转自AI Studio,原文链接:基于PaddleClas的PP-LCNet模型的动物图像识别与分类 - 飞桨AI Studio
在工业界真实落地的场景中,推理速度才是考量模型好坏的重要指标,然而,推理速度和准确性很难兼得。考虑到工业界有很多基于 Intel CPU 的应用,所以我们本次的工作旨在使骨干网络更好的适应 Intel CPU,从而得到一个速度更快、准确率更高的轻量级骨干网络,与此同时,目标检测、语义分割等下游视觉任务的性能也同样得到提升。针对 Intel CPU 设备以及其加速库 MKLDNN 设计了特定的骨干网络 PP-LCNet,比起其他的轻量级的 SOTA 模型,该骨干网络可以在不增加推理时间的情况下,进一步提升模型的性能,最终大幅度超越现有的 SOTA 模型。
In [1]
- !unzip -qoa data/data140388/traindata.zip -d data/
- !unzip -qoa data/data140388/testdata.zip -d data/
In [2]
!mv data/input/animal7479/* data/
In [3]
- # paddlex安装
- !pip install paddlex >log.log
In [4]
!paddlex --split_dataset --format ImageNet --dataset_dir data/train_data/train_data --val_value 0.2
[04-21 09:55:30 MainThread @logger.py:242] Argv: /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/bin/paddlex --split_dataset --format ImageNet --dataset_dir data/train_data/train_data --val_value 0.2 [04-21 09:55:30 MainThread @utils.py:79] WRN paddlepaddle version: 2.2.2. The dynamic graph version of PARL is under development, not fully tested and supported /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/parl/remote/communication.py:38: DeprecationWarning: 'pyarrow.default_serialization_context' is deprecated as of 2.0.0 and will be removed in a future version. Use pickle or the pyarrow IPC functionality instead. context = pyarrow.default_serialization_context() /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py:107: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working from collections import MutableMapping /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/rcsetup.py:20: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working from collections import Iterable, Mapping /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/colors.py:53: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working from collections import Sized 2022-04-21 09:55:34 [INFO] Dataset split starts... 2022-04-21 09:55:34 [INFO] Dataset split done. 2022-04-21 09:55:34 [INFO] Train samples: 14246 2022-04-21 09:55:34 [INFO] Eval samples: 3557 2022-04-21 09:55:34 [INFO] Test samples: 0 2022-04-21 09:55:34 [INFO] Split files saved in data/train_data/train_data
In [11]
- with open('data/train_data/train_data/labels.txt','r') as f:
- lines=f.readlines()
- print(lines)
- f_list=open('label_list.txt','w')
- print(len(lines))
- for i in range(len(lines)):
- f_list.write(str(i)+' '+ lines[i])
- f_list.close()
['butterfly\n', 'cat\n', 'chicken\n', 'cow\n', 'dog\n', 'elephant\n', 'horse\n', 'ragno\n', 'sheep\n', 'squirrel\n'] 10
0.8的训练集,0.2的测试集。Train数量为: 14246、Eval 数量为: 3557
- 2022-04-20 01:02:48 [INFO] Train samples: 14246
- 2022-04-20 01:02:48 [INFO] Eval samples: 3557
- 2022-04-20 01:02:48 [INFO] Test samples: 0
PaddleClas下载,计划使用PaddleClas中的 PP-LCNet 进行训练
In [5]
# !git clone https://gitee.com/paddlepaddle/PaddleClas.git --depth=1
以 PaddleClas/ppcls/configs/ImageNet/PPLCNet/PPLCNet_x0_25.yaml 为基础进行配置
- # global configs
- Global:
- checkpoints: null
- pretrained_model: null
- output_dir: ./output/
- device: gpu
- save_interval: 1
- eval_during_train: True
- eval_interval: 1
- epochs: 300
- print_batch_step: 10
- use_visualdl: False
- # used for static mode and model export
- image_shape: [3, 224, 224]
- save_inference_dir: ./inference
- # model architecture
- Arch:
- name: PPLCNet_x0_25
- class_num: 10
- # loss function config for traing/eval process
- Loss:
- Train:
- - CELoss:
- weight: 1.0
- epsilon: 0.1
- Eval:
- - CELoss:
- weight: 1.0
- Optimizer:
- name: Momentum
- momentum: 0.9
- lr:
- name: Cosine
- learning_rate: 0.1
- warmup_epoch: 10
- regularizer:
- name: 'L2'
- coeff: 0.0001
- # data loader for train and eval
- DataLoader:
- Train:
- dataset:
- name: ImageNetDataset
- image_root: /home/aistudio/data/train_data/train_data/
- cls_label_path: train_list.txt
- transform_ops:
- - DecodeImage:
- to_rgb: True
- channel_first: False
- - RandCropImage:
- size: 224
- - RandFlipImage:
- flip_code: 1
- - AutoAugment:
- - NormalizeImage:
- scale: 1.0/255.0
- mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
- std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- order: ''
- batch_transform_ops:
- - CutmixOperator:
- alpha: 0.2
- sampler:
- name: DistributedBatchSampler
- batch_size: 2048
- drop_last: False
- shuffle: True
- loader:
- num_workers: 4
- use_shared_memory: False
- Eval:
- dataset:
- name: ImageNetDataset
- image_root: /home/aistudio/data/train_data/train_data/
- cls_label_path: val_list.txt
- transform_ops:
- - DecodeImage:
- to_rgb: True
- channel_first: False
- - ResizeImage:
- resize_short: 256
