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【局部规划】Hybird A*算法原理

【局部规划】Hybird A*算法原理



1. A*算法原理



其中,f(n)代表栅格节点n的总代价值,g(n) 代表栅格节点n距离起点的代价,h(n)是节点n距离终点的预测代价,也就是所谓的启发函数。


  1. 初始化两个空的列表openlist和closelist,将起点加入openlist中,并设置代价值为0
  2. while(1)
  3. {
  4. if(openlist != null)
  5. {
  6. 从openlist中选取代价值最小的节点n.
  7. 1. 如果节点n为终点,则从终点开始逐步追踪parent节点,一直达到起点,返回找到的结果路径,
  8. 跳出循环,算法结束,break;
  9. 2. 如果节点n不是终点,
  10. 2.1 将节点n从openlist中删除,加入到closelist中.
  11. 2.2 遍历节点n的8个相邻无碰撞节点
  12. 2.2.1 如果相邻节点在closelist或者openlist中,则跳过该节点,计算下一个节点。
  13. 2.2.2 如果相邻节点不在openlist中,则设置该节点父节点为n,通过f(n)计算该节点的
  14. 代价值,并将该节点放入openlist中。
  15. }
  16. else
  17. break; //不能找到一条最优路径
  18. }

2. HybridAstar算法原理



2.1 核心代码分析


  1. 栅格化规划区域内环境地图,采用djkstra或者A*算法生成当前位置到停车目标位置的栅格代价,也就是所谓的最优路径的栅格代价地图。
  2. 在车辆的世界坐标系下以一定的曲率采样间隔和步长,进行车辆的位姿采样,形成满足运动学约束的节点树。
  3. 计算采样的节点代价(会将前面计算的栅格代价也考虑进来),并存放到openlist中,从openlist中取出最优代价存放到closelist中,openlist和closelist的操作过程和前面讲到的A*算法原理一样。
  4. 在采样节点快要到达目标点时,反复采用reedshepps曲线将当前节点和目标点进行无碰撞连接,一旦reedshepps曲线连接成功,则标志着路径生成完成。

 2.1.1 栅格代价地图生成



  1. bool GridSearch::GenerateDpMap(
  2. const double ex, const double ey, const std::vector<double>& XYbounds,
  3. const std::vector<std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d>>&
  4. obstacles_linesegments_vec)
  5. {
  6. std::priority_queue<std::pair<std::string, double>,
  7. std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>, cmp>
  8. open_pq;
  9. std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> open_set;
  10. dp_map_ = decltype(dp_map_)();
  11. XYbounds_ = XYbounds;
  12. // XYbounds with xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
  13. max_grid_y_ = std::round((XYbounds_[3] - XYbounds_[2]) / xy_grid_resolution_);
  14. max_grid_x_ = std::round((XYbounds_[1] - XYbounds_[0]) / xy_grid_resolution_);
  15. std::shared_ptr<Node2d> end_node =
  16. std::make_shared<Node2d>(ex, ey, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
  17. // obstacles_linesegments_vec_ = obstacles_linesegments_vec;
  18. open_set.insert(std::make_pair(end_node->GetIndex(), end_node));
  19. open_pq.push(std::make_pair(end_node->GetIndex(), end_node->GetCost()));
  20. // Grid a star begins
  21. size_t explored_node_num = 0;
  22. while (!open_pq.empty())
  23. {
  24. // std::cout<<"open_pq: "<<open_pq.size()<<std::endl;
  25. const std::string current_id = open_pq.top().first;
  26. open_pq.pop();
  27. std::shared_ptr<Node2d> current_node = open_set[current_id];
  28. dp_map_.insert(std::make_pair(current_node->GetIndex(), current_node));
  29. Box2d node_box = GetNodeExpandRange(current_node->GetGridX(),current_node->GetGridY());
  30. obstacles_linesegments_vec_.clear();
  31. for(const auto& obstacle : obstacles_linesegments_vec)
  32. {
  33. for(const auto& linesegment : obstacle)
  34. if(node_box.HasOverlap(linesegment))
  35. {
  36. obstacles_linesegments_vec_.emplace_back(obstacle);
  37. break;
  38. }
  39. }
  40. std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> next_nodes =
  41. std::move(GenerateNextNodes(current_node));
  42. for (auto& next_node : next_nodes)
  43. {
  44. if (!CheckConstraints(next_node))
  45. {
  46. continue;
  47. }
  48. if (dp_map_.find(next_node->GetIndex()) != dp_map_.end())
  49. {
  50. continue;
  51. }
  52. if (open_set.find(next_node->GetIndex()) == open_set.end())
  53. {
  54. ++explored_node_num;
  55. next_node->SetPreNode(current_node);
  56. open_set.insert(std::make_pair(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node));
  57. open_pq.push(
  58. std::make_pair(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node->GetCost()));
  59. }
  60. else
  61. {
  62. if (open_set[next_node->GetIndex()]->GetCost() > next_node->GetCost())
  63. {
  64. open_set[next_node->GetIndex()]->SetCost(next_node->GetCost());
  65. open_set[next_node->GetIndex()]->SetPreNode(current_node);
  66. }
  67. }
  68. }
  69. }
  70. ADEBUG << "explored node num is " << explored_node_num;
  71. // std::cout<<"explored node num is " <<explored_node_num<<"[grid_search.cc]"<<std::endl;
  72. return true;
  73. }


