python SIP/MGCP stacks
Divmod Sine
PJSIP now supports Python abstraction for PJSUA-API...)
Sipx利用Python实现了SIP Forum Basic UA Test Suite(
GNU Regex环境常用的两个正则表示式包就是PCRE和GNU Regex,FC5上都装了)
Libxml2 XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome)
Xerces-C++ validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++ by the Apache project.)
expat parser written in C)
(1)Parser generators:
APG (ABNF Parser Generator)
(2)Test case generators:
There's Bill Fenner's ABNF checker (for cut-and-pasted grammar), an ABNF parser in Perl from Harald Alvestrand, and
Chris Newman's abnf.c, a widely used validator (here's its cut-and-paste frontend).
我试用了eclipse用来开发C/C++的cdt插件,对中等规模的工程(100-200个源文件)建立索引太慢,常常"Out of memory";调试器启动时有常遭遇"No symble 'New' in current context"和"Connot access memory at address 0x0"之类的错误;代码提示超级慢,10多秒无响应。我是在CPU2.6G,RAM1G的FC5上运行Eclipse3.2.1。大概eclipse的cdt仅适用于"Hello,world"之类的C/C++工程,但eclipse依然是Linux/Windows平台上开发Java相关工程的首选。
附cscope的使用方法:一般的首先生成cscope.files文件,这个文件里主要是要生成索引的文件列表,一般我都用的find命令生成(windows下可以考虑使用cygwin),比如我要在当前目录下生成*.c*文件和*.h*文件的索引,那么我可以键入:"find . -name "*.c*" -or -name "*.h*" > cscope.files",具体的find命令的用法不再阐述了。
生成cscope.files文件之后,在终端键入"cscope -k -q"就可以生成源代码的索引了。
CEDET(Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools)网址。
ECB(Emacs Code Browser)网址。
GDB-UI(Emacs Mode for GDB)网址。
;; Load CEDET
(load-file "/usr/share/emacs/cedet-1.0pre3/common/cedet.el")
;; Enabling various SEMANTIC minor modes. See semantic/INSTALL for more ideas.
;; Select one of the following
;; (semantic-load-enable-guady-code-helpers)
;; (semantic-load-enable-excessive-code-helpers)
;; Enable this if you develop in semantic, or develop grammars
;; (semantic-load-enable-semantic-debugging-helpers)
;; Some shortcuts
(global-set-key [f5] 'speedbar)
(global-set-key [f7] 'compile)
FC4上面安装Anjuta2.0.2的过程真是太艰难了。(1)Anjuta2下载页面下方给出了Anjuta2依赖的一些包的名称和位置,但这个提示并不够显眼(2)把Anjuta网站提供的gdl下载安装后要配置pkg-config依赖的环境变量export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig(gdl-1.0.pc所在目录)。而某些版本的gdl安装之后并不产生相应的.pc文件!(3)FC4的glib版本太低,www.gtk.org给的链接用Firefox下载不了,用curl搞定了。(4)devhelp 0.11 --> Gtk+2.8 --> Pango with Cairo.
configure Devhelp:
checking for LIBDEVHELP... configure: error: Package requirements (
gthread-2.0 >= 2.6.0
gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0
libglade-2.0 >= 2.4.0
libwnck-1.0 >= 2.10.0
gconf-2.0 >= 2.6.0
) were not met.
在FC5上config Source-Navigator 5.2b2一直到5.1.0都失败:
checking if 64bit support is requested... no
checking if 64bit Sparc VIS support is requested... no
checking system version (for dynamic loading)... ../../../tcl/unix/configure: line 6020: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
../../../tcl/unix/configure: line 6020: ` OSF*)'
configure: error: ../../../tcl/unix/configure failed for unix
Configure in /home/kenny/WorkEvnInit/sourcenav-5.1.0/snbuild/tcl failed, exiting.
