import os
# 要操作的文件路径
file_path = 'example.txt'
# 删除文件
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# 重新创建文件
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
file.write('') # 如果需要写入内容,可以在这里写入
from openpyxl import load_workbook from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import styles from openpyxl.styles import * import pandas as pd import string import re import os from openpyxl.comments import Comment def segmentation_col(df, col_name): # 按列的值分组 list_type = df[col_name].unique() df_list = [] for item in list_type: df_list.append(df[df[col_name] == item]) return df_list def create_excel(file_path): # 没有就创建 if os.path.exists(file_path): print("文件已存在") print(file_path) else: # 创建一个新的 Excel 文件 wb = Workbook() wb.save(file_path) if __name__ == '__main__': file_path1 = './src/冬装客户库存清理.xlsx' file_path2 = './src/分组数据.xlsx' # delete_empty_rows_and_columns(file_path1) create_excel(file_path2) # 加载工作簿 wb = load_workbook(file_path1) # 获取sheet页,修改第一个sheet页面为 name1 = wb.sheetnames[0] ws1 = wb[name1] ws1.title = "销售明细" wb.save(file_path1) # 销售明细 df0 = pd.read_excel(file_path1, sheet_name='销售明细', dtype={"颜色代码": str, '尺码代码':str}) df0 = df0.dropna() df_list = segmentation_col(df0, "仓库名称") print(len(df_list)) for i in range(0, len(df_list)): item = df_list[i] item = item.reset_index(drop=True) store_code = item["仓库代码"][0] result_df = item.copy() result_df.pop("仓库代码") result_df.pop("商品名称") result_df.pop("仓库名称") result_df["店员代码"] = "" result_df["VIP代码"] = "" result_df["备注"] = "" result_df["标准价"] = "" result_df["折扣"] = "" result_df["单价"] = "" print(store_code) result_df = result_df[["商品代码", "颜色代码", "尺码代码", "店员代码", "VIP代码", "备注", "数量", "标准价", "折扣", "单价"]] result_df.to_excel(file_path2, index=False) # 插入一行 wb = load_workbook(file_path2) # 获取sheet页,修改第一个sheet页面为 name1 = wb.sheetnames[0] ws1 = wb[name1] ws1.title = "销售明细" wb.save(file_path2) # 获取指定的文件 wb = load_workbook(file_path2) # 获取指定的sheet ws = wb["销售明细"] ws.insert_rows(1) ws["A1"] = "ltGen" # 为单元格A1添加批注 comment = Comment('TableName:ExcelMx;BRow:2;ERow:2;BCol:1;ECol:11;', 'Author') ws['A1'].comment = comment ws["B1"] = "商品分色分码明细" wb.save(file_path2) quit()
通过pywinauto 连接窗口
import win32gui import win32con import win32api import pyautogui from pynput import keyboard, mouse from loguru import logger from threading import Thread import time import re from openpyxl import load_workbook from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import styles from openpyxl.styles import * import pandas as pd import string import re import os import datetime import time from pywinauto import Application from pywinauto import findwindows from pywinauto import keyboard import pyautogui from pywinauto import mouse pyautogui.PAUSE = 1 def find_all_window(): hd = win32gui.GetDesktopWindow() # 获取所有子窗口 hwnd_child_list = [] win32gui.EnumChildWindows(hd, lambda hwnd, param: param.append(hwnd), hwnd_child_list) str_list = [] for hwnd in hwnd_child_list: print("句柄:", hwnd, "标题:", win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)) str_list.append("句柄:" + str(hwnd) + "标题:" + win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)) # f.write("句柄:" + str(hwnd) + " 标题:" + win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd) + '\n' # 将句柄生成文件 list_as_string = '\n'.join(str_list) # 打开文件进行写入 with open('output.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(list_as_string) # 将查询的窗口前置,handle是句柄 def preposition_windows(handle): hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(0, win32gui.GetWindowText(handle)) # 寻找窗口 if not hwnd: print("找不到该窗口") else: win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd) # 前置窗口 def find_control(handle,class_name): result = [] # class_name是窗口类名,name是窗口名,可以只写一个,另一个为None,也可以两个都写 # handle = wg.FindWindow(class_name, name) def callback(handle, res): if win32gui.GetClassName() == class_name: result.append(str(handle) + ": " + win32gui.GetWindowText(handle)) return True win32gui.EnumChildWindows(handle, callback, None) return result # result就是控件名 if __name__ == '__main__': # 查询所有窗口,当名字查不到句柄时,使用 # find_all_window() # 连接app,通过窗口名称 handle = win32gui.FindWindow(None, "frm_ImportExcel") # 使用uia模式,访问更多的标签 app = Application(backend="uia").connect(handle=handle) # 验证是否找到窗口 win32gui.ShowWindow(handle, win32con.SW_SHOW) win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(handle) # 前置窗口 dlg = app["frm_ImportExcel"] # 查找工具栏 tool_bar = dlg.child_window(class_name='TToolBar') for i in range(0, 1): # 选取第一个编辑框 time.sleep(1.5) tool_bar.child_window(title="新增", control_type="Button").click_input() time.sleep(0.5) channel_code = '000' store_code = '10300' note = '库存清理' file_path = "11212导出格式.xlsx" image_path = './src/aim1.png' # 定位图片 location = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(image_path) # 如果找到图片,则计算它的中心并移动鼠标 if location is not None: x, y = pyautogui.center(location) pyautogui.moveTo(x, y) pyautogui.click() pyautogui.scroll(600) # 向上滚动600个单位; else: print('图片未找到') image_path = './src/aim2.png' # 定位图片 location = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(image_path) # 如果找到图片,则计算它的中心并移动鼠标 if location is not None: x, y = pyautogui.center(location) pyautogui.moveTo(x, y) pyautogui.click() else: print('图片未找到') time.sleep(2) keyboard.send_keys('{DOWN}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys(channel_code) time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{ENTER}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{DOWN}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys(store_code) time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{ENTER}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{DOWN}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{DOWN}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{DOWN}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{DOWN}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{DOWN}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{DOWN}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{DOWN}') time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys(note) keyboard.send_keys('{ENTER}') time.sleep(0.2) # 点击导出 tool_bar.child_window(title="导入", control_type="Button").click_input() time.sleep(0.5) keyboard.send_keys("1") time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys("1212导出格式.xlsx") time.sleep(0.2) keyboard.send_keys('{ENTER}') time.sleep(1) # 确认导入 keyboard.send_keys('{ENTER}') time.sleep(1) # 点击保存 tool_bar.child_window(title="保存", control_type="Button").click_input() time.sleep(0.5) # 点击转入 tool_bar.child_window(title="转入", control_type="Button").click_input() time.sleep(0.5) #确认转入 keyboard.send_keys('{ENTER}') time.sleep(1) # # #time.sleep(1) #tool_bar.child_window(title="导入", control_type="Button").click_input() #time.sleep(2)
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