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imac mini 双系统_iMac,Mini和Pro:Apple的台式Mac比较

imac mini 双系统

imac mini 双系统

A Mac Mini next to an iMac.
Hadrian/Shutterstock 哈德良/ Shutterstock

If you’re shopping for a new desktop Mac, you’ll almost certainly be drawn to the iMac. However, Apple also makes the iMac Pro, Mac mini, and a freshly redesigned Mac Pro. Let’s look at the differences.

如果您要购买新的台式机Mac,几乎可以肯定会被iMac吸引。 但是,Apple还生产iMac Pro,Mac mini和重新设计的Mac Pro。 让我们看一下差异。

iMac:一站式包装 (iMac: Everything in One Package)

The iMac is Apple’s flagship all-in-one. Available in 21- or 27-inch sizes, an iMac can be extensively customized to suit all kinds of budgets and scenarios.

iMac是苹果公司的旗舰产品。 iMac提供21英寸或27英寸尺寸,可以进行广泛定制,以适应各种预算和方案。

All but the cheapest 21-inch ($1,099) come with a Retina 4K (or 5K) display, which features the P3 wide color gamut. These impressive panels are one of iMac’s main draws. When you buy an iMac, you get everything you need to get going: a computer, display, and the requisite peripherals.

除最便宜的21英寸(1,099美元)外,所有其他显示器均配备Retina 4K(或5K)显示器,具有P3宽色域。 这些令人印象深刻的面板是iMac的主要吸引力之一。 购买iMac时,您将获得前进所需的一切:计算机,显示器和必要的外围设备。

A 2019 Apple iMac 21- and 27-inch display.

The 27-inch models not only feature a larger display; they also have more powerful hardware under the hood and a wider array of upgrade options. This includes eight-core processors (which were previously six-core), up to 64 GB of RAM (previously 32 GB), up to 3 TB of storage (previously 1 TB), and better GPUs to drive the larger display.

27英寸的机型不仅具有更大的显示屏,而且还提供更大的显示屏。 他们还拥有更强大的硬件和更广泛的升级选项。 其中包括八核处理器(以前为六核),高达64 GB的RAM(先前为32 GB),高达3 TB的存储(先前为1 TB)以及更好的GPU,以驱动更大的显示器。

As a result, the iMac is the most flexible desktop computer Apple offers. It could be a budget home office or learning tool, a capable photo-editing workstation, the heart of a home recording studio, or a tricked-out creative powerhouse for video editing or 3D rendering.

因此,iMac是Apple提供的最灵活的台式计算机。 它可能是预算有限的家庭办公室或学习工具,功能强大的照片编辑工作站,家庭录音棚的核心,或者是用于视频编辑或3D渲染的欺骗性创新动力。

While there’s an “Apple tax” you have to pay for all of that, when you compare it to building your own rig, the cost of an iMac doesn’t seem so unreasonable. This is especially true when you consider the price of a decent 4K or 5K monitor. If space is a concern, you might be happy to pay the premium to have everything cleverly contained in a single unit.

尽管有“苹果税”,但您必须为此支付所有费用,但将其与建造自己的钻机进行比较时,iMac的成本似乎并不那么合理。 当您考虑价格合适的4K或5K显示器时,尤其如此。 如果需要空间,您可能会乐意支付高价,以将所有内容巧妙地包含在一个单元中。

The iMac comes with an Apple Magic Keyboard and Magic Mouse; for a small fee, you can upgrade the Magic Mouse to a Magic Trackpad instead. This is a worthwhile move, as macOS’s extensive use of gestures more than justifies a touch-based input.

iMac配备了Apple Magic Keyboard和Magic Mouse; 您只需支付少量费用,即可将Magic Mouse升级到Magic Trackpad。 这是一个值得的举动,因为macOS广泛使用手势不只是证明基于触摸的输入是合理的。

The input/output on a 2019 Apple iMac.

Considering its desktop form factor, the iMac offers one of the best price-to-performance ratios of any Mac. If portability isn’t a priority, and you’re torn between a MacBook Pro and an iMac with comparable specs, the iMac is the more sensible choice in terms of overall power.

