1.1在安卓的文件系统生成如下的设备节点:/sys/kernel/pax_ethernet/mac用于烧录以及读取以太网的mac地址。使用adb命令进行以太网mac地址的烧写以及读写。本质上在使用echo "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa" > /sys/kernel/pax_ethernet/mac这个命令的时候会调用kernel的底层驱动往我们存放的mac地址的分区写入以太网的mac地址。我们的需求是在烧录了以太网的mac地址之后,设备就一直使用我们烧录的mac给网卡设备,不在使用随机数生成mac地址。实现的思路大致如下:在使用adb命令往/sys/kernel/pax_ethernet/mac这个设备节点写入合法的mac地址之后,在重启之后uboot启动的时候会从这烧录mac地址的分区读取烧录mac地址,如果烧录的mac地址合法,就会通过cmdline的机制传递给kernel,kernel的以太网往驱动会解析uboot发送的cmdline,将传递的字符串解析之后,如果合法在赋值给网卡,我在kernel的驱动还做了判断,如果uboot传递的mac地址出错或者读取有异常,kernel会在一次从分区中获取mac地址。好吧,讲了这么多,我们还是看代码是如何实现的吧。
- 1 int sp_get_mac(char *value, int len){
- 2
- 3 unsigned blocks,offset_blocks;
- 4 const disk_partition_t* ptn = get_disk_partition("sp");
- 5
- 6 /* strcpy(value,"0123456789"); */
- 7 /* return 0; */
- 8
- 9 offset_blocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(SP_MAC_OFFSET, RK_BLK_SIZE);
- 10 /* blocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(len, RK_BLK_SIZE); */
- 11
- 12 if (ptn) {
- 13 return rkloader_CopyFlash2Memory(value,ptn->start+offset_blocks,1);
- 14 }
- 15
- 16 return -1;
- 17 }
- 18
- 19 int sp_set_mac(char *value, int len){
- 20
- 21 unsigned blocks,offset_blocks;
- 22 const disk_partition_t* ptn = get_disk_partition("sp");
- 23
- 24 offset_blocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(SP_MAC_OFFSET, RK_BLK_SIZE);
- 25 blocks = DIV_ROUND_UP(len, RK_BLK_SIZE);
- 26
- 27 if (ptn) {
- 28 StorageEraseBlock(ptn->start+offset_blocks, blocks, 1);
- 29 return rkloader_CopyMemory2Flash(value,ptn->start+offset_blocks,blocks);
- 30 }
- 31
- 32 return -1;
- 33 }
- 1 //读取sp分区的mac地址
- 2 memset(tbuf,0,sizeof(tbuf));
- 3 ret = sp_get_mac(tbuf,64);
- 4 if(ret!=0){
- 5 tbuf[0]=0;
- 6 }else{
- 7 if((tbuf[0]==0xff)&&(tbuf[1]==0xff)&&(tbuf[2]==0xff)&&\
- 8 (tbuf[3]==0xff)&&(tbuf[4]==0xff)&&(tbuf[5]==0xff)){
- 9 tbuf[0]=0;
- 10 }else if((tbuf[0]==0x00)&&(tbuf[1]==0x00)&&(tbuf[2]==0x00)&&\
- 11 (tbuf[3]==0x00)&&(tbuf[4]==0x00)&&(tbuf[5]==0x00)){
- 12 tbuf[0]=0;
- 13 }else{
- 14 unsigned char tmp[32];
- 15 memset(tmp,0,32);
- 16
- 17 sprintf(tmp,"%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",tbuf[0],tbuf[1],tbuf[2],tbuf[3],tbuf[4],tbuf[5]);
- 18 printf("[%s:%d]mac:%s\r\n",__func__,__LINE__,tmp);
- 19 snprintf(command_line, len,
- 20 "%s eth_mac=%s", command_line, tmp);
- 21 }
- 22 }
- 23 tbuf[63]=0;

- u_char mac_addr_str[18] = {0};
- u_char mac_addr[7] = {0};
- static int __init get_mac_addr(char *str)
- {
- strncpy(mac_addr_str,str,17);
- printk(KERN_ERR"[%s:%d] mac_addr_str = %s",__func__,__LINE__,mac_addr_str);
- return 0;
- }
- //解析cmdline
- __setup("eth_mac=",get_mac_addr);
- module_init(stmmac_init);
- module_exit(stmmac_exit);
- u_char char2num(u_char ch)
- {
- switch(ch){
- case 'a':
- case 'A':
- return 10;
- break;
- case 'b':
- case 'B':
- return 11;
- break;
- case 'c':
- case 'C':
- return 12;
- break;
