- import csv
- time = r"2022/3/22"
- # 读取第一个文件name
- with open(r'C:\Users\14193\Desktop\benkesheng.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
- name = f1.read()
- # 将字符串name 切片成 list
- name = name.split()
- print(f"人数:\t{len(name)}")
- # 读取第二个文件
- with open(r'C:\Users\14193\Desktop\1.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f2:
- reader = csv.reader(f2)
- # 略过第一行
- next(reader)
- # 逐行遍历剩下的每行数据
- for row in reader:
- # 对比所需找的日期 将出现的name删除
- if time in row[2] and row[11] in name:
- name.remove(row[11])
- # 直接在控制台输出结果
- print(f"未打卡:\t{name}")
- # 将结果输出到文件中
- with open(r'C:\Users\14193\Desktop\result.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f3:
- # 逐行遍历name
- for row in name:
- f3.write(row)
- f3.write("\n")
- import os
- root = os.getcwd()#获取当前文件执行路径
- import csv
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- # 开始日期的前一天
- start = datetime.strptime("20-Mar-2022", "%d-%b-%Y")
- now = datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), "%d-%b-%Y")
- # 重置结束日期为0点0分0秒
- end = datetime.strptime(now, "%d-%b-%Y")
- print(f"输出一下日期格式\n{start}\n{end}")
- print(f"今天打卡日期:\t{now}")
- timeList = []
- temp = end
- while temp != start:
- # 转化为字符串格式,放入列表中
- timeList.append(datetime.strftime(temp, "%d-%b-%Y"))
- # 向前推一天
- temp = temp - timedelta(days=1)
- print(f"日历列表如下:\n{timeList}")
- print(f"打卡天数:\t{len(timeList)}")
- print(f"打卡开始日期:\t{timeList[len(timeList) - 1]}")
- print(f"打卡结束日期:\t{timeList[0]}")
- # 读取第一个文件name,包含全部打卡人员名字
- with open(root + '\\benkesheng.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
- name = f1.read()
- # 将字符串 name 切片成 list
- name = name.split()
- print(f"总人数:\t{len(name)}")
- # 存放全部日期未打卡人员的名字,即每一天
- notFindName = []
- # 读取第二个文件
- with open(root + '\\1.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f2:
- reader = csv.reader(f2)
- # 略过第一行
- next(reader)
- # 一天未打卡人员名字,结果中包含所有名字,打卡的则从中剔除,剩下即为未打卡
- res = name[:]
- # 逐行遍历剩下的每行数据
- i = 0
- for row in reader:
- # 打印文件中的时间格式
- # print(row[2])
- # 找到对应的日期
- while timeList[i] not in row[2]:
- if len(res) != len(name):
- # 控制台输出
- print(f"{timeList[i]}未打卡人数:\t{len(res)}\n{res}")
- # 结果放入列表中,最后读入文件
- notFindName.append(res)
- # 下一天的打卡信息
- i += 1
- res = name[:]
- # 打卡的则从中剔除,剩下即为未打卡
- if row[11] in res:
- res.remove(row[11])
- # 输出最早的一天数据
- notFindName.append(res)
- print(f"{timeList[i]}未打卡人数:\t{len(res)}\n{res}")
- # 将结果输出到文件中
- with open(root + '\\result.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f3:
- # 逐行遍历日期列表timeList
- for i in range(len(timeList)):
- f3.write(f"{timeList[i]}未打卡人数:\t{len(notFindName[i])}\n{notFindName[i]}\n")
- root = os.getcwd() # 获取当前文件执行路径
- url = r'https://wj-collection-1258344706.cos-website.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/export/answer/9501508_202205091414576686.csv.zip?sign=q-sign-algorithm%3Dsha1%26q-ak%3DAKID3dz5uN4cMpGamjMvBaySkOoxwmMgMacO%26q-sign-time%3D1652076839%3B1652098499%26q-key-time%3D1652076839%3B1652098499%26q-header-list%3Dhost%26q-url-param-list%3D%26q-signature%3D4954e92a16074b56f7812697c298c238c5a5aa2b&_=1652076899732'
- # 下载文件到本地的路径,拼接路径,等价于 root \ 文件名
- zippath = os.path.join(root, '9501508_202205091414576686.zip')
- urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, zippath) # 下载文件
- with zipfile.ZipFile(zippath, 'r') as zip: # 解压文件
- zip.extractall(root) # 压缩包内文件全部解压到root目录
- # 压缩包文件名,拼接成路径,等价于 root \ 文件名
- datafile = os.path.join(root, zip.namelist()[0])
- # 删除压缩文件
- # os.remove(zippath)
- # 删除解压后的文件
- # os.remove(datafile)
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- import csv
- import zipfile
