- struct FSortedShadowMapAtlas
- {
- FShadowMapRenderTargetsRefCounted RenderTargets;
- TArray<FProjectedShadowInfo*, SceneRenderingAllocator> Shadows;
- };
- struct FSortedShadowMaps
- {
- /** Visible shadows sorted by their shadow depth map render target. */
- TArray<FSortedShadowMapAtlas,SceneRenderingAllocator> ShadowMapAtlases;
- TArray<FSortedShadowMapAtlas,SceneRenderingAllocator> RSMAtlases;
- TArray<FSortedShadowMapAtlas,SceneRenderingAllocator> ShadowMapCubemaps;
- FSortedShadowMapAtlas PreshadowCache;
- TArray<FSortedShadowMapAtlas,SceneRenderingAllocator> TranslucencyShadowMapAtlases;
- void Release();
- int64 ComputeMemorySize() const
- {
- int64 MemorySize = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < ShadowMapAtlases.Num(); i++)
- {
- MemorySize += ShadowMapAtlases[i].RenderTargets.ComputeMemorySize();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < RSMAtlases.Num(); i++)
- {
- MemorySize += RSMAtlases[i].RenderTargets.ComputeMemorySize();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < ShadowMapCubemaps.Num(); i++)
- {
- MemorySize += ShadowMapCubemaps[i].RenderTargets.ComputeMemorySize();
- }
- MemorySize += PreshadowCache.RenderTargets.ComputeMemorySize();
- for (int i = 0; i < TranslucencyShadowMapAtlases.Num(); i++)
- {
- MemorySize += TranslucencyShadowMapAtlases[i].RenderTargets.ComputeMemorySize();
- }
- return MemorySize;
- }
- };

- /**
- * Information about a projected shadow.
- */
- class FProjectedShadowInfo : public FRefCountedObject
- {
- public:
- typedef TArray<const FPrimitiveSceneInfo*,SceneRenderingAllocator> PrimitiveArrayType;
- /** The view to be used when rendering this shadow's depths. */
- FViewInfo* ShadowDepthView;
- TUniformBufferRef<FShadowDepthPassUniformParameters> ShadowDepthPassUniformBuffer;
- TUniformBufferRef<FMobileShadowDepthPassUniformParameters> MobileShadowDepthPassUniformBuffer;
- /** The depth or color targets this shadow was rendered to. */
- FShadowMapRenderTargets RenderTargets;
- EShadowDepthCacheMode CacheMode;
- /** The main view this shadow must be rendered in, or NULL for a view independent shadow. */
- FViewInfo* DependentView;
- /** Index of the shadow into FVisibleLightInfo::AllProjectedShadows. */
- int32 ShadowId;
- /** A translation that is applied to world-space before transforming by one of the shadow matrices. */
- FVector PreShadowTranslation;
- /** The effective view matrix of the shadow, used as an override to the main view's view matrix when rendering the shadow depth pass. */
- FMatrix ShadowViewMatrix;
- /**
- * Matrix used for rendering the shadow depth buffer.
- * Note that this does not necessarily contain all of the shadow casters with CSM, since the vertex shader flattens them onto the near plane of the projection.
- */
- FMatrix SubjectAndReceiverMatrix;
- FMatrix ReceiverMatrix;
- FMatrix InvReceiverMatrix;
- float InvMaxSubjectDepth;
- /**
- * Subject depth extents, in world space units.
- * These can be used to convert shadow depth buffer values back into world space units.
- */
- float MaxSubjectZ;
- float MinSubjectZ;
- /** Frustum containing all potential shadow casters. */
- FConvexVolume CasterFrustum;
- FConvexVolume ReceiverFrustum;
- float MinPreSubjectZ;
- FSphere ShadowBounds;
- FShadowCascadeSettings CascadeSettings;
- /**
- * X and Y position of the shadow in the appropriate depth buffer. These are only initialized after the shadow has been allocated.