考虑到其台式机的外形尺寸,iMac提供了所有Mac中最佳的性价比之一。 如果便携性不是优先考虑的事情,并且您在MacBook Pro和具有类似规格的iMac之间陷入困境,那么就整体功能而言,iMac是更明智的选择。

Even if you already have a monitor or two, the iMac might still be your best choice. (Multi-monitor setups are awesome!) You can’t configure a Mac mini with an eight-core processor or a Vega 48 GPU, for example.

即使您已经拥有一两个显示器,iMac仍然可能是您的最佳选择。 ( 多显示器设置非常棒! )例如,您不能使用八核处理器或Vega 48 GPU配置Mac mini。

The iMac also has yet another trick up its sleeve: a RAM upgrade slot. It’s located on the back of the unit, making it easy to upgrade the available memory. This also means you can buy an iMac with a paltry amount of RAM, and then upgrade it immediately with cheaper, third-party RAM that won’t affect your warranty. This is something MacBook owners can only dream about.

iMac还有另外一个窍门:RAM升级插槽。 它位于设备的背面,可以轻松升级可用内存 。 这也意味着您可以购买具有少量RAM的iMac,然后立即使用不会影响保修的更便宜的第三方RAM对其进行升级。 这是MacBook所有者只能梦dream以求的东西。

iMac Pro:黑色强国 (iMac Pro: A Powerhouse in Black)

The most striking thing about the iMac Pro is its darker, space gray color, and matching desktop peripherals. Available only as a 27-inch all-in-one, the iMac Pro bridges the gap between the regular iMac and the more modular Mac Pro. It also starts at $4,999—a steep hike from the $1,799 base 27-inch iMac.

iMac Pro最引人注目的是其更暗,深空的灰色以及相匹配的桌面外围设备。 iMac Pro仅作为27英寸的一体机提供,弥合了普通iMac和模块化程度更高的Mac Pro之间的鸿沟。 它的起价也为4,999美元,比基本的27英寸iMac的1,799美元高出很多。

To understand the price difference, you have to understand who Apple is targeting. The iMac Pro is not a professional workstation for people who need much more powerful hardware.

要了解价格差异,您必须了解Apple的目标客户。 对于需要更强大硬件的人们来说,iMac Pro并不是专业工作站。

The iMac Pro ships with Intel Xeon, server-class processors, starting at eight-cores and going all the way up to 18 (with a $2,400 upgrade). The iMac Pro can accommodate up to 256 GB of RAM and 4 TB of solid-state storage (no traditional hard drive options here).

iMac Pro配备了英特尔至强,服务器级处理器,起始于八核,一直上升到十八核(升级价格为2,400美元)。 iMac Pro最多可以容纳256 GB的RAM和4 TB的固态存储(此处没有传统的硬盘选项)。

An Apple iMac Pro display.

The iMac Pro also provides upgrade paths to AMD’s Vega 64X GPUs for serious 3D, VR, and video work. Behind the scenes, Apple has kitted out the iMac Pro with a redesigned cooling system that’s both quiet and highly efficient. It also threw a T2 chip in there, a coprocessor designed to handle the security and encryption that appears in most modern Macs (but not the regular iMac, yet).

iMac Pro还提供了升级至AMD Vega 64X GPU的升级路径,可用于严肃的3D,VR和视频工作。 在幕后,苹果为iMac Pro配备了经过重新设计的静音和高效散热系统。 它还在其中插入了T2芯片,该协处理器旨在处理大多数现代Mac(但不是常规的iMac)中出现的安全性和加密。

The iMac Pro uses Error Correction Code (ECC) RAM, which is the memory of choice for servers. As the name suggests, this memory automatically detects and corrects memory errors on the fly, unlike standard RAM, which has a much higher failure rate. You also get four Thunderbolt 3 ports (up from two on the iMac) and 10 Gb ethernet (up from 1 Gb on the iMac).

iMac Pro使用纠错码(ECC)RAM,这是服务器选择的内存。 顾名思义,该内存可自动检测并纠正内存错误,这与标准RAM不同,后者的故障率更高。 您还将获得四个Thunderbolt 3端口(iMac上为两个)和10 Gb以太网(iMac上为1 Gb)。

This professional level of performance is expensive, though. Even if you configured a 27-inch iMac with the best available processor, RAM, and GPU chip, you’d still be about $150 shy of the iMac Pro’s starting price.

