Our World in Data 维护了一个COVID-19(冠状病毒) 数据的集合。他们在 COVID-19 大流行期间每天更新它。它包括以下数据:
指标 | 来源 | 更新 | 国家数 |
Vaccinations(疫苗接种) | Our World in Data 团队整理的官方数据 | 日更新 | 218 |
Tests & positivity(检测及阳性) | Our World in Data 团队整理的官方数据 | 周更新 | 193 |
Hospital & ICU(医院及重症监护室) | Our World in Data 团队整理的官方数据 | 日更新 | 47 |
Confirmed cases(确诊病例) | JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data | 日更新 | 217 |
Confirmed deaths(确认死亡) | JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data | 日更新 | 217 |
Reproduction rate(繁殖率) | Arroyo-Marioli F, Bullano F, Kucinskas S, Rondón-Moreno C | 日更新 | 192 |
Policy responses(政策回应) | Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker | 日更新 | 187 |
Other variables of interest(其他感兴趣的变量) | International organizations (UN, World Bank, OECD, IHME…) 国际组织 | 静态不变 | 241 |
import warnings
file = 'owid-covid-data.csv'
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, SQLContext
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Covid Data Mining").config('spark.sql.debug.maxToStringFields', 2000).getOrCreate()
full_df = spark.read.csv(file, header=True, inferSchema=True)
print(f"The total number of samples is {full_df.count()}, with each sample corresponding to {len(full_df.columns)} features.")
The total number of samples is 193812, with each sample corresponding to 67 features.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
miss_vals = full_df.select([F.count(F.when(F.isnull(c), c)).alias(c) for c in full_df.columns]).collect()[0].asDict()
miss_vals = dict(sorted(miss_vals.items(), reverse=True, key=lambda item: item[1]))
import pandas as pd
full_df = full_df.withColumn('date',F.to_date(F.unix_timestamp(F.col('date'), 'yyyy-MM-dd').cast("timestamp")))
dates = ("2022-04-01", "2022-06-01")
df = full_df.where(F.col('date').between(*dates))
print(f"The total number of samples is {df.count()}, with each sample corresponding to {len(df.columns)} features.")
miss_vals = df.select([F.count(F.when(F.isnull(c), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).collect()[0].asDict()
miss_vals = dict(sorted(miss_vals.items(), reverse=True, key=lambda item: item[1]))
如上图所示,显然,OWID 已经根据收入或一般聚合(例如continent级别)等标准执行了一系列聚合。因为它们以后可能会被证明是有用的,所以没有理由丢弃它们。可以简单地将空值设置为等于“OWID”值,以便以后能够在需要时调用它们。
df = df.fillna({'continent':'OWID'})
换句话说,tests_units 只是一个变量,表示每个国家/地区如何报告已执行的测试。例如,在被检测人员的情况下,报告的总测试数量预计会低于执行测试的相同报告,因为在同一天可以对一个人进行多次测试。这意味着缺失值是由于某些国家/地区没有提供有关他们如何计算每日测试总数的相关信息。当然,这不是丢弃相关数据的理由,因此缺失值将被字符串“no info”替换。
df = df.fillna({'tests_units':'no info'})
我们再转向定量特征,大多数缺失值是由于相关数据在某些地点的研究时间段内不可用,或者简单地等于零。例如,new_vaccinations 列中有 8673 个缺失值,这要么是由于某些地点没有疫苗,要么是由于这些地点报告在特定日期没有接种疫苗。在这种情况下,最好的方法是用 0 替换所有这些值。在少数情况下,缺失值不是由于这两个原因中的任何一个,而是由于错误报告、错误或其他原因,我们希望能找到它在他们的分析过程中,尤其是他们的可视化过程中。在这种情况下,我们将能够重新处理它们或完全丢弃它们。
df = df.fillna(0)
miss_vals = df.select([F.count(F.when(F.isnull(c), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).collect()[0].asDict()
if any(list(miss_vals.values())) != 0:
print("There are still missing values in the DataFrame.")
print("All missing values have been taken care of.")
尽管如此,如果选择这样做,处理异常值的系统方法是基于四分位距方法。四分位间距 R 定义为 R = Q 3 − Q 1 R = Q_{3} - Q_{1} R=Q3−Q1 其中 Q i Q_{i} Qi 是第 i i i 个四分位数。所研究特征的值高于 Q 3 + α R Q_{3} + \alpha R Q3+αR或低于 Q 1 − α R Q_{1} - \alpha R Q1−αR 的每个点都被归类为该特定特征的异常值,其中 α \alpha α 是定义“决策边界”的标量,单位为 R R R。这基本上是箱线图的构造方式,其中 R R R对应于箱线的高度, α R \alpha R αR 等于晶须的长度。 α \alpha α 的一个非常常见的选择是 α = 1.5 \alpha =1.5 α=1.5 。基于这些,可以定义一个函数来识别与特定特征相关的所有异常值。
def OutlierDetector(dataframe, features, alpha=1.5):
dataframe (pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame):
the DataFrame hosting the data
features (string or List):
List of features (columns) for which we wish to identify outliers.
