代码svn地址 (用户名:liu,密码;123)
<!--地图工具--> <template> <div class="tools"> <div v-for="(item, i) in tools" :key="i" type="primary" size="mini" @mouseenter="addPoint(i)" @mouseleave="removePoint()" :title="item.text" @click="handleClick(item.excuteScript)"> <img v-if="i == toolHighLightInex || i == toolClick" :src="item.hover_bg" :alt="item.text" width="24px" height="24px" style="padding: 2px 0 0 0" /> <img v-else :src="item.icon" :alt="item.text" width="24px" height="24px" style="padding: 2px 0 0 0" /> </div> </div> </template> <script> import layerControl from "./layerControl"; export default { data () { return { layerControlIndex: "", mapLocationIndex: "", legendIndex: "", toolHighLightInex: -1, toolClick: -1, tools: [ { hover_bg: require("../assets/images/gjl-7-quanpingxianshi_h.png"), icon: require("../assets/images/gjl-7-quanpingxianshi.png"), text: "恢复默认地图", excuteScript: "zoom2Fullextent", }, { hover_bg: require("../assets/images/gjl-6-manyou_h.png"), icon: require("../assets/images/gjl-6-manyou.png"), text: "键盘导航", excuteScript: "keyboardNavigation", }, { hover_bg: require("../assets/images/gjl-2-fangda_h.png"), icon: require("../assets/images/gjl-2-fangda.png"), text: "放大", excuteScript: "zoomOut", }, { hover_bg: require("../assets/images/gjl-3-suoxiao_h.png"), icon: require("../assets/images/gjl-3-suoxiao.png"), text: "缩小", excuteScript: "zoomIn", }, { hover_bg: require("../assets/images/gjl-1-qingchu_h.png"), icon: require("../assets/images/gjl-1-qingchu.png"), text: "清除临时图层", excuteScript: "clearTempLayer", }, { hover_bg: require("../assets/images/gjl-8-tuceng_h.png"), icon: require("../assets/images/gjl-8-tuceng.png"), text: "图层管理", excuteScript: "layerControl", }, ], }; }, methods: { handleClick (method) { this[method](); }, //恢复默认地图 zoom2Fullextent: function () { this.toolClick = -1; let map = window.map //var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[0]); // map.setExtent(layer && layer.fullExtent); var extent = new esri.geometry.Extent({ "xmax": 117.14737621710205, "xmin": 117.10197178289795, "ymax": 36.67250943927002, "ymin": 36.641524560729984, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4490 } }); map.setExtent(extent); this.toolClick = 0; }, //键盘导航 keyboardNavigation: function () { if (this.toolClick == -1) { let map = window.map map.enableKeyboardNavigation() this.toolClick = 0 } else { let map = window.map map.disableKeyboardNavigation() this.toolClick = -1 } }, //放大 zoomOut: function () { this.toolClick = -1; let map=window.map var extent =map.extent; var newExtent = extent.expand(0.5); map.setExtent(newExtent); this.toolClick = 2; }, //缩小 zoomIn: function () { this.toolClick = -1; let map=window.map var extent = map.extent; var newExtent = extent.expand(2); map.setExtent(newExtent); this.toolClick = 3; }, //隐藏图层 clearTempLayer: function () { this.toolClick = -1; let map=window.map //隐藏地图弹窗 map.infoWindow.hide() //遍历图层隐藏 let layerIds = map.graphicsLayerIds; for (var i = 0; i < layerIds.length; i++) { let layer = map.getLayer(layerIds[i]); if (layer.visible == true) { layer.setVisibility(false); } } this.toolClick = 6; }, //图层管理 layerControl: function () { this.toolClick = -1; if (this.layerControlIndex != "") { } else { this.layerControlIndex = this.$layer.iframe({ content: { content: layerControl, parent: this, }, area: ["200px", "300px"], offset: [window.screenLeft + document.body.clientWidth - 140, 300], title: "图层管理", maxmin: false, shade: false, shadeClose: false, cancel: () => { //关闭事件 (this.layerControlIndex = ""), this.