Snuke lives in another world, where slimes are real creatures and kept by some people. Slimes come in N colors. Those colors are conveniently numbered 1 through N. Snuke currently has no slime. His objective is to have slimes of all the colors together.
Snuke can perform the following two actions:
Select a color i (1≤i≤N), such that he does not currently have a slime in color i, and catch a slime in color i. This action takes him ai seconds.
Cast a spell, which changes the color of all the slimes that he currently has. The color of a slime in color i (1≤i≤N−1) will become color i+1, and the color of a slime in color N will become color 1. This action takes him x seconds.
Find the minimum time that Snuke needs to have slimes in all N colors.
ai are integers.
x is an integer.
The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
N x
a1 a2 … aN
Find the minimum time that Snuke needs to have slimes in all N colors.
样例输入 Copy
2 10
1 100
样例输出 Copy
Snuke can act as follows:
Catch a slime in color 1. This takes 1 second.
Cast the spell. The color of the slime changes: 1 → 2. This takes 10 seconds.
Catch a slime in color 1. This takes 1 second.
本题大意是Snuke 想要获得N种颜色,他有两种操作,一是直接付出对应颜色的代价来获得,二是所有获得的颜色i变成颜色i + 1。
所以想要获得颜色i 有两种方法
2.进行操作二j次使 i-j(已经获得)变成 i 。
于是有 0 <= j <= n - 1 。
我们发现进行操作二的次数最终会在总代价上加上 j * x,
不妨设dp[ i ] [ j ]表示进行j次操作时获得第i个颜色的最小代价。
状态转移方程 dp[ i ] [ j ] = min ( a[ i - j ] , dp [ i ] [ j - 1 ])
a[i - j ] 表示在获得第i个颜色时进行了第j次操作(已经做了j - 1 次)并以后移了j次的代价获得,
dp[ i ] [ j - 1 ] 表示在获得第i个颜色时(已经进行了j-1次操作),以当前代价直接获得。
下面展示一些 内联代码片
#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; typedef long long int ll ; int dp[2020][2020]; ll mi = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f ; int main() { ll n , x ,sum; scanf("%lld%lld",&n,&x) ; for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) scanf("%d",&dp[i][0]) ;//这里进行了空间优化,直接用dp[i][0] 表示a[i]即可 。 for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) for(int j = 1 ; j <= n - 1 ; j ++){ int k = i - j ; if(k <=0) k += n ;//指向后移j次的代价可能会循环 dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j-1],dp[k][0]) ; } for(int i = 0 ; i <= n - 1; i ++){ sum = 0 ; for(int j = 1 ; j <= n ; j ++) sum += dp[j][i] ; sum += i * x ;//最后求得各个状态付出代价总和 mi = min(mi,sum) ;//取得其中的最小值 } printf("%lld\n",mi) ; return 0 ; } var foo = 'bar';
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