If set equal to 'all', outliers are identified with respect to all features.
alpha (double):
The parameter that defines the decision boundary (see markdown above)
feat_types = dict(dataframe.dtypes)
if features == 'all':
features = dataframe.columns
outliers_cols = []
for feat in features:
# We only care for quantitative features
if feat_types[feat] == 'double':
Q1, Q3 = dataframe.approxQuantile(feat, [0.25, 0.75], 0)
R = Q3 - Q1
lower_bound = Q1 - (R * alpha)
upper_bound = Q3 + (R * alpha)
# In this way we construct a query, which can be matched to a DataFrame column, thus returning a new
# column where every point that corresponds to an Outlier has a boolean value set to True
outliers_cols.append(F.when(~F.col(feat).between(lower_bound, upper_bound), True).alias(feat + '_outlier'))
# Sample points that do not correspond to outliers correspond to a False value for the new column
outlier_df = dataframe.select(*outliers_cols)
outlier_df = outlier_df.fillna(False)
return outlier_df
例如,我们可以检查 5 个随机 DataFrame 行中的任何一个是否对应于 new_cases 特征的异常值:
在进行探索性数据分析之前,预处理阶段的最后一步是定位可能的重复条目并丢弃重复项。当谈到重复时,我们实际上并不是指整行,而是指日期和位置列的组合条目。这两个特征的重复条目意味着该位置在给定日期提供了不止一份每日报告。以下命令显示过滤后的 DataFrame 中不存在重复项,但是,即使有,也可以使用 df = df.dropDuplicates([‘location’,‘date’]) 删除它们。
if df.count() != df.select(['location','date']).distinct().count():
print("There are duplicate entries present in the DataFrame.")
print("Either there are no duplicate entries present in the DataFrame, or all of them have already been removed).")
数据分析(Exploratory Data Analysis)简称EDA。在深入了解 EDA 之前,我们导入了一些库,并展示了一些辅助函数和命令,这些函数和命令将在未来用于可视化。
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap, TwoSlopeNorm
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
def CustomCmap(from_rgb,to_rgb):
# from color r,g,b
r1,g1,b1 = from_rgb
# to color r,g,b
r2,g2,b2 = to_rgb
cdict = {'red': ((0, r1, r1),
(1, r2, r2)),
'green': ((0, g1, g1),
(1, g2, g2)),
'blue': ((0, b1, b1),
(1, b2, b2))}
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('custom_cmap', cdict)
return cmap
mycmap = CustomCmap([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [72/255, 99/255, 147/255])
mycmap_r = CustomCmap([72/255, 99/255, 147/255], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
mycol = (72/255, 99/255, 147/255)
mycomplcol = (129/255, 143/255, 163/255)
othercol1 = (135/255, 121/255, 215/255)
othercol2 = (57/255, 119/255, 171/255)
othercol3 = (68/255, 81/255, 91/255)
othercol4 = (73/255, 149/255, 139/255)
在这里,死亡率的计算方法是死亡总数除以每个地点的人口(另一个常见的定义是 Covid 的死亡总数除以 Covid 病例的总数)。为此,构建了一个名为死亡率的列。使用此列,我们确定了研究时间间隔内每一天的死亡率最高的 10 个国家。
dates_frame = df.select("date").distinct().orderBy('date').collect()
dates_list = [str(dates_frame[x][0]) for x in range(len(dates_frame))]
df_for_mort = df.filter(F.col('population') != 0.0).withColumn("mortality", F.col("total_deaths")/F.col("population"))
for i, this_day in enumerate(dates_list):
this_day_top_10 = df_for_mort.filter(F.col('date') == this_day).orderBy("mortality", ascending=False).select(["location","mortality"]).take(10)
if i == 0:
ct_list = [(this_day_top_10[x][0],this_day_top_10[x][1]) for x in range(10)]
print("During "+this_day+", the top 10 countries with the highest mortality rate were:")
for country, instance in ct_list:
print(f"▶ {country}, with mortality rate {100*instance:.2f}%.")