$layer.close(this.layerid); if (this.toolClick == 7) { this.toolClick = -1; } }, }); } this.toolClick = 7; }, addPoint: function (i) { let _this = this; _this.toolHighLightInex = i; }, removePoint: function () { let _this = this; _this.toolHighLightInex = -1; }, }, }; </script> <style scoped> .tools { display: flex; justify-content: center; } ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } li { display: inline; width: 29px; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .tools > div { padding: 3px 8px; background-color: #1f5f9a; border-left: 1px solid #3f77a5; } .tools > div:first-child { border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; border-left: none; } .tools > div:last-child { border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; } .tools > div:hover { cursor: pointer; background-color: #539ae2; } </style>
<!--图层控制--> <template> <div> <el-tree :data="data" show-checkbox node-key="id" @check="CheckLayer" :default-expanded-keys="[1,2]" :default-checked-keys="CheckedLayers" :props="defaultProps"> </el-tree> </div> </template> <script> export default { data () { return { CheckedLayers:window.checkedLayers, //默认选中节点 data: [{ id: 1, label: '热力图', excutScript: 'checkedRLT' }, { id: 2, label: '天地图', children: [{ id: 21, label: '地形数据', excutScript: 'checkedDX' }, { id: 22, label: '矢量标注', excutScript: 'checkedBZ' }] },{ id:3, label:'模拟实时数据监测', excutScript: 'checkedMONITOR' } ], defaultProps: { children: 'children', label: 'label', } } }, components:{ }, methods: { /** * 选中/取消选中图层 * @ node 点击节点 * @ selected 当前选中的所有节点 */ CheckLayer (node, selected) { let _this = this; window.checkedLayers=selected.checkedKeys; if (node.children) { node.children.forEach(function (item) { _this.applyEvent(item, selected.checkedKeys.indexOf(item.id) != -1) }) } else { _this.applyEvent(node, selected.checkedKeys.indexOf(node.id) != -1) } }, /** * 触发事件 * @ treeNode 点击节点 * @ visible 图层是否显示 */ applyEvent (treeNode, visible) { let eventName=treeNode.excutScript let _this = this; if(eventName=='checkedRLT'||eventName=='checkedDX'||eventName=='checkedBZ'||eventName=='checkedMONITOR'){ _this[eventName](visible); } }, //热力图 checkedRLT (visible) { let map = window.map var layer_rlt = map && map.getLayer('rlt') layer_rlt && layer_rlt.setVisibility(visible) }, //天地图地形 checkedDX (visible) { var map = window.map; var layer_dx = map.getLayer("Tianditu"); layer_dx&&layer_dx.setVisibility(visible); }, //天地图标注 checkedBZ (visible) { var map = window.map; var layer_bz = map.getLayer("Tianditu2"); layer_bz&&layer_bz.setVisibility(visible); }, //模拟实时数据 checkedMONITOR (visible) { var map = window.map; var layer_monitor = map.getLayer("monitor"); layer_monitor&&layer_monitor.setVisibility(visible); }, }, mounted(){ } } </script> <style> </style>
<template> <div class="home"> <header class="header"> <div class="header_menu"> <Menu ref="Menu"></Menu> </div> <div class="header_logout"> <LogoutPartial /> </div> </header> <main class="main"> <mapView></mapView> </main> <footer> <toolsView/> </footer> </div> </template> <script> import Menu from './Menu.vue' //导航菜单组件 import mapView from './Map.vue' //地图组件 import LogoutPartial from './LogoutPartial.vue' //退出登录组件 import toolsView from './tool.vue' //地图工具组件 export default { components: { Menu, mapView, LogoutPartial, toolsView }, } </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped> .header{ margin:0;height:85px;width:100%;position:fixed;z-index: 10; } .header_logout { right: 0px; } .home, main { height: 100%; } .main,.header_menu{ position:relative; } footer { text-align: center; position: absolute; bottom: 10px; left: 10px; } h1, h2 { font-weight: normal; } ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; } li { display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; } a { color: #42b983; } </style>