  1. bool GridSearch::GenerateAStarPath(
  2. const double sx, const double sy, const double ex, const double ey,
  3. const std::vector<double>& XYbounds,
  4. const std::vector<std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d>>&
  5. obstacles_linesegments_vec,
  6. GridAStartResult* result) {
  7. std::priority_queue<std::pair<std::string, double>,
  8. std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>>, cmp>
  9. open_pq;
  10. std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> open_set;
  11. std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> close_set;
  12. XYbounds_ = XYbounds;
  13. std::shared_ptr<Node2d> start_node =
  14. std::make_shared<Node2d>(sx, sy, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
  15. std::shared_ptr<Node2d> end_node =
  16. std::make_shared<Node2d>(ex, ey, xy_grid_resolution_, XYbounds_);
  17. std::shared_ptr<Node2d> final_node_ = nullptr;
  18. obstacles_linesegments_vec_ = obstacles_linesegments_vec;
  19. open_set.insert(std::make_pair(start_node->GetIndex(), start_node));
  20. open_pq.push(std::make_pair(start_node->GetIndex(), start_node->GetCost()));
  21. // Grid a star begins
  22. size_t explored_node_num = 0;
  23. while (!open_pq.empty()) {
  24. std::string current_id = open_pq.top().first;
  25. open_pq.pop();
  26. std::shared_ptr<Node2d> current_node = open_set[current_id];
  27. // Check destination
  28. if (*(current_node) == *(end_node)) {
  29. final_node_ = current_node;
  30. break;
  31. }
  32. close_set.emplace(current_node->GetIndex(), current_node);
  33. std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node2d>> next_nodes =
  34. std::move(GenerateNextNodes(current_node));
  35. for (auto& next_node : next_nodes) {
  36. if (!CheckConstraints(next_node)) {
  37. continue;
  38. }
  39. if (close_set.find(next_node->GetIndex()) != close_set.end()) {
  40. continue;
  41. }
  42. if (open_set.find(next_node->GetIndex()) == open_set.end()) {
  43. ++explored_node_num;
  44. next_node->SetHeuristic(
  45. EuclidDistance(next_node->GetGridX(), next_node->GetGridY(),
  46. end_node->GetGridX(), end_node->GetGridY()));
  47. next_node->SetPreNode(current_node);
  48. open_set.insert(std::make_pair(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node));
  49. open_pq.push(
  50. std::make_pair(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node->GetCost()));
  51. }
  52. }
  53. }
  54. if (final_node_ == nullptr) {
  55. AERROR << "Grid A searching return null ptr(open_set ran out)";
  56. return false;
  57. }
  58. LoadGridAStarResult(result);
  59. ADEBUG << "explored node num is " << explored_node_num;
  60. return true;
  61. }