GNU GLOBAL is a source code tag system that works the same way across diverse environments. You can locate a specified object in the source files and move there easily. It is useful for hacking a large project containing many subdirectories, many #ifdef and many main() functions. It is similar to ctags or etags but is different from them at the point of independence of any editor. It runs on a UNIX(POSIX) compatible operating system like GNU and BSD.
Valgrind is an award-winning suite of tools for debugging and profiling Linux programs. ElectricFence(声称自己不如Checkergcc(,而Checkergcc又由于Valgrind的出现而退役。一句话:当前大家公认Valgrind是最接近IBM商业产品Purify的开源的内存/性能评测工具。
Splint is a tool for statically checking C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes. With minimal effort, Splint can be used as a better lint. If additional effort is invested adding annotations to programs, Splint can perform stronger checking than can be done by any standard lint.
Flawfinder, a program that examines source code and reports possible security weaknesses (``flaws'') sorted by risk level. It's very useful for quickly finding and removing at least some potential security problems before a program is widely released to the public. Flawfinder is written in Python.
flawfind --quiet --html . >flaws.html
Error: File ended while in string.
SCons是一个与GNU make, qmake, CMake以及Ant类似的软件构建管理工具。SCons is a next-generation software construction tool, or make tool--that is, a software utility for building software (or other files) and keeping built software up-to-date whenever the underlying input files change.
Scons可以完全替代GNU Automake/Autoconf。Automake/Autoconf脚本configure的作用有两个:一是平台环境(头文件、数据类型、库等)检测(交叉编译时这部分很重要),二是定制软件特性(例如Minigui的configure的--enable-clipboard选项表示支持剪切板)。scons手册的“Multi-Platform Configuration (Autoconf Functionality)”和“Controlling a Build From the Command Line”两章分别论述了scons是如何支持上诉功能的。
[root@kenny lib]# scons -v
SCons by Steven Knight et al.:
script: v0.96.95.D002, 2007/02/14 11:01:59, by knight on roxbury
engine: v0.96.1.D001, 2004/08/23 09:55:29, by knight on casablanca
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The SCons Foundation
[root@kenny lib]# rm -fr scons
[root@kenny lib]# scons -v
SCons by Steven Knight et al.:
script: v0.96.95.D002, 2007/02/14 11:01:59, by knight on roxbury
engine: v0.96.95.D002, 2007/02/14 11:01:59, by knight on roxbury
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 The SCons Foundation
sys.path = libs + sys.path
import SCons.Script
print SCons #自己加的
<module 'SCons' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SCons/__init__.pyc'>
scons的README指出“Note that, by default, SCons does not install its build engine library in the standard Python library directories.” 以后别忘了加"--standard-lib"选项。
技巧:中文环境下gcc给出的warning和error都是中文的,不便于在网上找资料,也不便于在Emacs查看。怎样让gcc输出英文的信息呢?一个麻烦的办法就是每次运行scons之前先执行"export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8"。其实可以这么做:在SConstruct文件设置好编译环境env之后,在导出env之前,添加如下一行以修改编译过程中的locale:
env['ENV']['LANG'] = "en_US.UTF-8"
CMake(是一个Makefile生成器(作用相当于GNU atuotools链),它能为许多native build system(如GNU make, MS VC6, MAC OS Xcode等)生成配置文件。KDE4这个大型软件初期尝试了SCons以解决GNU atuotools链的各种弊端,不过最终选择了CMake。其中的缘由请看"Why the KDE project switched to CMake",。
按照《Building Embedded Linux Systems》极其详尽的指导,为嵌入式系统开发构建GNU交叉工具链也很困难:gcc/glibc/binutils/kernel版本之间的配合,特定版本的特征(如GCC3.2开始应该这么做而不是那么做),还要考虑补丁...手工来做非常耗时且不大可能成功(碰到问题看文档和使用Google也不一定能搞定)。用crosstool(,另外在有一些解释、补丁等),只需要你有个Linux PC能上网,一个命令(如下去就行。有时间可以深入研究一下这个工具。Building a gcc / glibc cross-toolchain for use in embedded systems development used to be a scary prospect, requiring iron will, days if not weeks of effort, lots of Unix and Gnu lore, and sometimes willingness to take dodgy shortcuts.
