simplepermission整个module是一个权限请求的库,因为整个工程基于androidx,没花时间去找适配androidx的权限库,就自己改吧改吧了一下原来用的一个权限库来用,因为要实现投屏,必须要一些权限,参见screening module的manifest文件。
sereening module是整个项目的核心,有三个地方要先提出来说清楚,一个是log包下的AndroidLoggingHandler,这个类是为了解决cling包里的logger不输出日志的问题,具体的请看
另一个是xml包下的几个类,主要是重写了cling里解析设备交互报文的SAX解析器,cling原来的代码,在生成解析器的时候抛了异常,导致设备交互的报文无法被解析,后续流程就中断了,以至于无法发现可以投屏的设备。说到这里,不得不说,大神们写的代码,设计的真的非常强大,扩展性考虑的很好,我本以为只能clone cling的源码下来自己改,没想到这个解析器可以自定义,为作者手动点赞!
最后一个地方呢,就是DLNABrowserService,里面只是重载了AndroidUpnpServiceImpl的一个方法,返回DLNAUDA10ServiceDescriptorBinderSAXImpl,以便于替换cling自带的无法在android9.0上面正常工作的UDA10ServiceDescriptorBinderSAXImpl。所以,在使用这个库的时候,在app module的manifest里声明的就不是AndroidUpnpServiceImpl而是DLNABrowserService,这一点要注意。
至于bean包下的两个类,DeviceInfo是对支持投屏的设备——Device 的一个封装;MediaInfo是为了方便传递要投屏的多媒体信息做的封装。
public interface DLNAStateCallback {
void onConnected();
void onDisconnected();
public abstract class DLNARegistryListener implements RegistryListener { private final DeviceType DMR_DEVICE_TYPE = new UDADeviceType("MediaRenderer"); public void remoteDeviceDiscoveryStarted(Registry registry, RemoteDevice device) { } public void remoteDeviceDiscoveryFailed(Registry registry, RemoteDevice device, Exception ex) { } /** * Calls the {@link #onDeviceChanged(List)} method. * * @param registry The Cling registry of all devices and services know to the local UPnP stack. * @param device A validated and hydrated device metadata graph, with complete service metadata. */ public void remoteDeviceAdded(Registry registry, RemoteDevice device) { onDeviceChanged(build(registry.getDevices())); onDeviceAdded(registry, device); } public void remoteDeviceUpdated(Registry registry, RemoteDevice device) { } /** * Calls the {@link #onDeviceChanged(List)} method. * * @param registry The Cling registry of all devices and services know to the local UPnP stack. * @param device A validated and hydrated device metadata graph, with complete service metadata. */ public void remoteDeviceRemoved(Registry registry, RemoteDevice device) { onDeviceChanged(build(registry.getDevices())); onDeviceRemoved(registry, device); } /** * Calls the {@link #onDeviceChanged(List)} method. * * @param registry The Cling registry of all devices and services know to the local UPnP stack. * @param device The local device added to the {@link org.fourthline.cling.registry.Registry}. */ public void localDeviceAdded(Registry registry, LocalDevice device) { onDeviceChanged(build(registry.getDevices())); onDeviceAdded(registry, device); } /** * Calls the {@link #onDeviceChanged(List)} method. * * @param registry The Cling registry of all devices and services know to the local UPnP stack. * @param device The local device removed from the {@link org.fourthline.cling.registry.Registry}. */ public void localDeviceRemoved(Registry registry, LocalDevice device) { onDeviceChanged(build(registry.getDevices())); onDeviceRemoved(registry, device); } public void beforeShutdown(Registry registry) { } public void afterShutdown() { } public void onDeviceChanged(Collection<Device> deviceInfoList) { onDeviceChanged(build(deviceInfoList)); } public abstract void onDeviceChanged(List<DeviceInfo> deviceInfoList); public void onDeviceAdded(Registry registry, Device device) { } public void onDeviceRemoved(Registry registry, Device device) { } private List<DeviceInfo> build(Collection<Device> deviceList) { final List<DeviceInfo> deviceInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Device device : deviceList) { //过滤不支持投屏渲染的设备 if (null == device.findDevices(DMR_DEVICE_TYPE)) { continue; } final DeviceInfo deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo(device, getDeviceName(device)); deviceInfoList.add(deviceInfo); } return deviceInfoList; } private String getDeviceName(Device device) { String name = ""; if (device.getDetails() != null && device.getDetails().getFriendlyName() != null) { name = device.getDetails().getFriendlyName(); } else { name = device.getDisplayString(); } return name; } }
public interface DLNADeviceConnectListener { int TYPE_DLNA = 1; int TYPE_IM = 2; int TYPE_NEW_LELINK = 3; int CONNECT_INFO_CONNECT_SUCCESS = 100000; int CONNECT_INFO_CONNECT_FAILURE = 100001; int CONNECT_INFO_DISCONNECT = 212000; int CONNECT_INFO_DISCONNECT_SUCCESS = 212001; int CONNECT_ERROR_FAILED = 212010; int CONNECT_ERROR_IO = 212011; int CONNECT_ERROR_IM_WAITTING = 212012; int CONNECT_ERROR_IM_REJECT = 212013; int CONNECT_ERROR_IM_TIMEOUT = 212014; int CONNECT_ERROR_IM_BLACKLIST = 212015; void onConnect(DeviceInfo deviceInfo, int errorCode); void onDisconnect(DeviceInfo deviceInfo,int type,int errorCode); }
