队列:只允许在一端进行插入数据操作,在另一端进行删除数据操作的特殊线性表,队列具有先进先出FIFO(First In First Out)
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNING #pragma once #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<assert.h> #include<stdbool.h> typedef int QDataType; typedef struct QueueNode { QDataType data; struct QueueNode* next; }QueueNode; typedef struct Queue { QueueNode* front; QueueNode* rear; }Queue; void QueueInit(Queue* ps);//队列的初始化 void QueueDestory(Queue* ps);//队列的销毁 void QueuePush(Queue* ps,QDataType x);//入队 void QueuePop(Queue* ps);//出队 bool QueueEmpty(Queue* ps);//判断队列是否为空 size_t QueueSize(Queue* ps);//返回队列中元素的个数 QDataType QueueFront(Queue* ps);//返回队头元素 QDataType QueueRear(Queue* ps);//返回队尾元素
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 #include"Queue.h" void QueueInit(Queue* ps)//队列的初始化 { assert(ps);//如果储存指针的地址都为空的话,肯定是错误的 //刚开始的头指针与尾指针肯定是相等的,并且都是NULL ps->front = ps->rear = NULL; } void QueueDestory(Queue* ps)//队列的销毁 { assert(ps); QueueNode* cur = ps->front; while (cur) { QueueNode* ret = cur->next; free(cur); cur = ret; } ps->front = ps->rear = NULL; } void QueuePush(Queue* ps, QDataType x)//入队 { assert(ps);//入队肯定是与尾指针rear有关的 先申请一个空间 QueueNode* cur = (QueueNode*)malloc(sizeof(QueueNode)); if (cur == NULL) { printf("malloc fail\n"); exit(-1); } cur->data = x; cur->next = NULL; /* QueueNode* ret = ps->rear->next; ps->rear = cur;这样写的话很有问题,没有判断当两个指针都为空指针的情况 ps->rear = ret;*/ if (ps->rear == NULL) { assert(ps->front == NULL);//当尾指针为空的时候,头指针不可能不为空 ps->front = ps->rear = cur; } else { ps->rear->next = cur; ps->rear = cur; } } void QueuePop(Queue* ps)//出队 { assert(ps);//出队也是头删 assert(ps->front != NULL);//如果头指针为空的话肯定是错误的 //队列中只有一个结点 if (ps->front == ps->rear) ps->front = ps->rear = NULL; else { //ps->front = ps->front->next;这样写的话涉及到内存泄露 QueueNode* ret = ps->front->next; free(ps->front); ps->front = ret;//这样写的话就不会涉及到什么内存泄露啦 } } bool QueueEmpty(Queue* ps)//判断队列是否为空 { assert(ps); //当头指针为空的时候,队列就是空的 return ps->front == NULL; } size_t QueueSize(Queue* ps)//返回队列中元素的个数 { assert(ps); int sum = 0; QueueNode* cur = ps->front; while (cur) { sum++; cur = cur->next; } return sum; } QDataType QueueFront(Queue* ps)//返回队头元素 { assert(ps); assert(ps->front != NULL); return ps->front->data; } QDataType QueueRear(Queue* ps)//返回队尾元素 { assert(ps); assert(ps->rear != NULL); return ps->rear->data; }
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 #include"Queue.h" int main() { Queue st; QueueInit(&st); QueuePush(&st, 1); QueuePush(&st, 2323); QueuePush(&st, 86); QueuePush(&st, 567); QueuePush(&st, 999); QueuePush(&st, 666); //printf("%d", QueueSize(&st)); while (!QueueEmpty(&st)) { printf("%-7d", QueueFront(&st)); printf("%-7d", QueueRear(&st)); printf("%d\n", QueueSize(&st)); QueuePop(&st); } return 0; }
typedef int QDataType; typedef struct QueueNode { QDataType data; struct QueueNode* next; }QueueNode; typedef struct Queue { QueueNode* front; QueueNode* rear; }Queue; void QueueInit(Queue* ps)//队列的初始化 { assert(ps);//如果储存指针的地址都为空的话,肯定是错误的 //刚开始的头指针与尾指针肯定是相等的,并且都是NULL ps->front = ps->rear = NULL; } void QueueDestory(Queue* ps)//队列的销毁 { assert(ps); QueueNode* cur = ps->front; while (cur) { QueueNode* ret = cur->next; free(cur); cur = ret; } ps->front = ps->rear = NULL; } void QueuePush(Queue* ps, QDataType x)//入队 { assert(ps);//入队肯定是与尾指针rear有关的 先申请一个空间 QueueNode* cur = (QueueNode*)malloc(sizeof(QueueNode)); if (cur == NULL) { printf("malloc