Linux内核的ARM补丁、ARM工具链都可在上找到,这是Linux ARM架构的最权威站点。 另外可能还需要特定芯片厂商提供的补丁,例如3615使用的TI DM320有内核补丁设置了各设备在Flash的地址。
注意:(1)对一个项目而言,升级交叉编译工具链后,制作的ramdisk内也要以新的C动态库替换掉老的,否则可能导致兼容性问题如程序运行不起来。(2)要使得toolchain识别用户添加的库,把库放在arm-linux/arm-linux/usr/lib。为了运行时能找到这个库,制作的ramdisk也必须包含这个库。(3)如果硬件平台没有浮点支持,所以在crosstool的arm.dat文件最后添加如下两行:GCC_EXTRA_CONFIG="--with-float=soft"和GLIBC_EXTRA_CONFIG="--without-fp";或者不使用demo-arm.sh而是注意这两个脚本可能在GCC版本方面并不同步)。在交叉工具链完成后可以用"arm-linux-gcc -v"查看配置情况。(4)默认的目标是arm-unknown-linux-gnu,可以在arm.dat中将TARGET设置为"arm-linux"使得编译出来的GCC名字为arm-linux-gcc。
[使用distcc 缩短编译时间]distcc is a program to distribute builds of C, C++, Objective C or Objective C++ code across several machines on a network. distcc should always generate the same results as a local build, is simple to install and use, and is usually much faster than a local compile.
The main feature required by distcc is that the compiler must be able to run the preprocessor separately, and then compile the preprocessor output from a file. This was a basic part of the original design of C, but some compilers seem to have lost the ability to do this. Secondarily, distcc is currently hardcoded to suit gcc's behaviour and command-line syntax, so only compilers that act like gcc will work. This could in principle be changed.
Tips for Patch Producers
To create a patch that changes an older version of a package into a
newer version, first make a copy of the older and newer versions in
adjacent subdirectories. It is common to do that by unpacking tar
archives of the two versions.
To generate the patch, use the command diff -Naur old new where old
and new identify the old and new directories. The names old and new
should not contain any slashes. The -N option lets the patch create
and remove files; -a lets the patch update non-text files; -u
generates useful time stamps and enough context; and -r lets the patch
update subdirectories. Here is an example command, using Bourne shell
diff -Naur gcc-3.0.3 gcc-3.0.4 > patch_gcc_304_to_303
Tell your recipients how to apply the patches. This should include
which working directory to use, and which patch options to use; the
option -p1 is recommended. Test your procedure by pretending to be a
recipient and applying your patches to a copy of the original files.
For example, place patch_gcc_304_to_303 at the directory in which
gcc-3.0.3 lies, using Bourne shell syntax:
cd gcc-3.0.3
patch -p1 < ../patch_gcc_304_to_303
Kdiff3 is very good for large merges, automatic merge facility.
Meld is a visual diff and merge tool. Meld is written with the excellent pygtk toolkit.
kdiff3-0.9.90-1.fc.i686.rpm 要求,对应的FC4平台RPM是libstdc++-4.0.2-8.i386.rpm,但FC4光盘上只有4.0.0,网络速度太慢,下载不了!:( kdiff3-0.9.89把我的编译器列入了黑名单。最后用0.9.88终于顺利安装了。运行起来感觉不错!