public interface DLNAControlCallback { int ERROR_CODE_NO_ERROR = 0; int ERROR_CODE_RE_PLAY = 1; int ERROR_CODE_RE_PAUSE = 2; int ERROR_CODE_RE_STOP = 3; int ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR = 4; int ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_ERROR = 5; int ERROR_CODE_NOT_READY = 6; void onSuccess(@Nullable ActionInvocation invocation); void onReceived(@Nullable ActionInvocation invocation,@Nullable Object ... extra); void onFailure(@Nullable ActionInvocation invocation, @IntRange(from = ERROR_CODE_NO_ERROR, to = ERROR_CODE_NOT_READY) int errorCode, @Nullable String errorMsg); }
看完这几个类之后,我们应该大致知道这个库整个工作的流程了:初始化DLNAManager -> 注册设备列表回调接口 -> 连接一个设备 -> 控制这个设备。只不过呢,我把连接设备和控制设备部分功能封装到了DLNAPlayer里面,不然DLNAManager会有点臃肿,不便于维护。这里说到了整个库的工作流程,那么接下来我们就从DLNAManager开始接着分析。
public final class DLNAManager { private static final String TAG = "DLNAManager"; private static final String LOCAL_HTTP_SERVER_PORT = "9090"; private static boolean isDebugMode = false; private Context mContext; private AndroidUpnpService mUpnpService; private ServiceConnection mServiceConnection; private DLNAStateCallback mStateCallback; private RegistryListener mRegistryListener; private List<DLNARegistryListener> registryListenerList; private Handler mHandler; private BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver; private DLNAManager() { AndroidLoggingHandler.injectJavaLogger(); mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); registryListenerList = new ArrayList<>(); mRegistryListener = new RegistryListener() { @Override public void remoteDeviceDiscoveryStarted(final Registry registry, final RemoteDevice device) { mHandler.post(() -> { synchronized (DLNAManager.class) { for (DLNARegistryListener listener : registryListenerList) { listener.remoteDeviceDiscoveryStarted(registry, device); } } }); } @Override public void remoteDeviceDiscoveryFailed(final Registry registry, final RemoteDevice device, final Exception ex) { mHandler.post(() -> { synchronized (DLNAManager.class) { for (DLNARegistryListener listener : registryListenerList) { listener.remoteDeviceDiscoveryFailed(registry, device, ex); } } }); } @Override public void remoteDeviceAdded(final Registry registry, final RemoteDevice device) { mHandler.post(() -> { synchronized (DLNAManager.class) { for (DLNARegistryListener listener : registryListenerList) { listener.remoteDeviceAdded(registry, device); } } }); } @Override public void remoteDeviceUpdated(final Registry registry, final RemoteDevice device) { mHandler.post(() -> { synchronized (DLNAManager.class) { for (DLNARegistryListener listener : registryListenerList) { listener.remoteDeviceUpdated(registry, device); } } }); } @Override public void remoteDeviceRemoved(final Registry registry, final RemoteDevice device) { mHandler.post(() -> { synchronized (DLNAManager.class) { for (DLNARegistryListener listener : registryListenerList) { listener.remoteDeviceRemoved(registry, device); } } }); } @Override public void localDeviceAdded(final Registry registry, final LocalDevice device) { mHandler.post(() -> { synchronized (DLNAManager.class) { for (DLNARegistryListener listener : registryListenerList) { listener.localDeviceAdded(registry, device); } } }); } @Override public void localDeviceRemoved(final Registry registry, final LocalDevice device) { mHandler.post(() -> { synchronized (DLNAManager.class) { for (DLNARegistryListener listener : registryListenerList) { listener.localDeviceRemoved(registry, device); } } }); } @Override public void beforeShutdown(final Registry registry) { mHandler.post(() -> { synchronized (DLNAManager.class) { for (DLNARegistryListener listener : registryListenerList) { listener.beforeShutdown(registry); } } }); } @Override public void afterShutdown() { mHandler.post(() -> { synchronized (DLNAManager.class) { for (DLNARegistryListener listener : registryListenerList) { listener.afterShutdown(); } } }); } }; mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (null != intent && TextUtils.equals(intent.getAction(), ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)) { final NetworkInfo networkInfo = getNetworkInfo(context); if (null == networkInfo) { return; } if (networkInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) { initLocalMediaServer(); } } } }; } private static class DLNAManagerCreator { private static DLNAManager manager = new DLNAManager(); } public static DLNAManager getInstance() { return DLNAManagerCreator.manager; } public void init(@NonNull Context context) { init(context, null); } public void init(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable DLNAStateCallback stateCallback) { if (null != mContext) { logW("ReInit DLNAManager"); return; } if (context instanceof ContextThemeWrapper || context instanceof android.view.ContextThemeWrapper) { mContext = context.getApplicationContext(); } else { mContext = context; } mStateCallback = stateCallback; initLocalMediaServer(); initConnection(); registerBroadcastReceiver(); } private void initConnection() { mServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { mUpnpService = (AndroidUpnpService) service; mUpnpService.getRegistry().addListener(mRegistryListener); mUpnpService.getControlPoint().search(); if (null != mStateCallback) { mStateCallback.onConnected(); } logD("onServiceConnected"); } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { mUpnpService = null; if (null != mStateCallback) { mStateCallback.onDisconnected(); } logD("onServiceDisconnected"); } }; mContext.bindService(new Intent(mContext, DLNABrowserService.class), mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); } /** * 本地视频和图片也可以直接投屏,根目录为sd卡根目录 */ private void initLocalMediaServer() { checkConfig(); try { final PipedOutputStream pipedOutputStream = new PipedOutputStream(); System.setIn(new PipedInputStream(pipedOutputStream)); new Thread(() -> { final String localIpAddress = getLocalIpStr(mContext); final String localMediaRootPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); String[] args = { "--host", localIpAddress,/*局域网ip地址*/ "--port", LOCAL_HTTP_SERVER_PORT,/*局域网端口*/ "--dir", localMediaRootPath/*下载视频根目录*/ }; SimpleWebServer.startServer(args); logD("initLocalLinkService success,localIpAddress : " + localIpAddress + ",localVideoRootPath : " + localMediaRootPath); }).start(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logE("initLocalLinkService failure", e); } } private void registerBroadcastReceiver() { checkConfig(); mContext.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)); } private void unregisterBroadcastReceiver() { checkConfig(); mContext.unregisterReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver); } public void registerListener(DLNARegistryListener listener) { checkConfig(); checkPrepared(); if (null == listener) { return; } registryListenerList.add(listener); listener.onDeviceChanged(mUpnpService.getRegistry().getDevices()); } public void unregisterListener(DLNARegistryListener listener) { checkConfig(); checkPrepared(); if (null == listener) { return; } mUpnpService.getRegistry().removeListener(listener); registryListenerList.remove(listener); } public void startBrowser() { checkConfig(); checkPrepared(); mUpnpService.getRegistry().addListener(mRegistryListener); mUpnpService.getControlPoint().search(); } public void stopBrowser() { checkConfig(); checkPrepared(); mUpnpService.getRegistry().removeListener(mRegistryListener); } public void destroy() { checkConfig(); registryListenerList.clear(); unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); SimpleWebServer.stopServer(); stopBrowser(); if (null != mUpnpService) { mUpnpService.getRegistry().removeListener(mRegistryListener); mUpnpService.getRegistry().shutdown(); } if (null != mServiceConnection) { mContext.unbindService(mServiceConnection); mServiceConnection = null; } if (null != mHandler) { mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); mHandler = null; } registryListenerList = null; mRegistryListener = null; mBroadcastReceiver = null; mStateCallback = null; mContext = null; } private void checkConfig() { if (null == mContext) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must call init(Context context) at first"); } } private void checkPrepared() { if (null == mUpnpService) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid AndroidUpnpService"); } } //------------------------------------------------------静态方法----------------------------------------------- /** * 获取ip地址 * * @param context * @return */ public static String getLocalIpStr(@NonNull Context context) { WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo(); if (null == wifiInfo) { return ""; } return intToIpAddress(wifiInfo.getIpAddress()); } /** * int类型的ip转换成标准ip地址 * * @param ip * @return */ public static String intToIpAddress(int ip) { return (ip & 0xff) + "." + ((ip >> 8) & 0xff) + "." + ((ip >> 16) & 0xff) + "." + ((ip >> 24) & 0xff); } public static NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo(@NonNull Context context) { final ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); return null == connectivityManager ? null : connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); } static String tryTransformLocalMediaAddressToLocalHttpServerAddress(@NonNull Context context, String sourceUrl) { logD("tryTransformLocalMediaAddressToLocalHttpServerAddress ,sourceUrl : " + sourceUrl); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sourceUrl)) { return sourceUrl; } if (!isLocalMediaAddress(sourceUrl)) { return sourceUrl; } String newSourceUrl = getLocalHttpServerAddress(context) + sourceUrl.replace(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(), ""); logD("tryTransformLocalMediaAddressToLocalHttpServerAddress ,newSourceUrl : " + newSourceUrl); try { final String[] urlSplits = newSourceUrl.split("/"); final String originFileName = urlSplits[urlSplits.length - 1]; String fileName = originFileName; fileName = URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8"); fileName = fileName.replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); newSourceUrl = newSourceUrl.replace(originFileName, fileName); logD("tryTransformLocalMediaAddressToLocalHttpServerAddress ,encodeNewSourceUrl : " + newSourceUrl); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return newSourceUrl; } private static boolean isLocalMediaAddress(String sourceUrl) { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(sourceUrl) && !sourceUrl.startsWith("http://") && !sourceUrl.startsWith("https://") && sourceUrl.startsWith(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()); } /** * 获取本地http服务器地址 * * @param context * @return */ public static String getLocalHttpServerAddress(Context context) { return "http://" + getLocalIpStr(context) + ":" + LOCAL_HTTP_SERVER_PORT; } public static void setIsDebugMode(boolean isDebugMode) { DLNAManager.isDebugMode = isDebugMode; } static void logV(String content) { logV(TAG, content); } public static void logV(String tag, String content) { if (!isDebugMode) { return; } Log.v(tag, content); } static void logD(String content) { logD(TAG, content); } public static void logD(String tag, String content) { if (!isDebugMode) { return; } Log.d(tag, content); } static void logI(String content) { logI(TAG, content); } public static void logI(String tag, String content) { if (!isDebugMode) { return; } Log.i(tag, content); } static void logW(String content) { logW(TAG, content); } public static void logW(String tag, String content) { if (!isDebugMode) { return; } Log.w(tag, content); } static void logE(String content) { logE(TAG, content); } public static void logE(String tag, String content) { logE(tag, content, null); } static void logE(String content, Throwable throwable) { logE(TAG, content, throwable); } public static void logE(String tag, String content, Throwable throwable) { if (!isDebugMode) { return; } if (null != throwable) { Log.e(tag, content, throwable); } else { Log.e(tag, content); } } }
public class DLNAPlayer { private static final String DIDL_LITE_FOOTER = "</DIDL-Lite>"; private static final String DIDL_LITE_HEADER = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>" + "<DIDL-Lite " + "xmlns=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/\" " + "xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\" " + "xmlns:upnp=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/\" " + "xmlns:dlna=\"urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/\">"; /** * 未知状态 */ public static final int UNKNOWN = -1; /** * 已连接状态 */ public static final int CONNECTED = 0; /** * 播放状态 */ public static final int PLAY = 1; /** * 暂停状态 */ public static final int PAUSE = 2; /** * 停止状态 */ public static final int STOP = 3; /** * 转菊花状态 */ public static final int BUFFER = 4; /** * 投放失败 */ public static final int ERROR = 5; /** * 已断开状态 */ public static final int DISCONNECTED = 6; private int currentState = UNKNOWN; private DeviceInfo mDeviceInfo; private Device mDevice; private MediaInfo mMediaInfo; private Context mContext;//鉴权预留 private ServiceConnection