纯Verilog配置AD9361工程文件下载:纯Verilog配置AD9361工程 提取码:g9jy
在上一章节中,我们使用了 Analog Devices 公司提供的 AD936X Evaluation Software 软件生成了一个寄存器配置的脚本文件,命名为 trans.cfg,其中包含了许多寄存器的配置参数。然而.cfg格式的脚本只能在ADI提供的iio中使用,这个文件并不能直接在 FPGA 工程中调用,因为它的格式与我们需要的函数形式不匹配,需要对文件格式进行修改,将其转换为函数的形式。手动一行一行地修改显然是不可行的,因为配置文件非常庞大,修改起来非常费时费力。因此,我们需要找出配置文件的规律,并编写一个python程序来自动转换成我们需要的函数形式。这样,我们就可以在 FPGA 工程中直接调用这个函数,实现纯Verilog对寄存器参数的配置。让我们的工程更加简单,修改起来更加方便,可移植性也很强。加油吧!少年!
- //************************************************************
- // AD9361 R2 Auto Generated Initialization Script: This script was
- // generated using the AD9361 Customer software Version 2.1.4
- //************************************************************
- // Profile: Custom
- // REFCLK_IN: 40.000 MHz
- BlockWrite 2,6 // Set ADI FPGA SPI to 20Mhz
- SPIWrite 3DF,01 // Required for proper operation
- ReadPartNumber
- SPIWrite 2A6,0E // Enable Master Bias
- SPIWrite 2A8,0E // Set Bandgap Trim
- REFCLK_Scale 40.000000,1,2 // Sets local variables in script engine, user can ignore
- SPIWrite 2AB,07 // Set RF PLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
- SPIWrite 2AC,FF // Set RF PLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
- SPIWrite 009,17 // Enable Clocks
- WAIT 20 // waits 20 ms
- //************************************************************
- // Set BBPLL Frequency: 1280.000000
- //************************************************************
- SPIWrite 045,00 // Set BBPLL reflclk scale to REFCLK /1
- SPIWrite 046,05 // Set BBPLL Loop Filter Charge Pump current
- SPIWrite 048,E8 // Set BBPLL Loop Filter C1, R1
- SPIWrite 049,5B // Set BBPLL Loop Filter R2, C2, C1
- SPIWrite 04A,35 // Set BBPLL Loop Filter C3,R2
- SPIWrite 04B,E0 // Allow calibration to occur and set cal count to 1024 for max accuracy
- SPIWrite 04E,10 // Set calibration clock to REFCLK/4 for more accuracy
- SPIWrite 043,00 // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[7:0])
- SPIWrite 042,00 // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[15:8])
- SPIWrite 041,00 // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[23:16])
- SPIWrite 044,20 // BBPLL Freq Word (Integer[7:0])
- SPIWrite 03F,05 // Start BBPLL Calibration
- SPIWrite 03F,01 // Clear BBPLL start calibration bit
- SPIWrite 04C,86 // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
- SPIWrite 04D,01 // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
- SPIWrite 04D,05 // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
- WAIT_CALDONE BBPLL,2000 // Wait for BBPLL to lock, Timeout 2sec, Max BBPLL VCO Cal Time: 345.600 us (Done when 0x05E[7]==1)
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- SPIWrite 073,28
- SPIWrite 074,00
- SPIWrite 075,28
- SPIWrite 076,00
- //************************************************************
- // Setup RSSI and Power Measurement Duration Registers
- //************************************************************
- SPIWrite 150,0B // RSSI Measurement Duration 0, 1
- SPIWrite 151,00 // RSSI Measurement Duration 2, 3
- SPIWrite 152,FF // RSSI Weighted Multiplier 0
- SPIWrite 153,00 // RSSI Weighted Multiplier 1
- SPIWrite 154,00 // RSSI Weighted Multiplier 2
- SPIWrite 155,00 // RSSI Weighted Multiplier 3
- SPIWrite 156,00 // RSSI Delay
- SPIWrite 157,00 // RSSI Wait
- SPIWrite 158,0D // RSSI Mode Select
- SPIWrite 15C,69 // Power Measurement Duration

我们发现其中包含了 SPIWrite 命令和少量的 SPIRead 命令,以及其他命令包括 RESET_FPGA、RESET_DUT、BlockWrite、ReadPartNumber、WAIT、WAIT_CALDONE 等。其中,RESET_FPGA 和 RESET_DUT 是用来复位 FPGA 和 AD9361 的操作,我们可以直接在初始化前进行复位。BlockWrite 命令是用来确定 SPI 时钟频率的,我们可以忽略它,因为 SPI 时钟频率由 FPGA 的代码确定。ReadPartNumber 是指读取寄存器 037 的值,因此可以转换为 SPIRead 命令,或者直接丢掉这行命令,对初始化没有影响。WAIT_CALDONE 是读取某个确定的寄存器,读回某个值后继续执行下一步的操作,因此我们也可以将其转换为 SPIRead 命令。而 WAIT 命令也可以转换为某个特定的 SPIRead 命令,代码在执行到这行命令时,固定延时等待就好了。