fail\n"); exit(-1); } cur->data = x; cur->next = NULL; /* QueueNode* ret = ps->rear->next; ps->rear = cur;这样写的话很有问题,没有判断当两个指针都为空指针的情况 ps->rear = ret;*/ if (ps->rear == NULL) { assert(ps->front == NULL);//当尾指针为空的时候,头指针不可能不为空 ps->front = ps->rear = cur; } else { ps->rear->next = cur; ps->rear = cur; } } void QueuePop(Queue* ps)//出队 { assert(ps);//出队也是头删 assert(ps->front&&ps->rear);//如果头指针为空的话肯定是错误的 //队列中只有一个结点 if (ps->front->next == NULL) { free(ps->front); ps->front = ps->rear = NULL; } else { //ps->front = ps->front->next;这样写的话涉及到内存泄露 QueueNode* ret = ps->front->next; free(ps->front); ps->front = ret;//这样写的话就不会涉及到什么内存泄露啦 } } bool QueueEmpty(Queue* ps)//判断队列是否为空 { assert(ps); //当头指针为空的时候,队列就是空的 return ps->front == NULL; } size_t QueueSize(Queue* ps)//返回队列中元素的个数 { assert(ps); int sum = 0; QueueNode* cur = ps->front; while (cur) { sum++; cur = cur->next; } return sum; } QDataType QueueFront(Queue* ps)//返回队头元素 { assert(ps); assert(ps->front != NULL); return ps->front->data; } QDataType QueueRear(Queue* ps)//返回队尾元素 { assert(ps); assert(ps->rear != NULL); return ps->rear->data; } typedef struct { Queue st1; Queue st2; } MyStack; MyStack* myStackCreate() { MyStack*obj = (MyStack*)malloc(sizeof(MyStack)); assert(obj); QueueInit(&(obj->st1)); QueueInit(&(obj->st2));//这边一定不能忘记初始化 return obj; } void myStackPush(MyStack* obj, int x) { assert(obj); // if(obj->st1->front==NULL) obj->st1是一个队列,不是指针 if(QueueEmpty(&(obj->st1))) { QueuePush(&(obj->st2),x); } else { QueuePush(&(obj->st1),x); } } int myStackPop(MyStack* obj) { assert(obj); //这部分是一个小技巧,通过一个简单的操作使得无论哪个队列为空,我们需要操作的都是 //一样的 避免了代码的重复性 Queue*noEmpty = &(obj->st1); Queue*Empty = &(obj->st2); if(QueueEmpty(&obj->st1))//题目要注意的是传进去的都是地址,千万不要忘记取地址了 { noEmpty = &(obj->st2); Empty = &(obj->st1); } while(QueueSize(noEmpty)>1) { QueuePush(Empty,QueueFront(noEmpty)); QueuePop(noEmpty); } int ret = QueueFront(noEmpty); QueuePop(noEmpty); return ret; } int myStackTop(MyStack* obj) { assert(obj); if(QueueEmpty(&(obj->st1))) { return QueueRear(&(obj->st2)); } else return QueueRear(&(obj->st1)); } bool myStackEmpty(MyStack* obj) { assert(obj); return QueueEmpty(&(obj->st1))&&QueueEmpty(&(obj->st2)); } void myStackFree(MyStack* obj) { assert(obj); QueueDestory(&(obj->st2)); QueueEmpty(&(obj->st1)); free(obj); }
typedef int STDataType; typedef struct Stack { STDataType* a; int top;//栈顶的位置 int capacity;//容量 }ST; void StackInit(ST* ps)//栈的初始化 { assert(ps);//栈可以为空,但是储存栈的结构体不可能是空的 ps->a = NULL; ps->capacity = 0; ps->top = 0; } void StackDestory(ST* ps)//栈的销毁 { assert(ps); free(ps->a); ps->a = NULL; ps->top = 0; ps->capacity = 0; } void StackPush(ST* ps, STDataType x)//压栈 { assert(ps); //压栈之前要检查一下栈是否满 因为我们的top始终是位于栈顶的下一个位置 //所以当top的值等于capacity的时候栈就满了或者是一开始栈空的情况 if (ps->top == ps->capacity) { int newCapacity = ps->capacity == 0 ? 4 : ps->capacity * 2; ps->a = (ST*)realloc(ps->a, sizeof(ST) * newCapacity);//在原来的基础上扩容,所以用realloc if (ps->a == NULL) { printf("malloc fail\n"); exit(-1); } ps->capacity = newCapacity; } //压栈 ps->a[ps->top] = x; ps->top++; } void StackPop(ST* ps)//出栈 { assert(ps); //出栈之前要考虑一下栈是否为空,空的话就不用出栈了 所以还需要一个断言 assert(ps->top > 0); ps->top--;//因为我们打印的时候是从头开始遍历的,只会遍历到top所以只需要top-- } bool StackEmpty(ST* ps)//检测栈是否为空 { assert(ps); //如果top = 0的时候就是栈空 所以 return ps->top == 0; } int StackSize(ST* ps)//返回栈中元素的个数 { assert(ps); return ps->top; } STDataType StackTop(ST* ps)//返回栈顶的元素 { assert(ps);//同时这里要确保栈中不为空 