mServiceConnection; private AndroidUpnpService mUpnpService; private DLNADeviceConnectListener connectListener; /** * 连接、控制服务 */ private ServiceType AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE; private ServiceType RENDERING_CONTROL_SERVICE; public DLNAPlayer(@NonNull Context context) { mContext = context; AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE = new UDAServiceType("AVTransport"); RENDERING_CONTROL_SERVICE = new UDAServiceType("RenderingControl"); initConnection(); } public void setConnectListener(DLNADeviceConnectListener connectListener) { this.connectListener = connectListener; } private void initConnection() { mServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { mUpnpService = (AndroidUpnpService) service; currentState = CONNECTED; if (null != mDeviceInfo) { mDeviceInfo.setState(CONNECTED); mDeviceInfo.setConnected(true); } if (null != connectListener) { connectListener.onConnect(mDeviceInfo, DLNADeviceConnectListener.CONNECT_INFO_CONNECT_SUCCESS); } } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { currentState = DISCONNECTED; if (null != mDeviceInfo) { mDeviceInfo.setState(DISCONNECTED); mDeviceInfo.setConnected(false); } if (null != connectListener) { connectListener.onDisconnect(mDeviceInfo, DLNADeviceConnectListener.TYPE_DLNA, DLNADeviceConnectListener.CONNECT_INFO_DISCONNECT_SUCCESS); } mUpnpService = null; connectListener = null; mDeviceInfo = null; mDevice = null; mMediaInfo = null; AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE = null; RENDERING_CONTROL_SERVICE = null; mServiceConnection = null; mContext = null; } }; } public void connect(@NonNull DeviceInfo deviceInfo) { checkConfig(); mDeviceInfo = deviceInfo; mDevice = mDeviceInfo.getDevice(); if (null != mUpnpService) { currentState = CONNECTED; if (null != connectListener) { connectListener.onConnect(mDeviceInfo, DLNADeviceConnectListener.CONNECT_INFO_CONNECT_SUCCESS); } return; } mContext.bindService(new Intent(mContext, DLNABrowserService.class), mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); } public void disconnect() { checkConfig(); try { mContext.unbindService(mServiceConnection); } catch (Exception e) { DLNAManager.logE("DLNAPlayer disconnect error.", e); } } private void checkPrepared() { if (null == mUpnpService) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid AndroidUpnpService"); } } private void checkConfig() { if (null == mContext) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid context"); } } private void execute(@NonNull ActionCallback actionCallback) { checkPrepared(); mUpnpService.getControlPoint().execute(actionCallback); } private void execute(@NonNull SubscriptionCallback subscriptionCallback) { checkPrepared(); mUpnpService.getControlPoint().execute(subscriptionCallback); } public void play(@NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { final Service avtService = mDevice.findService(AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE); if (checkErrorBeforeExecute(PLAY, avtService, callback)) { return; } execute(new Play(avtService) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { super.success(invocation); currentState = PLAY; callback.onSuccess(invocation); mDeviceInfo.setState(PLAY); } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { currentState = ERROR; callback.onFailure(invocation, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR, defaultMsg); mDeviceInfo.setState(ERROR); } }); } public void pause(@NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { final Service avtService = mDevice.findService(AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE); if (checkErrorBeforeExecute(PAUSE, avtService, callback)) { return; } execute(new Pause(avtService) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { super.success(invocation); currentState = PAUSE; callback.onSuccess(invocation); mDeviceInfo.setState(PAUSE); } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { currentState = ERROR; callback.onFailure(invocation, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR, defaultMsg); mDeviceInfo.setState(ERROR); } }); } public void stop(@NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { final Service avtService = mDevice.findService(AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE); if (checkErrorBeforeExecute(STOP, avtService, callback)) { return; } execute(new Stop(avtService) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { super.success(invocation); currentState = STOP; callback.onSuccess(invocation); mDeviceInfo.setState(STOP); } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { currentState = ERROR; callback.onFailure(invocation, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR, defaultMsg); mDeviceInfo.setState(ERROR); } }); } public void seekTo(String time, @NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { final Service avtService = mDevice.findService(AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE); if (checkErrorBeforeExecute(avtService, callback)) { return; } execute(new Seek(avtService, time) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { super.success(invocation); callback.onSuccess(invocation); } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { currentState = ERROR; callback.onFailure(invocation, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR, defaultMsg); mDeviceInfo.setState(ERROR); } }); } public void setVolume(long volume, @NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { final Service avtService = mDevice.findService(RENDERING_CONTROL_SERVICE); if (checkErrorBeforeExecute(avtService, callback)) { return; } execute(new SetVolume(avtService, volume) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { super.success(invocation); callback.onSuccess(invocation); } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { currentState = ERROR; callback.onFailure(invocation, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR, defaultMsg); mDeviceInfo.setState(ERROR); } }); } public void mute(boolean desiredMute, @NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { final Service avtService = mDevice.findService(RENDERING_CONTROL_SERVICE); if (checkErrorBeforeExecute(avtService, callback)) { return; } execute(new SetMute(avtService, desiredMute) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { super.success(invocation); callback.onSuccess(invocation); } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { currentState = ERROR; callback.onFailure(invocation, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR, defaultMsg); mDeviceInfo.setState(ERROR); } }); } public void getPositionInfo(@NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { final Service avtService = mDevice.findService(AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE); if (checkErrorBeforeExecute(avtService, callback)) { return; } final GetPositionInfo getPositionInfo = new GetPositionInfo(avtService) { @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { currentState = ERROR; callback.onFailure(invocation, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR, defaultMsg); mDeviceInfo.setState(ERROR); } @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { super.success(invocation); callback.onSuccess(invocation); } @Override public void received(ActionInvocation invocation, PositionInfo info) { callback.onReceived(invocation, info); } }; execute(getPositionInfo); } public void getVolume(@NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { final Service avtService = mDevice.findService(AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE); if (checkErrorBeforeExecute(avtService, callback)) { return; } final GetVolume getVolume = new GetVolume(avtService) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { super.success(invocation); callback.onSuccess(invocation); } @Override public void received(ActionInvocation invocation, int currentVolume) { callback.onReceived(invocation, currentVolume); } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { currentState = ERROR; callback.onFailure(invocation, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR, defaultMsg); mDeviceInfo.setState(ERROR); } }; execute(getVolume); } public void setDataSource(@NonNull MediaInfo mediaInfo) { mMediaInfo = mediaInfo; //尝试变换本地播放地址 mMediaInfo.setUri(DLNAManager.tryTransformLocalMediaAddressToLocalHttpServerAddress(mContext, mMediaInfo.getUri())); } public void start(final @NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { mDeviceInfo.setMediaID(mMediaInfo.getMediaId()); String metadata = pushMediaToRender(mMediaInfo); final Service avtService = mDevice.findService(AV_TRANSPORT_SERVICE); if (null == avtService) { callback.onFailure(null, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_ERROR, null); return; } execute(new