- case 'd':
- case 'D':
- return 13;
- break;
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- return 14;
- break;
- case 'f':
- case 'F':
- return 15;
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- }
- void str2byte(u_char *str, u_char *byte)
- {
- int i=0, j=0;
- u_char num, n;
- u_char temp[20] = {0};
- for(i=0; i<17; i++){
- if(str[i] == ':'){
- continue;
- }else{
- temp[j] = str[i];
- j++;
- }
- }
- temp[j]='\0';
- i=0;
- while(*(temp+i)!='\0')
- {
- if(*(temp+i)>='0' && *(temp+i) <= '9'){
- if(i%2 == 0){ //żÊýΪʮλ
- num = (*(temp+i)-'0') * 16;
- }else{
- num = num + (*(temp+i)-'0');
- }
- i++;
- }else if((*(temp+i)>='a' && *(temp+i) <= 'f') || (*(temp+i)>='A' && *(temp+i) <= 'F')){
- n = char2num(*(temp+i));
- if(n == 0){
- memset(byte, 0, 6);
- break;
- }
- if(i%2 == 0){ //żÊýΪʮλ
- num = n * 16;
- }else{
- num = num + n;
- }
- i++;
- }else{
- memset(byte, 0, 6);
- break;
- }
- if(i%2 == 0){
- *byte++ = num;
- }
- }
- }
- static ssize_t block_mac_store(const char *buf, size_t count)
- {
- if (buf != NULL && strlen(buf))
- {
- write_block_info(BLOCK_NAME, buf, strlen(buf), MAC_ADDR_OFFSET);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static ssize_t block_mac_show( char *buf)
- {
- char mac_buf[18] = {0};
- read_block_info(BLOCK_NAME, mac_buf, 17, MAC_ADDR_OFFSET);
- printk(KERN_ERR"[%s:%d] mac: %pM\r\n",__func__,__LINE__,mac_buf);
- return sprintf(buf, "%s", mac_buf);
- } //这部分的代码就是赋值将获取的mac地址赋值给网卡设备的主要地方.
- //cmdline´«µÝµÄmacµØÖ·
- str2byte(mac_addr_str, mac_addr);
- printk(KERN_ERR"[%s:%d]%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\r\n",__func__,__LINE__,mac_addr[0],mac_addr[1],mac_addr[2],mac_addr[3],mac_addr[4],mac_addr[5]);
- if(is_valid_ether_addr(mac_addr)){
- priv->dev->dev_addr = mac_addr;
- printk(KERN_ERR"[%s:%d]\r\n",__func__,__LINE__);
- }
- if(!is_valid_ether_addr(priv->dev->dev_addr)){
- memset(block_mac_buf,0,sizeof(block_mac_buf));
- block_mac_show(block_mac_buf);
- printk(KERN_ERR"[%s:%d]%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\r\n",__func__,__LINE__,block_mac_buf[0],block_mac_buf[1],block_mac_buf[2],block_mac_buf[3],block_mac_buf[4],block_mac_buf[5]); if(is_valid_ether_addr(block_mac_buf)){
- priv->dev->dev_addr = block_mac_buf;
- printk(KERN_ERR"[%s:%d]\r\n",__func__,__LINE__);
- }
- }
- 1 +
- 2 +static ssize_t sys_mac_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_attribute *attr,
- 3 + char *buf)
- 4 +{
- 5 + char temp_mac_buf[18];
- 6 +
- 7 + memset(temp_mac_buf,0,sizeof(temp_mac_buf));
- 8 + read_block_info(BLOCK_NAME, temp_mac_buf, 18, MAC_ADDR_OFFSET);
- 9 + printk(KERN_ERR"[%s:%d]%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\r\n",__func__,__LINE__,temp_mac_buf[0],temp_mac_buf[1],temp_mac_buf[2],temp_mac_buf[3],temp_mac_buf[4],temp_mac_buf[5]);
- 10 +
- 11 + return sprintf(buf, "%pM\n", temp_mac_buf);
- 12 +}
- 13 +