综上所述,整个配置脚本可以转换为 SPIWrite 和 SPIRead 的组合。因此,我们可以定义一个 17 位的数,其中最高位 bit[16] 表示读或写,1 表示写,0 表示读。接下来 bit[15:8] 表示要读写的地址,最后 8 位根据命令不同,填入不同的值。具体来说,对于 SPIWrite 命令,最后 8 位表示要写入的数据;对于 SPIRead 命令,最后 8 位可以填任意值,因为它们将被忽略。通过这种方式,我们可以将配置脚本转换为一系列的 SPIWrite 和 SPIRead 命令,从而实现对寄存器参数的配置。最终通过我自己写的脚本,转换成我们工程上可以直接使用的Verilog程序。
(1)有python基础的同学(有基础的)(源文件在最后 ↓)
trans_verilog.py trans.cfg ad9361_lut.v
脚本文件转化为Verilog脚本exe文件:脚本文件转化为Verilog代码exe程序下载 取码:g9jy
选择AD936X Evaluation Software 软件生成的脚本文件trans.cfg,然后点击ok,即可得到可在vivado工程中使用的Verilog脚本文件ad9361_lut.v。
- function [18:0] ad9361_lut;
- input [12:0] index;
- begin
- case(index)
- //************************************************************
- // AD9361 R2 Auto Generated Initialization Script: This script was
- // generated using the AD9361 Customer software Version 2.1.3
- //************************************************************
- // Profile: Custom
- // REFCLK_IN: 40.000 MHz
- //BlockWrite 2,6 // Set ADI FPGA SPI to 20Mhz
- 13'd0:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h3DF,8'h01}; // Required for proper operation
- 13'd1:ad9361_lut={1'b0,10'h037,8'h08};//ReadPartNumber
- 13'd2:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h2A6,8'h0E}; // Enable Master Bias
- 13'd3:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h2A8,8'h0E}; // Set Bandgap Trim
- //REFCLK_Scale 40.000000,1,2 // Sets local variables in script engine, user can ignore
- 13'd4:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h292,8'h08}; // Set DCXO Coarse Tune[5:0]. Coarse and Fine nominal values used with eval system. Other nominal values may be needed in a customer system
- 13'd5:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h293,8'h80}; // Set DCXO Fine Tune [12:5]
- 13'd6:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h294,8'h00}; // Set DCXO Fine Tune [4:0]
- 13'd7:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h2AB,8'h07}; // Set RF PLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
- 13'd8:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h2AC,8'hFF}; // Set RF PLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
- 13'd9:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h009,8'h07}; // Enable Clocks
- 13'd10:ad9361_lut={1'b0,10'h3FF,8'h14};// waits 20 ms
- //************************************************************
- // Set BBPLL Frequency: 1280.000000
- //************************************************************
- 13'd11:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h045,8'h00}; // Set BBPLL reflclk scale to REFCLK /1
- 13'd12:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h046,8'h05}; // Set BBPLL Loop Filter Charge Pump current
- 13'd13:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h048,8'hE8}; // Set BBPLL Loop Filter C1, R1
- 13'd14:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h049,8'h5B}; // Set BBPLL Loop Filter R2, C2, C1
- 13'd15:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h04A,8'h35}; // Set BBPLL Loop Filter C3,R2
- 13'd16:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h04B,8'hE0}; // Allow calibration to occur and set cal count to 1024 for max accuracy
- 13'd17:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h04E,8'h10}; // Set calibration clock to REFCLK/4 for more accuracy
- 13'd18:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h043,8'h00}; // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[7:0])
- 13'd19:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h042,8'h00}; // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[15:8])
- 13'd20:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h041,8'h00}; // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[23:16])