但是,这种专业水平的性能非常昂贵。 即使您配置的27英寸iMac具有最佳的可用处理器,RAM和GPU芯片,您仍然比iMac Pro的起价低150美元。

This makes the iMac Pro hard to recommend for the average consumer.

这使得iMac Pro很难向普通消费者推荐。

Mac mini:小型Mac,巨大的可能性 (Mac mini: Small Mac, Big Possibilities)

The Mac mini is the pocket-rocket Apple desktop. It was neglected by Apple for so long, it barely got an update from 2014-18. Now, it’s back and Apple seems committed to providing timely hardware updates, the most recent of which was March 2020.

Mac mini是口袋式的Apple桌面。 它被苹果公司忽略了很长时间,从2014-18年以来几乎没有更新。 现在又回来了,苹果似乎致力于提供及时的硬件更新,最近的一次更新是2020年3月。

To understand the appeal of the Mac mini, you have to understand its intended uses. The first is a small, dedicated $799 barebones desktop computer. You don’t get a monitor, keyboard, or mouse which has been the case since the machine first debuted in 2005.

要了解Mac mini的吸引力,您必须了解其预期用途。 首先是799美元的小型专用准系统台式计算机。 自从该机器于2005年首次亮相以来,您就没有显示器,键盘或鼠标。

Back then, the Mac mini offered PC owners a cheap, compact way to jump aboard the Apple train. Since then, the Mac mini has earned a reputation for being a solid home server and theater PC (HTPC) solution. It also remains a great option for the Apple-curious, who have a desktop PC, monitor, and peripherals ready to go.

当时,Mac mini为PC所有者提供了一种廉价,紧凑的方式来登上Apple火车。 从那时起,Mac mini就以坚固的家庭服务器和影院PC(HTPC)解决方案赢得了声誉。 对于好奇的苹果公司来说,它仍然是一个不错的选择,他们已经准备好台式电脑,显示器和外围设备。

The 2020 Apple Mac Mini.

One such scenario might be programmers who want to develop iPhone and iPad apps, which require Xcode and an Apple Developer account. This isn’t possible on Windows, and a Mac mini is still cheaper than a MacBook Air (Apple’s other budget option).

一个这样的场景可能是想要开发iPhone和iPad应用程序的程序员,他们需要Xcode和一个Apple Developer帐户。 这在Windows上是不可能的,而且Mac mini仍比MacBook Air(Apple的其他预算选择)便宜。

The Mac mini has found favor in other areas, too. Build and render farms use distributed computing methods to share heavy loads across multiple machines. This speeds up building software or rendering video, and the Mac mini often powers these facilities.

Mac mini在其他领域也受到青睐。 构建和渲染场使用分布式计算方法在多台计算机之间共享沉重的负载。 这样可以加快构建软件或渲染视频的速度,而Mac mini通常为这些功能提供动力。

Other uses include dedicated Xcode servers for mobile developers, controllers for professional lighting and audio processing at live shows, and powering digital signage and outdoor displays. Many of these are possible thanks to Apple’s excellent input/output (I/O), which includes four dedicated Thunderbolt 3 ports.

其他用途包括用于移动开发人员的专用Xcode服务器,用于现场表演的专业照明和音频处理的控制器,以及为数字标牌和户外显示器供电的功能。 由于苹果出色的输入/输出(I / O),其中包括四个专用的Thunderbolt 3端口,因此许多这样的功能都是可能的。

The Mac mini lacks a dedicated GPU, so it’s not likely to be a powerhouse video editor. You can upgrade most components at checkout, like the CPU, RAM, and storage, but the iMac still comes out on top.

Mac mini缺少专用的GPU,因此不太可能成为强大的视频编辑器。 您可以在结帐时升级大多数组件,例如CPU,RAM和存储,但是iMac仍然是最重要的。

Like the iMac, you can also upgrade the RAM in a Mac mini yourself to save some money.

