常见的传染病模型按照具体的传染病的特点可分为 SI、SIS、SIR、SIRS、SEIR 模型。其中“S”“E”“I”“R”的现实含义如下:
S (Susceptible),易感者,指缺乏免疫能力健康人,与感染者接触后容易受到感染;
E (Exposed),暴露者 ,指接触过感染者但暂无传染性的人,可用于存在潜伏期的传染病;
I (Infectious),患病者,指有传染性的病人,可以传播给 S,将其变为 E 或 I ;
R (Recovered),康复者,指病愈后具有免疫力的人,如是终身免疫性传染病,则不可被重新变为 S 、E 或 I ,如果免疫期有限,就可以重新变为 S 类,进而被感染。
function [t,S,I] = Program_7_7(N,n,tau,gamma,MaxTime,Type) % It is an SIS disease spread through a network. Allowed % network types are 'Random','Spatial','Lattice' and 'SmallWorld' % % We assume N individuals, each with an averge of n contacts. % In this model we define an individual by their status flag: % Status=1 => Susceptible % Status=2 => Infectious % Status=0 => Recovered % Sets up default parameters if necessary. if nargin == 0 N=100; n=4; tau=1; gamma=0.1; MaxTime=1000; Type='Random'; end % Checks all the parameters are valid CheckGreater(N,0,'Number of individuals N'); CheckGreater(n,0,'Number of neighbours n'); CheckGreater(tau,0,'tau'); CheckGreater(gamma,0,'gamma'); CheckGreater(MaxTime,0,'MaxTime'); %Initialise the Network % (X,Y) is location, G is the network graph matrix % this means we use S and I for the number of susceptibles and infecteds [X,Y,G,N]=Create_Network(N,n,Type); Status=1+0*X; Status(1)=2; Rate=0*X; Rate(1)=gamma; Rate(find(G(:,1)))=tau; t=0; i=1; S=N-1; I=1; % The main iteration subplot(2,1,1); [j,k,s]=find(G); plot([X(j) X(k)]',[Y(j) Y(k)]','-k'); hold on Col=[0.7 0.7 0.7; 0 1 0; 1 0 0]; for k=1:N H(k)=plot(X(k),Y(k),'ok','MarkerFaceColor','g'); end set(H(1),'MarkerFaceColor','r'); hold off; drawnow; while (t<MaxTime & I(end)>0) [step,Rate,Status,e]=Iterate(Rate,Status,G,tau,gamma); i=i+1; t(i)=t(i-1)+step; S(i)=length(find(Status==1)); I(i)=length(find(Status==2)); set(H(e),'MarkerFaceColor',Col(Status(e)+1,:)); % subplot(2,1,1); % [j,k,s]=find(G); % plot([X(j) X(k)]',[Y(j) Y(k)]','-k'); % hold on % s=find(Status==0); plot(X(s),Y(s),'ok','MarkerFaceColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7],'MarkerSize',8); % s=find(Status==1); plot(X(s),Y(s),'ok','MarkerFaceColor','g','MarkerSize',8); % s=find(Status==2); plot(X(s),Y(s),'ok','MarkerFaceColor','r','MarkerSize',10); % hold off; subplot(4,1,3); plot(t,S,'-g'); ylabel 'Number of Susceptibles' subplot(4,1,4); plot(t,I,'-r'); ylabel 'Number of Infecteds' xlabel 'Time' drawnow; []; end % Create the Network function [X,Y,G,N]=Create_Network(N,n,Type); if n > (N-1) error('Impossible to have an average of %d contacts with a population size of %d',n,N); end G=sparse(1,1,0,N,N); X=rand(N,1); Y=rand(N,1); switch Type case {'Random','random'} contacts=0; while(contacts<n*N) i=ceil(rand(1,1)*N); j=ceil(rand(1,1)*N); if i~=j & G(i,j)==0 contacts=contacts+2; G(i,j)=1; G(j,1)=1; end end case {'Spatial','spatial'} D=(X*ones(1,N) - ones(N,1)*X').