f(i) 代表以第 i 个数结尾的「连续子数组的最大和」
f ( i ) = max { f ( i − 1 ) + nums [ i ] , nums [ i ] } f(i) = \max \{ f(i-1) + \textit{nums}[i], \textit{nums}[i] \} f(i)=max{f(i−1)+nums[i],nums[i]}
class Solution: def maxSubArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> int: # res, pre = -inf, 0 # for i in nums: # pre += i # res = max(res, pre) # # 如果 pre < 0,重新开始找子序串 # pre = max(0, pre) # return res pre, maxAns = 0, nums[0] for x in nums: pre = max(pre + x, x) maxAns = max(maxAns, pre) return maxAns
class Solution:
def plusOne(self, digits: List[int]) -> List[int]:
for i in range(len(digits)-1,-1,-1): # 倒序遍历
if digits[i] != 9: # 不需要进位,直接 + 1
digits[i] += 1
return digits
# 是 9 变成 0 ,给下一个数 + 1
digits[i] = 0
# 说明全是 9,已经都变成 0
return [1] + digits
# return [int(j) for j in str(eval(''.join([str(i) for i in digits]))+1)]
# return list(map(int, str(eval(''.join(map(str, digits))) + 1)))
# return list(map(int, str(int("".join(map(str, digits)))+1)))
class Solution:
def arrayStringsAreEqual(self, word1: List[str], word2: List[str]) -> bool:
# w1 = ''.join(word1)
# w2 = ''.join(word2)
# return w2 == w1
return ''.join(word1) == ''.join(word2)
class Solution:
def countSegments(self, s: str) -> int:
return len(s.split())
class Solution:
def countSegments(self, s: str) -> int:
res = 0
flag = True
for c in s:
if c != ' ':
if flag:
res += 1
flag = False
flag = True
return res
class Solution:
def countSegments(self, s: str) -> int:
res = 0
for i, c in enumerate(s):
if (i == 0 or s[i-1] == ' ') and c != ' ':
res += 1
return res
class Solution:
def majorityElement(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
n = len(nums)
return nums[n//2]
c, x = 0, None
for num in nums:
if not c:
x = num
c += 1 if num == x else -1
return x
知识点: list isalpha join 推导式 pop 交换元素
class Solution: def reverseOnlyLetters(self, s: str) -> str: ''' x = list(s) i, j = 0, len(s)-1 while i < j: a, b = x[i].isalpha(),x[j].isalpha() if not a: i += 1 if not b: j -= 1 if a and b: x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] i += 1 j -= 1 return "".join(x) ''' # 栈先进后出 res = [c for c in s if c.isalpha()] ans = "" for c in s: if c.isalpha(): ans += res.pop() else: ans += c return ans
class Solution: def removeDuplicates(self, s: str) -> str: ''' i = 1 while i < len(s): if i > 0 and s[i] == s[i-1]: s = s[:i-1] + s[i+1:] i -= 2 i += 1 return s ''' # 方法二:使用双指针模拟栈 res = list(s) slow = fast = 0 n = len(res) # while fast < n: # # 如果一样直接换,不一样会把后面的填在 slow 的位置 # res[slow] = res[fast] # # 如果发现和前一个一样,就退一格指针 # if slow > 0 and res[slow] == res[slow - 1]: # slow -= 1 # else: # slow += 1 # fast += 1 for i in range(n): res[slow] = res[i] if slow > 0 and res[slow] == res[slow-1]: slow -= 1 else: slow += 1 return ''.join(res[:slow]) ''' # 方法三:栈 x = [] for c in s: # if not x or c != x[-1]: # x.append(c) # else: # x.pop() if x and c == x[-1]: x.pop() else: x.append(c) return ''.join(x) '''
定义一个数组,长度为 len(s);循环(循环变量 i),填充数组;将 indices[i] 为索引,s[i] 填充。
class Solution:
def restoreString(self, s: str, indices: List[int]) -> str:
res = [''] * len(s)
# for i, j in enumerate(indices):
# res[j] = s[i]
for i, c in enumerate(s):
res[indices[i]] = c
return ''.join(res)