new_set = set(ct_list[x][0] for x in range(10))
elif i == len(dates_list)-1:
ct_list = [(this_day_top_10[x][0],this_day_top_10[x][1]) for x in range(10)]
print("During "+this_day+", the top 10 countries with the highest mortality rate were:")
for country, instance in ct_list:
print(f"▶ {country}, with mortality rate {100*instance:.2f}%.")
new_set = set(this_day_top_10[x][0] for x in range(10))
if new_set != old_set:
left_out = old_set-new_set
new_additions = new_set-old_set
print("This was the top ten until "+this_day+", when "+", ".join(str(s) for s in new_additions)+" joined the list, replacing "+", ".join(str(s) for s in left_out)+".")
new_set, old_set = set(), new_set
秘鲁,死亡率 0.64 % 0.64\% 0.64%
保加利亚,死亡率 0.54 % 0.54\% 0.54%
波斯尼亚,死亡率 0.48 % 0.48\% 0.48%
匈牙利,死亡率 0.48 % 0.48\% 0.48%
北马其顿,死亡率 0.45 % 0.45\% 0.45%
黑山,死亡率 0.43 % 0.43\% 0.43%
乔治亚州,死亡率 0.42 0.42% 0.42
克罗地亚,死亡率 0.39 % 0.39\% 0.39%
捷克,死亡率 0.38 % 0.38\% 0.38%
斯洛伐克,死亡率 0.37 % 0.37\% 0.37%
for i, this_day in enumerate(dates_list):
this_day_top_10 = df.filter(F.col('date') == this_day).orderBy("total_cases_per_million", ascending=False).select(["location","total_cases_per_million"]).take(10)
if i == 0:
ct_list = [(this_day_top_10[x][0],this_day_top_10[x][1]) for x in range(10)]
print("During "+this_day+", the top 10 countries with the highest number of total cases per million were:")
for country, instance in ct_list:
print(f"▶ {country}, with {instance} total cases per million.")
new_set = set(ct_list[x][0] for x in range(10))
elif i == len(dates_list)-1:
ct_list = [(this_day_top_10[x][0],this_day_top_10[x][1]) for x in range(10)]
print("During "+this_day+", the top 10 countries with the highest number of total cases per million were:")
for country, instance in ct_list:
print(f"▶ {country}, with {instance} total cases per million.")
new_set = set(this_day_top_10[x][0] for x in range(10))
if new_set != old_set:
left_out = old_set-new_set
new_additions = new_set-old_set
print("This was the top ten until "+this_day+", when "+", ".join(str(s) for s in new_additions)+" joined the list, replacing "+", ".join(str(s) for s in left_out)+".")
new_set, old_set = set(), new_set
# dt_ord = df.filter(df.iso_code=="CHN").orderBy("date", ascending=True).groupBy("date")
dt_ord = df.orderBy("date", ascending=True).groupBy("date")
hosps = dt_ord.agg(F.sum("hosp_patients")).collect()
hosps = [hosps[i][1] for i in range(len(hosps))]
icus = dt_ord.agg(F.sum("icu_patients")).collect()
icus = [icus[i][1] for i in range(len(icus))]
sns.set(style = "darkgrid")
alt_dts_list = [dt.replace('2022-', '') for dt in dates_list]
tick_marks = np.arange(len(alt_dts_list))
fig, [ax1,ax2] = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,5))
for pat, col, style, ax, where in zip([hosps,icus], [mycol, mycomplcol],
['solid', 'dashed'], [ax1,ax2], ['Normal Beds','ICUs']):
ax.plot(alt_dts_list, pat, linestyle=style, color=col)
ax.set_ylabel("Number of Patients")
ax.set_title(f"Daily Number of Patients in {where}", fontsize=14)
ax.set_xticklabels(alt_dts_list[::5], rotation=45)
很明显,住院和 ICU 入院的总体趋势是下降的,在本文限定的两个多月的时间内,这两个数字已经下降到其初始值的近一半。请注意两个图表具有相似的模式,这似乎暗示了住院患者数量与 ICU 患者数量之间的相关性。一个重要的区别是,住院患者人数的绝对值与 ICU 入院人数相比要高得多,这是合理的,因为较轻病例的数量与较严重的病例数量相比要高。
这里我们开发了一个有趣的可视化:地理热图。它是世界各国的 2D 表示,并根据特定特征而言,根据其强度进行着色。下面,我们构建了全球范围内总病例数的地理热图。每天都会提取一张热图图像。热图是使用 geopandas 库构建的:
print('Initializing the construction of heatmaps for every day.')