<template> <div class="mapContainer"> <!-- 地图容器 --> <div ref="viewDiv" class="view"> </div> <!--地图要素--> <div class="infoBox"> <span v-text="mouseposition" class="positionInfo">地图级别---</span> <span v-text="mapextent" class="positionInfo">坐标---</span> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { getData } from '../api/api' import esriLoader from 'esri-loader' //地图加载器 import moniterVue from '../views/DataMonitor.vue' import monitor_png from '../assets/images/video.png' export default { data () { return { mouseX: null, mouseY: null, extent: null, dataList_rlt: [], monitor_png: monitor_png, }; }, computed: { mouseposition: function () { return "坐标:" + this.mouseX + "," + this.mouseY; }, mapextent: function () { return "地图级别:" + this.extent; } }, mounted () { //初始化地图 this.arcgisInit(this.$refs.viewDiv); }, methods: { /** * 初始化地图 */ arcgisInit (div) { var that = this; //arcgis api js文件 const options = { url: window.arcjsUrl }; //加载arcgis api css文件 esriLoader.loadCss(window.arcCssUrl); //加载模块 esriLoader .loadModules( [ "esri/map", "esri/layers/TileInfo", "esri/layers/WebTiledLayer", "esri/layers/GraphicsLayer", "esri/geometry/Point", "dojo/dom", "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady!" ], options ) .then(([ Map ]) => { //地图中心点 var mapPoint = new esri.geometry.Point([117.124674, 36.657017], new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4490 })); //地图参数 var config = { width: "100%", logo: false, zoom: 4, slider: false, fadeOnZoom: true, center: mapPoint //force3DTransforms: true }; //创建地图 var map = new esri.Map(div, config); //ersi.Map类是一种容器,其中可以放置图层等。div为显示地图的DIV;config为地图相关参数设置 //window属性上定义变量map,内容为新创建的地图对象map window.map = map //通过瓦片形式加载天地图,设定瓦片信息 var tileInfo = new esri.layers.TileInfo({ "rows": 256,//瓦片行编号 "cols": 256,//瓦片列编号 "compressionQuality": 0, "origin": { "x": -180, "y": 90 }, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4490 }, "lods": [ { "level": 2,//level:当前缩放级别,包括两个参数:resolution:比例尺和scale:分辨率 "resolution": 0.3515625, "scale": 147748796.52937502 }, { "level": 3, "resolution": 0.17578125, "scale": 73874398.264687508 }, { "level": 4, "resolution": 0.087890625, "scale": 36937199.132343754 }, { "level": 5, "resolution": 0.0439453125, "scale": 18468599.566171877 }, { "level": 6, "resolution": 0.02197265625, "scale": 9234299.7830859385 }, { "level": 7, "resolution": 0.010986328125, "scale": 4617149.8915429693 }, { "level": 8, "resolution": 0.0054931640625, "scale": 2308574.9457714846 }, { "level": 9, "resolution": 0.00274658203125, "scale": 1154287.4728857423 }, { "level": 10, "resolution": 0.001373291015625, "scale": 577143.73644287116 }, { "level": 11, "resolution": 0.0006866455078125, "scale": 288571.86822143558 }, { "level": 12, "resolution": 0.00034332275390625, "scale": 144285.93411071779 }, { "level": 13, "resolution": 0.000171661376953125, "scale": 72142.967055358895 }, { "level": 14, "resolution": 8.58306884765625e-005, "scale": 36071.483527679447 }, { "level": 15, "resolution": 4.291534423828125e-005, "scale": 18035.741763839724 }, { "level": 16, "resolution": 2.1457672119140625e-005, "scale": 9017.8708819198619 }, { "level": 17, "resolution": 1.0728836059570313e-005, "scale": 4508.9354409599309 }, { "level": 18, "resolution": 5.3644180297851563e-006, "scale": 2254.4677204799655 } ] }); /** * 添加底图 * @baseMap 矢量底图 * @baseMapMarker 地图标注 */ //经纬度矢量地图瓦片的URL: http://t4.tianditu.com/DataServer?T=vec_c&X=27&Y=3&L=5 //域名中的 t4 部分代表子域字段,X是列编号,Y是行编号 ,L是当前缩放级别。对这几个部分用列表里的参数替换,后面再加上key,就变成了下面的样子 var baseMap = new esri.layers.WebTiledLayer("http://{subDomain}.tianditu.com/DataServer?T=vec_c&X={col}&Y={row}&L={level}&tk=01d49b21f6fe3cc75c89d1b23de98fe0", { "copyright": "Tianditu", "id": "Tianditu", "subDomains": ["t0", "t1", "t2"],//经查询天地图瓦片分别有t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7八个子域 "tileInfo": tileInfo }); //添加矢量底图 map.addLayer(baseMap); //同上 var baseMapMarker = new esri.layers.WebTiledLayer("http://{subDomain}.tianditu.com/DataServer?T=cva_c&X={col}&Y={row}&L={level}&tk=01d49b21f6fe3cc75c89d1b23de98fe0", { "copyright": "Tianditu",//版权,Web平铺层提供程序的归属。