- * The actual contents of the shadowmap are at X + BorderSize, Y + BorderSize.
- */
- uint32 X;
- uint32 Y;
- /**
- * Resolution of the shadow, excluding the border.
- * The full size of the region allocated to this shadow is therefore ResolutionX + 2 * BorderSize, ResolutionY + 2 * BorderSize.
- */
- uint32 ResolutionX;
- uint32 ResolutionY;
- /** Size of the border, if any, used to allow filtering without clamping for shadows stored in an atlas. */
- uint32 BorderSize;
- /** The largest percent of either the width or height of any view. */
- float MaxScreenPercent;
- /** Fade Alpha per view. */
- TArray<float, TInlineAllocator<2> > FadeAlphas;
- /** Whether the shadow has been allocated in the shadow depth buffer, and its X and Y properties have been initialized. */
- uint32 bAllocated : 1;
- /** Whether the shadow's projection has been rendered. */
- uint32 bRendered : 1;
- /** Whether the shadow has been allocated in the preshadow cache, so its X and Y properties offset into the preshadow cache depth buffer. */
- uint32 bAllocatedInPreshadowCache : 1;
- /** Whether the shadow is in the preshadow cache and its depths are up to date. */
- uint32 bDepthsCached : 1;
- // redundant to LightSceneInfo->Proxy->GetLightType() == LightType_Directional, could be made ELightComponentType LightType
- uint32 bDirectionalLight : 1;
- /** Whether the shadow is a point light shadow that renders all faces of a cubemap in one pass. */
- uint32 bOnePassPointLightShadow : 1;
- /** Whether this shadow affects the whole scene or only a group of objects. */
- uint32 bWholeSceneShadow : 1;
- /** Whether the shadow needs to render reflective shadow maps. */
- uint32 bReflectiveShadowmap : 1;
- /** Whether this shadow should support casting shadows from translucent surfaces. */
- uint32 bTranslucentShadow : 1;
- /** Whether the shadow will be computed by ray tracing the distance field. */
- uint32 bRayTracedDistanceField : 1;
- /** Whether this is a per-object shadow that should use capsule shapes to shadow instead of the mesh's triangles. */
- uint32 bCapsuleShadow : 1;
- /** Whether the shadow is a preshadow or not. A preshadow is a per object shadow that handles the static environment casting on a dynamic receiver. */
- uint32 bPreShadow : 1;
- /** To not cast a shadow on the ground outside the object and having higher quality (useful for first person weapon). */
- uint32 bSelfShadowOnly : 1;
- /** Whether the shadow is a per object shadow or not. */
- uint32 bPerObjectOpaqueShadow : 1;
- /** Whether turn on back-lighting transmission. */
- uint32 bTransmission : 1;
- /** Whether turn on hair strands deep shadow. */
- uint32 bHairStrandsDeepShadow : 1;
- /** View projection matrices for each cubemap face, used by one pass point light shadows. */
- TArray<FMatrix> OnePassShadowViewProjectionMatrices;
- /** View matrices for each cubemap face, used by one pass point light shadows. */
- TArray<FMatrix> OnePassShadowViewMatrices;
- /** Controls fading out of per-object shadows in the distance to avoid casting super-sharp shadows far away. */
- float PerObjectShadowFadeStart;
- float InvPerObjectShadowFadeLength;
- public:
- // default constructor
- FProjectedShadowInfo();
- /**
- * for a per-object shadow. e.g. translucent particle system or a dynamic object in a precomputed shadow situation
- * @param InParentSceneInfo must not be 0
- * @return success, if false the shadow project is invalid and the projection should nto be created
- */
- bool SetupPerObjectProjection(
- FLightSceneInfo* InLightSceneInfo,
- const FPrimitiveSceneInfo* InParentSceneInfo,
- const FPerObjectProjectedShadowInitializer& Initializer,
- bool bInPreShadow,
- uint32 InResolutionX,
- uint32 MaxShadowResolutionY,
- uint32 InBorderSize,
- float InMaxScreenPercent,
- bool bInTranslucentShadow
- );
- /** for a whole-scene shadow. */
- void SetupWholeSceneProjection(
- FLightSceneInfo* InLightSceneInfo,
- FViewInfo* InDependentView,
- const FWholeSceneProjectedShadowInitializer& Initializer,
- uint32 InResolutionX,
- uint32 InResolutionY,
- uint32 InBorderSize,
- bool bInReflectiveShadowMap
- );
- float GetShaderDepthBias() const { return ShaderDepthBias; }
- float GetShaderSlopeDepthBias() const { return ShaderSlopeDepthBias; }
- float GetShaderMaxSlopeDepthBias() const { return ShaderMaxSlopeDepthBias; }
- float GetShaderReceiverDepthBias() const;
- /**
- * Renders the shadow subject depth.