- import os
- # 生成打卡日期的timeList
- def makeTimeList(start, end, timeList):
- temp = end
- while temp != start:
- # 转化为字符串格式,放入列表中
- timeList.append(datetime.strftime(temp, "%d-%b-%Y"))
- # 向前推一天
- temp = temp - timedelta(days=1)
- print(f"日历列表如下:\n{timeList}")
- print(f"打卡天数:\t{len(timeList)}")
- print(f"打卡开始日期:\t{timeList[len(timeList) - 1]}")
- print(f"打卡结束日期:\t{timeList[0]}")
- # 从文件一,读取名字list
- def getName(root):
- # 读取第一个文件name,包含全部打卡人员名字
- with open(root + '\\name.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
- name = f1.read()
- # 将字符串 name 切片成 list
- name = name.split()
- return name
- # 解压文件,返回解压后的数据文件路径
- def zipFile(root):
- downloadpath = r'C:' + os.environ['HOMEPATH'] + r'\Downloads' # 下载的压缩包所在路径
- # 遍历当前路径的文件列表
- for i in os.listdir(downloadpath):
- if '.csv.zip' in i:
- zippath = os.path.join(downloadpath, i) # 压缩包文件名,拼接成路径
- break
- # 解压文件
- with zipfile.ZipFile(zippath, 'r') as zip:
- zip.extractall(downloadpath) # 压缩包内文件全部解压到downloadpath目录
- # 压缩包解压后文件名,拼接成路径
- datafile = os.path.join(downloadpath, zip.namelist()[0])
- os.remove(zippath)
- return datafile
- # 读取数据文件,找到每天未打卡的名字
- def FindName(notFindName, name, timeList):
- with open(datafile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f2:
- reader = csv.reader(f2)
- # 略过第一行各种标签行
- next(reader)
- # 一天未打卡人员名字,结果中包含所有名字,打卡的则从中剔除,剩下即为未打卡
- res = name[:]
- # 逐行遍历剩下的每行数据
- i = 0
- for row in reader:
- # 打印文件中的时间格式
- # print(row[2])
- # 找到对应的日期
- while timeList[i] not in row[2]:
- # 结果放入列表中,最后读入文件
- notFindName.append(res)
- #print(i, ' ', len(notFindName))
- # 下一天的打卡信息
- i += 1
- res = name[:]
- # 打卡的则从中剔除,剩下即为未打卡
- if row[11] in res:
- res.remove(row[11])
- # 输出最早的一天的结果加入
- notFindName.append(res)
- # print(len(notFindName))
- # 对未找到的名字,进行统计,返回统计的字典
- def countNUm(dic, notFindName):
- for i in notFindName:
- for j in i:
- if j not in dic:
- dic[j] = 1
- else:
- dic[j] += 1
- # 按照字典值降序排列,次数为临时的字典,需要使用deepcopy, 或者返回赋值
- return {k: v for k, v in sorted(dic.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
- # 将结果输出到文件中
- def outputToFileAndConsole(root, dic, timeList, notFindName):
- with open(root + '\\result.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f3:
- f3.write(f'打卡的总次数\t{len(timeList)}\n未打卡的统计次数\n')
- # 控制台输出
- print(f'打卡的总次数\t{len(timeList)}\n未打卡的统计次数\n', end='')
- # 逐行遍历日期列表timeList
- i = 0
- for key, value in dic.items():
- f3.write(
- f'{key}:\t{value}\t')
- print(f'{key}:\t{value}\t', end='')
- i += 1 # 控制输出格式5个输出一行
- if i % 5 == 0:
- f3.write(f'\n')
- print()
- f3.write(f'\n\n\n')
- print(f'\n\n\n', end='')
- print(len(timeList), len(notFindName))
- # 逐行遍历日期列表timeList
- for i in range(len(timeList)):
- f3.write(
- f'{timeList[i]}未打卡人数:\t{len(notFindName[i])}\n{notFindName[i]}\n')
- print(
- f'{timeList[i]}未打卡人数:\t{len(notFindName[i])}\n{notFindName[i]}\n', end='')
- # 开始日期的前一天
- start = datetime.strptime("20-Mar-2022", "%d-%b-%Y")
- now = datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), "%d-%b-%Y")
- # 重置结束日期为0点0分0秒
- end = datetime.strptime(now, "%d-%b-%Y")
- print(f'输出一下日期格式\n{start}\n{end}')
- print(f'今天打卡日期:\t{now}')
- timeList = []
- # 获取日期timelist
- makeTimeList(start, end, timeList)
- # 获取当前文件执行路径
- root = os.getcwd()
- # 解压后返回数据文件路径
- datafile = zipFile(root)
- # 从文件获取名字list
- name = getName(root)
- # 存放全部日期未打卡人员的名字,即每一天
- notFindName = []
- FindName(notFindName, name, timeList)
- # 删除csv数据文件
- os.remove(datafile)
- # 结果使用字典进行计数并输出
- dic = {}
- dic = countNUm(dic, notFindName)
- outputToFileAndConsole(root, dic, timeList, notFindName)
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