最终在HybirdAstar通过调用CheckDpMap(const double sx, const double sy)获取栅格代价。

2.1.2 HybirdAstar路径搜索


  1. bool HybridAStar::Plan(
  2. double sx, double sy, double sphi,double sv, double ex, double ey, double ephi,double ev,
  3. const std::vector<double>& XYbounds,
  4. const std::vector<std::vector<common::math::Vec2d>>& obstacles_vertices_vec,
  5. HybridAStartResult* result) //HybridAstar路径规划主函数
  6. {
  7. // clear containers
  8. open_set_.clear(); //前面A*中提到的openlist
  9. close_set_.clear(); //前面A*中提到的closelist
  10. open_pq_ = decltype(open_pq_)();
  11. final_node_ = nullptr;
  12. obstacles_linesegments_vec_.clear();
  13. for (const auto& obstacle_vertices : obstacles_vertices_vec) //感知活动的障碍物边界信息,以直线段的形式存储
  14. {
  15. size_t vertices_num = obstacle_vertices.size();
  16. std::vector<common::math::LineSegment2d> obstacle_linesegments;
  17. for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices_num - 1; ++i)
  18. {
  19. common::math::LineSegment2d line_segment = common::math::LineSegment2d(
  20. obstacle_vertices[i], obstacle_vertices[i + 1]);
  21. obstacle_linesegments.emplace_back(line_segment);
  22. // printf("linesegment:%f,%f-%f,%f\n",line_segment.start().x(),line_segment.start().y(),line_segment.end().x(),line_segment.end().y());
  23. }
  24. obstacles_linesegments_vec_.emplace_back(obstacle_linesegments);
  25. }
  26. // obstacles_linesegments_vec_ = std::move(obstacles_linesegments_vec);
  27. obstacles_linesegments_vec_local_ = obstacles_linesegments_vec_;
  28. // load XYbounds
  29. XYbounds_ = XYbounds;
  30. // load nodes and obstacles
  31. start_node_.reset(
  32. new Node3d({sx}, {sy}, {sphi}, XYbounds_, planner_open_space_config_));
  33. end_node_.reset(
  34. new Node3d({ex}, {ey}, {ephi}, XYbounds_, planner_open_space_config_));
  35. if (!ValidityCheck(start_node_)) //检查起点是否发生碰撞,是否有效
  36. {
  37. AINFO << "start_node in collision with obstacles";
  38. return false;
  39. }
  40. if (!ValidityCheck(end_node_)) //检查终点是否发生碰撞,是否有效
  41. {
  42. AINFO << "end_node in collision with obstacles";
  43. return false;
  44. }
  45. double map_start = Clock::NowInSeconds();
  46. grid_a_star_heuristic_generator_->GenerateDpMap(ex, ey, XYbounds_,
  47. obstacles_linesegments_vec_); //栅格路径搜索,主要用于产生栅格路径势场,也就是栅格最短路径的代价值
  48. double map_time = Clock::NowInSeconds() - map_start;
  49. ADEBUG << "map time " << map_time;
  50. // load open set, pq
  51. open_set_.insert(std::make_pair(start_node_->GetIndex(), start_node_));
  52. open_pq_.push(
  53. std::make_pair(start_node_->GetIndex(), start_node_->GetCost()));
  54. // Hybrid A* begins
  55. size_t explored_node_num = 0;
  56. double astar_start_time = Clock::NowInSeconds();
  57. double heuristic_time = 0.0;
  58. double rs_time = 0.0;
  59. double start_time = 0.0;
  60. double end_time = 0.0;
  61. unsigned int node_cnt = 0;
  62. while (!open_pq_.empty())
  63. {
  64. //timeout check
  65. if(Clock::NowInSeconds() - astar_start_time > 3.0)
  66. {
  67. std::cout <<"timeout in 3 s,return" << std::endl;
  68. return false;
  69. }
  70. // take out the lowest cost neighboring node
  71. const std::string current_id = open_pq_.top().first;
  72. open_pq_.pop();
  73. std::shared_ptr<Node3d> current_node = open_set_[current_id];
  74. // check if an analystic curve could be connected from current
  75. // configuration to the end configuration without collision. if so, search
  76. // ends.:Plan(
  77. node_cnt++;
  78. double current_heuristic = grid_a_star_heuristic_generator_->CheckDpMap(current_node->GetX(),
  79. current_node->GetY()); //grid_search中djkstra栅格搜索的栅格代价值(可以理解最优路径花费)
  80. unsigned int N= static_cast<unsigned int>(0.1*current_heuristic); //用于加速hybridastar搜索速度,
  81. if(node_cnt >= N+1)
  82. {
  83. node_cnt =0;
  84. start_time = Clock::NowInSeconds();
  85. if (AnalyticExpansion(current_node)) //是否可以生成到目标点的无碰撞的reedshepp曲线,加速搜索,直接连接规划终点。
  86. {
  87. break;
  88. }
  89. end_time = Clock::NowInSeconds();
  90. rs_time += end_time - start_time;
  91. }
  92. close_set_.insert(std::make_pair(current_node->GetIndex(), current_node)); //将最优代价值节点放入到closelist中。
  93. Box2d node_box = GetNodeExpandRange(current_node->GetX(),current_node->GetY(),current_node->GetPhi()); //节点footprint
  94. obstacles_linesegments_vec_local_.clear();
  95. for(const auto& obstacle : obstacles_linesegments_vec_) //感知获得的障碍物边界信息以直线段的形式存储
  96. {
  97. for(const auto& linesegment : obstacle)
  98. if(node_box.HasOverlap(linesegment))
  99. {
  100. obstacles_linesegments_vec_local_.emplace_back(obstacle);
  101. break;
  102. }
  103. }
  104. for (size_t i = 0; i < next_node_num_; ++i)
  105. {
  106. std::shared_ptr<Node3d> next_node = Next_node_generator(current_node, i); //以不同曲率产生下一个相邻节点
  107. // boundary check failure handle
  108. if (next_node == nullptr)
  109. {
  110. continue;
  111. }
  112. // check if the node is already in the close set
  113. if (close_set_.find(next_node->GetIndex()) != close_set_.end()) //检查下一个采样节点是否在closelist中
  114. {
  115. continue;
  116. }
  117. // collision check
  118. if (!ValidityCheck(next_node)) //检查下一个采样节点是否发生碰撞
  119. {
  120. continue;
  121. }
  122. if (open_set_.find(next_node->GetIndex()) == open_set_.end()) //下一个节点也不在openlist中
  123. {
  124. explored_node_num++;
  125. start_time = Clock::NowInSeconds();
  126. CalculateNodeCost(current_node, next_node); //计算当前采样节点的代价值
  127. end_time = Clock::NowInSeconds();
  128. heuristic_time += end_time - start_time;
  129. open_set_.emplace(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node);
  130. open_pq_.emplace(next_node->GetIndex(), next_node->GetCost()); //将当前节点放入到closelist中,, //将当前节点放入到closelist中, cost = traj_cost_ + heuristic_cost_
  131. }
  132. }
  133. }
  134. if (final_node_ == nullptr)
  135. {
  136. ADEBUG << "Hybrid A searching return null ptr(open_set ran out)";
  137. return false;
  138. }
  139. if (!GetResult(result,sv,ev)) //将前面获得的搜寻节点信息按顺序提取为特定格式的路径数据
  140. {
  141. ADEBUG << "GetResult failed";
  142. return false;
  143. }
  144. double astar_end_time = Clock::NowInSeconds() - astar_start_time;
  145. double total_plan = Clock::NowInSeconds()-map_start;
  146. ADEBUG << "explored node num is " << explored_node_num;
  147. ADEBUG << "heuristic time is " << heuristic_time;
  148. ADEBUG << "reed shepp time is " << rs_time;
  149. ADEBUG << "hybrid astar total time is "
  150. << astar_end_time;
  151. std::cout <<"map time is " << map_time << std::endl;
  152. std::cout <<"explored node num is " << explored_node_num << std::endl;
  153. std::cout <<"heuristic time is " << heuristic_time << std::endl;
  154. std::cout <<"reed shepp time is " << rs_time << std::endl;
  155. std::cout <<"hybrid astar run time is " << astar_end_time << std::endl;
  156. std::cout <<"total plan time is " << total_plan << std::endl;
  157. return true;
  158. }