- */
- void RenderDepth(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, class FSceneRenderer* SceneRenderer, FBeginShadowRenderPassFunction BeginShadowRenderPass, bool bDoParallelDispatch);
- void SetStateForView(FRHICommandList& RHICmdList) const;
- /** Set state for depth rendering */
- void SetStateForDepth(FMeshPassProcessorRenderState& DrawRenderState) const;
- void ClearDepth(FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, class FSceneRenderer* SceneRenderer, int32 NumColorTextures, FRHITexture** ColorTextures, FRHITexture* DepthTexture, bool bPerformClear);
- /** Renders shadow maps for translucent primitives. */
- void RenderTranslucencyDepths(FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, class FSceneRenderer* SceneRenderer);
- static FRHIBlendState* GetBlendStateForProjection(
- int32 ShadowMapChannel,
- bool bIsWholeSceneDirectionalShadow,
- bool bUseFadePlane,
- bool bProjectingForForwardShading,
- bool bMobileModulatedProjections);
- FRHIBlendState* GetBlendStateForProjection(bool bProjectingForForwardShading, bool bMobileModulatedProjections) const;
- /**
- * Projects the shadow onto the scene for a particular view.
- */
- void RenderProjection(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, int32 ViewIndex, const class FViewInfo* View, const class FSceneRenderer* SceneRender, bool bProjectingForForwardShading, bool bMobile, const struct FHairStrandsVisibilityData* HairVisibilityData, const struct FHairStrandsMacroGroupDatas* HairMacroGroupData) const;
- FRDGTextureRef BeginRenderRayTracedDistanceFieldProjection(
- FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder,
- TRDGUniformBufferRef<FSceneTextureUniformParameters> SceneTexturesUniformBuffer,
- const FViewInfo& View) const;
- /** Renders ray traced distance field shadows. */
- void RenderRayTracedDistanceFieldProjection(
- FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder,
- TRDGUniformBufferRef<FSceneTextureUniformParameters> SceneTexturesUniformBuffer,
- FRDGTextureRef ScreenShadowMaskTexture,
- FRDGTextureRef SceneDepthTexture,
- const FViewInfo& View,
- FIntRect ScissorRect,
- bool bProjectingForForwardShading) const;
- /** Render one pass point light shadow projections. */
- void RenderOnePassPointLightProjection(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, int32 ViewIndex, const FViewInfo& View, bool bProjectingForForwardShading, const FHairStrandsVisibilityData* HairVisibilityData, const struct FHairStrandsMacroGroupDatas* HairMacroGroupData) const;
- /**
- * Renders the projected shadow's frustum wireframe with the given FPrimitiveDrawInterface.
- */
- void RenderFrustumWireframe(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI) const;
- /**
- * Adds a primitive to the shadow's subject list.