- 14 +static ssize_t sys_mac_store(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_attribute *attr,
- 15 + const char *buf, size_t count)
- 16 +{
- 17 + u_char mac_addr[7] = {0};
- 18 +
- 19 + printk(KERN_ERR"[%s:%d]%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\r\n",__func__,__LINE__,buf[0],buf[1],buf[2],buf[3],buf[4],buf[5]);
- 20 + if (buf != NULL && strlen(buf)){
- 21 + //memcpy(mac_str, buf, strlen(buf));
- 22 + //<D7>ַ<FB><B4><AE><B5><C4>ת<BB><BB>
- 23 + str2byte(buf, mac_addr);
- 24 + printk(KERN_ERR"[%s:%d]%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\r\n",__func__,__LINE__,mac_addr[0],mac_addr[1],mac_addr[2],mac_addr[3],mac_addr[4],mac_addr[5]);
- 25 + write_block_info(BLOCK_NAME, mac_addr, 6, MAC_ADDR_OFFSET);
- 26 + }
- 27 +
- 28 + return count;
- 29 +}
- 30 +
- 31 +static struct kobj_attribute mac_attribute =
- 32 + __ATTR(mac, 0666, sys_mac_show, sys_mac_store);
- 33 +
- 34 +
- 35 +static struct attribute *attrs[] = {
- 36 + &mac_attribute.attr,
- 37 + NULL, /* need to NULL terminate the list of attributes */
- 38 +};
- 39 +static struct attribute_group attr_group = {
- 40 + .attrs = attrs,
- 41 +};
- 42 +
- 43 +static struct kobject *ethernet_kobj;
- 44 +
- 45
- 46
- 47 + ethernet_kobj = kobject_create_and_add("pax_ethernet", kernel_kobj);
- 48 + if (!ethernet_kobj)
- 49 + return -ENOMEM;
- 50 +
- 51 + /* Create the files associated with this kobject */
- 52 + ret = sysfs_create_group(ethernet_kobj, &attr_group);
- 53 + if (ret)
- 54 + kobject_put(ethernet_kobj);
- 55 +
- 1 int write_block_info(const char *name, char *data, int length, loff_t offset)
- 2 {
- 3 struct file *fp;
- 4 mm_segment_t fs;
- 5
- 6
- 7 AUTHINFO_DEBUG("%s start, data: %s, length: %d \n",__func__, data, length);
- 8
- 9 fp = filp_open(name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644);
- 10 if (IS_ERR(fp)) {
- 11 AUTHINFO_ERROR("create file error");
- 12 return -1;
- 13 }
- 14
- 15 fs = get_fs();
- 16 set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
- 17
- 18 vfs_write(fp, data, length, &offset);
- 19
- 20 filp_close(fp, NULL);
- 21 set_fs(fs);
- 22
- 23 AUTHINFO_DEBUG("%s end",__func__);
- 24
- 25 return 0;
- 26 }
- 27 EXPORT_SYMBOL(write_block_info);
- 28
- 29 int read_block_info(const char *name, char *buf, int length, loff_t offset)
- 30 {
- 31 struct file *fp;
- 32 mm_segment_t fs;
- 33
- 34 AUTHINFO_DEBUG("%s start",__func__);
- 35 fp = filp_open(name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644);
- 36 if (IS_ERR(fp)) {
- 37 AUTHINFO_ERROR("create file error");
- 38 return -1;
- 39 }
- 40
- 41 fs = get_fs();
- 42 set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
- 43
- 44 vfs_read(fp, buf, length, &offset);
- 45
- 46
- 47 filp_close(fp, NULL);
- 48 set_fs(fs);
- 49
- 50 AUTHINFO_DEBUG("%s end %d %s",__func__,length,buf);
- 51
- 52 return 0;
- 53 }
- 54 EXPORT_SYMBOL(read_block_info);