它显示在网络地图的归属中。将图层添加到Web地图时用户所需的输入。 "id": "Tianditu2",//图层的唯一标识字符串。 "subDomains": ["t0", "t1", "t2"],//子域,如果检测到子域,则必须指定它们。地图查看器通过解析{subDomain}的templateURL值来检测Web Tiled图层是否具有子域。 "tileInfo": tileInfo //包含空间参考和图层的平铺方案。通常从WMTS OGC Web服务检索。如果缺少该图层,则必须使用WGS 1984 Web Mercator(辅助球)拼贴方案。 }); //添加矢量标注 map.addLayer(baseMapMarker); //设置地图中心点 map.centerAt(new esri.geometry.Point({ "x": 117.124674, "y": 36.657017, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4490 } }), 13); //设置地图级别 map.setLevel(13); let para = {} //新建实时数据图层 var layer_monitor = new esri.layers.GraphicsLayer({ id: 'monitor' }) //热力图及实时数据图层 getData(para).then((res) => { this.dataList_rlt = res.data.response.AllData var features = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.dataList_rlt.length; i++) { //如果要显示标注,需要有坐标信息 if (this.dataList_rlt[i].X != 0 && this.dataList_rlt[i].Y != 0) { //创建几何点 var pt_monitor = new esri.geometry.Point([this.dataList_rlt[i].X, this.dataList_rlt[i].Y], new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4490 })); var pointSymbol = new esri.symbol.PictureMarkerSymbol(monitor_png, 20, 20); //定义graphic的名称-值对 var attr = { "Name": this.dataList_rlt[i].Name, "Num": this.dataList_rlt[i].Num, "Note": this.dataList_rlt[i].Note, } var graphic_monitor = new esri.Graphic(pt_monitor, pointSymbol, attr); layer_monitor.add(graphic_monitor); //手动构建热力图所用几何对象(和注释部分同等效果) var graphic_rlt = { "attributes": { "OBJECTID": i, "X": this.dataList_rlt[i].X, "Y": this.dataList_rlt[i].Y, "LEVEL": this.dataList_rlt[i].Num, }, "geometry": { "x": this.dataList_rlt[i].X, "y": this.dataList_rlt[i].Y } }; //将标注点对象添加到features数组里 features.push(graphic_rlt); } } /** * 构建数量热力图 * @param {Object} features 点图形数组 * @param {Object} spatialReference 空间参考 * */ //一、手动构建FeatureLayer //1,构建fields var fields = [ { name: "OBJECTID", type: "esriFieldTypeOID", alias: "OBJECTID", editable: true }, { name: "X", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble", alias: "X", length: 20, editable: true }, { name: "Y", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble", alias: "Y", length: 20, editable: true }, { name: "LEVEL", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble", alias: "LEVEL", length: 20, editable: true } ]; //2,定义空间参考 var spatialReference = new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4490 }); //3,构建featureSetJson var featureSetJson = { displayFieldName: "", geometryType: "esriGeometryPoint", fieldAliases: { OBJECTID: "OBJECTID", X: "X", Y: "Y", LEVEL: "LEVEL" }, fields: fields, spatialReference: spatialReference, features: features }; //4,构建FeatureSet var featuresSet = new esri.tasks.FeatureSet(featureSetJson); //5,构建layerDefinition var layerDefinition = { "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint", "fields": fields }; //6,构建featureCollection var featureCollection = { layerDefinition: layerDefinition, featureSet: featuresSet }; //创建featureLayer var featureLayer = new esri.layers.FeatureLayer(featureCollection, { showLabels: true, id: "rlt", //图层id outFields: ["*"], }); //二、渲染 //创建热力图渲染器 var heatmapRenderer = new esri.renderer.HeatmapRenderer({ //colors: ["rgba(255, 0, 0, 0)", "rgb(0, 255, 0)", "rgb(255, 255, 0)", "rgb(255, 0, 0)"], blurRadius: 24, //field: "LEVEL", //作为数据点权重值的属性字段,根据其进行渲染 colorStops: [ { ratio: 0, color: "rgb(250, 250, 0,0)" }, { ratio: 0.5, color: "rgb(250, 150, 0)" }, { ratio: 0.85, color: "rgb(255, 50, 0)" }], }); //设置渲染方式 featureLayer.setRenderer(heatmapRenderer); //将热力图featureLayer图层添加到地图上 window.map.addLayer(featureLayer); window.map.addLayer(layer_monitor); //为模拟实时数据图层添加单击事件 var timer = null; var L = this.