mpy-svn-stats: Very simple and easy to use Subversion statistics generator written in Python. (是另一个Subversion库分析工具。SipX项目的统计信息(就是由此工具生成的。
程序代码美化工具astyle可美化C/C++/Java。astyle有几个成套的的风格定义:ansi java linux kr...不必记住复杂的缩进具体选项。indent(gcc附带的一个标准工具)只能美化C代码。专门针对Java代码的有CheckStyle(免费,和Jacobe(商业,等。
astyle 1.19有个BUG:如果#ifdef 下一行以{开头,则{被调整到#ifdef行最后,这必然导致编译失败。
# -kr Kernighan & Ritchie style
# -nbad -bap -bbo -nbc -br -brs -c33 -cd33 -ncdb -ce -ci4 -cli0
# -cp33 -cs -d0 -di1 -nfc1 -nfca -hnl -i4 -ip0 -l75 -lp -npcs
# -nprs -npsl -saf -sai -saw -nsc -nsob -nss
# -nbad The '-bad' option causes `indent' to force a blank line after every
# block of declarations. The `-nbad' option causes `indent' not to force
# such blank lines.
# -cliN Case label indent of N spaces.
# -bliN Indent braces N spaces.
# -cbiN Indent braces after a case label N spaces.
# -nut Use spaces instead of tabs.
indent -kr -bli0 -cbi4 -nut $1
Bison 是替代yacc的语法解析器. 有时间研究一下!还有Boost Spirit框架!
wxPython是wxWidgets的Python绑定,类似的Python GUI库还有Tkinter(Python事实上标准的GUI toolkit,基于Tk)、PyGtk(基于GTK+)、PyQt。经过一番权衡(网上有个《知名GUI库简评》),我决定采用wxPython。我认为它的跨平台性非常好,且使用非常简单(安装包就带有大量的范例,这是最好的参考资料)。
The pysvn project's goal is to enable Tools to be written in Python that use Subversion.
Snack是一个Python库,用于创建简单的基于文本的用户界面。 红帽子的Linux在安装、配置期间出现的那些非常像GUI但又不具有普通窗口控制功能的界面,就是基于文本的用户界面,它们使用了Snack。例如:配置系统时区的命令/usr/sbin/timeconfig包装了Python脚本/usr/share/system-config-date/,时区列表/usr/share/zoneinfo/。
Snack is a python library based on newt that can be used to create a simple text based User interface. This is the package that was used by Red Hat to create their installation along with a number of configuration tools. It is an ideal platform upon which to create installation and configuration scripts, particularly if you don't want to rely on X, or you want to avoid complexity.
还有Python包也叫做Snack,在。The Snack Sound Toolkit is designed to be used with a scripting language such as Tcl/Tk or Python. Using Snack you can create powerful multi-platform audio applications with just a few lines of code.
用于创建基于文本的用户界面的Python包并不只有Snack。“某一类 Python 应用程序最好使用交互式用户界面,这样可以消除图形环境的系统开销或复杂性。交互式文本模式程序(在 Linux/UNIX 中),例如封装在 Python 的标准 curses 模块中的ncurses 库,正是您所需要的。 Tinter 是构建在 curses 上的高级窗口小部件的一个模块。Tinter 支持按钮、文本框、对话框和进展栏。一种没有充分引起公众注意的(并且难以捕捉到的) ncurses 和其它各种封装器的备用产品结合了slang 和newt 以及 python 封装器模块snack。slang 的功能与 curses 一样,而且newt 的功能与Tinter 一样。 ”
pexpect( is a pure Python Expect-like module. Pexpect makes Python a better tool for controlling other applications.Python-dev邮件列表对此有讨论。
twill is a simple scripting language intended for programmatic or automated browsing of Web sites. twill strives to be a complete implementation of a Web browser, omitting only JavaScript support. It includes support for cookies, basic authentication, and most (all?) HTTP trickery, including HTTP-EQUIV redirects. Please let me know if you find a situation where it doesn't work! It's written in Python. It's Python API is for Python programmers interested in using twill from Python.
