子组件 -- 百度地图 src/projects/dic/VUE/Cases/getCoordinate.vue
- <template>
- <baidu-map @ready="loadedMap" @click="clickMap" style="height: 400px;width: 100%"
- :zoom="zoom" :center="mapCenter" :scroll-wheel-zoom="true">
- <!--拖拽标注点 @dragend="dragPointMarker" -->
- <bm-marker :position="pointMarker"
- @mouseover="overPointMarker"
- </bm-marker>
- <bm-info-window :closeOnClick="false" :position="pointMarker"
- @close="hideInfo" :show="showInfo"
- >
- <div style="min-width: 100px" class="info">
- <p v-if="pointInfo.name">地点名称:{{pointInfo.name}}</p>
- <p v-if="pointInfo.address">详细地址:{{pointInfo.address}}</p>
- <p v-if="pointInfo.location">
- <span style="margin-right: 10px">
- 经度:{{pointInfo.location.lat}}</span>
- <span>
- 纬度:{{pointInfo.location.lng}}
- </span>
- </p>
- </div>
- </bm-info-window>
- <bm-control
- :offset="{width: '10', height: '10'}"
- >
- <el-autocomplete
- prefix-icon="el-icon-search"
- clearable
- size="mini"
- v-model="place"
- :fetch-suggestions="searchPlace"
- placeholder="请输入关键字"
- @select="selectPlace"
- ></el-autocomplete>
- </bm-control>
- <bm-city-list @changeAfter="updateRegion" anchor="BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT"></bm-city-list>
- </baidu-map>
- </template>
- <script>
- export default {
- data() {
- return {
- // 地图
- map: '',
- // 地图中心点
- mapCenter: {},
- // 地图缩放
- zoom: 15,
- // 点
- point: {},
- // 点信息
- pointInfo: {},
- // 是否展示点信息
- showInfo: false,
- // 标注点的坐标信息
- pointMarker: {},
- // 地图坐标解析器
- gc: '',
- // 检索地址
- place: '',
- // 当前行政区划
- region: '北京',
- }
- },
- methods: {
- // 初始化地图
- loadedMap({BMap, map}) {
- //创建地址解析器实例
- this.gc = new BMap.Geocoder();
- this.map = map
- if (this.point.lat && this.point.lng) {
- this.mapCenter = this.point
- this.addMarker(this.point)
- this.pointInfo.location=this.point
- } else {
- this.mapCenter = "北京"
- }
- },
- // 点击地图--更新点坐标,获取点信息,添加标注
- clickMap(event) {
- this.updatePoint(event.point)
- this.getPointInfo(event.point)
- this.addMarker(event.point)
- },
- // 搜索地点
- searchPlace(queryString, cb) {
- this.$http.get("/baiduMapAPI/place/v2/search", {
- params: {
- query: queryString,
- region: this.region,
- city_limit: true,
- output: 'json',
- ak: this.GLOBAL.baiduMapAK
- }
- })
- .then(res => {
- let results = res.data.results.map(item => {
- return {
- value: item.name,
- ...item
- }
- });
- cb(results);
- })
- },
- // 选择地点 -- 更新点,添加标注,调整地图视图,更新点信息,展示信息窗
- selectPlace(pointInfo) {
- this.updatePoint(pointInfo.location)
- this.addMarker(pointInfo.location)
- this.moveMap(pointInfo.location)
- this.pointInfo = pointInfo
- this.showInfo = true
- },
- // 更新点坐标
- updatePoint(point) {
- this.point = point
- },
- // 获取点信息
- getPointInfo(point) {
- this.pointInfo.name = ''
- this.pointInfo.address = ''
- let that = this
- // 解析坐标点--获取坐标点所在的区域名称(城市)
- that.gc.getLocation(point, function (res) {
- let detailAddress = res.addressComponents
- // 省-- detailAddress.province
- that.region = detailAddress.city
- that.place = detailAddress.district + detailAddress.street + detailAddress.streetNumber
- that.pointInfo.location = point
- that.pointInfo.address = that.place
- that.showInfo = true
- })
- },
- // 移动地图
- moveMap(point) {
- this.mapCenter = point
- },
- // 更新区划
- updateRegion() {
- // 获取地图的中心点
- let point = this.map.getCenter()
- let that = this
- // 解析坐标点--获取坐标点所在的区域名称(城市)
- that.gc.getLocation(point, function (rs) {
- that.region = rs.addressComponents.city
- })
- },
- // 设置地图缩放级别
- setZoom(zoom) {
- this.zoom = zoom
- },
- // 添加标注——跳动的点
- addMarker(point) {
- this.pointMarker = point
- },
- // 点信息浮窗——鼠标悬浮在标注点上时,显示点信息
- overPointMarker() {
- this.showInfo = true
- },
- // 点信息浮窗——点击点信息浮窗上的关闭按钮,关闭点信息浮窗
- hideInfo() {
- this.showInfo = false
- },
- }
- }
- </script>
- <style scoped>
- .info {
- color: grey;
- font-size: 12px;
- }
- </style>
父组件 src/page/test.vue
- <template>
- <div style="padding: 30px">
- <el-form :model="formData" size="mini">
- <el-form-item label="地图坐标:">
- <div style="display: flex">
- <el-input readonly placeholder="经度" style="width: 120px" v-model="formData.jd"></el-input>
- <el-input readonly placeholder="纬度" style="width: 120px" v-model="formData.wd"></el-input>
- <el-button type="text" @click="showMap" style="margin-left: 10px">获取</el-button>
- </div>
- </el-form-item>
- </el-form>
- <el-dialog title="获取地图坐标" :visible.sync="mapDialog" v-if="mapDialog" width="60%" append-to-body>
- <GetCoordinate ref="map"></GetCoordinate>
- <span slot="footer">
- <el-button @click="mapDialog = false" size="mini">取 消</el-button>
- <el-button @click="getCoordinate" size="mini" type="primary">确 定</el-button>
- </span>
- </el-dialog>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- import GetCoordinate from '@/projects/dic/VUE/Cases/getCoordinate.vue'
- export default {
- components: {GetCoordinate},
- data() {
- return {
- formData: {},
- mapDialog: false,
- }
- },
- methods: {
- showMap() {
- this.mapDialog = true
- this.$nextTick(
- () => {
- if (this.formData.jd && this.formData.wd) {
- this.$refs.map.updatePoint(
- {
- lat: this.formData.jd,
- lng: this.formData.wd
- }
- )
- }
- }
- )
- },
- getCoordinate() {
- if (this.$refs.map.pointInfo.location) {
- this.formData = {
- jd: this.$refs.map.pointInfo.location.lat,
- wd: this.$refs.map.pointInfo.location.lng,
- }
- this.mapDialog = false
- } else {
- this.$myMessage("请点击地图选择一个坐标点!")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- <style scoped>
- </style>
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