SetAVTransportURI(avtService, mMediaInfo.getUri(), metadata) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { super.success(invocation); play(callback); } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { DLNAManager.logE("play error:" + defaultMsg); currentState = ERROR; mDeviceInfo.setState(ERROR); callback.onFailure(invocation, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_DLNA_ERROR, defaultMsg); } }); } private String pushMediaToRender(@NonNull MediaInfo mediaInfo) { return pushMediaToRender(mediaInfo.getUri(), mediaInfo.getMediaId(), mediaInfo.getMediaName(), mediaInfo.getMediaType()); } private String pushMediaToRender(String url, String id, String name, int ItemType) { final long size = 0; final Res res = new Res(new MimeType(ProtocolInfo.WILDCARD, ProtocolInfo.WILDCARD), size, url); final String creator = "unknow"; final String parentId = "0"; final String metadata; switch (ItemType) { case MediaInfo.TYPE_IMAGE: ImageItem imageItem = new ImageItem(id, parentId, name, creator, res); metadata = createItemMetadata(imageItem); break; case MediaInfo.TYPE_VIDEO: VideoItem videoItem = new VideoItem(id, parentId, name, creator, res); metadata = createItemMetadata(videoItem); break; case MediaInfo.TYPE_AUDIO: AudioItem audioItem = new AudioItem(id, parentId, name, creator, res); metadata = createItemMetadata(audioItem); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("UNKNOWN MEDIA TYPE"); } DLNAManager.logE("metadata: " + metadata); return metadata; } /** * 创建投屏的参数 * * @param item * @return */ private String createItemMetadata(DIDLObject item) { StringBuilder metadata = new StringBuilder(); metadata.append(DIDL_LITE_HEADER); metadata.append(String.format("<item id=\"%s\" parentID=\"%s\" restricted=\"%s\">", item.getId(), item.getParentID(), item.isRestricted() ? "1" : "0")); metadata.append(String.format("<dc:title>%s</dc:title>", item.getTitle())); String creator = item.getCreator(); if (creator != null) { creator = creator.replaceAll("<", "_"); creator = creator.replaceAll(">", "_"); } metadata.append(String.format("<upnp:artist>%s</upnp:artist>", creator)); metadata.append(String.format("<upnp:class>%s</upnp:class>", item.getClazz().getValue())); DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); Date now = new Date(); String time = sdf.format(now); metadata.append(String.format("<dc:date>%s</dc:date>", time)); Res res = item.getFirstResource(); if (res != null) { // protocol info String protocolinfo = ""; ProtocolInfo pi = res.getProtocolInfo(); if (pi != null) { protocolinfo = String.format("protocolInfo=\"%s:%s:%s:%s\"", pi.getProtocol(), pi.getNetwork(), pi.getContentFormatMimeType(), pi .getAdditionalInfo()); } DLNAManager.logE("protocolinfo: " + protocolinfo); // resolution, extra info, not adding yet String resolution = ""; if (res.getResolution() != null && res.getResolution().length() > 0) { resolution = String.format("resolution=\"%s\"", res.getResolution()); } // duration String duration = ""; if (res.getDuration() != null && res.getDuration().length() > 0) { duration = String.format("duration=\"%s\"", res.getDuration()); } // res begin // metadata.append(String.format("<res %s>", protocolinfo)); // no resolution & duration yet metadata.append(String.format("<res %s %s %s>", protocolinfo, resolution, duration)); // url String url = res.getValue(); metadata.append(url); // res end metadata.append("</res>"); } metadata.append("</item>"); metadata.append(DIDL_LITE_FOOTER); return metadata.toString(); } private boolean checkErrorBeforeExecute(int expectState, Service avtService, @NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { if (currentState == expectState) { callback.onSuccess(null); return true; } return checkErrorBeforeExecute(avtService, callback); } private boolean checkErrorBeforeExecute(Service avtService, @NonNull DLNAControlCallback callback) { if (currentState == UNKNOWN) { callback.onFailure(null, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_NOT_READY, null); return true; } if (null == avtService) { callback.onFailure(null, DLNAControlCallback.ERROR_CODE_SERVICE_ERROR, null); return true; } return false; } }
1.app module的build.gradle文件必须要加上一句
packagingOptions {
exclude 'META-INF/beans.xml'
minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion rootProject.ext.targetSdkVersion
versionCode rootProject.ext.versionCode
versionName rootProject.ext.versionName
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