<script language=javascript>document.cookie="admin_999999;path=/";parent.location.href="../web/system_1.asp";</script>
Set-Cookie: S=gmail=ZlqdB1eh50LLOD2oHQy-AA:gmail_yj=wYXY0sDUzqa7YGNlHwld8w:gmproxy=r8SkXMoAtqc:gmproxy_yj=0nwuEpFAlkk;; Path=//r/n
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Set-Cookie3: SID="DQAAAGkAAADjG8D7QJIQvqfILHXEzSkXTkoj8CjBwoANMpmfSGsZi2hdp1WmaECgfVyfgGihzZD_aOj30vO_UFH4U6aUrQ3OOF18ePC9owraK0-SVfGxjBwrARvxeWKUDP5QXFG40ehFrk8ynkZ1W7NHI4xz7CUt"; path="/"; domain=""; path_spec; domain_dot; discard; version=0
The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities. SVN统计工具mpy-svn-stats的图片操作基于它创建RGB模式的PNG图片。Python图像处理方面的极好文章:Python and Image processing位于。
ReportLab Toolkit是用于创建PDF文档的Python工具包,依赖于PIL。
Trac: Simple, web based, intuitive bug and change tracking. Has a good interface with Subversion. Click around and view a current project using TRAC<>.
说到版本控制,也顺便提一下目前越来越热的Trac,她是一个非常好的融合了wiki、故障跟踪、版本管理的软件项目管理平台。使用Python编写,版本管理采用subversion, 不过采用的是subversion自带的Swig-python接口。其他的数据存储在sqlite中,系统采用clearsliver页面模板引擎编写。
下载/离线浏览整个网站的工具非常多...Linux下有个商业版本的HTTrack V3.40 For Linux(,一直连接不上). 一个容易使用的站点镜像软件,能将网站传送到本地目录,并且会将所有相关链接重新组织,以便顺利的离线浏览。KHttrack(是HTTrack的KDE包装。
cURL is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, TELNET, DICT, FILE and LDAP. curl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, kerberos...), file transfer resume, proxy tunneling and a busload of other useful tricks.
FlashGot - Best Firefox Download Manager Integration.一个下载管理器,将浏览器(Mozilla/Firefox/Flock/Thunderbird)与一些下载工具(GUI的wxDFast/D4X/KGet等,CLI的wget/cURL/WellGet[适合于边下载边播放电影]等)集成起来,使得下载操作就像Windows下用netants/FlashGet那样简单。
我在Linux下经常下载一些新鲜软件尝试,但是浏览器Firefox常常打不开链接或者下载失败,尤其是隔了防火墙访问SourceForge之类的较慢站点;而这些链接在Windows下是可以下载的,虽然速度慢一点。用yum升级系统,常出现“ [Errno -1] Header is not complete.”类似的错误。而gFTP这样的FTP客户端GUI常常这儿或那儿工作得不对劲。用NcFTP或者cURL一般可以解决这些问题。(注:FTP的URL举例:ftp://book:book@
和Windows相比,Linux上的词典、翻译工具比较少。星际译王StarDict是利用GTK(GIMP TOOLKIT)开发的国际化的、跨平台的词典工具,它也可以安装在Windows上,不过,安装前首先要安装GTK+环境。星际译王的词典要在安装完程序之后才能下载和设置。官方网站上的这个页面:,就有很多中英词典的下载地址。To install these tarball dictionaries, do this:(1)tar -xjvf a.tar.bz2 (2)mv a /usr/share/stardict/dic.我下载安装了朗道英汉字典5.0,朗道汉英词典5.0,牛津辞典。
你可以在 找到许多好用的XML编辑器。
一些公司也发布比商业版功能少但免费的版本:Eclipse的XMLBuddy插件标准版(,提供以下编辑功能:格式化、用户可配置的语法着色、DTD 驱动的代码辅助、验证以及同步的提纲视图格式化功能),Windows平台的XMLSpy家庭版(Home Edition,,基于Java的XMLmind标准版(Standard Edition,,网上有中文版)。只发布商业版本的有oxygen(
Rather than writing DocBook XML documents by hand using a text editor like notepad or vi, it is often conveinent to use an XML editor with a point-and-click graphical user interface (GUI). This tutorial covers the use of one such editor, XMLMind's XML Editor (XXE), to create DocBook XML documents.