- - CropImage:
- size: 224
- - NormalizeImage:
- scale: 1.0/255.0
- mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
- std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- order: ''
- sampler:
- name: DistributedBatchSampler
- batch_size: 1024
- drop_last: False
- shuffle: False
- loader:
- num_workers: 4
- use_shared_memory: False
- Infer:
- infer_imgs: docs/images/inference_deployment/whl_demo.jpg
- batch_size: 10
- transforms:
- - DecodeImage:
- to_rgb: True
- channel_first: False
- - ResizeImage:
- resize_short: 256
- - CropImage:
- size: 224
- - NormalizeImage:
- scale: 1.0/255.0
- mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
- std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- order: ''
- - ToCHWImage:
- PostProcess:
- name: Topk
- topk: 5
- class_id_map_file: ../label_list.txt
- Metric:
- Train:
- - TopkAcc:
- topk: [1, 5]
- Eval:
- - TopkAcc:
- topk: [1, 5]

- from __future__ import print_function
- import numpy as np
- import os
- from .common_dataset import CommonDataset
- class ImageNetDataset(CommonDataset):
- def _load_anno(self, seed=None):
- # print(self._cls_path)
- # print(self._img_root)
- # 修改
- self._cls_path=os.path.join(self._img_root,self._cls_path)
- assert os.path.exists(self._cls_path)
- assert os.path.exists(self._img_root)
- self.images = []
- self.labels = []
- with open(self._cls_path) as fd:
- lines = fd.readlines()
- if seed is not None:
- np.random.RandomState(seed).shuffle(lines)
- for l in lines:
- l = l.strip().split(" ")
- self.images.append(os.path.join(self._img_root, l[0]))
- self.labels.append(np.int64(l[1]))
- assert os.path.exists(self.images[-1])

- !python3 tools/train.py \
- -c /home/aistudio/.jupyter/lab/workspaces/PPLCNet_x0_25.yaml \
- -o Arch.pretrained=False \
- -o Global.device=gpu
- /home/aistudio/PaddleClas
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "tools/train.py", line 29, in <module>
- args.config, overrides=args.override, show=False)
- File "/home/aistudio/PaddleClas/ppcls/utils/config.py", line 179, in get_config
- 'config file({}) is not exist'.format(fname))
- AssertionError: config file(/home/aistudio/.jupyter/lab/workspaces/PPLCNet_x0_25.yaml) is not exist
In [ ]
- %cd ~/PaddleClas/
- # 复制修改后的imagenet_dataset.py到原位
- !cp ../imagenet_dataset.py ./ppcls/data/dataloader/imagenet_dataset.py
- # 开始训练
- !python3 tools/train.py \
- -c ../PPLCNet_x0_25.yaml \
- -o Arch.pretrained=True \
- -o Global.device=gpu
- [2022/04/21 02:48:33] root INFO: [Train][Epoch 74/300][Iter: 0/7]lr: 0.08875, CELoss: 0.86730, loss: 0.86730, batch_cost: 14.51762s, reader_cost: 12.59892, ips: 141.06996 images/sec, eta: 6:24:28
- [2022/04/21 02:48:51] root INFO: [Train][Epoch 74/300][Avg]CELoss: 0.88821, loss: 0.88821
- [2022/04/21 02:49:06] root INFO: [Eval][Epoch 74][Iter: 0/4]CELoss: 0.43258, loss: 0.43258, top1: 0.88574, top5: 0.98633, batch_cost: 14.79859s, reader_cost: 13.25228, ips: 69.19578 images/sec
- [2022/04/21 02:49:07] root INFO: [Eval][Epoch 74][Avg]CELoss: 0.45654, loss: 0.45654, top1: 0.87855, top5: 0.99044
- [2022/04/21 02:49:07] root INFO: [Eval][Epoch 74][best metric: 0.914815859962857]
- [2022/04/21 02:49:07] root INFO: Already save model in ./output/PPLCNet_x0_25/epoch_74
- [2022/04/21 02:49:07] root INFO: Already save model in ./output/PPLCNet_x0_25/latest
Global.image_shape:用于指定模型的输入数据尺寸,该尺寸不包含 batch 维度;
Global.save_inference_dir:用于指定导出的 inference 模型的保存位置;
Global.pretrained_model:用于指定训练过程中保存的模型权重文件路径,该路径无需包含模型权重文件后缀名 .pdparams。 上述命令将生成以下三个文件:
In [4]
- %cd ~/PaddleClas/
- !python tools/export_model.py \
- -c ../PPLCNet_x0_25.yaml \
- -o Global.pretrained_model=.//output/PPLCNet_x0_25/best_model \
- -o Global.save_inference_dir=./deploy/models/class_PPLCNet_x0_25_ImageNet_infer
/home/aistudio/PaddleClas [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: =========================================================== == PaddleClas is powered by PaddlePaddle ! == =========================================================== == == == For more info please go to the following website. == == == == https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas == =========================================================== [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Arch : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: class_num : 10 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: name : PPLCNet_x0_25 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: DataLoader : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Eval : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: dataset : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: cls_label_path : val_list.txt [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: image_root : /home/aistudio/data/train_data/train_data/ [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: name : ImageNetDataset [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: transform_ops : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: DecodeImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: channel_first : False [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: to_rgb : True [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: ResizeImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: resize_short : 256 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: CropImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: size : 224 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: NormalizeImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: mean : [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: order : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: scale : 1.0/255.0 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: std : [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: loader : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: num_workers : 4 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: use_shared_memory : False [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: sampler : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: batch_size : 1024 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: drop_last : False [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: name : DistributedBatchSampler [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: shuffle : False [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Train : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: batch_transform_ops : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: CutmixOperator : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: alpha : 0.2 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: dataset : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: cls_label_path : train_list.txt [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: image_root : /home/aistudio/data/train_data/train_data/ [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: name : ImageNetDataset [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: transform_ops : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: DecodeImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: channel_first : False [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: to_rgb : True [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: RandCropImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: size : 224 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: RandFlipImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: flip_code : 1 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: AutoAugment : None [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: NormalizeImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: mean : [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: order : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: scale : 1.0/255.0 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: std : [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: loader : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: num_workers : 4 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: use_shared_memory : False [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: sampler : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: batch_size : 2048 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: drop_last : False [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: name : DistributedBatchSampler [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: shuffle : True [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Global : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: checkpoints : None [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: device : gpu [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: epochs : 300 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: eval_during_train : True [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: eval_interval : 1 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: image_shape : [3, 224, 224] [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: output_dir : ./output/ [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: pretrained_model : .