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- body{
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- h1{
- position: fixed;
- top: 30%;
- left: 0;
- width: 100%;
- text-align: center;
- transform:translateY(-50%);
- font-family: 'Love Ya Like A Sister', cursive;
- font-size: 60px;
- color: #c70012;
- padding: 0 20px;
- }
- h1 span{
- position: fixed;
- left: 0;
- width: 100%;
- text-align: center;
- margin-top:30px;
- font-size:40px;
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- <body>
- <h1 id="h1"></h1>
- <canvas></canvas> <!--canvas 画布-->
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- var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"),
- ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
- var ww,wh;
- function onResize(){
- ww = canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
- wh = canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
- }
- ctx.strokeStyle = "red";
- ctx.shadowBlur = 25;
- ctx.shadowColor = "hsla(0, 100%, 60%,0.5)";
- var precision = 100;
- var hearts = [];
- var mouseMoved = false;
- function onMove(e){
- mouseMoved = true;
- if(e.type === "touchmove"){
- hearts.push(new Heart(e.touches[0].clientX, e.touches[0].clientY));
- hearts.push(new Heart(e.touches[0].clientX, e.touches[0].clientY));
- }
- else{
- hearts.push(new Heart(e.clientX, e.clientY));
- hearts.push(new Heart(e.clientX, e.clientY));
- }
- }
- var Heart = function(x,y){
- this.x = x || Math.random()*ww;
- this.y = y || Math.random()*wh;
- this.size = Math.random()*2 + 1;
- this.shadowBlur = Math.random() * 10;
- this.speedX = (Math.random()+0.2-0.6) * 8;
- this.speedY = (Math.random()+0.2-0.6) * 8;
- this.speedSize = Math.random()*0.05 + 0.01;
- this.opacity = 1;
- this.vertices = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
- var step = (i / precision - 0.5) * (Math.PI * 2);
- var vector = {
- x : (15 * Math.pow(Math.sin(step), 3)),
- y : -(13 * Math.cos(step) - 5 * Math.cos(2 * step) - 2 * Math.cos(3 * step) - Math.cos(4 * step))
- }
- this.vertices.push(vector);
- }
- }
- Heart.prototype.draw = function(){
- this.size -= this.speedSize;
- this.x += this.speedX;
- this.y += this.speedY;
- ctx.save();
- ctx.translate(-1000,this.y);
- ctx.scale(this.size, this.size);
- ctx.beginPath();
- for (var i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
- var vector = this.vertices[i];
- ctx.lineTo(vector.x, vector.y);
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- ctx.shadowBlur = Math.round((3 - this.size) * 10);
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- ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "screen"
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.fill()
- ctx.restore();
- };
- function render(a){
- requestAnimationFrame(render);
- hearts.push(new Heart())
- ctx.clearRect(0,0,ww,wh);
- for (var i = 0; i < hearts.length; i++) {
- hearts[i].draw();
- if(hearts[i].size <= 0){
- hearts.splice(i,1);
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- onResize();
- window.addEventListener("mousemove", onMove);
- window.addEventListener("touchmove", onMove);
- window.addEventListener("resize", onResize);
- requestAnimationFrame(render);
- window.onload=function starttime(){
- time(h1,'2023/2/1'); // 2021年春节时间
- ptimer = setTimeout(starttime,1000); // 添加计时器
- }
- function time(obj,futimg){
- var nowtime = new Date().getTime(); // 现在时间转换为时间戳
- var futruetime = new Date(futimg).getTime(); // 未来时间转换为时间戳
- var msec = futruetime-nowtime; // 毫秒 未来时间-现在时间
- var time = (msec/1000); // 毫秒/1000
- var day = parseInt(time/86400); // 天 24*60*60*1000
- var hour = parseInt(time/3600)-24*day; // 小时 60*60 总小时数-过去的小时数=现在的小时数
- var minute = parseInt(time%3600/60); // 分 -(day*24) 以60秒为一整份 取余 剩下秒数 秒数/60 就是分钟数
- var second = parseInt(time%60); // 以60秒为一整份 取余 剩下秒数
- obj.innerHTML="<br>距离春节还有:<br>"+day+"天"+hour+"小时"+minute+"分"+second+"秒"+"<br><span>愿我所念的人平安喜乐,<br>愿我所想的事顺心如意。<br>May the people I think of be safe and happy, <br>and may the things I think of be all right.</span>"
- return true;
- }
- </script>
- <audio id="bgmusic" src="http://music.163.com/song/media/outer/url?id=1851244378.mp3" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" style="display: block; width: 3%; height:3%;"></audio>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
- function audioAutoPlay() {
- var audio = document.getElementById('bgmusic');
- audio.play();
- document.addEventListener("WeixinJSBridgeReady", function () {
- audio.play();
- }, false);
- }
- audioAutoPlay();
- });
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>
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