- */
- void AddSubjectPrimitive(FPrimitiveSceneInfo* PrimitiveSceneInfo, TArray<FViewInfo>* ViewArray, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel, bool bRecordShadowSubjectForMobileShading);
- uint64 AddSubjectPrimitive_AnyThread(
- const FPrimitiveSceneInfoCompact& PrimitiveSceneInfoCompact,
- TArray<FViewInfo>* ViewArray,
- ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel,
- struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveStats& OutStats,
- struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveOverflowedIndices& OverflowBuffer) const;
- void PresizeSubjectPrimitiveArrays(struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveStats const& Stats);
- void FinalizeAddSubjectPrimitive(
- struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveOp const& Op,
- TArray<FViewInfo>* ViewArray,
- ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel,
- struct FFinalizeAddSubjectPrimitiveContext& Context);
- /**
- * @return TRUE if this shadow info has any casting subject prims to render
- */
- bool HasSubjectPrims() const;
- /**
- * Adds a primitive to the shadow's receiver list.
- */
- void AddReceiverPrimitive(FPrimitiveSceneInfo* PrimitiveSceneInfo);
- /** Gathers dynamic mesh elements for all the shadow's primitives arrays. */
- void GatherDynamicMeshElements(FSceneRenderer& Renderer, class FVisibleLightInfo& VisibleLightInfo, TArray<const FSceneView*>& ReusedViewsArray,
- FGlobalDynamicIndexBuffer& DynamicIndexBuffer, FGlobalDynamicVertexBuffer& DynamicVertexBuffer, FGlobalDynamicReadBuffer& DynamicReadBuffer);
- void SetupMeshDrawCommandsForShadowDepth(FSceneRenderer& Renderer, FRHIUniformBuffer* PassUniformBuffer);
- void SetupMeshDrawCommandsForProjectionStenciling(FSceneRenderer& Renderer);
- /**
- * @param View view to check visibility in
- * @return true if this shadow info has any subject prims visible in the view
- */
- bool SubjectsVisible(const FViewInfo& View) const;
- /** Clears arrays allocated with the scene rendering allocator. */
- void ClearTransientArrays();
- /** Hash function. */
- friend uint32 GetTypeHash(const FProjectedShadowInfo* ProjectedShadowInfo)
- {
- return PointerHash(ProjectedShadowInfo);
- }
- /** Returns a matrix that transforms a screen space position into shadow space. */
- FMatrix GetScreenToShadowMatrix(const FSceneView& View) const
- {
- return GetScreenToShadowMatrix(View, X, Y, ResolutionX, ResolutionY);
- }
- /** Returns a matrix that transforms a screen space position into shadow space.
- Additional parameters allow overriding of shadow's tile location.
- Used with modulated shadows to reduce precision problems when calculating ScreenToShadow in pixel shader.
- */
- FMatrix GetScreenToShadowMatrix(const FSceneView& View, uint32 TileOffsetX, uint32 TileOffsetY, uint32 TileResolutionX, uint32 TileResolutionY) const;
- /** Returns a matrix that transforms a world space position into shadow space. */
- FMatrix GetWorldToShadowMatrix(FVector4& ShadowmapMinMax, const FIntPoint* ShadowBufferResolutionOverride = nullptr) const;
- /** Returns the resolution of the shadow buffer used for this shadow, based on the shadow's type. */
- FIntPoint GetShadowBufferResolution() const
- {
- return RenderTargets.GetSize();
- }
- /** Computes and updates ShaderDepthBias and ShaderSlopeDepthBias */
- void UpdateShaderDepthBias();
- /** How large the soft PCF comparison should be, similar to DepthBias, before this was called TransitionScale and 1/Size */
- float ComputeTransitionSize() const;
- inline bool IsWholeSceneDirectionalShadow() const
- {
- return bWholeSceneShadow && CascadeSettings.ShadowSplitIndex >= 0 && bDirectionalLight;
- }
- inline bool IsWholeScenePointLightShadow() const
- {
- return bWholeSceneShadow && ( LightSceneInfo->Proxy->GetLightType() == LightType_Point || LightSceneInfo->Proxy->GetLightType() == LightType_Rect );
- }
- // 0 if Setup...() wasn't called yet
- const FLightSceneInfo& GetLightSceneInfo() const { return *LightSceneInfo; }
- const FLightSceneInfoCompact& GetLightSceneInfoCompact() const { return LightSceneInfoCompact; }
- /**
- * Parent primitive of the shadow group that created this shadow, if not a bWholeSceneShadow.