//output/PPLCNet_x0_25/best_model [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: print_batch_step : 10 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: save_inference_dir : ./deploy/models/class_PPLCNet_x0_25_ImageNet_infer [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: save_interval : 1 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: use_visualdl : False [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Infer : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: PostProcess : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: class_id_map_file : ../label_list.txt [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: name : Topk [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: topk : 5 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: batch_size : 10 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: infer_imgs : docs/images/inference_deployment/whl_demo.jpg [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: transforms : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: DecodeImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: channel_first : False [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: to_rgb : True [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: ResizeImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: resize_short : 256 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: CropImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: size : 224 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: NormalizeImage : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: mean : [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: order : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: scale : 1.0/255.0 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: std : [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: ToCHWImage : None [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Loss : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Eval : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: CELoss : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: weight : 1.0 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Train : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: CELoss : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: epsilon : 0.1 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: weight : 1.0 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Metric : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Eval : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: TopkAcc : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: topk : [1, 5] [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Train : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: TopkAcc : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: topk : [1, 5] [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: Optimizer : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: lr : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: learning_rate : 0.1 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: name : Cosine [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: warmup_epoch : 10 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: momentum : 0.9 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: name : Momentum [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: regularizer : [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: coeff : 0.0001 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: name : L2 [2022/04/21 12:39:48] root INFO: train with paddle 2.2.2 and device CUDAPlace(0) W0421 12:39:48.412415 405 device_context.cc:447] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.0, Driver API Version: 11.0, Runtime API Version: 10.1 W0421 12:39:48.417142 405 device_context.cc:465] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.6. /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/fluid/layers/utils.py:77: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working return (isinstance(seq, collections.Sequence) and
在配置文件 configs/inference_cls.yaml 中有以下字段用于配置预测参数:
如果使用 VisionTransformer 系列模型,如 DeiT_384, ViT_384 等,请注意模型的输入数据尺寸,部分模型需要修改参数: PreProcess.resize_short=384, PreProcess.resize=384。
- Global:
- infer_imgs: "../data/testdata/testdata"
- inference_model_dir: "./deploy/models/class_PPLCNet_x0_25_ImageNet_infer"
- batch_size: 1
- use_gpu: True
- enable_mkldnn: True
- cpu_num_threads: 10
- enable_benchmark: True
- use_fp16: False