$layer; var T = this; //单击事件(弹窗) layer_monitor.on('click', (e) => { console.log(e) //清除第一次的单击事件 clearTimeout(timer); //给单击事件添加一个计时器,当单击事件还没有触发时,取消这个事件,最后就只有双击事件的内容触发了 //setTimeout 计时器(延时器) timer = setTimeout(function () { //在弹出窗体前关闭所有layer窗体 //L.closeAll(); //弹出窗体 L.iframe({ content: { content: moniterVue, //传递的组件对象 parent: T, //当前的组件对象 data: { //传递的参数 info: { data: e.graphic.attributes } } }, area: ["510px", "510px"], title: e.graphic.attributes.Name + "-数据监测", //offset: 'right top', maxmin: true, shade: false, shadeClose: false, resize: true, }); }, 500, e) //将参数e传递到setTimeout函数里 }) layer_monitor.setVisibility(false) featureLayer.setVisibility(false) }) //关闭键盘导航 map.disableKeyboardNavigation() //监听地图缩放事件 map.on('extent-change', that.onExtentChange); //监听鼠标移动事件 map.on('mouse-move', that.mapMouseMove); }) }, /** * 获取地图坐标 */ mapMouseMove (evt) { [this.mouseY, this.mouseX] = [evt.mapPoint.y.toFixed(3), evt.mapPoint.x.toFixed(3)]; }, /** * 获取地图地图级别 */ onExtentChange (evt) { this.extent = evt.lod.level } }, }; </script> <style scoped> .mapContainer { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .view { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .infoBox { position: absolute; bottom: 20px; right: 10px; height: 30px; background-color: #1f5f9a; opacity: 0.95; } .infoBox .positionInfo { color: white; font-size: 0.5em; line-height: 30px; margin: 0 10px; } .infoBox .map-legend { cursor: pointer; } .blurInfo { display: none; position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 5px; font-size: 1.25em; font-family: monospace; color: #4c4c4c; width: 240px; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 10px; border: 2px solid #57585a; border-radius: 20px; } .blurInfo p span { background-color: #ffffff; padding: 0 5px; border-radius: 5px; } .blurInfo input[type="range"] { width: 100%; display: block; } </style>
<!-- 数据监测 --> <template> <section> <el-tabs type="border-card"> <el-tab-pane label="数据监测实时曲线"> <!-- 图表 --> <div ref="chart" style="width:460px;height:375px;"> <PieChart ref="echarts"></PieChart> </div> </el-tab-pane> <el-tab-pane label="在线视频"><video controls="controls" width="460px" height="375px"> <source src='../assets/testVideo.mp4' type="video/mp4"> </video></el-tab-pane> </el-tabs> </section> </template> <script> import PieChart from "./MonitorChart.vue"; //引入自定义Echart饼图组件 export default { components: { PieChart }, data () { return { pieChart: { radius: '25%', pieData: [], pieDataName: [], }, form: {} } }, props: { info: { type: Object, default: () => { return {}; } }, layerid: { type: String, default: "" }, lydata: { type: Object, default: () => { return {}; } } }, methods: { }, mounted () { //传递来的数据 this.form = this.info; //把你所需要数据赋值给data中的pieChart对象,然后获取对象中的键值 var { radius, pieData, pieDataName } = this.pieChart; pieData = this.form.data; pieDataName = this.form.data.NAME; //数据渲染图表 this.$refs.echarts.initChart(radius, pieData, pieDataName) } } </script> <style scoped> .el-range-editor--mini.el-input__inner { height: 28px; left: 20px; top: 30px; } </style>