ct = 0
for this_day in dates_list:
# The conversion of the required columns into a Pandas df is necessary to perform the mapping
day_df = df.filter(F.col('date') == this_day).select(["iso_code","total_cases"]).toPandas()
merged_df = pd.merge(left=geo_df, right=day_df, how='left', left_on='iso_code', right_on='iso_code')
title = f'Total COVID-19 Cases as of {this_day}'
col = 'total_cases'
vmin, vmax = merged_df[col].min(), merged_df[col].max()
cmap = mycmap
divnorm = TwoSlopeNorm(vcenter=0.08*20365726)
# Create figure and axes for Matplotlib
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(20, 8))
# Remove the axis
merged_df.plot(column=col, ax=ax, edgecolor='1.0', linewidth=1, norm=divnorm, cmap=cmap)
# Add a title
ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize': '25', 'fontweight': '3'})
# Create colorbar as a legend
sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax), cmap=cmap)
# Empty array for the data range
sm._A = []
# Add the colorbar to the figure
cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.25, 0.01, 0.4])
cbar = fig.colorbar(sm, cax=cbaxes)
plt.savefig(f'world_map_{this_day}.png', bbox_inches='tight')
ct += 1
print(f'Process complete. {ct} heatmap(s) were extracted, ready to be converted into a .gif file.')
from PIL import Image
frames = []
for this_day in dates_list:
frames = [frame.convert('PA') for frame in frames]
frames[0].save('Total COVID-19 Cases.gif', format='GIF',
duration=1, loop=0, transparency=3)
exc_dates_list = df.filter(F.col('excess_mortality') != 0.0).select(['date']).distinct().orderBy('date').collect()
exc_dates_list = [str(exc_dates_list[i][0]) for i in range(len(exc_dates_list))]
print('Initializing the construction of heatmaps for every day.')
ct = 0
for this_day in exc_dates_list:
europe_df = df.filter(F.col('date') == this_day).filter(F.col('continent') == 'Europe').filter(F.col('excess_mortality') != 0.0).select(["iso_code","excess_mortality"])
geo_eu = pd.merge(left=geo_df, right=europe_df.toPandas(), how='inner', on='iso_code')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
col = 'excess_mortality'
cmap = mycmap
vmin, vmax = geo_eu[col].min(), geo_eu[col].max()
sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax), cmap=cmap)
ax.axis([-13, 44, 33, 72])
geo_eu.plot(column=col, ax=ax, edgecolor='1.0', linewidth=1, norm=None, cmap=cmap)
ax.set_title(f'Excess Mortality in Europe as of {this_day}', fontdict={'fontsize': '14', 'fontweight': '3'})
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=.2)
fig.colorbar(sm, cax=cax)
plt.savefig(f'europe_{this_day}.png', bbox_inches='tight')
ct += 1
print(f'Process complete. {ct} heatmap(s) were extracted, ready to be converted into a .gif file.')
from PIL import Image
frames = []
for this_day in exc_dates_list:
frames = [frame.convert('PA') for frame in frames]
gif_name = 'Excess Mortality in Europe.gif'
frames[0].save(gif_name, format='GIF',
duration=1000, loop=0, transparency=8,quality=200,optimize=True)
为了更精确地生成这些结果,我们需要构建一个新的 PySpark 数据框,其中包含每个欧洲国家的所有超额死亡率报告,这些国家提供了所有先前计算日期的报告。甚至有 1 个缺失值的国家都不会被考虑在内,以便能够得出尽可能安全的结论,因为就这一特征而言,可用数据量非常小。然后,使用这个新创建的 DataFrame,可以构建一个 Pearson 相关矩阵,从而不仅揭示了具有相同地理边界的相关国家对,而且还揭示了这种相关性的确切值。由于在本文选定的时间内,每个欧洲国家都存在一些缺失值,所以我们选取其他时间区间内(2021-01-01", "2021-02-28)的数据进行实验。
european_df = df.filter(F.col('continent') == 'Europe').filter(F.col('excess_mortality') != 0.0)
european_cts = european_df.select(['location']).distinct().collect()
european_cts = [european_cts[i][0] for i in range(len(european_cts)) if european_df.filter(F.col('location') == european_cts[i][0]).count() == len(exc_dates_list)]
print(f'{len(european_cts)} European countries are chosen for this analysis.')