- ir_optim: True
- use_tensorrt: False
- gpu_mem: 8000
- enable_profile: False
- PreProcess:
- transform_ops:
- - ResizeImage:
- resize_short: 256
- - CropImage:
- size: 224
- - NormalizeImage:
- scale: 0.00392157
- mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
- std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- order: ''
- channel_num: 3
- - ToCHWImage:
- PostProcess:
- main_indicator: Topk
- Topk:
- topk: 5
- class_id_map_file: "../label_list.txt"
- SavePreLabel:
- save_dir: ./pre_label/Global:
- infer_imgs: "../data/testdata/testdata"
- inference_model_dir: "./deploy/models/class_PPLCNet_x0_25_ImageNet_infer"
- batch_size: 1
- use_gpu: True
- enable_mkldnn: True
- cpu_num_threads: 10
- enable_benchmark: True
- use_fp16: False
- ir_optim: True
- use_tensorrt: False
- gpu_mem: 8000
- enable_profile: False
- PreProcess:
- transform_ops:
- - ResizeImage:
- resize_short: 256
- - CropImage:
- size: 224
- - NormalizeImage:
- scale: 0.00392157
- mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
- std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- order: ''
- channel_num: 3
- - ToCHWImage:
- PostProcess:
- main_indicator: Topk
- Topk:
- topk: 5
- class_id_map_file: "../label_list.txt"
- SavePreLabel:
- save_dir: ./pre_label/Global:
- infer_imgs: "../data/testdata/testdata"
- inference_model_dir: "./deploy/models/class_PPLCNet_x0_25_ImageNet_infer"
- batch_size: 1
- use_gpu: True
- enable_mkldnn: True
- cpu_num_threads: 10
- enable_benchmark: True
- use_fp16: False
- ir_optim: True
- use_tensorrt: False
- gpu_mem: 8000
- enable_profile: False
- PreProcess:
- transform_ops:
- - ResizeImage:
- resize_short: 256
- - CropImage:
- size: 224
- - NormalizeImage:
- scale: 0.00392157
- mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
- std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- order: ''
- channel_num: 3
- - ToCHWImage:
- PostProcess:
- main_indicator: Topk
- Topk:
- topk: 5
- class_id_map_file: "../label_list.txt"
- SavePreLabel:
- save_dir: ./pre_label/

- def main(config):
- cls_predictor = ClsPredictor(config)
- image_list = get_image_list(config["Global"]["infer_imgs"])
- batch_imgs = []
- batch_names = []
- cnt = 0
- # 写入文件
- f=open('result.csv','w')
- f.write('name,label\n')
- for idx, img_path in enumerate(image_list):
- img = cv2.imread(img_path)
- if img is None:
- logger.warning(
- "Image file failed to read and has been skipped. The path: {}".
- format(img_path))
- else:
- img = img[:, :, ::-1]
- batch_imgs.append(img)
- img_name = os.path.basename(img_path)
- batch_names.append(img_name)
- cnt += 1
- if cnt % config["Global"]["batch_size"] == 0 or (idx + 1
- ) == len(image_list):
- if len(batch_imgs) == 0:
- continue
- batch_results = cls_predictor.predict(batch_imgs)
- for number, result_dict in enumerate(batch_results):
- filename = batch_names[number]
- clas_ids = result_dict["class_ids"]
- scores_str = "[{}]".format(", ".join("{:.2f}".format(
- r) for r in result_dict["scores"]))
- label_names = result_dict["label_names"]
- print("{}:\tclass id(s): {}, score(s): {}, label_name(s): {}".
- format(filename, clas_ids, scores_str, label_names))
- # 保存预测
- f.write(filename+','+label_names[0]+'\n')
- batch_imgs = []
- batch_names = []
- if cls_predictor.benchmark:
- cls_predictor.auto_logger.report()
- return

In [ ]
- # 覆盖原预测脚本
- !cp ~/predict_cls.py ~/PaddleClas/deploy/python/
- %cd ~/PaddleClas/
- # 开始预测
- !python ./deploy/python/predict_cls.py -c ../inference_cls.yaml
- 0.jpeg: class id(s): [1, 2, 9, 0, 3], score(s): [0.71, 0.07, 0.06, 0.04, 0.03], label_name(s): ['cat', 'chicken', 'squirrel', 'butterfly', 'cow']
- 1.jpeg: class id(s): [1, 4, 9, 2, 6], score(s): [0.78, 0.14, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01], label_name(s): ['cat', 'dog', 'squirrel', 'chicken', 'horse']
- 10.jpeg: class id(s): [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], score(s): [0.53, 0.15, 0.15, 0.06, 0.05], label_name(s): ['chicken', 'cow', 'dog', 'elephant', 'horse']
- 100.jpeg: class id(s): [1, 4, 9, 2, 0], score(s): [0.61, 0.16, 0.06, 0.04, 0.03], label_name(s): ['cat', 'dog', 'squirrel', 'chicken', 'butterfly']
- 1000.jpg: class id(s): [8, 2, 5, 0, 1], score(s): [0.74, 0.11, 0.03, 0.02, 0.02], label_name(s): ['sheep', 'chicken', 'elephant', 'butterfly', 'cat']
In [1]
- %cd ~
- !head ~/PaddleClas/result.csv
/home/aistudio name,label 0.jpeg,cat 1.jpeg,cat 10.jpeg,chicken 100.jpeg,cat 1000.jpg,sheep 1001.jpg,sheep 1002.jpg,sheep 1003.jpg,sheep 1004.jpg,sheep
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