ArgoUML是100%基于J2SE开发的UML建模工具,支持UML1.4所有7类图,支持导入导出XMI,支持导出成PNG等多种图形文件,支持代码生成,不支持逆向工程,不支持C++。 FedoraCore4附带的Umbrello是基于KDE的,在保存和加载XMI文件时很慢。编译1.5.1时居然提示我编译器版本被它列入了黑名单以防止KDE崩溃,要求我更换其他版本编译器。gcc (GCC) 4.0.0 20050519 (Red Hat 4.0.0-8)。我通过SVN下载了gcc,但担心把系统搞坏了,不敢弄。
webmin是Unix平台上的服务器管理工具,能管理HTTP,FTP,SAMBA等.有许多插件可用.我选择了"Start at boot",端口号默认10000.但没有识别我后来安装的Apahce,不知道怎么回事?
jEdit是基于Java的文本编辑器(自然地在windows,Linux上都可用),支持多种语言的语法着色,就象Windows上的UEStudio和EditPlus一样可以作为一个简单的IDE.有许多插件可用.(FedoraCore4附带JRE版本1.4.2,jEdit1.4.3pre3运行不起来:Out of memory...。从SUN下载JDK1.5或者JRE1.5安装即可)
WireShark(原名Ethereal)是个功能强大的协议分析器。最重要的特性:(1)Capture Filter,(2)Display Filter,(3)Capturer停止条件(时间、包数、大小),Capture File存储形式(多文件循环利用)(这个功能比Windows上的安捷伦Agilent还要强!我用了0.99.3及之前版本,此功能经常导致软件崩溃)(4)允许指定接口抓包,常用的接口包括以太接口、Lookback接口、所有接口(5)支持tcpdump等许多其他协议分析器的记录格式,(6)支持多达759种协议,(7)捕获报文能够全部或部分存储、导出、打印,(8)可运行于所有流行的OS上。Ethereal从版本0.99.1开始更名为WireShark。可以同时运行多个Wireshark在同一接口上抓包--这样便于从多个角度观察网络流量,例如区分多个IPCam的流量以便于判断哪个断线了。鉴于WireShark的多文件循环存储功能有BUG,可以用tcpdump或者命令行方式的Wireshark,直接把报文打印到stdout,不需要考虑尺寸限制--缺点是浏览报文不如GUI方式直观。
Ethereal® is used by network professionals around the world for troubleshooting, analysis, software and protocol development, and education. It has all of the standard features you would expect in a protocol analyzer, and several features not seen in any other product. Its open source license allows talented experts in the networking community to add enhancements. It runs on all popular computing platforms, including Unix, Linux, and Windows.
Linux是很不错的OS,但现实环境有许多平时工作要用的软件都必须在Windows环境下运行,所以还是没有办法使用Linux。 其实安装了WINE即可使用exe档,也可以使用ie、word、execl、powerpoint、photoshop、adobe acrobat......
IEs4Linux is the simpler way to have Microsoft Internet Explorer running on Linux. What is the target public?
* WebDesigners that want to move to Linux but still need to test their sites on IE.
* People who have to open IE-only sites
安装BII的NetCam客户端后提示缺少MSVCP60.dll,拷贝过来后运行又发生"run time error"。看来用wine运行任意一个Windows上的exe不是那么容易!
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) allows one to view and operate the console of another computer remotely accross the network. RealVNC(和TightVNC(在Linux和Windows上都有Client/Server合一的版本。我在Windows上安装TightVNC作为VNC Server,配置非常简单:服务器配置只需要设置密码即可。Linux上运行VNC客户端在访问时指定服务器IP并提供密码即可。 Fedora Core 5集成了2个VNC客户端:krdc和“终端服务客户端”,都在Internet分类下面。
qRFCView is a viewer for IETF RFCs. Advantages are:
* automatic table of content, with direct opening of section;
* handling of RFC internal cross-references;
* automatic downloading of a referenced RFC from the IETF web site on a simple click;
* caching of RFC in a local directory;
* tab-browsing of RFC;
* searching.
It is available for Linux and Windows operating system (and potentially MacOS X).