2.1.3 HybirdAstar的代价值计算


  1. //路径搜索的总花费计算
  2. void HybridAStar::CalculateNodeCost(std::shared_ptr<Node3d> current_node,
  3. std::shared_ptr<Node3d> next_node)
  4. {
  5. next_node->SetTrajCost(current_node->GetTrajCost() +
  6. TrajCost(current_node, next_node)); //节点搜索的代价值
  7. // evaluate heuristic cost
  8. double optimal_path_cost = 0.0;
  9. optimal_path_cost += HoloObstacleHeuristic(next_node); //栅格搜索的路径代价值,最短栅格路径
  10. next_node->SetHeuCost(optimal_path_cost); //将栅格搜索的最短路径花费合并到节点搜索的花费中
  11. }
  12. //HybirdAstar路径搜索花费
  13. double HybridAStar::TrajCost(std::shared_ptr<Node3d> current_node,
  14. std::shared_ptr<Node3d> next_node)
  15. {
  16. // evaluate cost on the trajectory and add current cost
  17. double piecewise_cost = 0.0;
  18. if (next_node->GetDirec())
  19. {
  20. piecewise_cost += static_cast<double>(next_node->GetStepSize() - 1) *
  21. step_size_ * traj_forward_penalty_; //路径长度正向花费
  22. }
  23. else
  24. {
  25. piecewise_cost += static_cast<double>(next_node->GetStepSize() - 1) *
  26. step_size_ * traj_back_penalty_; //路径反向长度花费 倒车路径
  27. }
  28. if (current_node->GetDirec() != next_node->GetDirec())
  29. {
  30. piecewise_cost += traj_gear_switch_penalty_; //反向花费
  31. }
  32. piecewise_cost += traj_steer_penalty_ * std::abs(next_node->GetSteer()); //节点转向角花费
  33. piecewise_cost += traj_steer_change_penalty_ *
  34. std::abs(next_node->GetSteer() - current_node->GetSteer()); //节点转向角变化率花费
  35. return piecewise_cost;
  36. }
  37. //栅格搜索的最短路径花费
  38. double HybridAStar::HoloObstacleHeuristic(std::shared_ptr<Node3d> next_node)
  39. {
  40. return grid_a_star_heuristic_generator_->CheckDpMap(next_node->GetX(),
  41. next_node->GetY()); //栅格搜索的最短路径花费
  42. }
  1. cost = traj_cost_ + heuristic_cost_;
  2. traj_cost_ = kfp* step_cnt * step_size + kbp*dir + ksvp*steer + ksap*dsteer ;
  3. cost = kfp* step_cnt * step_size + kbp*dir + ksvp*steer + ksap*dsteer + heuristic_cost_;
其中, kfp代表hybridstar路径搜索的路径长度代价项权重。