知识点: 列表 list,append。
教程:Python 1-14 列表
class Solution:
def destCity(self, paths: List[List[str]]) -> str:
start, end = [], []
for s, e in paths:
for x in end:
if x not in start:
return x
教程:Python 推导式
class Solution:
def destCity(self, paths: List[List[str]]) -> str:
citiesA = {path[0] for path in paths}
return next(path[1] for path in paths if path[1] not in citiesA)
class Solution:
def numOfStrings(self, patterns: List[str], word: str) -> int:
# res = 0
# for w in patterns:
# if w in word:
# res += 1
# return res
return sum(w in word for w in patterns) # sum 可统计逻辑值 True 的个数
class Solution:
def countConsistentStrings(self, allowed: str, words: List[str]) -> int:
res = 0
for w in words:
for c in w:
if c not in allowed:
res += 1
return res
class Solution:
def distanceBetweenBusStops(self, distance: List[int], start: int, destination: int) -> int:
if destination < start: # 交换出发点和目的地距离相等
start, destination = destination, start
d = sum(distance[start:destination]) # 出发点到目的地距离
return min(d, sum(distance) - d)
知识点: list,lower,append,pop,join,split,ord,chr。
从左到右扫描字符串 s 的每个字符。扫描过程中,维护当前整理好的字符串,记为 res。当扫描到字符 ch 时,有两种情况:
字符 ch 与字符串 res 的最后一个字符互为同一个字母的大小写:根据题意,两个字符都要在整理过程中被删除,因此要弹出 res 的最后一个字符;否则:两个字符都需要被保留,因此要将字符 ch 附加在字符串 res 的后面。
res[-1].lower() == ch.lower() and res[-1] != ch # 方法一
abs(ord(res[-1]) - ord(ch)) == 32: # 方法二:大小写字母 ASCII 值相差 32
ord(ch) ^ 32 == ord(res[-1]) # 方法三:运用异或判断是否互为大小写 ord('a') ^ 32 = ord('A'); ord('A') ^ 32 = ord('a');
ord() 函数是 chr() 函数(对于 8 位的 ASCII 字符串)的配对函数,它以一个字符串(Unicode 字符)作为参数,返回对应的 ASCII 数值,或者 Unicode 数值。
ord("中") # 20013
chr(20013) # '中'
class Solution:
def makeGood(self, s: str) -> str:
res = list()
for ch in s:
# if res and res[-1].lower() == ch.lower() and res[-1] != ch:
# if res and abs(ord(res[-1]) - ord(ch)) == 32: # 大小写字母 ASII 值相差 32
if res and ord(ch) ^ 32 == ord(res[-1]):
return "".join(res)
class Solution: def countStudents(self, students: List[int], sandwiches: List[int]) -> int: # n = 0 # while n < len(students): # if students[0] == sandwiches[0]: # students.pop(0) # sandwiches.pop(0) # n = 0 # else: # students = students[1:] + [students[0]] # n += 1 # return n cnt = [0, 0] # 统计喜欢圆形和方形三明治学生数量 for i in students: cnt[i] += 1 for i in sandwiches: # 依次取出栈顶三明治,直到没有学生喜欢 i。 if cnt[i] == 0: break cnt[i] -= 1 return sum(cnt)
class Solution:
def kLengthApart(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> bool:
tmp = k
for i in range(len(nums)):
if nums[i] == 1:
if k > tmp:return False
tmp = 0
tmp += 1
return True
class Solution: def minimumAbsDifference(self, arr: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]: res, n, tmp = [], len(arr), inf for i in range(n-1): for j in range(i+1,n): a, b = arr[i], arr[j] if a > b: a, b = b, a x = b - a if x == tmp: res.append([a, b]) elif x < tmp: tmp = x res = [[a, b]] res.sort() return res
class Solution:
def minimumAbsDifference(self, arr: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
min_, res, n = inf, [], len(arr)
for i in range(1, n):
a, b = arr[i-1], arr[i]
if (x := b - a) < min_: # 因为有序, x >= 0
res = [[a, b]]
min_ = x
elif x == min_:
res.append([a, b])
return res
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