RPM打包 在http://rpmfind.net找到了rfc-2007.4.14-1.noarch.rpm
sipsak: SIP Swiss Army Knife, very useful test utility (Linux). SIPSAK是一个小的命令行工具,用于开发者和系统管理员测试SIP系统。可对SIP应用和设备进行简单的测试。sipsak结合Python,Perl之类的脚本语言,可以快速构建一个简单测试。上的cdt.pl就是这方面的例子。这比起仅使用脚本语言,省去了认证、发送ACK、DNS解析等麻烦。
SIPp: a powerful SIP performance testing tool sponsered by HP. Its main features are basic SIPStone scenarios, TCP/UDP transport, customizable (xml based) scenarios, dynamic adjustement of call-rate and a comprehensive set of real-time statistics.
Bison的-g选项输出语法的自动机的VCG定义。 Visualization of Compiler Graphs。以下两个地方有相关工具信息:,,。好像函数调用关系也可以用这个表达,见。
dogtail ( is a GUI test tool and automation framework written in Python. It uses Accessibility (a11y) technologies to communicate with desktop applications. dogtail scripts are written in Python and executed like any other Python program. Both dogtail and LDTP (Linux Desktop Testing Project) are test tools that use the same underlying technology (AT-SPI). Beyond that fact, there is no current relationship between dogtail and LDTP.(我最初是在这个工具发现这个工具的简介。后来发现了marathon--一个基于Python和Java的测试Java Swing GUI的测试工具。其实以上这些GUI测试工具的测试步骤都是如下三步:Record[录制脚本]->Refactor[调整]->Replay[重放])
pywinauto( is Windows GUI automation with Python. No pre-recording or window capture needed before use - just code and run :-)
SIP ( is a tool for automatically generating Python bindings for C and C++ libraries. It was originally developed to create PyQt, the Python bindings for the Qt toolkit, but can be used to create bindings for any C or C++ library. 可yum安装,名称Python-SIP。
SIP is included with all of the major Linux distributions. However, it may be a version or two out of date.
PyChecker is a tool for finding bugs in python source code. It finds problems that are typically caught by a compiler for less dynamic languages, like C and C++. It is similar to lint. Because of the dynamic nature of python, some warnings may be incorrect; however, spurious warnings should be fairly infrequent.
Pylint is a python tool that checks if a module satisfies a coding standard. Pylint can be seen as another PyChecker since nearly all tests you can do with PyChecker can also be done with Pylint. But Pylint offers some more features, like checking line-code's length, checking if variable names are well-formed according to your coding standard, or checking if declared interfaces are truly implemented, and much more (see the complete check list).
Pyreverse is a set of tools for reverse engineering Python code. So far, it features dependency analysis tools, unittest skeleton generation, quick UML like diagrams generation and XMI generation for importation in a UML modeling tool. A special module can be used to generate files readable by Argo UML.
Winpdb - An Advanced Python Debugger. Winpdb is an GPL Python debugger, with support for smart breakpoints, multiple threads, namespace modification, embedded debugging, password encrypted communication and speed of up to 20 times that of pdb. 它基于wxPython。我用了一下,感觉比Python自带的IDLE的调试功能更强,更好用,速度也更快(IDLE里面执行一行代码慢得像蜗牛)。Winpdb只有很少的在线文档,启动命令:" -t"。调试器Launch一个Python脚本时使用的就是启动调试器时的那个Python解释器,似乎没有办法更换。
pydb is an expanded version of the Python debugger loosely based on the gdb comand set. It also has all of the features found in an earlier version of that was distributed with the debugger GUI ddd. 早期的pydb是DDD的一个插件,而现在的版本基于gdb命令行,所以还可以集成到Emacs中。
wxWidgets lets developers create applications for Win32, Mac OS X, GTK+, X11, Motif, WinCE, and more using one codebase. It can be used from languages such as C++, Python, Perl, and C#/.NET. Unlike other cross-platform toolkits, wxWidgets applications look and feel native.
OpenDNS(提供了两个DNS Server和208.67.220.220,解析速度很快。