- * 0 if Setup...() wasn't called yet
- */
- const FPrimitiveSceneInfo* GetParentSceneInfo() const { return ParentSceneInfo; }
- /** Creates a new view from the pool and caches it in ShadowDepthView for depth rendering. */
- void SetupShadowDepthView(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FSceneRenderer* SceneRenderer);
- FShadowDepthType GetShadowDepthType() const
- {
- return FShadowDepthType(bDirectionalLight, bOnePassPointLightShadow, bReflectiveShadowmap);
- }
- /**
- * Setup uniformbuffers and update Primitive Shader Data
- */
- void SetupShadowUniformBuffers(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FScene* Scene, FLightPropagationVolume* LPV = nullptr);
- /**
- * Ensure Cached Shadowmap is in EReadable state
- */
- void TransitionCachedShadowmap(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FScene* Scene);
- private:
- // 0 if Setup...() wasn't called yet
- const FLightSceneInfo* LightSceneInfo;
- FLightSceneInfoCompact LightSceneInfoCompact;
- /**
- * Parent primitive of the shadow group that created this shadow, if not a bWholeSceneShadow.
- * 0 if Setup...() wasn't called yet or for whole scene shadows
- */
- const FPrimitiveSceneInfo* ParentSceneInfo;
- /** dynamic shadow casting elements */
- PrimitiveArrayType DynamicSubjectPrimitives;
- /** For preshadows, this contains the receiver primitives to mask the projection to. */
- PrimitiveArrayType ReceiverPrimitives;
- /** Subject primitives with translucent relevance. */
- PrimitiveArrayType SubjectTranslucentPrimitives;
- /** Dynamic mesh elements for subject primitives. */
- TArray<FMeshBatchAndRelevance,SceneRenderingAllocator> DynamicSubjectMeshElements;
- /** Dynamic mesh elements for translucent subject primitives. */
- TArray<FMeshBatchAndRelevance,SceneRenderingAllocator> DynamicSubjectTranslucentMeshElements;
- TArray<const FStaticMeshBatch*, SceneRenderingAllocator> SubjectMeshCommandBuildRequests;
- /** Number of elements of DynamicSubjectMeshElements meshes. */
- int32 NumDynamicSubjectMeshElements;
- /** Number of elements of SubjectMeshCommandBuildRequests meshes. */
- int32 NumSubjectMeshCommandBuildRequestElements;
- FMeshCommandOneFrameArray ShadowDepthPassVisibleCommands;
- FParallelMeshDrawCommandPass ShadowDepthPass;
- TArray<FShadowMeshDrawCommandPass, TInlineAllocator<2>> ProjectionStencilingPasses;
- FDynamicMeshDrawCommandStorage DynamicMeshDrawCommandStorage;
- FGraphicsMinimalPipelineStateSet GraphicsMinimalPipelineStateSet;
- bool NeedsShaderInitialisation;
- /**
- * Bias during in shadowmap rendering, stored redundantly for better performance
- * Set by UpdateShaderDepthBias(), get with GetShaderDepthBias(), -1 if not set
- */
- float ShaderDepthBias;
- float ShaderSlopeDepthBias;
- float ShaderMaxSlopeDepthBias;
- void CopyCachedShadowMap(FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, const FMeshPassProcessorRenderState& DrawRenderState, FSceneRenderer* SceneRenderer, const FViewInfo& View);
- /**
- * Renders the shadow subject depth, to a particular hacked view
- */
- void RenderDepthInner(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, class FSceneRenderer* SceneRenderer, FBeginShadowRenderPassFunction BeginShadowRenderPass, bool bDoParallelDispatch);
- /**