^2 + (Y*ones(1,N) - ones(N,1)*Y').^2; Prob=exp(-D*5)-rand(N,N); Prob=triu(Prob,1)-1e100*tril(ones(N,N),0); [y i]=sort(reshape(Prob,N*N,1)); p=i(end+[(1-n*N/2):1:0]); i=1+mod(p-1,N); j=1+floor((p-1)/N); G=sparse([i; j],[j; i],1,N,N); case {'Lattice','lattice'} if mod(sqrt(N),1)~=0 warning('N=%d is not a square number, rounding to %d',N,round(sqrt(N)).^2); N=round(sqrt(N)).^2; end [X,Y]=meshgrid([0:(sqrt(N)-1)]/(sqrt(N)-1)); X=reshape(X,N,1); Y=reshape(Y,N,1); D=(X*ones(1,N) - ones(N,1)*X').^2 + (Y*ones(1,N) - ones(N,1)*Y').^2; Prob=triu(D,1)+1e100*tril(ones(N,N),0); [y i]=sort(reshape(Prob,N*N,1)); p=i(1:(n*N/2 - 2*sqrt(N))); i=1+mod(p-1,N); j=1+floor((p-1)/N); G=sparse([i; j],[j; i],1,N,N); case {'SmallWorld','Smallworld','smallworld'} if mod(sqrt(N),1)~=0 warning('N=%d is not a square number, rounding to %d',N,round(sqrt(N)).^2); N=round(sqrt(N)).^2; end [X,Y]=meshgrid([0:(sqrt(N)-1)]/(sqrt(N)-1)); X=reshape(X,N,1); Y=reshape(Y,N,1); D=(X*ones(1,N) - ones(N,1)*X').^2 + (Y*ones(1,N) - ones(N,1)*Y').^2; Prob=triu(D,1)+1e100*tril(ones(N,N),0); [y i]=sort(reshape(Prob,N*N,1)); p=i(1:(n*N/2 - 2*sqrt(N))); i=1+mod(p-1,N); j=1+floor((p-1)/N); G=sparse([i; j],[j; i],1,N,N); % Already made a lattice, now add R random connections R=10; for k=1:R i=1; j=1; while (i==j | G(i,j)==1) i=ceil(rand(1,1)*N); j=ceil(rand(1,1)*N); end G(i,j)=1; G(j,1)=1; end otherwise error('Do not recognise network type %s',Type); end %Do the Up-Dating. function [step,Rate,Status,Event]=Iterate(Rate,Status,G,tau,gamma); Sum=sum(Rate); Cum=cumsum(Rate); Event=min(find(Cum>rand(1,1)*Sum)); Status(Event)=mod(Status(Event)+1,3); contacts=find(G(:,Event) & Status==1); switch Status(Event) case 1 case 2 Rate(Event)=gamma; Rate(contacts)=Rate(contacts)+tau; G(Event,:)=0; case 0 % For SIR type dynamics we require the following 2 lines Rate(Event)=0; Rate(contacts)=Rate(contacts)-tau; % For SIS type dynamics we require the following 3 lines %Status(Event)=1; %Rate(Event)=tau*length(find(G(:,Event) & Status==2)); %Rate(contacts)=Rate(contacts)-tau; end Rate=Rate.*sign(Status); step=-log(rand(1,1))/Sum; % Does a simple check on the value function []=CheckGreaterOrEqual(Parameter, Value, str) m=find(Parameter<Value); if length(m)>0 error('Parameter %s(%g) (=%g) is less than %g',str,m(1),Parameter(m(1)),Value); end function []=CheckGreater(Parameter, Value, str) m=find(Parameter<=Value); if length(m)>0 error('Parameter %s(%g) (=%g) is less than %g',str,m(1),Parameter(m(1)),Value); end
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