* 旋转还需要另一种类型的特殊键 Galois keys
GaloisKeys galois_keys;
函数调用 | 参数 | 解释说明 |
evaluator.rotate_rows_inplace(encrypted_matrix, 3, galois_keys); | Ciphertext,steps,GaloisKeys | 将矩阵向左(steps 为正)循环移动3步 |
evaluator.rotate_columns_inplace(encrypted_matrix, galois_keys); | Ciphertext,GaloisKeys | 将矩阵行旋转 |
steps 为正 向左移动
steps 为负 向右移动
cout << "Rotate rows 3 steps left." << endl;
evaluator.rotate_rows_inplace(encrypted_matrix, 3, galois_keys);
Plaintext plain_result;
cout << " + Noise budget after rotation: " << decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(encrypted_matrix) << " bits"
<< endl;
cout << " + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct." << endl;
decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_matrix, plain_result);
batch_encoder.decode(plain_result, pod_matrix);
print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size);
cout << "Rotate columns." << endl;
evaluator.rotate_columns_inplace(encrypted_matrix, galois_keys);
cout << " + Noise budget after rotation: " << decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(encrypted_matrix) << " bits"
<< endl;
cout << " + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct." << endl;
decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_matrix, plain_result);
batch_encoder.decode(plain_result, pod_matrix);
print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size);
函数调用 | 参数 | 解释说明 |
evaluator.rotate_vector(encrypted, 2, galois_keys, rotated); | Ciphertext,steps,GaloisKeys,Ciphertext | 将encrypted左(steps为正)循环移动后,输出到rotated |
Ciphertext rotated; print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Rotate 2 steps left." << endl; evaluator.rotate_vector(encrypted, 2, galois_keys, rotated); cout << " + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct." << endl; decryptor.decrypt(rotated, plain); vector<double> result; ckks_encoder.decode(plain, result); print_vector(result, 3, 7); print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Rotate 2 steps right." << endl; evaluator.rotate_vector(encrypted, -2, galois_keys, rotated); cout << " + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct." << endl; decryptor.decrypt(rotated, plain); ckks_encoder.decode(plain, result); print_vector(result, 3, 7);
#include "examples.h" using namespace std; using namespace seal; void example_rotation_bfv() { print_example_banner("Example: Rotation / Rotation in BFV"); EncryptionParameters parms(scheme_type::bfv); size_t poly_modulus_degree = 8192; parms.set_poly_modulus_degree(poly_modulus_degree); parms.set_coeff_modulus(CoeffModulus::BFVDefault(poly_modulus_degree)); parms.set_plain_modulus(PlainModulus::Batching(poly_modulus_degree, 20)); SEALContext context(parms); print_parameters(context); cout << endl; KeyGenerator keygen(context); SecretKey secret_key = keygen.secret_key(); PublicKey public_key; keygen.create_public_key(public_key); RelinKeys relin_key; keygen.create_relin_keys(relin_key); Encryptor encryptor(context, public_key); Evaluator evaluator(context); Decryptor decryptor(context, secret_key); BatchEncoder batch_encoder(context); size_t slot_count = batch_encoder.slot_count(); size_t row_size = slot_count / 2; cout << "Plaintext matrix row size: " << row_size << endl; vector<uint64_t> pod_matrix(slot_count, 0ULL); pod_matrix[0] = 0ULL; pod_matrix[1] = 1ULL; pod_matrix[2] = 2ULL; pod_matrix[3] = 3ULL; pod_matrix[row_size] = 4ULL; pod_matrix[row_size + 1] = 5ULL; pod_matrix[row_size + 2] = 6ULL; pod_matrix[row_size + 3] = 7ULL; cout << "Input plaintext matrix:" << endl; print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size); Plaintext plain_matrix; print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Encode and encrypt." << endl; batch_encoder.encode(pod_matrix, plain_matrix); Ciphertext encrypted_matrix; encryptor.encrypt(plain_matrix, encrypted_matrix); cout << " + Noise budget in fresh encryption: " << decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(encrypted_matrix) << " bits" << endl; cout << endl; /* * 旋转还需要另一种类型的特殊键 Galois keys */ GaloisKeys galois_keys; keygen.create_galois_keys(galois_keys); /* 现在将矩阵行向左循环移动3步, 解密、解码和打印 */ print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Rotate rows 3 steps left." << endl; evaluator.rotate_rows_inplace(encrypted_matrix, 3, galois_keys); Plaintext plain_result; cout << " + Noise budget after rotation: " << decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(encrypted_matrix) << " bits" << endl; cout << " + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct." << endl; decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_matrix, plain_result); batch_encoder.decode(plain_result, pod_matrix); print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size); /* 我们也可以旋转列, i.e., 交换行. */ print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Rotate columns." << endl; evaluator.rotate_columns_inplace(encrypted_matrix, galois_keys); cout << " + Noise budget after rotation: " << decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(encrypted_matrix) << " bits" << endl; cout << " + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct." << endl; decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_matrix, plain_result); batch_encoder.decode(plain_result, pod_matrix); print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size); /* 最后,我们将这些行向右旋转4步, decrypt, decode, and print. */ print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Rotate rows 4 steps right." << endl; evaluator.rotate_rows_inplace(encrypted_matrix, -4, galois_keys); cout << " + Noise budget after rotation: " << decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(encrypted_matrix) << " bits" << endl; cout << " + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct." << endl; decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_matrix, plain_result); batch_encoder.decode(plain_result, pod_matrix); print_matrix(pod_matrix, row_size); } void example_rotation_ckks() { print_example_banner("Example: Rotation / Rotation in CKKS"); /* Rotations in the CKKS scheme work very similarly to rotations in BFV. */ EncryptionParameters parms(scheme_type::ckks); size_t poly_modulus_degree = 8192; parms.set_poly_modulus_degree(poly_modulus_degree); parms.set_coeff_modulus(CoeffModulus::Create(poly_modulus_degree, { 40, 40, 40, 40, 40 })); SEALContext context(parms); print_parameters(context); cout << endl; KeyGenerator keygen(context); SecretKey secret_key = keygen.secret_key(); PublicKey public_key; keygen.create_public_key(public_key); RelinKeys relin_keys; keygen.create_relin_keys(relin_keys); GaloisKeys galois_keys; keygen.create_galois_keys(galois_keys); Encryptor encryptor(context, public_key); Evaluator evaluator(context); Decryptor decryptor(context, secret_key); CKKSEncoder ckks_encoder(context); size_t slot_count = ckks_encoder.slot_count(); cout << "Number of slots: " << slot_count << endl; vector<double> input; input.reserve(slot_count); double curr_point = 0; double step_size = 1.0 / (static_cast<double>(slot_count) - 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < slot_count; i++, curr_point += step_size) { input.push_back(curr_point); } cout << "Input vector:" << endl; print_vector(input, 3, 7); auto scale = pow(2.0, 50); print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Encode and encrypt." << endl; Plaintext plain; ckks_encoder.encode(input, scale, plain); Ciphertext encrypted; encryptor.encrypt(plain, encrypted); Ciphertext rotated; print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Rotate 2 steps left." << endl; evaluator.rotate_vector(encrypted, 2, galois_keys, rotated); cout << " + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct." << endl; decryptor.decrypt(rotated, plain); vector<double> result; ckks_encoder.decode(plain, result); print_vector(result, 3, 7); print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Rotate 2 steps right." << endl; evaluator.rotate_vector(encrypted, -2, galois_keys, rotated); cout << " + Decrypt and decode ...... Correct." << endl; decryptor.decrypt(rotated, plain); ckks_encoder.decode(plain, result); print_vector(result, 3, 7); } void example_rotation() { print_example_banner("Example: Rotation"); /* Run all rotation examples. */ example_rotation_bfv(); example_rotation_ckks(); }
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