31 European countries are chosen for this analysis.
如前所述,就超额死亡率而言,瑞士和德国确实对应于一对高度相关的邻国。事实上,在大多数情况下,似乎只有邻国(例如比利时和德国,或卢森堡和荷兰)及其第二邻国表现出高相关值,相关值随着邻国指数(即有多少个国家)显着下降两个国家以外的国家)增加超过 2。
在实现K-means时,我们需要确定K的最佳取值,在实际应用场景我们可以通过elbow method来确定K的取值,但是为了演示简便,我们通过可视化的方式来确定K的取值。
我们知道k-means是以最小化样本与质点平方误差作为目标函数,将每个簇的质点与簇内样本点的平方距离误差和称为畸变程度(distortions),那么,对于一个簇,它的畸变程度越低,代表簇内成员越紧密,畸变程度越高,代表簇内结构越松散。 畸变程度会随着类别的增加而降低,但对于有一定区分度的数据,在达到某个临界点时畸变程度会得到极大改善,之后缓慢下降,这个临界点就可以考虑为聚类性能较好的点。其图像像一个胳膊肘,故名为elbow method
sns.set(style = "darkgrid")
fig, [ax1,ax2] = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12,5))
for idx, (ax,this_day) in enumerate(zip([ax1,ax2],[exc_dates_list[0],exc_dates_list[-1]])):
eff_df = df.filter(F.col('excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million') != 0.0).filter(F.col('date') == this_day).select(['total_cases_per_million','excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million','location'])
pdf = eff_df.select(['total_cases_per_million','excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million']).toPandas()
points = ax.scatter(pdf.total_cases_per_million, pdf.excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million,
color=mycol, alpha=0.5)
ax.set_title(f'Scatterplot of Countries as of {this_day}')
ax.set_xlabel('Total Cases per Million')
ax.set_ylabel('Excess Mortality (Cumulative) per Million')
即使通过这种初步的可视化,我们也可以就数据本身得出一个非常重要的结论:到 2 月底,报告超额死亡率的国家数量更多了。就 k 的选择(即要考虑的集群数量)而言,第一个日期的合理假设是 k = 2:一个集群包括每百万新冠病例较少的国家,一个集群包括每百万人中有更多新冠病例的国家,因为除了一些异常值——似乎超额死亡率与总病例数成正比。另一方面,d的情况要复杂一些。我们将为此案例选择 k = 3。我们发现在横轴100000-120000之间有四个点,我们希望聚类算法能够把这四个点圈成一个簇。
from pyspark.ml.clustering import KMeans
sns.set(style = "darkgrid")
numclusters = [2,3]
colors = [mycol, mycomplcol, othercol1, othercol2, othercol3, othercol4]
fig, [ax1,ax2] = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,5))
for idx, (ax,this_day) in enumerate(zip([ax1,ax2],[exc_dates_list[0],exc_dates_list[-1]])):
eff_df = df.filter(F.col('excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million') != 0.0).filter(F.col('date') == this_day).filter(F.col('date') == this_day).select(['total_cases_per_million','excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million','location'])
vectorAssembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols = ['total_cases_per_million','excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million'], outputCol = "features")
feat_df = vectorAssembler.transform(eff_df)
feat_df = feat_df.select(['features','location'])
kmeans = KMeans().setK(numclusters[idx]).setSeed(1).setFeaturesCol("features").setPredictionCol("cluster")
model = kmeans.fit(feat_df)
transformed = model.transform(feat_df)
centroids = model.clusterCenters()
transformed = transformed.join(eff_df, 'location')
clusters, centers, images = {}, {}, {}
for i in range(numclusters[idx]):
clusters[i] = transformed.filter(F.col('cluster')==i).select(['location','cluster','total_cases_per_million',
images[i] = ax.scatter(clusters[i].total_cases_per_million, clusters[i].excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million,
color=colors[i], alpha=0.5)
centers[i] = ax.scatter(centroids[i][0], centroids[i][1], color=colors[i], marker='x')
clusttuple = (images[i] for i in range(numclusters[idx]))
clustnames = ('Cluster '+str(i+1) for i in range(numclusters[idx]))
ax.legend(clusttuple, clustnames, loc='best')
ax.set_title(f'Clusters of Countries as of {this_day}')
ax.set_xlabel('Total Cases per Million')
ax.set_ylabel('Excess Mortality (Cumulative) per Million')
如上图所示,我们将不同簇用不同的颜色对比展示,每个簇的质心用 X 表示。就第一个日期(1 月初)而言,确实可以观察到所有国家都以某种方式分为两个簇这是最初的可视化所预期的。就第二个日期(2 月下旬)而言,每百万病例总数超过 10 万例(> 10%)的 4 个国家似乎确实属于同一簇。该簇中的所有国家/地区是:
print(*clusters[2].index, sep=', ')
Albania, Armenia, Aruba, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, French Polynesia, Georgia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
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