<!--自定义Echart折线图组件(水质实时)--> <template> <div :class="className" :id="chart" :style="{width: '450px', height: '300px'}"></div> </template> <script> import echarts from 'echarts'; require('echarts/theme/macarons'); // echarts 主题 export default { props: { className: { type: String, default: 'chart' }, width: { type: String, default: '100%' }, }, data () { return { legendData: [], chart: null, }; }, beforeDestroy () { if (!this.chart) { return } this.chart.dispose(); this.chart = null; }, methods: { initChart (radius, pieData, pieDataName) { //基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例 let chart = echarts.init(this.$el, 'macarons'); //y轴 //这里定义折线,用于图表 var ydata = [{ name: pieData.Name, //line为折线类型 type: 'line', data: [], }, ]; //x轴 //定义数组 var xdata = new Array(); var arrtitle = [pieData.Name];//标题 var now = new Date();//获取当前时间 xdata.push(now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes() + ":" + now.getSeconds()); //开始模拟实时数据 start() //图表停止 function stop () { clearInterval(dt); } //图表开始 function start () { dt = setInterval(function () { //为x值数组赋值 var now = new Date(); xdata.push(now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes() + ":" + now.getSeconds()); //当x值数组长度大于5就去除数组中第一个数组 if (xdata.length > 5) { xdata.shift(); } //为y值数组赋值 for (var i = 0; i < arrtitle.length; i++) { if (ydata[i].name == pieData.Name) { ydata[i].data.push(pieData.Num + Math.random() * 100); } } //当y值数组长度大于5就去除数组中第一个元素 if (ydata[0].data.length > 5) { ydata[0].data.shift(); } //日期文本 var dateText = now.getFullYear() + "年" + (now.getMonth() + 1) + "月" + now.getDate() + "日"; //渲染 chart.setOption({ //标题组件 title: [ //第一个标题 { left: '10%', top: '5%', textStyle: { fontSize: 10 }, text: pieData.Name }, //日期标题 { top: '0%', left: '80%', textStyle: { fontSize: 10 }, text: dateText } ], //鼠标提示 tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', formatter: function (params) { return params[0].value }, axisPointer: { animation: false } }, //工具栏 toolbox: { show: true, feature: { //数据视图 dataView: { readOnly: false }, //保存为图片 saveAsImage: {} }, top: '5%', left: '80%', }, //图例 legend: { data: [pieData.Name] }, //x轴 xAxis: [ { type: 'category', boundaryGap: false, data: xdata }, ], //y轴 yAxis: [ { type: 'value', data: ydata, boundaryGap: true, }, ], //直角坐标系内绘图网格,单个 grid 内最多可以放置上下两个 X 轴,左右两个 Y 轴 grid: [{ bottom: '60%' }, { top: '60%' }], //系列列表。每个系列通过 type 决定自己的图表类型 series: [{ type: ydata[0].type, data: ydata[0].data, name: ydata[0].name }, ], }); }, 1000); } //周期函数,周期为1秒 var dt = setInterval(function () { //为x值数组赋值 var now = new Date(); xdata.push(now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes() + ":" + now.getSeconds()); //当x值数组长度大于5就去除数组中第一个数组 if (xdata.length > 5) { xdata.shift(); } //为y值数组赋值 for (var i = 0; i < arrtitle.length; i++) { if (ydata[i].name == pieData.Name) { ydata[i].data.push(pieData.Num+ Math.random() * 100); //(+ + Math.random() * 100) } } //当y值数组长度大于5就去除数组中第一个元素 if (ydata[0].data.length > 5) { ydata[0].data.shift(); } //日期文本 var dateText = now.getFullYear() + "年" + (now.getMonth() + 1) + "月" + now.getDate() + "日"; //渲染 chart.setOption({ //标题组件 title: [ //第一个标题 { left: '10%', top: '5%', textStyle: { fontSize: 10 }, text: pieData.Name }, //日期标题 { top: '0%', left: '80%', textStyle: { fontSize: 10 }, text: dateText } ], //鼠标提示 tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', }, //工具栏 toolbox: { show: true, feature: { //数据视图 dataView: { readOnly: false }, //保存为图片 saveAsImage: {} }, top: '5%', left: '80%', }, //图例 legend: { data: [pieData.Name] }, //x轴 xAxis: [ { type: 'category', boundaryGap: false, data: xdata }, ], //y轴 yAxis: [ { type: 'value', data: ydata, boundaryGap: true, }, ], //直角坐标系内绘图网格,单个 grid 内最多可以放置上下两个 X 轴,左右两个 Y 轴 grid: [{ bottom: '10%' }, { top: '10%' }], //系列列表。每个系列通过 type 决定自己的图表类型 series: [ //监测项1 { type: ydata[0].type, data: ydata[0].data, name: ydata[0].name, symbolSize: 10, markLine: { symbol: ['none', 'arrow'], //['none']表示是一条横线;['arrow', 'none']表示线的左边是箭头,右边没右箭头;['none','arrow']表示线的左边没有箭头,右边有箭头 label: { position: "end", //将警示值放在哪个位置,三个值“start”,"middle","end" 开始 中点 结束 formatter: '警戒值' }, } }, ], }); }, 1000); }, } } </script>
最后补充一个vue-router规则下 history模式在iis服务器上配置的问题
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