEG or cv::CAP_IMAGES or cv::CAP_DSHOW等。
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/videoio.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main(int, char**) { Mat frame; //--- INITIALIZE VIDEOCAPTURE VideoCapture cap; string rtsp_url = "rtsp://admin:password@192.168.170.xxx:554"; int apiID = cv::CAP_ANY; // 0 = autodetect default API // open rtsp stream using selected API cap.open(rtsp_url, apiID); // check if we succeeded if (!cap.isOpened()) { cerr << "ERROR! Unable to open camera\n"; return -1; } //--- GRAB AND WRITE LOOP cout << "Start grabbing" << endl << "Press any key to terminate" << endl; for (;;) { // wait for a new frame from camera and store it into 'frame' cap.read(frame); // check if we succeeded if (frame.empty()) { cerr << "ERROR! blank frame grabbed\n"; break; } // show live and wait for a key with timeout long enough to show images imshow("Live", frame); if (waitKey(5) >= 0) break; } // the camera will be deinitialized automatically in VideoCapture destructor return 0; }
上述代码默认采用软件解码,使用CPU资源进行数据解码,但是对于NVIDIA Jetson嵌入式平台,CPU资源非常宝贵,可以使用NVDEC硬件解码器来实现流数据的硬件解码。
如VideoCapture定义所示,其接收gstreamer的pipeline string来拉取数据。因此,gstreamer进行硬件解码的流程如下图所示:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <chrono> int main() { using std::chrono::steady_clock; typedef std::chrono::milliseconds milliseconds_type; const int interval = 15; std::stringstream ss; std::string rtsp_url = "rtsp://admin:password@192.168.170.xxx:554"; size_t latency = 200; size_t frame_width = 1920; size_t frame_height = 1080; size_t framerate = 15; ss << "rtspsrc location=" << rtsp_url << " latency=" << latency << " ! application/x-rtp, media=video, encoding-name=H264 " << "! rtph264depay ! video/x-h264, clock-rate=90000, width=" << frame_width << ", height=" << frame_height << ", framerate=" << framerate << "/1 ! nvv4l2decoder ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=" << frame_width << ", height=" << frame_height << ", framerate=" << framerate << "/1 ! nvvideoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=BGRx ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=BGR ! appsink"; std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl; cv::VideoCapture cap = cv::VideoCapture(ss.str(), cv::CAP_GSTREAMER); if(!cap.isOpened()) { std::cerr << "error to open camera." << std::endl; return -1; } std::cout << cv::getBuildInformation() << std::endl; cv::Mat frame ; steady_clock::time_point start = steady_clock::now(); size_t frame_idx = 0; while(1) { bool ret = cap.read(frame); if(ret) { // cv::imwrite("tmp.jpg", frame); ++frame_idx; } if(frame_idx % interval == 0) { steady_clock::time_point end = steady_clock::now(); milliseconds_type span = std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds_type>(end - start) ; std::cout << "it took " << span.count() / frame_idx << " millisencods." << std::endl; start = end; } } return 0; }
# requirement of cmake version cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) # project name PROJECT(opencv_test) # find required opencv find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) # directory of opencv headers include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # directory of opencv library link_directories(${OpenCV_LIBRARY_DIRS}) # name of executable file and path of source file add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} opencv_test.cpp) # opencv libraries target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${OpenCV_LIBS})
为了比较Jetson TX2下RTSP流媒体数据在软件解码和硬件解码下耗时,分别统计了其50s的平均耗时,结果如下所示,其中视频帧率为15FPS,分辨率为1080p,时间仅包含数据read的时间,未包含imwrite的时间:
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