2.1.4 ReedSheep曲线


Optimal paths for a car that goes both forwards and backwards​sector3.imm.uran.ru/shepp/Reeds_Shepp_trunk.pdf



表中的form代表按圆弧和直线的组合分类,可以分为9大类,"C"代表了圆弧,"S" 代表了直线,"|"表示车辆运动朝向由正向转为反向或者由反向转为正向。

在Baseword下又可以分为很多的基元类型,由l^{+}l^-r^+r^-s^+s^-这六种元素组成,其中l^{+}表示车辆左转前进;l^-表示车辆左转后退;r^+表示车辆右转前进;r^-表示车辆右转后退;s^+表示车辆直行前进;s^-表示车辆直行后退。更加详细内容,请参考论文《Optimal paths for a car that goes both forwards and backwards》,上图图表亦来自论文。


  1. bool ReedShepp::ShortestRSP(const std::shared_ptr<Node3d> start_node,
  2. const std::shared_ptr<Node3d> end_node,
  3. std::shared_ptr<ReedSheppPath> optimal_path) {
  4. std::vector<ReedSheppPath> all_possible_paths;
  5. if (!GenerateRSPs(start_node, end_node, &all_possible_paths)) //产生所有类型的reedshepp曲线
  6. {
  7. ADEBUG << "Fail to generate different combination of Reed Shepp "
  8. "paths";
  9. return false;
  10. }
  11. double optimal_path_length = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
  12. size_t optimal_path_index = 0;
  13. size_t paths_size = all_possible_paths.size();
  14. for (size_t i = 0; i < paths_size; ++i)
  15. {
  16. if (all_possible_paths.at(i).total_length > 0 &&
  17. all_possible_paths.at(i).total_length < optimal_path_length) {
  18. optimal_path_index = i;
  19. optimal_path_length = all_possible_paths.at(i).total_length; //寻找最短的reedshepp曲线参数
  20. }
  21. }
  22. if (!GenerateLocalConfigurations(start_node, end_node,
  23. &(all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index]))) //根据曲线参数插值reedshepp曲线
  24. {
  25. ADEBUG << "Fail to generate local configurations(x, y, phi) in SetRSP";
  26. return false;
  27. }
  28. //检验是否精确插值到目标点
  29. if (std::abs(all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].x.back() -
  30. end_node->GetX()) > 1e-3 ||
  31. std::abs(all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].y.back() -
  32. end_node->GetY()) > 1e-3 ||
  33. std::abs(all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].phi.back() -
  34. end_node->GetPhi()) > 1e-3)
  35. {
  36. ADEBUG << "RSP end position not right";
  37. for (size_t i = 0;
  38. i < all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].segs_types.size(); ++i)
  39. {
  40. ADEBUG << "types are "
  41. << all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].segs_types[i];
  42. }
  43. ADEBUG << "x, y, phi are: "
  44. << all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].x.back() << ", "
  45. << all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].y.back() << ", "
  46. << all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].phi.back();
  47. ADEBUG << "end x, y, phi are: " << end_node->GetX() << ", "
  48. << end_node->GetY() << ", " << end_node->GetPhi();
  49. return false;
  50. }
  51. (*optimal_path).x = all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].x;
  52. (*optimal_path).y = all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].y;
  53. (*optimal_path).phi = all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].phi;
  54. (*optimal_path).gear = all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].gear;
  55. (*optimal_path).total_length =
  56. all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].total_length;
  57. (*optimal_path).segs_types =
  58. all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].segs_types;
  59. (*optimal_path).segs_lengths =
  60. all_possible_paths[optimal_path_index].segs_lengths;
  61. return true;
  62. }


