A number of operations related to themes require that you have
available an instance of the ttk.Style() class (in the Python sense of
class). For example, to obtain a list of the available themes in your
>>> import ttk # import tkinter.ttk as ttk for Python 3
>>> s=ttk.Style()
>>> s.theme_names()
('clam', 'alt', 'default', 'classic')
The .theme_names() method returns a tuple containing the names of the
available styles. The 'classic' theme gives you the original, pre-ttk
To determine which theme you get by default, use the .theme_use()
method with no arguments. To change the current theme, call this same
method with the desired theme name as the argument:
>>> s.theme_use()
>>> s.theme_use('alt')
>>> s.theme_use()
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