- 13'd21:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h044,8'h20}; // BBPLL Freq Word (Integer[7:0])
- 13'd22:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h03F,8'h05}; // Start BBPLL Calibration
- 13'd23:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h03F,8'h01}; // Clear BBPLL start calibration bit
- 13'd24:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h04C,8'h86}; // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
- 13'd25:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h04D,8'h01}; // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
- 13'd26:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h04D,8'h05}; // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
- /*
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- */
- // Setup RSSI and Power Measurement Duration Registers
- //************************************************************
- 13'd2564:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h150,8'h0B}; // RSSI Measurement Duration 0, 1
- 13'd2565:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h151,8'h00}; // RSSI Measurement Duration 2, 3
- 13'd2566:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h152,8'hFF}; // RSSI Weighted Multiplier 0
- 13'd2567:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h153,8'h00}; // RSSI Weighted Multiplier 1
- 13'd2568:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h154,8'h00}; // RSSI Weighted Multiplier 2
- 13'd2569:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h155,8'h00}; // RSSI Weighted Multiplier 3
- 13'd2570:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h156,8'h00}; // RSSI Delay
- 13'd2571:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h157,8'h00}; // RSSI Wait
- 13'd2572:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h158,8'h0D}; // RSSI Mode Select
- 13'd2573:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h15C,8'h69}; // Power Measurement Duration
- //************************************************************
- //Manually add:Force RX and TX on
- //************************************************************
- 13'd2574:ad9361_lut={1'b0,10'h3FF,8'h14}; // delay
- 13'd2575:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h014,8'h23}; // Set FDD
- 13'd2576:ad9361_lut={1'b1,10'h015,8'h84}; // Set FDD Independent
- 13'd2577:ad9361_lut={1'b0,10'h3FF,8'hFF}; // end of command
- endcase
- end
- endfunction

- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Version 1.0
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- # Obtain input file path and output file path
- my $input_file = shift @ARGV;
- my $output_file = shift @ARGV;
- # Check input parameters
- die "Please enter the input file path and output file path.\n" unless defined $input_file && defined $output_file;
- # Open input file for reading
- open(my $input_fh, "<", $input_file) or die "Unable to open input file: $!";
- # Open output file for writing
- open(my $output_fh, ">", $output_file) or die "Unable to open input file: $!";
- # Initialize Counter
- my $count = 0;
- # Read input files line by line
- while (my $line = <$input_fh>) {
- chomp $line;
- # SPI interface configuration
- ##
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- # replace SPIRead
- elsif ($line =~ /SPIRead\s+(\w+)/) {
- my $cmd = $1;
- my $replacement = "13'd$count: ad9361_cmd_data = {1'b0, 10'h$cmd, 8'h00};";
- print $output_fh "$replacement\n";
- # Counter increment
- $count++;
- }
- }
- # close a file handle
- close($input_fh);
- close($output_fh);
- print "Replacement completed. Output file is $output_file\n";

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