像iMac一样,您也可以自己升级Mac mini的RAM以节省一些钱。

Mac Pro:什么都做不了 (Mac Pro: When Nothing Else Will Do)

If you look at the iMac Pro and think, I need more, then the Mac Pro is all that remains. After dropping the ball on the oft-maligned “trash can” Mac Pro in 2013, Apple resurrected the Mac Pro in 2019. It was a hulking beast of a machine, worthy of its name.

如果您查看iMac Pro并认为, 我还需要更多,那么Mac Pro就是全部。 苹果在2013年将惯常使用的“垃圾桶” Mac Pro扔下球之后,于2019年使Mac Pro复活 。这是一台笨拙的机器,不愧为它的名字。

The new Mac Pro has all the trappings of the celebrated Power Mac G5, right down to its modular case design and all-metal chassis. If the starting price of $5,999 sounds steep, keep in mind that a fully tricked-out Mac Pro costs more than $50,000 (yes, really).

新款Mac Pro拥有著名的Power Mac G5的所有功能,包括模块化的外壳设计和全金属机箱。 如果5999美元的起价听起来太高了,请记住,一台完全被欺骗的Mac Pro的价格超过50,000美元(是的,是的)。

The 2019 Apple "Cheese Grater" Mac Pro.

Like the iMac Pro, the Mac Pro features only server-class Intel Xeon processors, with up to 28-cores (a $7,000 option). The machine supports up to 1.5 TB of DDR4 ECC memory, dual Vega II 32 GB Radeon GPUs, and up to 8 TB of solid-state storage. Apple also offers a $2,000 Afterburner card which speeds up the decoding of ProRes and ProRes RAW encoded video from high-end cameras.

与iMac Pro一样,Mac Pro仅具有服务器级Intel Xeon处理器,最多具有28核(7,000美元的选件)。 该计算机支持高达1.5 TB的DDR4 ECC内存,双Vega II 32 GB Radeon GPU和高达8 TB的固态存储。 苹果公司还提供了一张价值2,000美元的Afterburner卡,该卡可加快高端相机对ProRes和ProRes RAW编码视频的解码速度。

The Mac Pro pairs best with Apple’s equally flamboyant Pro Display XDR—a $4,999, 32-inch Thunderbolt 3 display with a native 6K resolution. Of course, you can use any monitor you like but when you’re spending this much, compromise seems self-defeating.

Mac Pro与苹果同等华丽的Pro Display XDR搭配得最好。ProDisplay XDR是售价为4,999美元的32英寸Thunderbolt 3显示器,具有本机6K分辨率。 当然,您可以使用任何喜欢的显示器,但是当您花很多钱时,妥协似乎是自欺欺人的。

This monster is built with a very specific person in mind, who also likely isn’t paying for it herself. For most home-computer uses, the iMac Pro makes far more sense if you need a bonkers, high-end Mac.

这个怪物的构建考虑到了一个非常特定的人,他自己也可能并没有为此付出代价。 对于大多数家用计算机而言,如果需要笨拙的高端Mac,则iMac Pro更有意义。

For most consumers, even a beefed-up regular iMac will eat through most tasks, including 4K video editing, RAW image processing, and 3D rendering.


比MacBook更省钱 (More Bang for Your Buck Than a MacBook)

When it comes to desktop Macs, the iMac is the best choice for most consumers. Even if you’re considering a MacBook Pro, if you don’t need portability, think about how an iMac might improve your workflow.

对于台式机Mac,iMac是大多数消费者的最佳选择。 即使您正在考虑使用MacBook Pro,如果不需要便携性,请考虑一下iMac如何改善您的工作流程。

For some people, an iPad might be the perfect MacBook replacement, leaving your desktop Mac and its much larger display free to do the heavy lifting and macOS-specific tasks.

对于某些人来说, iPad可能是MacBook的完美替代品 ,而台式机Mac及其更大的显示屏则可以自由地执行繁重的任务和macOS特定的任务。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/677017/imac-mini-and-pro-apples-desktop-macs-compared/

imac mini 双系统

