import torch
from torch import nn
from d2l import torch as d2l
batch_size, max_len = 512, 64
train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_wiki(batch_size, max_len)
net = d2l.BERTModel(len(vocab), num_hiddens=128, norm_shape=[128],
ffn_num_input=128, ffn_num_hiddens=256, num_heads=2,
num_layers=2, dropout=0.2, key_size=128, query_size=128,
value_size=128, hid_in_features=128, mlm_in_features=128,
devices = d2l.try_all_gpus()
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
#@save def _get_batch_loss_bert(net, loss, vocab_size, tokens_X, segments_X, valid_lens_x, pred_positions_X, mlm_weights_X, mlm_Y, nsp_y): # 前向传播 _, mlm_Y_hat, nsp_Y_hat = net(tokens_X, segments_X, valid_lens_x.reshape(-1), pred_positions_X) # 计算遮蔽语言模型损失 mlm_l = loss(mlm_Y_hat.reshape(-1, vocab_size), mlm_Y.reshape(-1)) *\ mlm_weights_X.reshape(-1, 1) mlm_l = mlm_l.sum() / (mlm_weights_X.sum() + 1e-8) # 计算下一句子预测任务的损失 nsp_l = loss(nsp_Y_hat, nsp_y) l = mlm_l + nsp_l return mlm_l, nsp_l, l
def train_bert(train_iter, net, loss, vocab_size, devices, num_steps): net = nn.DataParallel(net, device_ids=devices).to(devices[0]) trainer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.01) step, timer = 0, d2l.Timer() animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='step', ylabel='loss', xlim=[1, num_steps], legend=['mlm', 'nsp']) # 遮蔽语言模型损失的和,下一句预测任务损失的和,句子对的数量,计数 metric = d2l.Accumulator(4) num_steps_reached = False while step < num_steps and not num_steps_reached: for tokens_X, segments_X, valid_lens_x, pred_positions_X,\ mlm_weights_X, mlm_Y, nsp_y in train_iter: tokens_X = tokens_X.to(devices[0]) segments_X = segments_X.to(devices[0]) valid_lens_x = valid_lens_x.to(devices[0]) pred_positions_X = pred_positions_X.to(devices[0]) mlm_weights_X = mlm_weights_X.to(devices[0]) mlm_Y, nsp_y = mlm_Y.to(devices[0]), nsp_y.to(devices[0]) trainer.zero_grad() timer.start() mlm_l, nsp_l, l = _get_batch_loss_bert( net, loss, vocab_size, tokens_X, segments_X, valid_lens_x, pred_positions_X, mlm_weights_X, mlm_Y, nsp_y) l.backward() trainer.step() metric.add(mlm_l, nsp_l, tokens_X.shape[0], 1) timer.stop() animator.add(step + 1, (metric[0] / metric[3], metric[1] / metric[3])) step += 1 if step == num_steps: num_steps_reached = True break print(f'MLM loss {metric[0] / metric[3]:.3f}, ' f'NSP loss {metric[1] / metric[3]:.3f}') print(f'{metric[2] / timer.sum():.1f} sentence pairs/sec on ' f'{str(devices)}')
while step <
and not num_steps_reached:这里训练并不是像之前跑多少代,而是跑多少batch,可能是因为读取一遍完整的数据太慢了
train_bert(train_iter, net, loss, len(vocab), devices, 50)
def get_bert_encoding(net, tokens_a, tokens_b=None):
tokens, segments = d2l.get_tokens_and_segments(tokens_a, tokens_b)
token_ids = torch.tensor(vocab[tokens], device=devices[0]).unsqueeze(0)
segments = torch.tensor(segments, device=devices[0]).unsqueeze(0)
valid_len = torch.tensor(len(tokens), device=devices[0]).unsqueeze(0)
encoded_X, _, _ = net(token_ids, segments, valid_len)
return encoded_X
tokens_a = ['a', 'crane', 'is', 'flying']
encoded_text = get_bert_encoding(net, tokens_a)
# 词元:'<cls>','a','crane','is','flying','<sep>'
encoded_text_cls = encoded_text[:, 0, :]
encoded_text_crane = encoded_text[:, 2, :]
encoded_text.shape, encoded_text_cls.shape, encoded_text_crane[0][:3]
(torch.Size([1, 6, 128]),
torch.Size([1, 128]),
tensor([-0.8391, -0.6694, 0.9375], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<SliceBackward0>))
tokens_a, tokens_b = ['a', 'crane', 'driver', 'came'], ['he', 'just', 'left']
encoded_pair = get_bert_encoding(net, tokens_a, tokens_b)
# 词元:'<cls>','a','crane','driver','came','<sep>','he','just',
# 'left','<sep>'
encoded_pair_cls = encoded_pair[:, 0, :]
encoded_pair_crane = encoded_pair[:, 2, :]
encoded_pair.shape, encoded_pair_cls.shape, encoded_pair_crane[0][:3]
(torch.Size([1, 10, 128]),
torch.Size([1, 128]),
tensor([-0.6054, -1.1966, 1.5772], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<SliceBackward0>))
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