assert(ps->top > 0); return ps->a[ps->top - 1]; } typedef struct { ST s1; ST s2; } MyQueue; MyQueue* myQueueCreate() { MyQueue*cur = (MyQueue*)malloc(sizeof(MyQueue)); StackInit(&cur->s1); StackInit(&cur->s2); return cur; } //始终保持s1有数字 void myQueuePush(MyQueue* obj, int x) { assert(obj); StackPush(&obj->s1,x); } int myQueuePop(MyQueue* obj) { assert(obj); while(StackSize(&obj->s1)>1) { StackPush(&obj->s2,StackTop(&obj->s1)); StackPop(&obj->s1); } int ret = StackTop(&obj->s1); StackPop(&obj->s1); while(StackSize(&obj->s2)>0) { StackPush(&obj->s1,StackTop(&obj->s2)); StackPop(&obj->s2); } return ret; } int myQueuePeek(MyQueue* obj) { assert(obj); ST*cur = &obj->s1; return cur->a[0];//队列的开头也就是栈底 栈底也就是a[0]; } bool myQueueEmpty(MyQueue* obj) { assert(obj); return StackEmpty(&obj->s1); } void myQueueFree(MyQueue* obj) { assert(obj); StackDestory(&obj->s1);//摧毁的时候一定要分别free,因为free只会消除其指向的 //空间 StackDestory(&obj->s2); free(obj); } /** * Your MyQueue struct will be instantiated and called as such: * MyQueue* obj = myQueueCreate(); * myQueuePush(obj, x); * int param_2 = myQueuePop(obj); * int param_3 = myQueuePeek(obj); * bool param_4 = myQueueEmpty(obj); * myQueueFree(obj); */
可以看出 用数组或者是循环单链表都是可以的,但是单链表要考虑的东西有点多,我在这就用数组实现一下
typedef struct { int *a; int front; int rear; int k;//表示循环队列的长度为k但是有效长度为k-1 因为rear+1==front是判断队列满的条件 } MyCircularQueue; bool myCircularQueueIsFull(MyCircularQueue* obj); bool myCircularQueueIsEmpty(MyCircularQueue* obj); MyCircularQueue* myCircularQueueCreate(int k) { MyCircularQueue*cur = (MyCircularQueue*)malloc(sizeof(MyCircularQueue)); cur->a = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(k+1)); cur->front = 0; cur->rear = 0;//我们代码设置的是rear初始值虽然是0 //但是随着数据入队列,rear始终在最后一个数字的下一位,同时为了方便 //判断队列空和满,我们必须留一个位置 //同时rear与front的值我们必须//记住取模 cur->k = k+1; return cur; } bool myCircularQueueEnQueue(MyCircularQueue* obj, int value) { assert(obj);//入队之前要判断一下队是否满了 if(myCircularQueueIsFull(obj)) return false; else { obj->a[obj->rear] = value; obj->rear = (obj->rear+1)%(obj->k); return true; } } bool myCircularQueueDeQueue(MyCircularQueue* obj) { assert(obj); //需要判断队列是否为空 if(myCircularQueueIsEmpty(obj)) return false; else { obj->front = (obj->front+1)%(obj->k); return true; } } int myCircularQueueFront(MyCircularQueue* obj) { assert(obj); if(myCircularQueueIsEmpty(obj)) return -1; return obj->a[obj->front]; } int myCircularQueueRear(MyCircularQueue* obj) { assert(obj); if (myCircularQueueIsEmpty(obj)) return -1; if (obj->rear == 0) return obj->a[obj->k-1]; return obj->a[obj->rear - 1];//这边要注意一下 当这个rear值为0的时候呢? //此时-1的话就会造成越界访问,所以应该加上第二个判定条件 } bool myCircularQueueIsEmpty(MyCircularQueue* obj) { assert(obj); return obj->front==obj->rear; } bool myCircularQueueIsFull(MyCircularQueue* obj) { assert(obj); return ((obj->rear+1)%(obj->k))==obj->front; } void myCircularQueueFree(MyCircularQueue* obj) { assert(obj); free(obj->a); free(obj); } /** * Your MyCircularQueue struct will be instantiated and called as such: * MyCircularQueue* obj = myCircularQueueCreate(k); * bool param_1 = myCircularQueueEnQueue(obj, value); * bool param_2 = myCircularQueueDeQueue(obj); * int param_3 = myCircularQueueFront(obj); * int param_4 = myCircularQueueRear(obj); * bool param_5 = myCircularQueueIsEmpty(obj); * bool param_6 = myCircularQueueIsFull(obj); * myCircularQueueFree(obj); */
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