- * Modifies the passed in view for this shadow
- */
- void ModifyViewForShadow(FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, FViewInfo* FoundView) const;
- /**
- * Finds a relevant view for a shadow
- */
- FViewInfo* FindViewForShadow(FSceneRenderer* SceneRenderer) const;
- void AddCachedMeshDrawCommandsForPass(
- int32 PrimitiveIndex,
- const FPrimitiveSceneInfo* InPrimitiveSceneInfo,
- const FStaticMeshBatchRelevance& RESTRICT StaticMeshRelevance,
- const FStaticMeshBatch& StaticMesh,
- const FScene* Scene,
- EMeshPass::Type PassType,
- FMeshCommandOneFrameArray& VisibleMeshCommands,
- TArray<const FStaticMeshBatch*, SceneRenderingAllocator>& MeshCommandBuildRequests,
- int32& NumMeshCommandBuildRequestElements);
- void AddCachedMeshDrawCommands_AnyThread(
- const FScene* Scene,
- const FStaticMeshBatchRelevance& RESTRICT StaticMeshRelevance,
- int32 StaticMeshIdx,
- int32& NumAcceptedStaticMeshes,
- struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveResult& OutResult,
- struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveStats& OutStats,
- struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveOverflowedIndices& OverflowBuffer) const;
- /** Will return if we should draw the static mesh for the shadow, and will perform lazy init of primitive if it wasn't visible */
- bool ShouldDrawStaticMeshes(FViewInfo& InCurrentView, FPrimitiveSceneInfo* InPrimitiveSceneInfo);
- bool ShouldDrawStaticMeshes_AnyThread(
- FViewInfo& InCurrentView,
- const FPrimitiveSceneInfoCompact& PrimitiveSceneInfoCompact,
- bool bMayBeFading,
- bool bNeedUpdateStaticMeshes,
- struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveResult& OutResult,
- struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveStats& OutStats,
- struct FAddSubjectPrimitiveOverflowedIndices& OverflowBuffer) const;
- void GetShadowTypeNameForDrawEvent(FString& TypeName) const;
- /** Updates object buffers needed by ray traced distance field shadows. */
- int32 UpdateShadowCastingObjectBuffers() const;
- /** Gathers dynamic mesh elements for the given primitive array. */
- void GatherDynamicMeshElementsArray(
- FViewInfo* FoundView,
- FSceneRenderer& Renderer,
- FGlobalDynamicIndexBuffer& DynamicIndexBuffer,
- FGlobalDynamicVertexBuffer& DynamicVertexBuffer,
- FGlobalDynamicReadBuffer& DynamicReadBuffer,
- const PrimitiveArrayType& PrimitiveArray,
- const TArray<const FSceneView*>& ReusedViewsArray,
- TArray<FMeshBatchAndRelevance,SceneRenderingAllocator>& OutDynamicMeshElements,
- int32& OutNumDynamicSubjectMeshElements);
- void SetupFrustumForProjection(const FViewInfo* View, TArray<FVector4, TInlineAllocator<8>>& OutFrustumVertices, bool& bOutCameraInsideShadowFrustum, FPlane* OutPlanes) const;
- void SetupProjectionStencilMask(
- FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList,
- const FViewInfo* View,
- int32 ViewIndex,
- const class FSceneRenderer* SceneRender,
- const TArray<FVector4, TInlineAllocator<8>>& FrustumVertices,
- bool bMobileModulatedProjections,
- bool bCameraInsideShadowFrustum) const;
- friend class FShadowDepthVS;
- friend class FShadowDepthBasePS;
- friend class FShadowVolumeBoundProjectionVS;
- friend class FShadowProjectionPS;
- };

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